this is gonna be a whiny post cause although im mellowed down, im still a little angry with myself -.- It was raining around noon and a couple of guys felt lazy to play soccer so we were only left with 4 people. I hate the bloody weather cause when I want it to rain, it doesnt and when I dont want it to rain, it does. I usually love playing soccer when its raining but now I see why people dont like the idea. the slippery floor made it hard for me to dribble and I kept playing like crap. I even slipped for a few times. Plus some guy kicked the ball straight to my face and my specs dropped :/ It was really giddy when it hit me in the face but ahaha I was more concerned about my specs rather than my face cause I didnt want it to break. poor herrizal, so unlucky. The day couldnt get any worse right? WRONG.
I tried to volley the ball cause I always loved to do it since I was small :D. Apparently, I lost balance and I fell on my left leg. Apart from the embarrassment, I ended the day with bruise on my left leg and arm when I fell. Jack had to give me a towel to cover it up cause it was still bleeding when we were going home in the LRT. Im still abit disappointed cause I lost my touch and I suck in soccer now :( Mizi and Jack were having a great time cause they were playing so darn well!
anyways im sick and tired of people peeing in the damn lift. only uncivilized people would actually do that. the stench of fresh alcoholic's pee can make anyone faint mind you. talk about suffering everytime you take the lift cause you're living at the 22nd storey. I just want to smack the person on the head and just URGH... eh I think I should stop talking about these things cause they'll just irritate me even more so I shall talk about more happier things now! I dont know if you guys have seen paramore's concert on soundcheck but if you havent, go do it okay! :D the whole concert is on soundcheck's website. Ive seen it a week ago and it was pretty good for a live show so do check it out okay ppls? :D
Now I dont know if this is good news or bad news but um.. my sis already bought my ticket to houston and im leaving for houston on the 18th of december. hur, 8 days after my bday. it gets better though! (or worse depending on how you wanna see it :/) I can stay longer for like maybe few months or more and at any time when I feel like going home, I can take the flight back alone. I dont think ill be staying longer than a month though.. Sis is planning to buy for me PS3 when im there cause she just wants me to stay there as long as possible ahaha.. Houston's a pretty busy city and my sis said that all the fast-food stuffs and the mall are all just across the street so it wont be hard for me to get food. trouble is that I dont wanna leave my friends behind! :( therefore im probably not gonna stay for too long cause... I'll miss you ppls by then :( cheywah ahahaha.. but hey on the bright side, im meeting doug when im there cause he lives at corpus christi which is only 3 hours away from houston :D. Im probably not gonna stay for long though cause... i'll miss someone by then ahha :( oh ya! anybody wanna send me to the airport? AHAHA.
oh well ive said all that I wanted to say so I should end it here. this is a pretty long entry so im gonna end it here cause im exhausted and yes im still disappointed with myself cause I suck in soccer now.... -sigh
How ironic is it? Im tired but I write a long entry. -.- sleeeeeeep time now!
Gnite ppls! :D
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
staring into blank space
I didnt go to remedial today cause I was too tired. I have to stop sleeping at really late times. I think a few days ago I slept around 4 plus? hur. Tmr there's f&n remedial at 2pm so its safe for me to sleep late. Ive been rotting at home lately and it kinda gets lonely at times.Did I mention how much I LOVE playing 'please be mine' on my guitar. its only 5 chords so its not hard at all to play. anyways I have got to move my butt and exercise! Street soccer at pending on friday with johnson,mizi,jack,aidil,halim etc. omg I cant wait for that.. my leg has been itching for soccer. I dont have anything exciting to say cause im pretty much sitting here feeling absolutely bored. somebody call me!! Raudha asked me to do this questions thingy and im gonna do it now cause I got nothing else to do.
1. Who are you chatting with now?
nobody -.-
2. What you want the most now?
I want lobster spaghetti... actually I would really love a hug right now :D
3. What's going to happen tomorrow?
F&N remedial, nothing much.
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
hah. I do sometimes..
5. When do you wish to die?
when ive done almost everything in the world and my hopes & dreams are all achieved :D
6.What's your fetish?
I wouldnt wanna tell you ahahah
7. What impossible things you would wish to do?
I wish I could go forward and backwards through time. that'll be great!
8. Do you believe in eternal love?
well yeah definately. :D
9.Have you broke someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
10. What if your crush asked you out?
ahaha, im telling you im gonna jump around the house :D
11. Describe your other half.
sensitive? :x (at times!)
