August Rush is awesome!! so I was rotting at home learning misery business then out of the blue my mom brought me to watch August Rush :D I guess she somehow knew that I wanted to watch it or something? must be bro... BUT! the plot was brilliant and i'll give it a rating of 4.5 out of 5. that reminds me,Ive been wanting to watch the Bourne Ultimatum and National Security again.. I LOVE national security man ahahaha.. probably gonna watch it tonight if im not tired..
**guy accidentally locks himself out of his car and the only way is through the window of the car**
guy: what does it look like im doing?
cop: sir do you need help or are you stealing the car?
guy: oh? so a black man puts his hand in his car you call it stealing. If a white guy puts his hand in a car,you probably give him a good Samaritan award. You probably figured out that hes just going around turning off people's lights.
and of course, this ahaha
see its a good movie! ahhah if you havent watch it yet, go watch it on the web!.. such a funny movie, you cant miss it! anyways, im proud to say that I am bucking up on my studies! Had maths tuition in sch just now from 8am to 12. JC students teaching. so apparently I was the only one there at first and it was like 1 on 1 tuition.. I felt like abit malu at first cause you know some easy easy questions also I didnt know how to do but the tuition teacher kinda gave me confidence so we kept going on and on. i feel satisfied cause like I always thought I cant do maths but the fact is,I can actually learn damn fast! she said like its not too late now to learn and my mistakes are always either careless or Its just that I dont uds the concept so there is still time.. and failing maths means not even eligible for any course in poly.. so die-die must pass maths. atleast someone is there to guide me now so I have a better chance! :D
kinda saw our sch band practicing like mad just now even under the hot sun.. I was kinda impressed at their devotion so I wish them all the best for their upcoming competition.. I think its SYF right? well anyways good luck! :) well im gonna go off now cause my bro wants to use the pc and im gonna go eat now.. nite guys & sweet dreams!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
does this look infected? guys are probably having physics now and im at home cause my flu got worse in the middle of class just now. kept sneezing like every minute,coughing and worse still my nose kept leaking :(. damn flu man.. initially Johnson didnt come to school then out of the blue,after recess he appeared in class.. so I asked him why he came then he said that mrs chua called his parents say he didnt come school alot of times so hes in trouble tonight :/.. good luck man! you're gonna need it.. then by the time he ask me to sit down with him, I already made up my mind to report sick cause alastair,hung tiong,isaac,ziq,kamal,jas and yi qi already ask me to cause they said I dont look well :(. so its like,I havent spent the whole day with johnson for this week ahaha.. I come,he pon. I pon,he come. we both come, I report sick.. see the pattern emerging? ok well for me its not pon but rather sick.. LOL and who told mrs chua yst that I broke my leg and need to go to hospital?! she believed it sia :| ahaha so me,alastair and hung tiong told her that Johnson didnt come cause he broke his OTHER leg cause he play BBall then the ball roll to the road then his leg got ran over so now both leg 'fractured' HAHA.
anyways im like a zombie now.. a coughing,sneezing and grumpy zombie. actually I really do look infected now lah cause it just got worse.. my eyes are like quite red right now for no reason.. rawr I keel you all and eat ur brainssss. oh wait zombies dont talk right ahahaha.. sick people tend to talk crap..or is it just me? :P eh I really shouldnt be blogging a sickkk boy so im gonna go get some rest.. probably later go see doctor or something so im gonna end it here.. bye guys! :) **sniff**
anyways im like a zombie now.. a coughing,sneezing and grumpy zombie. actually I really do look infected now lah cause it just got worse.. my eyes are like quite red right now for no reason.. rawr I keel you all and eat ur brainssss. oh wait zombies dont talk right ahahaha.. sick people tend to talk crap..or is it just me? :P eh I really shouldnt be blogging a sickkk boy so im gonna go get some rest.. probably later go see doctor or something so im gonna end it here.. bye guys! :) **sniff**
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Last Summer
so... I didnt go to school today cause my flu got real bad. its inevitable lah cause ive been sick for the past few days.. so I pretty much did nothing but rest today.. woke up around 2pm and started being helpful(no kidding) so I cleaned the house for abit.. then studied for quite some time.. soon I couldnt find anything better to do so I just decided to learn new songs with the guitar! yay! im thinking of buying a new acoustic ah.. that would be funny though 3 guitars in the house. then can go jamming in my house ahaha.. wouldnt that be great?! :D
Anyone watched August Rush yet? Seems like a cool movie! I saw the trailer and read the info about the movie.. If im not wrong, its based on true story right? so cool right if the whole family is made up of talented people! like the movie, father rockstar, mother cello player.. then son very talented. so good.. probably the grandson what? piano prodigy at the age of 5? ahaha. im tempted to just stream it.. I think I should just pay to watch it lah.. anyone wanna go watch august rush? kamal? ziq? HAHA i just remembered something funny jonathan said like last week i think..
kamal: so which poly u wanna go to? NP?
jon: no ah,I wanna go Republic Poly.
kamal: why?
jon: oh the food there very nice ah!
kamal: ...
ahaha.. who goes to poly just for the food :/ ok la time for me to sleep cause I need plenty of rest. nite ppls! :D
Anyone watched August Rush yet? Seems like a cool movie! I saw the trailer and read the info about the movie.. If im not wrong, its based on true story right? so cool right if the whole family is made up of talented people! like the movie, father rockstar, mother cello player.. then son very talented. so good.. probably the grandson what? piano prodigy at the age of 5? ahaha. im tempted to just stream it.. I think I should just pay to watch it lah.. anyone wanna go watch august rush? kamal? ziq? HAHA i just remembered something funny jonathan said like last week i think..
kamal: so which poly u wanna go to? NP?
jon: no ah,I wanna go Republic Poly.
kamal: why?
jon: oh the food there very nice ah!
kamal: ...
ahaha.. who goes to poly just for the food :/ ok la time for me to sleep cause I need plenty of rest. nite ppls! :D
Sunday, March 23, 2008
im not ok,im sick!
