alright i'll update as soon as I get back. I'm not sure of the plans for today but we'll see if I have time to update. I've been neglecting this blog because i'm just damn lazy. Forgive me! :(
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Twist in the air and open your eyes.
Sezairi won. Its not about malays supporting malays. I supported and voted for both. Stop using race as an issue. Sezairi was the better one last night. Get over it.
Update soon!
Update soon!
Friday, December 25, 2009
here's your answer
whoa, talk about sleeping and not waking up for a long ass time. Okay sorry, I slept at 7pm yesterday and never woke up until just 5 mins ago. wow. that's like more than 20 hours. holy shit. okay well I woke up for a couple of times but that's still crazy!
alright let me start off with this: Merry Christmas from me to all my christian friends. Though I dont celebrate it(or atleast not in s'pore), I hope you guys enjoy the holiday with your family and friends :D. I'm sure you guys will have lots of fun opening up presents so once again, Merry Christmas! In other news: I'm craving for some Japanese Sukiyaki :(.

alright let me start off with this: Merry Christmas from me to all my christian friends. Though I dont celebrate it(or atleast not in s'pore), I hope you guys enjoy the holiday with your family and friends :D. I'm sure you guys will have lots of fun opening up presents so once again, Merry Christmas! In other news: I'm craving for some Japanese Sukiyaki :(.

This is gonna be a really long post. it's a little risky and I have to be cautious so I dont offend anyone. i'm gonna talk about racism and my incident on weds night.
Alright so aidil's gf planned to go clubbing on Wednesday since it was Ladies Night but something happened that made me really aware. Its about racism. Initial plan was to celebrate one last time before Mizi and Fairul have to serve the army. So Aidil's gf suggested that we should go clubbing at Zirca (Clarke Quay). Since it was our first time, most of us were pretty nervous and didn't know what to expect. Fast forward to the night, the hype was there, everyone was excited aaaaand then the worst thing happened just when we were about to enter. One of the bouncers looked at aidil's IC and was like 'Entry Refused'. I was really confused so I asked politely for them to explain and their explanation was because our IC's stated our race was Malay. First their explanation is that there is a quota for the amount of malay guys who are in the club. they asked us to try again in an hours time. Okay fair enough that was a little insulting but I swallowed it and just accepted it. BUT that's not the real reason.
So around an hour and a half later, I tried again and their reply was really racist in my opinion. I asked politely once again but this time it was a different person.
me: It's my first time here so I don't really know what to expect. there was another guy here who told me that I had to wait another hour or so before I could get in. he said something about a quota too.
bouncer: 'Quota? who told you that? we dont have a quota in this club.'
me: wait what? then why can't I get in while my chinese friends are already inside? They literally went in as a group. I dont understand, what is the real problem?
bouncer: well on your IC it says malay. *pause* Oh the management doesn't allow your kind into this club.
I was so stunned. I seriously was. Instantly in my mind it was like: 'did you really just say that?'. I could've argued how my mom is chinese but my dad is malay but I knew it wouldn't do anything so I just said 'OH OKAY. I understand.' and left with a smirk on my face. I have never experienced anything more insulting like this. when I was in Houston, the people there didn't like Mexicans or Asians because both groups are constantly occupying the place. Even so, they didn't even express it publicly like how it happened that night. I asked my brother and sister and I found out that its probably because the typical malay guy will get drunk and create chaos. Fair enough, that is probably undeniable but I mean not letting people in just because they're malay? That's a little stereotypical and ignorant if you ask me. What really made me angry was that the bouncer just casually said 'oh the management doesn't allow your kind to enter'.
I even called Niko and he was shocked to hear that. I mix around with people from different walks of life and I have friends from so many various races. Just look at my family bloodline! We were brought up to accept people from other race AND religion. I can choose to be with a girl who has a different race and religion for the rest of my life and my family wont stop me. Instead, we welcome people from all walks of life. and that is why it really was insulting and embarassing to me on that night. Do I even look like I am going to chaos in the club? geez.