12. What feeling you hate the most?
well I hate being angry
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
14. What're ya lookin' forward to in the coming weeks?
EURO 2008 yay!!
15. The most important thing/person in your life.
someone who I love alot :D
16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
someone who I love alot ALSO! ahaha
17. Do you find life meaningless?
at times I guess.
18. What have you been searching for all this while?
I dunno..
19. List one thing that you're scared of.
im afraid of disgusting cockroaches! I just wanna burn em all muahhaha
20. What's your greatest wish?
to have all my dreams and hopes come true
21. How are you feeling right now?
im bored :/
can someone save me before I die of boredom? It wont be long now. well ok im gonna end it here, its getting really boring. its 9:49 and ive been staring at my computer screen for about 15 mins now? ahaha im gonna wake up at really weird times tmr I tell you! ahya im just gonna end it here lah. im gonna get some stuff done and then im off to bed.
gnite ppls :D
1. Who are you chatting with now?
nobody -.-
2. What you want the most now?
I want lobster spaghetti... actually I would really love a hug right now :D
3. What's going to happen tomorrow?
F&N remedial, nothing much.
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
hah. I do sometimes..
5. When do you wish to die?
when ive done almost everything in the world and my hopes & dreams are all achieved :D
6.What's your fetish?
I wouldnt wanna tell you ahahah
7. What impossible things you would wish to do?
I wish I could go forward and backwards through time. that'll be great!
8. Do you believe in eternal love?
well yeah definately. :D
9.Have you broke someone's heart that he/she tried to commit suicide?
10. What if your crush asked you out?
ahaha, im telling you im gonna jump around the house :D
11. Describe your other half.
sensitive? :x (at times!)
12. What feeling you hate the most?
well I hate being angry
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
14. What're ya lookin' forward to in the coming weeks?
EURO 2008 yay!!
15. The most important thing/person in your life.
someone who I love alot :D
16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
someone who I love alot ALSO! ahaha
17. Do you find life meaningless?
at times I guess.
18. What have you been searching for all this while?
I dunno..
19. List one thing that you're scared of.
im afraid of disgusting cockroaches! I just wanna burn em all muahhaha
20. What's your greatest wish?
to have all my dreams and hopes come true
21. How are you feeling right now?
im bored :/
can someone save me before I die of boredom? It wont be long now. well ok im gonna end it here, its getting really boring. its 9:49 and ive been staring at my computer screen for about 15 mins now? ahaha im gonna wake up at really weird times tmr I tell you! ahya im just gonna end it here lah. im gonna get some stuff done and then im off to bed.
gnite ppls :D
Monday, May 26, 2008
sweet victory
I'm sorry if I havent been updating lately cause I had to study like mad for my MT papers. I slept at about 130 am last night just memorising peribahasa(its like cliché's/idioms/Metaphors like building sandcastles in the air,every cloud has its silver lining,burning the candle at both ends etc) in the end, im proud to say that the MT paper was...... do-able!! :D My mt is crap so I cant say that its easy but it isnt hard also so thankfully it lies somewhere in the middle. ahaha even I had to ask my sec 2 couz about Malay stuff.. that simply shows how bad my malay is. but hey my english is not like that okay?! hmph. >:( omg I think my crazy couz Afffie is damn good in malay for sec 2. shes like so good in malay I tell you!!! ahaha this happened yesterday
Ҳza. what if you're making me all that I was meant to be? says:
eh wait I need ur help in to start karangan ah?
Affie OOOHH LALA ((: says:
start ur compo with bahase berbunge (:
Ҳza. what if you're making me all that I was meant to be? says:
Affie OOOHH LALA ((: says:
wait let me think
Affie OOOHH LALA ((: says:
Bunyi cengkerik memecahkan kesunyian pada malam yang dingin itu.Bayu yg menyapa tubuhku bagaikan membelaiku seolah-olah mengerti perasaan ku yg hiba ini.
Ҳza. what if you're making me all that I was meant to be? says:
wow. nice.