so yesterday's CIP was I guess really tiring and boring for most.. except for me,johnson,jerrold,hung tiong and alastair. ahaha we just had to pop the party poppers thing when the MP waved.. then after that we're pretty much free for the whole time while the others were really busy at their own booths.. best thing is,me and johnson were late cause I woke up at 845 and he also woke up late.. we arrived there around 10am i think.. thats like cheating right? hahha.. come late and get to do the simplest of all jobs :P. after the whole thing ended me,elena,pei ying and michelle wanted to go to IMM but then halfway michelle changed plan cause she wanted to go home. elena chose this banana choc ice cream which really tasted like goreng pisang LOL. see lah I told you to take cookies and cream but nooooo~
anyways i havent been feeling well lately cause its either I sleep too much or lack of sleep. :(. lol i need someone to pamper me for a day when im ill. ahha that would be sweet :D. ugh been sneezing like hell lately.. well anyways my lovely cousin talked to me on msn just now and she asked a somewhat wierd and funny question.. perfect question to ask me hahaha
anyways i havent been feeling well lately cause its either I sleep too much or lack of sleep. :(. lol i need someone to pamper me for a day when im ill. ahha that would be sweet :D. ugh been sneezing like hell lately.. well anyways my lovely cousin talked to me on msn just now and she asked a somewhat wierd and funny question.. perfect question to ask me hahaha
'how do you know when a guy likes a girl'
I think i helped her alot by answering hahah so I might aswell put it here cause it may help you ppls :D
- first of all,a must-have point: he talks to you alot on msn (and I mean ALOT) THEN you know something is fishy is going on
- he will randomly try to crack jokes in the middle of the convo even though it has nothing to do with the topic
- everytime you come online,he'll probably be one of the first few to start a convo with you
- he will try to comfort you when you're down
- he will tease you at random times by calling you for example, short. like you're talking about something else and he'll just be,'you know why? cause you're short haha :P'. thats what i mean by random lol.. ever heard of ppl saying 'the ones who tease you alot either hates you alot or likes you alot' :P
- then when he talks to you alot of times, and you put yourself as away/busy/brb on purpose(or not), after awhile,he will get agitated and ask you, 'are you back yet?' or even better,he will ask you again and again till you finally log off. seriously. (you can try this you know :P)
- he will praise you at REALLY random times saying how cute/beautiful/gorgeous/talented you are in a haha-funny way but he really means it deep down
- he will always be there to wish you gnite and he will sacrifice his time even though he is dead tired just to talk to you
- he will try to impress you with stupid things........
- he will stretch the convo to god knows how long
if you got most of those points up there,you can try this method and it will pretty much link to this:
- you can tell by his reaction that he likes you when you purposely open a topic about you liking another guy and/or having problems with the person you like. If you dont understand,l'll explain it like this. lets name the guy you're talking to jason for example. you open up the topic about you liking someone else and you are having problems. you explain it all to jason and you can clearly see jason's reactions are somewhat emotionless. pretty much 1 word answers cause hes jealous. obvious hint that he likes you,after you explained it to him is that he will say that from his point of view,the guy is not a gentleman and he gives you an advice that has to do with either, leaving the guy you like or the common 'theres other guys out there who are better than him'
- most importantly, he will spend the most time talking to you on phone/msn cause thats the only way he can spend time with you
ahaha reading it kinda makes me laugh a little.. you wanna know why I know anot? :X ahaha honestly,I actually did SOME points up there too :P and ive seen guys acting like that! funny thing is, I never actually realised that I was so noticeable until I thought about it just now LOL. well what can I say? you'd probably go googoo-gahgah when you're talking to someone you like anyways :P.. well you can ask all the guys around about some of these points especially the one about jason..they'll probably agree with me that the guy probably likes you :P of course a normal friend could do those things but if you have alot of those points,high possibility that the person likes you. ok maybe you wouldnt agree with me but still its from my point of view :D.. you never know if the person who's always talking to you may be hiding some feelings deep down.. it can be anyoneeee..even whoever you're talking to these wtf this is starting to sound like an assembly talk about internet predators LOL. AHHAH ok lah this is getting bloody long and im starting to talk crap so Im gonna go watch man utd vs liverpool now and later got chelsea vs Arsenal yay!! nite ppls! :D
- first of all,a must-have point: he talks to you alot on msn (and I mean ALOT) THEN you know something is fishy is going on
- he will randomly try to crack jokes in the middle of the convo even though it has nothing to do with the topic
- everytime you come online,he'll probably be one of the first few to start a convo with you
- he will try to comfort you when you're down
- he will tease you at random times by calling you for example, short. like you're talking about something else and he'll just be,'you know why? cause you're short haha :P'. thats what i mean by random lol.. ever heard of ppl saying 'the ones who tease you alot either hates you alot or likes you alot' :P
- then when he talks to you alot of times, and you put yourself as away/busy/brb on purpose(or not), after awhile,he will get agitated and ask you, 'are you back yet?' or even better,he will ask you again and again till you finally log off. seriously. (you can try this you know :P)
- he will praise you at REALLY random times saying how cute/beautiful/gorgeous/talented you are in a haha-funny way but he really means it deep down
- he will always be there to wish you gnite and he will sacrifice his time even though he is dead tired just to talk to you
- he will try to impress you with stupid things........
- he will stretch the convo to god knows how long
if you got most of those points up there,you can try this method and it will pretty much link to this:
- you can tell by his reaction that he likes you when you purposely open a topic about you liking another guy and/or having problems with the person you like. If you dont understand,l'll explain it like this. lets name the guy you're talking to jason for example. you open up the topic about you liking someone else and you are having problems. you explain it all to jason and you can clearly see jason's reactions are somewhat emotionless. pretty much 1 word answers cause hes jealous. obvious hint that he likes you,after you explained it to him is that he will say that from his point of view,the guy is not a gentleman and he gives you an advice that has to do with either, leaving the guy you like or the common 'theres other guys out there who are better than him'
- most importantly, he will spend the most time talking to you on phone/msn cause thats the only way he can spend time with you
ahaha reading it kinda makes me laugh a little.. you wanna know why I know anot? :X ahaha honestly,I actually did SOME points up there too :P and ive seen guys acting like that! funny thing is, I never actually realised that I was so noticeable until I thought about it just now LOL. well what can I say? you'd probably go googoo-gahgah when you're talking to someone you like anyways :P.. well you can ask all the guys around about some of these points especially the one about jason..they'll probably agree with me that the guy probably likes you :P of course a normal friend could do those things but if you have alot of those points,high possibility that the person likes you. ok maybe you wouldnt agree with me but still its from my point of view :D.. you never know if the person who's always talking to you may be hiding some feelings deep down.. it can be anyoneeee..even whoever you're talking to these wtf this is starting to sound like an assembly talk about internet predators LOL. AHHAH ok lah this is getting bloody long and im starting to talk crap so Im gonna go watch man utd vs liverpool now and later got chelsea vs Arsenal yay!! nite ppls! :D
Saturday, March 22, 2008
throw some chords together
hey guys.. :D so I havent been updating lately cause I wasnt really in the mood to. anyways thanks to you guys who cheered me up,im feeling a lil better now. anyways im gonna make this one a quick one cause im tired and tmr got CIP. anyways Mizi came just now! so impromptu and since when did you read my blog ah?! o.O ahaha so out of the sudden he just called me and asked me if im free for the day and if he can come to my house to play guitar.he came around like 5 plus? so anyways at my house we learned alot of songs :DD. crushcrushcrush,misery business,my heroine,until the day I die etc. I think we spent like 2 hours just to learn crushcrushcrush and until the day I die? well its a nice song! :) just need a singer then set! tired man.. my fingers are swollen cause the strings on my acoustic are so worn out and mizi didnt want to use my acoustic so I had to give in and use my finger torturer or uhm, acoustic guitar. haha,oh wait lame sorry :x

anyways I was a little frustrated at my mom just now.. you wanna know why?lol. its a lame excuse to be angry at your mom really but still................... She girl-ed up my room with the new mattress and new pillow cover or whatever you call it! :((((( look at my mattress.. WTH? I wanted revenge so I went to her room to shower and she knows how long it takes for me to be done HAHA :D. seriously like,i'll just sit down while the shower is spraying on my head and i'll just...stone :x. ok maybe not all the time but when I do,you're looking at like a minimum of 30 mins for just showering haha. out of the blue i'll just be like 'eh why am I stoning?'.. not to mention the whole room being all steamy and hot as if its a sauna cause I love to take hot baths :D. best thing thing that came out of my mom's mouth for tonight ahaha.