Next time i'm gonna go with Niko and his friends and i'll probably get in. because they're all ang mohs. i'm gonna side track for a while now but its worth it. I talked about lots of things with Niko last night and he told me that the people in singapore automatically think that white guys = alot of money, and hes white! He hates it even though he's financially better than the average singaporean and that's why he and his friends never date s'porean girls. well, he did.. once but the girl asked him for money before anything happened. I think its safe to say that we singaporeans are brought up to think that white people are the untouchables and we automatically awe in their presence. He said that girls here take advantage of lonely white guys for their cash and lure them with false affection. Be it old or young, they dont care as long as you have cash. Hell even Kalle agreed with me and he's half malay and half finnish. We hate those kind of girls and worse part of it is that there's lots of them in singapore. Which is why me and kalle are planning to get out of singapore as soon as we finish NS. The incident that night was like the final straw for me and it just really sealed the deal.
Alright so aidil's gf planned to go clubbing on Wednesday since it was Ladies Night but something happened that made me really aware. Its about racism. Initial plan was to celebrate one last time before Mizi and Fairul have to serve the army. So Aidil's gf suggested that we should go clubbing at Zirca (Clarke Quay). Since it was our first time, most of us were pretty nervous and didn't know what to expect. Fast forward to the night, the hype was there, everyone was excited aaaaand then the worst thing happened just when we were about to enter. One of the bouncers looked at aidil's IC and was like 'Entry Refused'. I was really confused so I asked politely for them to explain and their explanation was because our IC's stated our race was Malay. First their explanation is that there is a quota for the amount of malay guys who are in the club. they asked us to try again in an hours time. Okay fair enough that was a little insulting but I swallowed it and just accepted it. BUT that's not the real reason.
So around an hour and a half later, I tried again and their reply was really racist in my opinion. I asked politely once again but this time it was a different person.
me: It's my first time here so I don't really know what to expect. there was another guy here who told me that I had to wait another hour or so before I could get in. he said something about a quota too.
bouncer: 'Quota? who told you that? we dont have a quota in this club.'
me: wait what? then why can't I get in while my chinese friends are already inside? They literally went in as a group. I dont understand, what is the real problem?
bouncer: well on your IC it says malay. *pause* Oh the management doesn't allow your kind into this club.
I was so stunned. I seriously was. Instantly in my mind it was like: 'did you really just say that?'. I could've argued how my mom is chinese but my dad is malay but I knew it wouldn't do anything so I just said 'OH OKAY. I understand.' and left with a smirk on my face. I have never experienced anything more insulting like this. when I was in Houston, the people there didn't like Mexicans or Asians because both groups are constantly occupying the place. Even so, they didn't even express it publicly like how it happened that night. I asked my brother and sister and I found out that its probably because the typical malay guy will get drunk and create chaos. Fair enough, that is probably undeniable but I mean not letting people in just because they're malay? That's a little stereotypical and ignorant if you ask me. What really made me angry was that the bouncer just casually said 'oh the management doesn't allow your kind to enter'.
I even called Niko and he was shocked to hear that. I mix around with people from different walks of life and I have friends from so many various races. Just look at my family bloodline! We were brought up to accept people from other race AND religion. I can choose to be with a girl who has a different race and religion for the rest of my life and my family wont stop me. Instead, we welcome people from all walks of life. and that is why it really was insulting and embarassing to me on that night. Do I even look like I am going to chaos in the club? geez.
Next time i'm gonna go with Niko and his friends and i'll probably get in. because they're all ang mohs. i'm gonna side track for a while now but its worth it. I talked about lots of things with Niko last night and he told me that the people in singapore automatically think that white guys = alot of money, and hes white! He hates it even though he's financially better than the average singaporean and that's why he and his friends never date s'porean girls. well, he did.. once but the girl asked him for money before anything happened. I think its safe to say that we singaporeans are brought up to think that white people are the untouchables and we automatically awe in their presence. He said that girls here take advantage of lonely white guys for their cash and lure them with false affection. Be it old or young, they dont care as long as you have cash. Hell even Kalle agreed with me and he's half malay and half finnish. We hate those kind of girls and worse part of it is that there's lots of them in singapore. Which is why me and kalle are planning to get out of singapore as soon as we finish NS. The incident that night was like the final straw for me and it just really sealed the deal.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
I'm totally in love with Brown Eyed Girl's member GaIn. omg!! :D I'm so over SNSD and Wondergirls now. After hours of youtube-ing I found out many other korean girl groups such as 4Minute, KARA, BEG, Jewellery etc. I have a new blog song and I can't stop listening to it ahha. its so good with the rapping and all! Its a collaboration of members from 4 different groups, and GaIn's in it! :D. And to think they came to S'pore about a week ago. why didn't I found out about them sooner. WHY?!?!?! its okay, one day i'll go to Seoul. ONE DAY.