Ҳza. what if you're making me all that I was meant to be? says:
I dont even know what that means.
ahahaha..well now that MT's are over. I can start relaxing woohoo!! Plus EURO 2008 is coming so this month is gonna be a blast! Guess what, Chelsea's Manager Avram Grant has been sacked by the owner Roman Abramovich. I would say that its about time but he actually did a good job in Chelsea. The owner is crazy,he didnt get the cup so he fires the manager :/ well im looking forward to the new chelsea :D.
so apparently my mom said that when she was jogging just now, she saw 2 monkeys in the park. she assumed that the big one was the mother. ahaha she said that there were children playing with the little monkey. she was afraid of diseases so she didnt dare to touch it. OMG if I was there i'd probably kidnap it and bring it home to play with. AHAHA. evil. can you imagine? Monkeys in the park. whats next? bears? ahah if there were bears in the park I would,without a doubt, go kidnap one and bring it home :P anyways my mom never told me that she knew martial arts ahaha. apparently while watching human weapon on discovery channel last night,out of the blue she told me how she used silat as self defence when she was young to stop some stalker in the middle of the night from stealing her purse. Can you believe it?! she even kicked the person in the uhh... yeah HAHA.
note to self: never ever mess with mom
I just learned how to play a bunch of new songs on my guitar yay :D. I dunno why but im so loving chords right now ahaha. I went straight to my guitar after the exams and learnt brighter by paramore, please be mine - jonas brothers and call it karma (acoustic) - silverstein. you know what? I just realised something. I just missed an episode of Chuck while typing this entry out. OMG. well whatever I can catch a repeat of it soon. besides I havent been updating lately so it doesnt matter :D. well im ending it here cause im bloody hungry and theres honey chicken wing that my mom bought from IMM waiting for me in the oven. mmmmmm **spasm** I'll be updating much much more these days yay!
gnite ppls :D
Ҳza. what if you're making me all that I was meant to be? says:
eh wait I need ur help in to start karangan ah?
Affie OOOHH LALA ((: says:
start ur compo with bahase berbunge (:
Ҳza. what if you're making me all that I was meant to be? says:
Affie OOOHH LALA ((: says:
wait let me think
Affie OOOHH LALA ((: says:
Bunyi cengkerik memecahkan kesunyian pada malam yang dingin itu.Bayu yg menyapa tubuhku bagaikan membelaiku seolah-olah mengerti perasaan ku yg hiba ini.
Ҳza. what if you're making me all that I was meant to be? says:
wow. nice.
Ҳza. what if you're making me all that I was meant to be? says:
I dont even know what that means.
ahahaha..well now that MT's are over. I can start relaxing woohoo!! Plus EURO 2008 is coming so this month is gonna be a blast! Guess what, Chelsea's Manager Avram Grant has been sacked by the owner Roman Abramovich. I would say that its about time but he actually did a good job in Chelsea. The owner is crazy,he didnt get the cup so he fires the manager :/ well im looking forward to the new chelsea :D.
so apparently my mom said that when she was jogging just now, she saw 2 monkeys in the park. she assumed that the big one was the mother. ahaha she said that there were children playing with the little monkey. she was afraid of diseases so she didnt dare to touch it. OMG if I was there i'd probably kidnap it and bring it home to play with. AHAHA. evil. can you imagine? Monkeys in the park. whats next? bears? ahah if there were bears in the park I would,without a doubt, go kidnap one and bring it home :P anyways my mom never told me that she knew martial arts ahaha. apparently while watching human weapon on discovery channel last night,out of the blue she told me how she used silat as self defence when she was young to stop some stalker in the middle of the night from stealing her purse. Can you believe it?! she even kicked the person in the uhh... yeah HAHA.
note to self: never ever mess with mom
I just learned how to play a bunch of new songs on my guitar yay :D. I dunno why but im so loving chords right now ahaha. I went straight to my guitar after the exams and learnt brighter by paramore, please be mine - jonas brothers and call it karma (acoustic) - silverstein. you know what? I just realised something. I just missed an episode of Chuck while typing this entry out. OMG. well whatever I can catch a repeat of it soon. besides I havent been updating lately so it doesnt matter :D. well im ending it here cause im bloody hungry and theres honey chicken wing that my mom bought from IMM waiting for me in the oven. mmmmmm **spasm** I'll be updating much much more these days yay!
gnite ppls :D
Thursday, May 22, 2008
OMG I cannot believe that Chelsea lost to Man Utd. Chelsea did so darn well in the 2nd half! they almost scored twice but the post saved Man Utd. I thought that Chelsea was going to win when Ronaldo missed the penalty but John Terry slipped and fell while taking the penalty. Its very sad cause Chelsea deserved the win. Chelsea already lost to Man Utd in the premier league and this is like dejavu all over. Close match and in the end, Man Utd wins. Terry cried and cried cause he missed his chance to win the title for chelsea :( If he didnt miss it, Chelsea would have won. I had to survive a day of getting countless 'Man Utd are the champions! Chelsea can go home lah!' ugh..damn irritating. Despite the loss, I'll still be supporting Chelsea! :D
This season is kinda disappointing for Chelsea and AC Milan. Milan cant qualify for next season's champions league cause they finished 5th in the league so they have to go to UEFA cup. On the bright side though, it will be a walk in the park for Milan cause the teams in UEFA Cup is not as good as the ones in the Champions League. Next up, EURO 2008! The winner will probably be France,Germany,Italy or Spain.