bro: where is he? I wanna talk to him
mom: oh hes having an episode in the shower,as usual.
me: I can hear you lah!
ahaha my mom is so cute if you get to know her :DD.well im gonna end it here cause tmr got CIP at toh guan or something? have to report to sch at 745.. actually I think toh guan is near IMM there? anyways I fell in love(once more) with an old song! I remember singing it in during class when I was pri 5 ahahaha.. been chanting 'I love you,I love you,I love youuuuuu' :D. its a song from natasha bedingfield called 'these words'. good song :). ok im gonna go get something to eat then its time to sleeeeeeeeeeeep. gnite ppls! :D

anyways I was a little frustrated at my mom just now.. you wanna know why?lol. its a lame excuse to be angry at your mom really but still................... She girl-ed up my room with the new mattress and new pillow cover or whatever you call it! :((((( look at my mattress.. WTH? I wanted revenge so I went to her room to shower and she knows how long it takes for me to be done HAHA :D. seriously like,i'll just sit down while the shower is spraying on my head and i'll just...stone :x. ok maybe not all the time but when I do,you're looking at like a minimum of 30 mins for just showering haha. out of the blue i'll just be like 'eh why am I stoning?'.. not to mention the whole room being all steamy and hot as if its a sauna cause I love to take hot baths :D. best thing thing that came out of my mom's mouth for tonight ahaha.
bro: where is he? I wanna talk to him
mom: oh hes having an episode in the shower,as usual.
me: I can hear you lah!
ahaha my mom is so cute if you get to know her :DD.well im gonna end it here cause tmr got CIP at toh guan or something? have to report to sch at 745.. actually I think toh guan is near IMM there? anyways I fell in love(once more) with an old song! I remember singing it in during class when I was pri 5 ahahaha.. been chanting 'I love you,I love you,I love youuuuuu' :D. its a song from natasha bedingfield called 'these words'. good song :). ok im gonna go get something to eat then its time to sleeeeeeeeeeeep. gnite ppls! :D
Monday, March 17, 2008
whats the point of telling the truth if nobody is going to listen
I tell you what, I just feel really frickin sad right now and its very hard to actually explain something to someone you dont even get to talk to. but atleast you guys are my ears. I never did change in the first place,the only reason I acted like a..LIKE A MORON when talking to her was just for the sole reason to impress her. now I look back on how I reacted when i talked to her and I see an idiot. I see an idiot who never believed in himself and thought that he would have a higher chance of impressing a girl by not being himself. by acting as if hes someone better. when in the end,that wasnt the brightest of all choices. Now all he gets is the impression that he is a phony. a fake. why the hell did I envy jack and wanted to be SO MUCH like him when all I could do is be myself. you know why? cause I am human. I'm a guy. of course I wanna feel loved once in a while. esp when you've just changed and want to know how it feels like to be actually loved. WHY DID I FUCKING LIE TO MYSELF?! worst still I LIED TO HER man I lied to the person I love alot since pri 5. thats like 6 years ago.. I lied to her about myself of all you know how much it hurts to see someone you care alot and mean alot to you look down on you and think that your all messed up and just acting polite; especially when you spent those years of effort trying to find her back.I'm not like that..I only acted like that at time we talked just cause I thought that it actually impresses people. cause jack was like that and I dont have to say anymore,just look at him. so much for that..i'd be better off being myself in the fucking first place. all those people I hated just because they gave me reasons on why I should just give up,forget about her and go for another girl. still I cant believe that I acted unlike who I am. Its not me to do such things like this yet I dont know what got into me until I had to be someone else to impress others. I dont even know what to say, except that it hurts. alot. I apologise to everyone,including myself. I feel so stupid and angry at myself.. at the same time I feel so crushed right now.
never try to impress others by being someone you're not because at the end of the day, you find out that being yourself had a much better chance of impressing that someone. and dont lie to yourself cause in the end of the day,you're gonna end up crying like me.
never try to impress others by being someone you're not because at the end of the day, you find out that being yourself had a much better chance of impressing that someone. and dont lie to yourself cause in the end of the day,you're gonna end up crying like me.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
thats nothing like me
hello people :D! well the street soccer session yesterday was quite fun cause somehow someway we managed to get atleast 20 people? lol. and I scored like i think 4 goals only.. Had alot of chances but the opposition keepers were damn good. I should have scored more but then I think my had alot of things going on in my mind. anyways holidays are gonna be over soon and I still have a few more homework to finish.ohwell, I'll get to it tonight!! and omg dewie I never had a blowjob before okay it was a joke for the 'use sign language,trust me' thing.. omg I cannot imagine myself getting a blowjob from women who carry AIDS around. eee..I dont wanna ever get a blowjob from prostitutes man so wtf were you thinking? get it right sheesh..
anyways well today,I pretty much have been a bum all day long watching movies like Click,The Pink Panther and The Benchwarmers! good movies especially the Benchwarmers. hey I got bullied like hell too once okay :(,people kept calling me short,nerd,tiny,geek,big eyes,little devil,hairy monster,hairy potter(i hate this one) etc. and I remember the girls in my pri sch and some of you during sec 1 kept laughing at the fact that I can never grow tall or look good in that matter.ok I admit that back then I was a geek :X and didnt exactly care about looking good or being attractive.. but then after countless people insulting me I decided that enough is enough so I changed. alot. :D ahaha.. so this is to everyone who used to insult me about my height/looks etc, WHO IS SHORT NOW HUH?! ahahaha.. anyways heres a clip from Click that was really touching and sad.I laughed like hell when he gave the middle finger to his friend for his last words have to watch the movie then you'll uds the ending cause its very touching..