Okay now to talk about the weekends. Saturday I went out with Aaron first to help him choose a good starter guitar at swee lee. After about 2 hours of browsing, we stumbled upon an Ibanez guitar that costs $427 and an amp that costs $276. Guess what price he got from those two? Total, plus discount. He got it both at $400 bucks. wow. 400 bucks. That's even cheaper than the original guitar price! The guitar and amp are both very good too because me and mizi (he dropped by after work) tested it :P. After that me and mizi left to go meet fizz and fairul at Ngee Ann City Gucci store to collect my shades. Little did I know that instead of repairing the shades, they made it worse. that means I have to give it back to them for them to send it overseas for fixing. AND WAIT 1 MORE MONTH. !@#$%. bah.
I went to the gym just now with ziq but that bugger left after 15 mins because of last minute plans... with his girlfriend. kidding ahaha. (dont kill me!). So he left me struggling with the bloody weights in the gym but it felt good. No Pain, No Gain. <- GA-IN!!! AAAAAAH! :D. [I'm starting to become obsessed with Ga-In, :/] alright time to show you guys something!
Its a show in korea where unsuspecting people get to go on a blind date with a celebrity for 1 week. This time its Narsha and GaIn from Brown Eyed Girls. Its funny/romantic/cute/entertaining, you have my word on that. It also has english subtitles yay! I love how Ga-In isn't the bitchy type and she seems really fun to be with. She's really outgoing! geez I would do anything to be GaIn's boyfriend for 1 week HAHA. Her attitude and behavior just attracts me :D. she really seems like a nice person to be with. I love the part when she forces her date to cut his hair and he's pleading so hard to not cut it short AHAHHA. Okay no more spoilers, you guys should watch it, its really entertaining! I already compiled the parts of the first episode together in a playlist so you guys dont have to search it up on youtube. I cant wait for the next episode! woo~ sparks are flying! watch it, its worth your time!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Friday, December 18, 2009
Due to some difficulties with my bank account, I didn't buy the tickets. YET. I'll buy it tmr or rather later. I saw a teen girl accompanied by her mother buying the tickets at the sistic counter and I got a little worried. that's why i'm buying it asap. s'poreans are always kiasu so i'll just follow the saying 'if you can't beat them, join them'. I can't wait to see paramore live, zac's drumming skills and (irish accent) HAYLEHHH.
Gym sessions with Ziq just now was.. torture muahaha. this is from ziq's blog
"We have a plan. To eat like a king before our workout because in between workout, you are burning a lot of calories. So imagine if i never eat breakfast... i couldn't lift a 10 kg barbell. And a meal as a post-workout precautionary measure.So after eating at Food culture, we went ahead to the gym. And yes, like any other days, we chionged like crazy. I worked out on my traps, pectoralis major and minor, wings, quadriceps, calf and deltoids. We did a lot with the aid of the big machines for chest. After doing 30kg of bench press, we proceeded to do 6kg of inclined press. After that flat bench press of 6kg again without machines. Purely with hands. Consecutively. The pole itself weighs 2 or 3 kg excluding the weights we were to put in. So our arms were like as if it can be broken at any point of time if we were to carry on. The result? Massive cramps at the chest area. LOL."
serves you right for your tag :D. i'm starting to really grow too, especially my chest area. its good to know that my training is working! In other news: one of my cousins is gonna get married to a korean girl around mid next year. YEAAAA. :D. I have to confess, initially I was like 'meh korean girls can't be as hot as Japanese girls'. The only hot girl band I know is SNSD... until I found out Brown Eyed Girls on youtube. holy smokes. They just won me over SNSD. Ga-In from Brown Eyed Girls is HOT. Their music rocks! or atleast this song since i've heard 1 song from them so far. I'm still gonna stay stereotypical and say that Jap girls are hotter since they're my favourite but congratulations to my cousin :D.