well David Cook is singing 'Hero' by Nickelback right now and his voice really suit rock songs. The winner is David Cook but even though David Archuleta lost he'll soon be a superstar. Perfect example would be Clay Aiken. Monday is MT paper and im kinda worried about it. I would write more but I got no mood to write cause Chelsea lost.. sigh :(. I feel a fever coming, really. I think im gonna go rest and drink lots of water now.. I'll probably update tmr :D
This season is kinda disappointing for Chelsea and AC Milan. Milan cant qualify for next season's champions league cause they finished 5th in the league so they have to go to UEFA cup. On the bright side though, it will be a walk in the park for Milan cause the teams in UEFA Cup is not as good as the ones in the Champions League. Next up, EURO 2008! The winner will probably be France,Germany,Italy or Spain.
well David Cook is singing 'Hero' by Nickelback right now and his voice really suit rock songs. The winner is David Cook but even though David Archuleta lost he'll soon be a superstar. Perfect example would be Clay Aiken. Monday is MT paper and im kinda worried about it. I would write more but I got no mood to write cause Chelsea lost.. sigh :(. I feel a fever coming, really. I think im gonna go rest and drink lots of water now.. I'll probably update tmr :D
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
down with the sickness
So today is the big match.. Man Utd vs Chelsea for the UEFA Champions League Finals. Everyone support Chelsea okay?! :D im gonna make this entry a short one cause im really really sick right now. as if rashes isnt bad enough. I woke up today having fever,cough,runny nose and a sore throat. Actually I think 38 degrees is considered high fever? blah.
Anyways I went to CCK Polyclinic yesterday and I queued for like almost 2 hours. the doctor gave me two days MC, good enough :D. well today I havent been doing anything productive.. I think if I keep going on like this, I'll eventually die of boredom. really.
well my medication is kicking in, im starting to feel sleepy. No fair I dont wanna be sick :(.. well im gonna end it here cause my mind is totally blank right now and I have to sleep cause the match is around 3am later. I just want to collapse on my bed and sleeeeep. remember, support the blues, SUPPORT CHELSEA! :D
Anyways I went to CCK Polyclinic yesterday and I queued for like almost 2 hours. the doctor gave me two days MC, good enough :D. well today I havent been doing anything productive.. I think if I keep going on like this, I'll eventually die of boredom. really.
well my medication is kicking in, im starting to feel sleepy. No fair I dont wanna be sick :(.. well im gonna end it here cause my mind is totally blank right now and I have to sleep cause the match is around 3am later. I just want to collapse on my bed and sleeeeep. remember, support the blues, SUPPORT CHELSEA! :D
Monday, May 19, 2008
the urge to scratch
helloooo! :D this is gonna be a short post cause im having really terrible rashes right now and the worst part is that the clinic is closed cause of public holiday. I kinda noticed it yesterday cause I was scratching so much when we were playing soccer. Initially its only little red spots but now it looks like someone spilled chemical on my whole body to make it turn red. im not exaggerating but its really THAT bad. I cant even sleep properly cause it keeps getting really itchy when im sleeping... UGH damn irritating. :( I kinda get grumpy if I dont get enough sleep cause who in the hell wakes up at 8am on a Public Holiday HUH?! my mom keeps on insisting that I should stop playing soccer.. eh hello its not like I know im going to get rashes what! -.- BUT that means she cares for me right? ahha.. :D she even cancelled her plans to watch some movie with her friend cause im sick! awww so sweet... heck I feel so bad cause she cancelled her plans :x
I still have to go to school tmr cause its MT intensive.. probably half way through if the rashes start acting up again I'll have to report sick. ahhahaha I cant wait for that! I can imagine this happening :D
me: cher I wanna go home ah.. got rashes
teacher: what rashes? Herrizal, dont lie to me ah, let me see.
*shows rashes*
teacher: WOW ok ok go to office now!