I didnt sleep last night cause of things going on in my head. The last time I check,when a guy cant sleep for the whole night thinking about stuffs that happened recently and feels really worried,that means that he does care.Infact he cares alot about someone or something. and he feels uneasy when he gets the feeling that the someone is unhappy with him because of something he doesnt even know about.Its like..I dont even know how to explain.she probably has the impression that im the kind of guy whos self centered and doesnt care about others and thinks that the whole world revolves around himself. and maybe even think that im the 'too outgoing' kind of person. well thankfully thats not who I really am.I'm sure you guys who know me well would agree with me on this.. its like,people forgive each other for their own mistakes because nobody is perfect right? :/ I dont know what to do and its driving me nuts -sigh
I hate it when I have to pause in between writing my entries cause my relatives are in my house and my irritating small cousins are constantly asking me stupid questions.. :/ they ask totally stupid questions like 'why do people kiss?'.. -_- heh ok maybe thats cute and maybe on normal days I would be more than happy to entertain them but now its already 12:27AM..great. well my sis called just now and she asks if I wanna go to houston after my O's.. seems like a happy thing right? :/. guess how long? 3 months. I dont feel like going cause 3 months is a bloody long time but well im probably gonna say no. theres a good reason why I dont wanna go..bah. I dont know -_-. Alright I think this entry is long enough and I think I shouldnt be too disheartened.Probably abit but not too much cause I'll let you all in on a little secret. :P im gonna be an uncle soon yay! :D
well gnite guys! :D
anyways well today,I pretty much have been a bum all day long watching movies like Click,The Pink Panther and The Benchwarmers! good movies especially the Benchwarmers. hey I got bullied like hell too once okay :(,people kept calling me short,nerd,tiny,geek,big eyes,little devil,hairy monster,hairy potter(i hate this one) etc. and I remember the girls in my pri sch and some of you during sec 1 kept laughing at the fact that I can never grow tall or look good in that matter.ok I admit that back then I was a geek :X and didnt exactly care about looking good or being attractive.. but then after countless people insulting me I decided that enough is enough so I changed. alot. :D ahaha.. so this is to everyone who used to insult me about my height/looks etc, WHO IS SHORT NOW HUH?! ahahaha.. anyways heres a clip from Click that was really touching and sad.I laughed like hell when he gave the middle finger to his friend for his last words have to watch the movie then you'll uds the ending cause its very touching..
I didnt sleep last night cause of things going on in my head. The last time I check,when a guy cant sleep for the whole night thinking about stuffs that happened recently and feels really worried,that means that he does care.Infact he cares alot about someone or something. and he feels uneasy when he gets the feeling that the someone is unhappy with him because of something he doesnt even know about.Its like..I dont even know how to explain.she probably has the impression that im the kind of guy whos self centered and doesnt care about others and thinks that the whole world revolves around himself. and maybe even think that im the 'too outgoing' kind of person. well thankfully thats not who I really am.I'm sure you guys who know me well would agree with me on this.. its like,people forgive each other for their own mistakes because nobody is perfect right? :/ I dont know what to do and its driving me nuts -sigh
I hate it when I have to pause in between writing my entries cause my relatives are in my house and my irritating small cousins are constantly asking me stupid questions.. :/ they ask totally stupid questions like 'why do people kiss?'.. -_- heh ok maybe thats cute and maybe on normal days I would be more than happy to entertain them but now its already 12:27AM..great. well my sis called just now and she asks if I wanna go to houston after my O's.. seems like a happy thing right? :/. guess how long? 3 months. I dont feel like going cause 3 months is a bloody long time but well im probably gonna say no. theres a good reason why I dont wanna go..bah. I dont know -_-. Alright I think this entry is long enough and I think I shouldnt be too disheartened.Probably abit but not too much cause I'll let you all in on a little secret. :P im gonna be an uncle soon yay! :D
well gnite guys! :D
Friday, March 14, 2008
teemu's coming back!
YAY!! I just talked to teemu just now and he may be coming back to spore around april ahaha. woo!!!Meet my longtime finnish friend,Teemu :D.we've been friends for like 6 years now since he was in s'pore.. he was saying how in shanghai theres like 13 yr old kids who go clubbing and the management dont even care..whoa :|.. haha omgomg I cant wait to see him again.. anyways im gonna make this a short one cause im quite tired.. anyways today's soccer plan was cancelled cause of the rain but instead tmr we're gonna go play soccer! :D so I went out with Fairuz to bugis to look for his stuff and walked around orchard cause we were bored. we then went to cineleisure to play lan :P (its not my fault okay,he asked me to!) then I sat down at macs and talked about lots of stuff! no pics taken sadly, cause I was too lazy to :P. i'll take pics tmr okay when its soccer time :D yayy! random thought: wouldnt it be awesome if you had people cheering for you when you played soccer. HAHA. well im gonna go watch cartoons or something right now ahahahaha. yes,desperate times call for desperate measures. WOO!! Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends on CN! ahah Blu is adorable! for those who are going to sleep, good night and sweet dreams!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
rain rain go away come again another day
hello ppls! :D. well these few days have been really cooling and the weather is really good if you wanna laze around the whole day in bed haha. well the first pic is the view from my house when it was raining just now.. I cant even see the sky lol.. the other one is around 4-5am? anyways nothing much happened these few days except me going out with jack and catching up with each other etc. most of the time im just too lazy to go out cause this weather is fantastic :D. lie down on the sofa,turn on HBO/Cinemax/Starmovies,get some snacks and then watch movies the whole day haha. the only thing missing is that it gets boring after awhile cause nobody to talk to but then by that time,i'll probably be sleeping :P. but abit lonely lah at times. DUH herrizal ahahah.
anyways im not sure if tmr ill be playing street soccer or not cause of the weather, actually it doesnt matter to me if it rains or not cause I dont mind being wet as hell haha.. its just the guys lah. some 'scared of the rain' while the others will just be total lazy asses you know how fun it is to play soccer when its raining cats and dogs?! :DDD!!! theres a tactic when you play soccer during those times. wanna know whats the tactic? kick the puddle of water to the keeper's eyes THEN kick the ball :P. speaking of cats, I have to show to you guys this 1 CUTE cat who I guess is the residential cat or something,me and my bro have a nickname for it ahah.. we call it 'tiger' cause in a way he does look like a tiger. but hes soooo cute.
you know I have a way with anything thats cute. its like anything cute can really melt me and me go like 'I WANNA HUG YOU NOWWWWW!!!' lol. like polar bear cubs.. and it doesnt have to be animals only thats cute btw.. some people can be cute too. infact really cute hehehe.. :D SEE LAH! im extremely happy for no reason right now hahaha. wait thats a good thing! :P.. ahhhhhhhhh :DDD
Inter Milan lost to LiverFOOL 1-0 but it doesnt matter to me cause I also dont support both. I was just hoping that liverFOOL lost :(. ahya nvm.. anyways I think Im gonna end this cause im bored and
I think you can tell by how bored I am right now from my boring entry haha.. Im gonna go find something better to do. haha cute ppls. :DDDDD see lah i reminded myself again.. :P
Nite ppls! :D
anyways im not sure if tmr ill be playing street soccer or not cause of the weather, actually it doesnt matter to me if it rains or not cause I dont mind being wet as hell haha.. its just the guys lah. some 'scared of the rain' while the others will just be total lazy asses you know how fun it is to play soccer when its raining cats and dogs?! :DDD!!! theres a tactic when you play soccer during those times. wanna know whats the tactic? kick the puddle of water to the keeper's eyes THEN kick the ball :P. speaking of cats, I have to show to you guys this 1 CUTE cat who I guess is the residential cat or something,me and my bro have a nickname for it ahah.. we call it 'tiger' cause in a way he does look like a tiger. but hes soooo cute.
you know I have a way with anything thats cute. its like anything cute can really melt me and me go like 'I WANNA HUG YOU NOWWWWW!!!' lol. like polar bear cubs.. and it doesnt have to be animals only thats cute btw.. some people can be cute too. infact really cute hehehe.. :D SEE LAH! im extremely happy for no reason right now hahaha. wait thats a good thing! :P.. ahhhhhhhhh :DDD
Inter Milan lost to LiverFOOL 1-0 but it doesnt matter to me cause I also dont support both. I was just hoping that liverFOOL lost :(. ahya nvm.. anyways I think Im gonna end this cause im bored and
I think you can tell by how bored I am right now from my boring entry haha.. Im gonna go find something better to do. haha cute ppls. :DDDDD see lah i reminded myself again.. :P
Nite ppls! :D
Monday, March 10, 2008
lets rewrite an ending that fits, instead of a hollywood horror
yay!! i found an old song its a LOVELY song! :D. wow you guys really have to watch the video cause its really sad yet touching. I used to sing this song everytime cause its a nice song haha. I had to watch the video twice to understand what it really meant haha and the ending totally changed what I was thinking initially lol. from 'uhh typical..' to 'EH?!... oh!',you'll get what i mean when you watch it :P. it makes me think like you know...what would happen if that were to happen to me when I had the car accident on january. ok now im just being lame haha, i'll update more later, now I gotta do down and get my bubble tea before it closes! :D. i promise i'll update! enjoy the song :)
edit: ok anyways got my bubble tea yay! and some worker at the bubbletea store talked to me in chinese at first then all I said was ya or ok until the end when she asked me something and i was like 'uhh,haha auntie Im not chinese lah'.. everytime when its cold and when I wear my hoodie,somehow someway ppl think im chinese haha.. nvm used to it! cheywahh hahaha! well today I woke up at around 11 and therefore I couldnt go for mock test. great, I spent a whole weekend studying but in the end,late. ugh. time well spent.
I read this article on the newpaper the other day,its about football and women. haha interesting article! this woman is a football fan like her fiance and she observed how he reacts when his fav team loses or when spurs was 3-0 at half time against man utd,the guy was so happy so they turned the tv off and when to a party but then when they came back, man utd came back to win 5-3.. ahaha then when the next day they went to school(same university),he wore the spurs jersey and got laughed at mercilessly.. hmm sounds abit familiar right? :P. then when the girl asked him why if he wanted to change clothes, he said 'the real fans are not the ones who wear their team's jerseys after they win. they're the ones who still wear the jerseys after they lose' so true! then there she realised a man's true devotion to a football tea.. and it took her 8 years of being together with him to actually support spurs cause she looked down on them at first haha! she said that since the fiance supported spurs even when they lost or won,she was really impressed by the guy haha! see I told you guys at school before,girls are from another planet. serious. :P but if that happened to me and my fav club chelsea and/or AC Milan,i'll love that girl forever man ahahah. but wait,I think right she like... NVM! don wanna tell you :P. wait i think its chelsea or arsenal? or both? bah I cant remember what people said to me last time.. I think its chelsea ah. :DDD
then when the girl's fav team liverpool was beaten by bayer Leverkusen despite their 2-0 lead(it ended in 4-2),she never supported liverpool again. so moral of the story: never spectacularly disappoint a woman - she'll never look at you the same way again & football is where you can see the purest devotion in a man. hahaha good article! and some other article is about why women like C.Ronaldo. not just for his looks but he attracts women to watch football. ugh I dont wanna say more because I hate Cris Ron and the whole of Man Utd except for rooney and giggs. :D
anyways I REFUSE to take any pics of me for atleast a week cause I cut my hair :x. just wait! wait 2 weeks and i'll be like David Villa! whoo!
ok fine I wont exactly look like david villa but still,like him :P. anyone wanna go watch 10000 B.C with me?seems like a cool movie :(. you know its like normally people would go out with a girl to watch movie but then for me ah.. sigh. I mean when you go out with a guy only and watch a movie together, damn something must be wrong with you or you must be.. gay :P. maybe with alot of people can ah,but if 2 guys.... i think im just being naive haha.. nvm Who want to go to the Contender Asia Finals with me around April? that one go without girl also can cause even if you're attached,the girl wouldnt wanna go cause I dont think girls would like to see guys kicking,kneeing,elbowing and shed blood right? :P ok im gonna go play game now cause there is nothing else I can do right now cause my wireless is being a total bitch so thats why im going on and offline on gonna turn into the incredible hulk soon.. HAHA and shasha just said to me, 'why not be the incredible HUNK :P' on msn.. ok SET! :D well anyways nite guys! sweet dreams! :D
Saturday, March 8, 2008
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?
hungryyyy :(. damn it clock can you turn to 4am already so I can order sausage mcmuffin for 2 bucks.. :( ahah hello guys!! :D. i was just upset and have totally no mood last night but im feeling a little better now, a little only not so much cause I kept remembering something that happened during phy lesson ahahah
johnson: cher,if radiation go in your body ah,then how to take it out?
mr prakash: there's no way to take it out
johnson: ...then how to know its already inside your body?
mr prakash: oh the damage is very slow,you wont see it immediately, but soon as time goes by and you have children, your child will become teenage mutant ninja turtle
johnson: wth?
HAHA..hes trying to say that the child would be deformed ahah. im telling you mr prakash is a great teacher cause hes full of cartoony actions and when he explains something,he really simplifies it.. too bad 5A you guys didnt get prakash as your phy teacher! :P studied the whole day cause MT mock test is on monday morning.. ugh. bloody irritating sia. one test after another.. and mr hisham said that if anyone failed this test,he has no choice but to put whoever who failed to MLB. omg no! :(. I need a timeout from tests..just take a moment to go out and enjoy or play soccer or something. nvm next week im free from sch so im always free :D! thurs got street soccer with the guys so I cant wait for that.. cant wait to do some awesome teamwork with kamal and fairuz :DD
so im really hoping that whatever happened last night isnt true or has nothing to do with me cause I just feel uneasy with these thoughts in my mind. actually im feeling quite heavy hearted as we speak so I just hope that it'll all be a misunderstanding and its just me being paranoid as hell. I mean its better to be paisei :P. I was kinda upset about it yst but atleast now im a lil better.but still,theres a big question mark in my head :/. im just confused... someone come and clear my doubts for me!! :/.maybe its just too much sugar or coffee.. how about lack of sleep? OR MAYBE ITS PMS! AHA :D! lol how can anyone still have a sense of humour even at this times.. -_-. but I still do feel heavy hearted :X.. well okay im gonna go have my dinner now and im probably gonna listen to songs all night long! oh ya and i keep forgetting to change the song in my blog..gonna do it soon :) nite guys!
this heart it beats,beats for only you,my heart is yours,
Please don't go now, Please don't fade away
my heart is yours
paramore is awesome :)..
johnson: cher,if radiation go in your body ah,then how to take it out?
mr prakash: there's no way to take it out
johnson: ...then how to know its already inside your body?
mr prakash: oh the damage is very slow,you wont see it immediately, but soon as time goes by and you have children, your child will become teenage mutant ninja turtle
johnson: wth?