I need something to keep me occupied for the whole night.. *turns to ps2 and guitar* hehehe.. Resident Evil 4 here I come! actually I think im gonna go play Resident Evil: Outbreak cause I already finished RE4... ahha I got infected by T-Virus so thats why im getting the symptoms: really bad rashes.. soon I'll turn into one of them!! mmm brainssss :P (yeah I know im lame at time :D) ahahaha..
ok i'll end it here, nite guys! :D
edit: ok its 4:05 am now and I cant sleep.. cause of my bloody rashes. It got worse and I had to shower ice cold water to keep it down.. now I cant sleep. -.-
I still have to go to school tmr cause its MT intensive.. probably half way through if the rashes start acting up again I'll have to report sick. ahhahaha I cant wait for that! I can imagine this happening :D
me: cher I wanna go home ah.. got rashes
teacher: what rashes? Herrizal, dont lie to me ah, let me see.
*shows rashes*
teacher: WOW ok ok go to office now!
I need something to keep me occupied for the whole night.. *turns to ps2 and guitar* hehehe.. Resident Evil 4 here I come! actually I think im gonna go play Resident Evil: Outbreak cause I already finished RE4... ahha I got infected by T-Virus so thats why im getting the symptoms: really bad rashes.. soon I'll turn into one of them!! mmm brainssss :P (yeah I know im lame at time :D) ahahaha..
ok i'll end it here, nite guys! :D
edit: ok its 4:05 am now and I cant sleep.. cause of my bloody rashes. It got worse and I had to shower ice cold water to keep it down.. now I cant sleep. -.-
Saturday, May 17, 2008
lazy saturday
im melting.. im MELTING!! -.- The weather is so hot that its making me lazy to go out. who would want to go out into the hot sun when you can just relax at home with the comfort of your air con :D guess what, I passed my MT! ahhahah who would've guessed that I pass my MT?! but overall for CT2 I got like 27 points so I have to work harder lah. :/
I cant forget ken's jokes man.. hes such a great guy and he has an arsenal of jokes. best thing is that even if its lame and stupid, it can still make you laugh like hell when he tells you in person ahaha. I will always remember that Newton's 4th law is Newton's mother in law :D
so according to ken, how your mother felt when she was pregnant affects your character. Like if the wife loves to sing,read books,watch tv etc during pregnancy, it has a high chance that the child will also love to do those things! it has always intrigued me like why I love soccer so much so being curious as usual, I went to ask my mom what she did she love to do when she was having me. it turns out that she watched euro cup for me then for my bro its WORLD cup.. pfft higher standard :/ no wonder me and my bro are so enthusiastic in soccer! I think you can guess why my sis loves to go jogging and swimming. ken also said that if the mother doesnt get what she wants during pregnancy and is moody,the baby may turn moody as well so its important to give everything that the wife wants during pregnancy. like his wife asking for char kway teow at 3am in the morning so he must die-die make her happy and go buy.. HAHA weird eh? ahha this is beginning to sound like a biology lesson.
anyways monday is the start of MT intensive. 8am to 1pm. well thats alright cause atleast its much better than normal school day. Wednesday is the big match! Chelsea vs Man Utd for the UEFA Champions League Title!! I have a strong feeling that Chelsea will win the Cup cause Man Utd already won the league title. Support chelsea okay! DONT support Man Utd. and dont tell me how Ronaldo is skilled/hot/cute cause hes NOT! The blues will finally get the trophy for the first time! support Chelsea! :D
tmr I have to go to Isaac's house to try out COD4 and maybe after that ill be going to Johnson's open house since he moved house. 7pm to 9pm I have street soccer at segar so I cant wait for that! street soccer + night = fun + not getting dark. :D Monday is a public holiday YAY! i'll update soon, gnite ppls! :D
I cant forget ken's jokes man.. hes such a great guy and he has an arsenal of jokes. best thing is that even if its lame and stupid, it can still make you laugh like hell when he tells you in person ahaha. I will always remember that Newton's 4th law is Newton's mother in law :D
so according to ken, how your mother felt when she was pregnant affects your character. Like if the wife loves to sing,read books,watch tv etc during pregnancy, it has a high chance that the child will also love to do those things! it has always intrigued me like why I love soccer so much so being curious as usual, I went to ask my mom what she did she love to do when she was having me. it turns out that she watched euro cup for me then for my bro its WORLD cup.. pfft higher standard :/ no wonder me and my bro are so enthusiastic in soccer! I think you can guess why my sis loves to go jogging and swimming. ken also said that if the mother doesnt get what she wants during pregnancy and is moody,the baby may turn moody as well so its important to give everything that the wife wants during pregnancy. like his wife asking for char kway teow at 3am in the morning so he must die-die make her happy and go buy.. HAHA weird eh? ahha this is beginning to sound like a biology lesson.