HAHA..hes trying to say that the child would be deformed ahah. im telling you mr prakash is a great teacher cause hes full of cartoony actions and when he explains something,he really simplifies it.. too bad 5A you guys didnt get prakash as your phy teacher! :P studied the whole day cause MT mock test is on monday morning.. ugh. bloody irritating sia. one test after another.. and mr hisham said that if anyone failed this test,he has no choice but to put whoever who failed to MLB. omg no! :(. I need a timeout from tests..just take a moment to go out and enjoy or play soccer or something. nvm next week im free from sch so im always free :D! thurs got street soccer with the guys so I cant wait for that.. cant wait to do some awesome teamwork with kamal and fairuz :DD
so im really hoping that whatever happened last night isnt true or has nothing to do with me cause I just feel uneasy with these thoughts in my mind. actually im feeling quite heavy hearted as we speak so I just hope that it'll all be a misunderstanding and its just me being paranoid as hell. I mean its better to be paisei :P. I was kinda upset about it yst but atleast now im a lil better.but still,theres a big question mark in my head :/. im just confused... someone come and clear my doubts for me!! :/.maybe its just too much sugar or coffee.. how about lack of sleep? OR MAYBE ITS PMS! AHA :D! lol how can anyone still have a sense of humour even at this times.. -_-. but I still do feel heavy hearted :X.. well okay im gonna go have my dinner now and im probably gonna listen to songs all night long! oh ya and i keep forgetting to change the song in my blog..gonna do it soon :) nite guys!
this heart it beats,beats for only you,my heart is yours,
Please don't go now, Please don't fade away
my heart is yours
paramore is awesome :)..
Friday, March 7, 2008
Of all the colours that you've shined,this is surely not your best
ok now that im mellowed out, I shall pretty much tell you about my whole day. well today hasnt been exactly good, infact its kinda like a living nightmare? I was pissed 95% of the time and remember miss liew said some shit about me just now in class? well after lesson,I pretty much got pissed and I think yi ling and the girls are kinda shocked at how I reacted cause I think they never saw me pissed before.. well I think I shouldnt talk about that because I dont wanna remember that moment.
anyways something happened tonight that was really uncalled for.. ok maybe im being paranoid but still.. it may be me. or it may not be me. Its like how to say ah,its just weird you know. its like happy,then sad,then happy,then crazy,then sad,then angry,then really happy,etc etc. wth? moodswing? Its like people can really change their characters with a blink of an eye. I think :/. what if im being all paranoid for nothing? well if it is, how am I supposed to know its not referring to me? if that is true I may be one of the most stupidest idiots to ever surface for TONIGHT only :(. shit im confused. -_- im gonna go entertain my guitar now.. atleast it doesnt have moodswings. :/
anyways something happened tonight that was really uncalled for.. ok maybe im being paranoid but still.. it may be me. or it may not be me. Its like how to say ah,its just weird you know. its like happy,then sad,then happy,then crazy,then sad,then angry,then really happy,etc etc. wth? moodswing? Its like people can really change their characters with a blink of an eye. I think :/. what if im being all paranoid for nothing? well if it is, how am I supposed to know its not referring to me? if that is true I may be one of the most stupidest idiots to ever surface for TONIGHT only :(. shit im confused. -_- im gonna go entertain my guitar now.. atleast it doesnt have moodswings. :/
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Michael Ballack.... SCORES!
kamal: eh I heard AC Milan lose ah?!!!
me: ya la, ya la.. lose
kamal: eh.. TO WHO AH?! I think it was ARSENAL??
me: shut up lah haha
kamal: eh how much ah the score?!! I think it was.. TWO - ZERO right? wah so sad ah.. play at Milan's HOMEGROUND somemore. what you think they have to say for that lost ah?
me: -.-
kamal: wah lose to ARSENAL YOU KNOW!! Arsenal also cannot win! You know man utd won FOUR - NIL against ARSENAL sia.. like THAT also Milan cannot win?! NO WONDER they lose..
me: go away!
ahahah..haiya NVM! when man utd or whatever club you ppls support lose i'll be like that..just wait! :D. im gonna ask you ppls, is my hair long?! no right? my mom said that its long and soon its gonna be like a bush.. and she said that when my hair is stiff,I look like a sick boy.. wth. lol. my hair not long what! hur.. moms and their nagging..anyways today is quite an interesting day in and outside class ahah. Me and Johnson were talking about abalones.. real abalones! not Me and Johnson's theory of 'if you can get abalone,why you take salted fish?' okay.. it has something to do with girls :P.. and the ppls who DO know what that means...SHH!! better keep quiet or else some girls are gonna start chasing me and johnson with pitchforks.. me,its nothing.. REALLY!! serious serious. ok anyways he was saying how he got alot of abalone at home and he even eat maggi mee with abalone just for fun AHAHA. so in a way the dish is now considered expensive cause he put abalone in it.. can you imagine a plate of maggi mee... for atleast 50 bucks? LOL. rich boy :). Johnson,if you're reading this, its a Compliment okay! :). embrace it! :P
anyways I got closer with bonfurt,haaziq,isaac,kamal,jonathan and wen jie during recess! talked about what courses we wanna take in NP and how funny our ex classmates were during sec 1. ooh the good memories of sec 1e at old west view campus at teck whye there.. The chaotic class,people turning on aircon during lesson,the fights we used to have EVERYDAY(and one particular fight that made me lose my teeth knn),us bullying faris by throwing his shoe into the woods and making him cry.. AHAHA. ohh **wipes tears** good times..good times. and Fairuz visited us just now after school!! yay!! :D.. good to see him again after so long haha. Im very worried about my O lvls ah.. cause if I dont do well,I cant get my desired course which is business and finance.. cut off point is 13. atleast if i do the course,once im out of poly and i graduate from uni,I can work with my bro in law John!! :D. so erm.. $$$$$$$. lots of it. :P. anyways louis and alot of my other friends who took NP got SP.. which made me worried.. cause I HAVE to go to NP.. not just for the course..but for eh...... another reason.kinda like.. hoping to meet someone there so I HAVE to go to NP.. 2nd choice would be SP ah no choice.. so yeah its making me worried as hell.
so I went to my aunts house at gombak the other day cause Its been awhile since ive visited her and stuff.. you know if my aunt is yours, everytime you go to her house and the moment she sees you with an oily face,she will ask you to go wash your face immediately cause she wants you to look the best all the time... weird ah? look at my nose.. squeaky clean :D hahaha.. but I still love her alot so its alright :D. and I just realised that I got a trademark smile which is the one ontop HAHA.. man I need a new smile soon :P. anyways I was going through my inbox cause i wanted to delete the 892 messages that are still in my phone.. so ANYWAYS.. as usual,me being curious led me to being in pain in the end. I stumbled upon a message that made me a lil heartbroken inside.even though its quite awhile since Ive got that message,reading it once again kinda made me feel somewhat...sad.ever get the feeling like as if something inside you just died?. :/ so on the way home,I didnt take the train but instead I took the bus for uh,reasons. I just had to see something.
"Look,I dont need your apology because its not going to change anything. I dont appreciate you trying ok so just forget it" ouch.
its kinda ruins the mood I had that day cause these kind of things are like canned drinks..(lol). once opened,very hard to close. and the more you look,the more it hurts you. but somehow someway you just get drawn to it...even though it hurts you to remember. yeah I know you guys have probably no idea what im talking about right now lol and the only 2 people really understand what the picture means.One of em is me,the other is um,you wont know.. and the weather was really cooling cause it just finished raining so yeah,perfect ambiance. but well I think I have to stop trying to remember those past moments where you know it was kinda sad,frustrating and stuff.. I think that by remembering the hurtful past,in a way you're actually stopping yourself from thinking positive cause the only thing you'll ever think of is, 'damn what the hell happened that time?fuckin' hurts.'. and by not thinking positive,you're restricting yourself from getting the good things you want in life because with no motivation,there is no effort and where there's no effort,you wont get the things you want.. because you dont care anymore. correct? I dont want it to be to the extend that I dont care anymore so i'll think positive before it gets out of hand!! :D although its hard to not think back,all I gotta do is think for the future. no matter how hurtful the past is,its already the past..ahah like for example an entry post I made on december 17th on my blog(go check my blog archive) is related to what im saying now.. and its making me somewhat laugh but also feel funny you know..i feel wrong for some unknown reason..see lah emo now.. HAHAHA..actually im not exactly emo right now.. i feel..weird..its like im sad cause that happened but in the other hand im also happy it ALREADY im happy and sad at the same wth.I think too much sometimes..waay too much.. I gotta really stop being like this so i'll think positive :). positivenessissm! :D
ok well I think thats long enough and those people who are bugging me to make a long as hell entry, happy now?! :D well good night ppls!
Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
even the best fall down sometimes
AC Milan lost to Arsenal 2-0 playing at Milan's homeground, the San Siro. Courtesy of 2 late goals from Cesc Fabregas and Emmanuel Adebayor. Though im disappointed at how Milan played just now,I dont wanna be a sore loser so Congrats to Arsenal for winning! :). Milan needs some major improvements in my opinion..too much old people in there. they're losing out due to stamina to a team that is like considered very young. Im pretty sure the Italian fans out there will be pissed at Carlo Ancelotti,the manager for not putting youth talents into the team. It was just a matter of time before AC Milan gets cracked open due to their players being mostly in their 30's except for kaká,pato and a few more. It was a really sad moment for the players and even kaká burst into tears when the whistle was blown.. :(
Sevilla also lost to Fenerbache in penalties. 5-5 draw, then penalties 4-2. so my last hope is Chelsea :D. I really wanted to see Chelsea vs Milan cause you know, sheva was a legend in milan and it would be awesome to see him play AGAINST milan at home.. but well thats football, the ball is round, anything can happen.great,now kamal,johnson,bernice and lin xiang are gonna make fun of me and Milan for the whole day -_-.. well I gotta go shower now or not im gonna be late haha.. once again Congrats Arsenal!!
Sevilla also lost to Fenerbache in penalties. 5-5 draw, then penalties 4-2. so my last hope is Chelsea :D. I really wanted to see Chelsea vs Milan cause you know, sheva was a legend in milan and it would be awesome to see him play AGAINST milan at home.. but well thats football, the ball is round, anything can happen.great,now kamal,johnson,bernice and lin xiang are gonna make fun of me and Milan for the whole day -_-.. well I gotta go shower now or not im gonna be late haha.. once again Congrats Arsenal!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
You look down on me, with eyes of endless tragedy
this is so random but I think i'll just make an entry just to well..relief stress? anyways miss watie said my research is like crap. wtf? oh so I spent doing the damn thing till 3 am for nothing.. ugh. not to mention I didnt study for phy paper just to get that shit done and I had the desire to come to remedial just to get my coursework done.. and all I got was a, 'if you dont want to do it here,you can just leave' well thats what I did. FUCK OFF. its like people think im not putting effort in my coursework. I mean even if I didnt do the thing quite well can atleast say to me in a nice manner..this one say as if I wouldnt give a flying fuck about my O lvls. ok I think I should stop cause thinking would only make me angrier.. somemore have to see her tmr and weds for 2 periods. thats 4 hours.. -_-.
you know I feel like im not doing my best.. and worst part is that I get the feeling that some people/teachers think like I got no hope.. wth. its like they're looking down on me and im trying my best to find someone who can teach me stuff like maths but its just hard. I cant blame them ah, its true my results arent that good for this term but that doesnt mean have to give up on me what? ugh. IRRITATING OK. and I keep telling myself that I can do way better but that is just not happening. you know why? cause theres nobody to frickin help teach me and most of the time im just having my mind drift way thinking about 'stuff' during lesson. well one way or another,I have to find a way to work hard cause this is just not working out. honestly,ask yourself, how can you study without someone guiding you? my grades didnt seem to be a problem from pri sch till sec 3 I think, all my grades have been quite good cause I actually studied.. with people!! its times like this I just feel like I wanna go to 5A lol..i got WAYYY more close friends there like kamal,isaac,haaziq etc. but well history paper made me happy cause I got 16/25 yay hahahaha :D. mr siva was a little weird when he said that he wanted more people to fail cause its better to fail now, than to fail later. hur,but then quite a number of people got good scores so he was a little ticked off HAHA.
I better stop now before I turn emo ahaha :P. actually this entry is already emo HAHAHAHAHHA. well atleast im happy now cause I just remembered THERE'S ICECREAM IN THE FRIDGE!!!! :O well im going to make sure I eat ice cream until I get fat tonight then off to bed!
sweet dreams guys :).
you know I feel like im not doing my best.. and worst part is that I get the feeling that some people/teachers think like I got no hope.. wth. its like they're looking down on me and im trying my best to find someone who can teach me stuff like maths but its just hard. I cant blame them ah, its true my results arent that good for this term but that doesnt mean have to give up on me what? ugh. IRRITATING OK. and I keep telling myself that I can do way better but that is just not happening. you know why? cause theres nobody to frickin help teach me and most of the time im just having my mind drift way thinking about 'stuff' during lesson. well one way or another,I have to find a way to work hard cause this is just not working out. honestly,ask yourself, how can you study without someone guiding you? my grades didnt seem to be a problem from pri sch till sec 3 I think, all my grades have been quite good cause I actually studied.. with people!! its times like this I just feel like I wanna go to 5A lol..i got WAYYY more close friends there like kamal,isaac,haaziq etc. but well history paper made me happy cause I got 16/25 yay hahahaha :D. mr siva was a little weird when he said that he wanted more people to fail cause its better to fail now, than to fail later. hur,but then quite a number of people got good scores so he was a little ticked off HAHA.
I better stop now before I turn emo ahaha :P. actually this entry is already emo HAHAHAHAHHA. well atleast im happy now cause I just remembered THERE'S ICECREAM IN THE FRIDGE!!!! :O well im going to make sure I eat ice cream until I get fat tonight then off to bed!
sweet dreams guys :).