anyways monday is the start of MT intensive. 8am to 1pm. well thats alright cause atleast its much better than normal school day. Wednesday is the big match! Chelsea vs Man Utd for the UEFA Champions League Title!! I have a strong feeling that Chelsea will win the Cup cause Man Utd already won the league title. Support chelsea okay! DONT support Man Utd. and dont tell me how Ronaldo is skilled/hot/cute cause hes NOT! The blues will finally get the trophy for the first time! support Chelsea! :D
tmr I have to go to Isaac's house to try out COD4 and maybe after that ill be going to Johnson's open house since he moved house. 7pm to 9pm I have street soccer at segar so I cant wait for that! street soccer + night = fun + not getting dark. :D Monday is a public holiday YAY! i'll update soon, gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Bloody Mess
Hellooooo :D. sorry if I havent been updating lately but its because im occupied with the superteens workshop till 9.. im gonna update more frequently when this is over! :D supposedly it was going to end tonight but I decided to be lazy yesterday and didnt go to school.. so I have to suffer until tmr. well ok apparently this workshop isnt really a huge waste of time. it kinda has its touching parts like just now when they were talking about how if your parents dont love you, they had 3 ways of abortion they could use to kill you. inject salt water, use scalpel or use vacuum. and oh my he showed the images of aborted babies. it was so disgusting.. from babies the size of a 50 cent coin or a keychain to a fully developed baby with its head and body parts dismembered in pools of blood. it kinda struck me like.. 'wow luckily that didnt happen to me'
and then there was the funny parts of the course ahaha.. :D Im telling you, our instructor ken can really be a stand up comedian! he was telling us how he went to china during the winter and saw overflowing shit in the toilet bowl literally freeze and he came up with 'the eigth wonder of the world, frozen shit'
ahha well if theres one thing I learn from this course, abortion is totally bad and inhumane. ok I should really stop talking about it now cause it will remind me of... well me :/ anyways american Idol is on now and David Cook is singing his last song. Looks like David Archuleta's 2nd song wasnt really good. I love the song 'with you' by chris brown but it just doesnt fit for him :/ well this is a short post cause im exhausted but good news is that im still smiling. :D
and then there was the funny parts of the course ahaha.. :D Im telling you, our instructor ken can really be a stand up comedian! he was telling us how he went to china during the winter and saw overflowing shit in the toilet bowl literally freeze and he came up with 'the eigth wonder of the world, frozen shit'
ahha well if theres one thing I learn from this course, abortion is totally bad and inhumane. ok I should really stop talking about it now cause it will remind me of... well me :/ anyways american Idol is on now and David Cook is singing his last song. Looks like David Archuleta's 2nd song wasnt really good. I love the song 'with you' by chris brown but it just doesnt fit for him :/ well this is a short post cause im exhausted but good news is that im still smiling. :D
Sunday, May 11, 2008
mother's day!
yesterday me,jack and halim went jamming. it was a somewhat mediocre cause halim's timing was way out from the songs we were playing. Initially I didnt want to go but they already booked it so I didnt wanna let them down. I got home at around 1am then decided to watch tv. I feel asleep on the couch then my mom woke me up and asked me to go to sleep at around 2am I think.. you know ive always wondered, how come mothers always know if something is wrong with their children? its like if you try to lie to them, most of the time they know you're lying,they always know what you like to eat on that particular day etc. I think dad's also dont have that accurate predictions unlike mom's? hur,I guess im gonna find that out one day when I get married and have a family.. and thats why we celebrate mother's day! :D

me and my bro bought for her roses and some stuffs from Ikea. she was so astounded when we gave her that cause I think she wasnt expecting anything? no way we're gonna forget about mother's day! :D we went to queensway after going to Ikea to look for shoes and I saw an AC Milan jersey but it was pretty costly. 160+ for 1 jersey. -.- finally after an hour of walking around we decided not to buy anything,hur waste of time.
anyways I cant believe the school enrolled us in the 'superteens' program. more like 'super waste of time'. can you believe how naive some people are? its like the workshop says 'oh its very good' then people totally fall for it and enroll us in it. worst thing is that it lasts from 8am to 9pm. thats like 13 hours of school omg. I dont wanna spend 13 hours in school, that is just depressing. looks like I have to suffer for 3 days starting from tmr. CURSE YOUUUUUUUU!! :( luckily school starts at 9am tmr...