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Its too late to look back
hellooooo ppls! :D. sorry if I havent been updating these days but Im just in totally no mood starting from thursday cause well..of my Common Test results ah.. I got A1 for maths!! infact i got two A1's for maths.. i got a fantastic 11!!! -.- ok fine I failed Phy,F&N and maths.. Its kinda like abit heartbreaking when you get ur results at early thursday morning and see that you failed. Worst part of it is that, the previous night, I was quite happy about....... some 'things'! then the next morning.. 11/50 for maths. -.- My enthusiasm for maths kinda died abit when I saw my results..sigh. I tell you I need someone to study with me..and not just anyone ah! I like to study with someone who means alot to me.. that way I want to die-die make them proud.. you know? bah, yeah you can say I am quite frustrated about my results so I have to work harder. so in return for not updating lately,i'll make this a long entry! :D
'haha you got 11! you know ah,your 11 if you turn upside down is also 11! so in a way,you still fail one way or another! :)' - Johnson (what a great motivator he is... oh wait!)
well ok back to the happy Herrizal you all know :D. anyways last sunday I saw someone in the block driving a bloody maserati... IN SINGAPORE! and that prompted me with this question that Ive been asking all the guys in school this question: You have 1 chance to get any car in the world, Lamborghini, Maserati, Porsché, Audi, anything! you name it BUT you can also choose to be happy till you die with any girl, from your maid,to your childhood love to your fav celebrity, ANYONE (OMG JESSICA ALBA **drools**) Would you prefer the curves of a car or the curves of a woman? haha hard question for you guys right? Johnson,Kamal,Haaziq,Firdaus,Bonfurt,Khair,Jonathan all agreed that they want the girl instead of the car but most probably not a celebrity cause then it'll be very high maintenance. cosmetic,shopping this and that shit. you know?! girl stuff! plus celebrity lah! get my point?Isaac wants the car cause well,hes just lame like that :PPP.
But Kamal and me got new ideas for both choices haha. Lets see if you take the car,girls will still come to you because you got a nice car but the girl would be a gold digger ah. cause then she'll only go for you because of the money,and that is just low to get married to a girl who doesnt even love you but just go for you cause you're rich.girls like that are just lower than low. but well if you're up for it then up to you. But then if you take the girl,lets say a celebrity,even if you're poor. the girl[in this case would be jessica alba muahaha ;)] would love you so much to give you money and maybe even buy for you a car.. but then what kind of a guy feeds on his woman's income?! I mean if the girl wants to its alright but not too much. well,for me I'd take the girl. Cars cant last forever. I'd probably take Jessica Alba or something.. HAHA. actually for me i'll take a girl who I really love alot :D, I prefer being happy with someone than to have 15 mins of fame with a celebrity while I spend the rest of my life having a hole in my pocket :P. OR well you could choose kamal's idea,
Get car + sell car for BIIIIG money + use money to find a suitable girl for you + ???? = Profit.
well last thing of the night,im sure you guys heard of mas selamat's case? talk about breach in security. haha probably the guards were sleeping or something. well hes a dangerous guy and now that hes out,who knows what he can do..after all hes the JI leader. somemore the detention camp is around Bkt Timah, and Bkt Timah is near Bkt Panjang.. scaary. worse still the guy lives in Teck Whye. well wherever he is,I hope he gets caught soon. He escaped around 4 plus and around 8 then they informed the public. now if you asked me, 4 hours is more than enough to call your fellow friends and bring you out of singapore.. reminds me of prison break haha. you know how pathetic it would REALLY be when singapore lets the whole nation on high alert with gurkhas,police,army etc to find the guy, then skali the guy is already dead just 100m away from the detention camp cause he fell on his head and fainted. HAHA. that would really be funny ahahaha
I need to do something soon!! im rotting at home on a saturday and thats not good.. Im still a little disappointed because of my results and I just need someone to cheer me up ah.. bah get over it herrizal. sorry if theres lack of pics in my posts these days but mood to take pics lah haha.. im gonna go sing to the sky now to kill time! well nite guys & sweet dreams! :))
'haha you got 11! you know ah,your 11 if you turn upside down is also 11! so in a way,you still fail one way or another! :)' - Johnson (what a great motivator he is... oh wait!)
well ok back to the happy Herrizal you all know :D. anyways last sunday I saw someone in the block driving a bloody maserati... IN SINGAPORE! and that prompted me with this question that Ive been asking all the guys in school this question: You have 1 chance to get any car in the world, Lamborghini, Maserati, Porsché, Audi, anything! you name it BUT you can also choose to be happy till you die with any girl, from your maid,to your childhood love to your fav celebrity, ANYONE (OMG JESSICA ALBA **drools**) Would you prefer the curves of a car or the curves of a woman? haha hard question for you guys right? Johnson,Kamal,Haaziq,Firdaus,Bonfurt,Khair,Jonathan all agreed that they want the girl instead of the car but most probably not a celebrity cause then it'll be very high maintenance. cosmetic,shopping this and that shit. you know?! girl stuff! plus celebrity lah! get my point?Isaac wants the car cause well,hes just lame like that :PPP.
But Kamal and me got new ideas for both choices haha. Lets see if you take the car,girls will still come to you because you got a nice car but the girl would be a gold digger ah. cause then she'll only go for you because of the money,and that is just low to get married to a girl who doesnt even love you but just go for you cause you're rich.girls like that are just lower than low. but well if you're up for it then up to you. But then if you take the girl,lets say a celebrity,even if you're poor. the girl[in this case would be jessica alba muahaha ;)] would love you so much to give you money and maybe even buy for you a car.. but then what kind of a guy feeds on his woman's income?! I mean if the girl wants to its alright but not too much. well,for me I'd take the girl. Cars cant last forever. I'd probably take Jessica Alba or something.. HAHA. actually for me i'll take a girl who I really love alot :D, I prefer being happy with someone than to have 15 mins of fame with a celebrity while I spend the rest of my life having a hole in my pocket :P. OR well you could choose kamal's idea,
Get car + sell car for BIIIIG money + use money to find a suitable girl for you + ???? = Profit.
well last thing of the night,im sure you guys heard of mas selamat's case? talk about breach in security. haha probably the guards were sleeping or something. well hes a dangerous guy and now that hes out,who knows what he can do..after all hes the JI leader. somemore the detention camp is around Bkt Timah, and Bkt Timah is near Bkt Panjang.. scaary. worse still the guy lives in Teck Whye. well wherever he is,I hope he gets caught soon. He escaped around 4 plus and around 8 then they informed the public. now if you asked me, 4 hours is more than enough to call your fellow friends and bring you out of singapore.. reminds me of prison break haha. you know how pathetic it would REALLY be when singapore lets the whole nation on high alert with gurkhas,police,army etc to find the guy, then skali the guy is already dead just 100m away from the detention camp cause he fell on his head and fainted. HAHA. that would really be funny ahahaha
I need to do something soon!! im rotting at home on a saturday and thats not good.. Im still a little disappointed because of my results and I just need someone to cheer me up ah.. bah get over it herrizal. sorry if theres lack of pics in my posts these days but mood to take pics lah haha.. im gonna go sing to the sky now to kill time! well nite guys & sweet dreams! :))
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