theres 7 matches playing simultaneously on the sports channel right now. Everyone hope to god that CHELSEA wins and Man Utd loses! if that happens, we win the title! :D. im gonna end it here cause im having flu so I should get plenty of rest.. plus its 11:14pm and chelsea is playing now yay!
sweet dreams & night guys :D
anyways I cant believe the school enrolled us in the 'superteens' program. more like 'super waste of time'. can you believe how naive some people are? its like the workshop says 'oh its very good' then people totally fall for it and enroll us in it. worst thing is that it lasts from 8am to 9pm. thats like 13 hours of school omg. I dont wanna spend 13 hours in school, that is just depressing. looks like I have to suffer for 3 days starting from tmr. CURSE YOUUUUUUUU!! :( luckily school starts at 9am tmr...
theres 7 matches playing simultaneously on the sports channel right now. Everyone hope to god that CHELSEA wins and Man Utd loses! if that happens, we win the title! :D. im gonna end it here cause im having flu so I should get plenty of rest.. plus its 11:14pm and chelsea is playing now yay!
sweet dreams & night guys :D
Thursday, May 8, 2008
does it seem to bring the worst in you out?
Just now was the last paper,Bio. It was do-able but I skipped some of the questions cause I got no clue to the answers. anyways I wanted to blog yesterday but this next thing totally ruined my mood yesterday so I didnt want to. I failed english for paper 1 :( 13/30. but well im not too disheartened about it cause theres no use crying over spilled milk. I misunderstood the question and wrote in present tense instead of past tense. I think I got really complacent...UGH damn irritating. its totally stupid cause I cant believe I wrote it in the wrong tense. History if im not wrong I got 16 or 17 out of 25. still can improve! I read ziq's blog and its pretty clear that hes really disappointed about his results too. hey ziq, dont be too affected by it cause its just common tests. there is still time to improve so cheer up okay? :D I dont really wanna talk about exams on this entry so I'll just skip to the happy parts :D.
anyways exams are over now and I can get back to my guitar yay!! :D Jack and Halim wants to jam on this sat but I kinda lost my voice singing in the shower so im not really sure if I wanna go :x. oh man they're gonna be so pissed. anyways im watching american idol as we speak and the two david's are safe! David Archuleta has a damn good voice and hes only 17,hes probably gonna win from the looks of it. I was really impressed when he sang 'stand by me'.. David Cook also has a good voice so my prediction is that the 2 david's are gonna be in the finals.. woooo its gonna be quite a finale :D anybody agree with me that david cook kinda looks like the vocalist from three days grace?
I'm gonna end it here cause im kinda waiting for the results of american idol and im talking to halim on the phone right now. Im sure lots of funny things are gonna pop up soon that im gonna put in the next entry ahaha. see hes pissed at me now for not wanting to go jamming :P
nite ppls! :D
anyways exams are over now and I can get back to my guitar yay!! :D Jack and Halim wants to jam on this sat but I kinda lost my voice singing in the shower so im not really sure if I wanna go :x. oh man they're gonna be so pissed. anyways im watching american idol as we speak and the two david's are safe! David Archuleta has a damn good voice and hes only 17,hes probably gonna win from the looks of it. I was really impressed when he sang 'stand by me'.. David Cook also has a good voice so my prediction is that the 2 david's are gonna be in the finals.. woooo its gonna be quite a finale :D anybody agree with me that david cook kinda looks like the vocalist from three days grace?
I'm gonna end it here cause im kinda waiting for the results of american idol and im talking to halim on the phone right now. Im sure lots of funny things are gonna pop up soon that im gonna put in the next entry ahaha. see hes pissed at me now for not wanting to go jamming :P
nite ppls! :D
Monday, May 5, 2008
I'm gonna make this entry a short one cause i have physics to revise. I didnt go to school just now cause I woke up around 10 plus. I slept quite late last night around 2am cause for some reason I just couldnt sleep...I keep worrying about some stuffs.. I just wish that my doubts would be cleared soon.. sigh. plus my sleeping time is messed up :( i'll have to sleep early or else i'll turn into a zombie soon when go to school ahah :D
anyways today has been a boring day cause im just at home doing nothing. As much as I love to just sit home and relax for the whole day,I really have to go to school cause if I dont, it'll affect my studies. ahah its like im nagging at myself on why I didnt go to school. just have to suffer for few more months till I get to NP!! I think I actually need people to nag at me otherwise i'll start slacking again ahaha.. I watched the first episode of chuck on axn! Its a pretty good show so you guys should definately check it out. I think its like on every monday 9pm? you'll love it cause its a funny show trust me :D
well this is a boring entry,nothing exciting to talk about... so i'll end it here. tmr is PE yay!!
gnite ppls! :D
anyways today has been a boring day cause im just at home doing nothing. As much as I love to just sit home and relax for the whole day,I really have to go to school cause if I dont, it'll affect my studies. ahah its like im nagging at myself on why I didnt go to school. just have to suffer for few more months till I get to NP!! I think I actually need people to nag at me otherwise i'll start slacking again ahaha.. I watched the first episode of chuck on axn! Its a pretty good show so you guys should definately check it out. I think its like on every monday 9pm? you'll love it cause its a funny show trust me :D
well this is a boring entry,nothing exciting to talk about... so i'll end it here. tmr is PE yay!!
gnite ppls! :D
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Mizi's Bday

hellooo ppls! :D first of all,I would like to wish Mizi Happy Bday! me,aidil,lucas,fairul,isa,shoban and more went to celebrate his bday. He was covered in flour and coconut milk when he walked out of his door ahaha. it was so funny how his reaction was cause he was like 'eh what?... eh NO NO NOOO' ahha. this and that happened and we ate at gombak till around 1130? got home around 12 I think. I was supposed to go watch iron man with my bro after that but I didnt want to go cause I just felt uneasy for.. some reason. no I dont wanna tell you :P
anyways if you're wondering what that pic is saying, it says 'mizi is frustrated' :P.. today I got tuition from Mizi and Haaziq. it turns out that they are both know each other too. ahah mizi got frustrated at one time cause I kept asking him about algebraic methods so I drew that to make him laugh ahahaha :D. we didnt cover on locus and all those other drawing topics cause we got no time so I think tmr im probably gonna skip the drawing parts :X. I really have no idea on how to do them, hur. I guess this is what I get for daydreaming and thinking about 'people' during maths. nvm, I shall do my very best cause Mizi is helping me now!
Guess what, I missed my chance to see Teemu again after 4 years. he messaged me on msn on Monday saying that hes in sg but the next day hes going back to shanghai at 5pm. Somemore it was like at night so I couldnt meet him and there's school on the next day so it was too late. He said that he arrived in s'pore last friday but he didnt know my number so he couldnt contact me. omg... great. just great. :( he was staying at the grand hyatt hotel so it was really easy to find him but its too late now ahya.
even since yesterday, I came across this...thing at this 'somewhere' and i got uhh... lets just say that at rare times i get jealous over the littlest things ahah. still,I just feel.... uneasy everytime I look at it but yet I cant stop looking :/.. Im probably not supposed to find out about the picture anyways :X.curiosity pretty sure nobody else knows what im referring to except for myself so you guys probably have NO idea what im talking about.. but still its driving me crazy how sometimes I dont know whats happening to 'people' these days then things like this just pops up, it tends to give you doubts. maybe im just thinking too much? well, guys are known to overreact about these things what ahaha... :/
anyways I love this song that im listening to right now cause its a lovely song and the song is like totally how I feel about 'stuffs' at this point of time. its 'jonas brothers - please be mine'. im gonna learn the chords to that song soon after my exams cause it seems like fun to play! :D I should end it here, tmr is Maths paper so all the best to you guys.. thurs is the last paper so till then,study hard! Sweet dreams & Nite ppls! :D
edit: ok well it turns out I woke up late so I didnt go to school today ahaha. update soon!
Friday, May 2, 2008
these are times we'll miss

so MT prelims just now was quite alright,I could do it cause its not that hard so I think you guys can do it too right? kamal and Isaac didnt come cause kamal already did his O lvl MT papers and Isaac took CLB. next paper is maths. blah. anyways singapore is like so HOT now. I think its global warming? its definately scary ah cause what if the temperature goes higher than this? anyways CHELSEA won Liverpool 3-2 at stamford bridge and the aggregate for both home and away game is CHELSEA 4-3 Liverpool :D. so CHELSEA meets Man Utd in the UEFA Champions League Finals on 21st May! Come on guys support the blues!! Chelsea all the way!! :D
im getting help from Mizi for my maths! im gonna work my ass off to get my maths marks to something atleast eye catching. well Im gonna end it here cause I dont really have anything else to talk about cause I kinda miss someone right now :(. i'll update real soon! im gonna find something better to do now, bye ppls! :D
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