HOT RIGHT?!?!?! oh my goodness. okay enough of B.E.G (Brown Eyed Girls?). so with that, its 1 more bloodline to the family yaaay ^_^. So far we have portugese, malay, chinese, french, irish, arab, japanese, american, korean, taiwanese(technically its still chinese) bloodline in our family. And most of it is not far like my ancestors. Yes, lets rojak them all together and create 1 big happy multi national/racial family :D :D :D. that pretty much explains why my mom always want me to marry a jap girl... most of my cousins can easily get girls from abroad because they travel around for work so you know, its abit unfair... but oh well. I pity them a little because they have to learn abit of the native language in order to even talk to a girl over there in the first place. it's not an easy thing to learn another language but hey they did it ;D. its still a long way to go for me but 1 thing is for sure, i'm not gonna marry a malay girl. I wanna be just like my cousin :). GOOD ROLE MODEL MAN! ahahah.
I feel that this entry is long enough. I'm gonna end it here and crash out for the night. hopefully my bank account gets back to normal later so I can buy the tickets for paramore's concert. I support Paramore and I really love their music. But this is for the countless amount of girls who go goo-goo gah-gah on any good band's frontman. if you're one of them, this is for you.
see the irony? :P, i'm just kidding. no hard feelings.
gnite ppls! :D
Gym sessions with Ziq just now was.. torture muahaha. this is from ziq's blog
"We have a plan. To eat like a king before our workout because in between workout, you are burning a lot of calories. So imagine if i never eat breakfast... i couldn't lift a 10 kg barbell. And a meal as a post-workout precautionary measure.So after eating at Food culture, we went ahead to the gym. And yes, like any other days, we chionged like crazy. I worked out on my traps, pectoralis major and minor, wings, quadriceps, calf and deltoids. We did a lot with the aid of the big machines for chest. After doing 30kg of bench press, we proceeded to do 6kg of inclined press. After that flat bench press of 6kg again without machines. Purely with hands. Consecutively. The pole itself weighs 2 or 3 kg excluding the weights we were to put in. So our arms were like as if it can be broken at any point of time if we were to carry on. The result? Massive cramps at the chest area. LOL."
serves you right for your tag :D. i'm starting to really grow too, especially my chest area. its good to know that my training is working! In other news: one of my cousins is gonna get married to a korean girl around mid next year. YEAAAA. :D. I have to confess, initially I was like 'meh korean girls can't be as hot as Japanese girls'. The only hot girl band I know is SNSD... until I found out Brown Eyed Girls on youtube. holy smokes. They just won me over SNSD. Ga-In from Brown Eyed Girls is HOT. Their music rocks! or atleast this song since i've heard 1 song from them so far. I'm still gonna stay stereotypical and say that Jap girls are hotter since they're my favourite but congratulations to my cousin :D.
HOT RIGHT?!?!?! oh my goodness. okay enough of B.E.G (Brown Eyed Girls?). so with that, its 1 more bloodline to the family yaaay ^_^. So far we have portugese, malay, chinese, french, irish, arab, japanese, american, korean, taiwanese(technically its still chinese) bloodline in our family. And most of it is not far like my ancestors. Yes, lets rojak them all together and create 1 big happy multi national/racial family :D :D :D. that pretty much explains why my mom always want me to marry a jap girl... most of my cousins can easily get girls from abroad because they travel around for work so you know, its abit unfair... but oh well. I pity them a little because they have to learn abit of the native language in order to even talk to a girl over there in the first place. it's not an easy thing to learn another language but hey they did it ;D. its still a long way to go for me but 1 thing is for sure, i'm not gonna marry a malay girl. I wanna be just like my cousin :). GOOD ROLE MODEL MAN! ahahah.
I feel that this entry is long enough. I'm gonna end it here and crash out for the night. hopefully my bank account gets back to normal later so I can buy the tickets for paramore's concert. I support Paramore and I really love their music. But this is for the countless amount of girls who go goo-goo gah-gah on any good band's frontman. if you're one of them, this is for you.
see the irony? :P, i'm just kidding. no hard feelings.
gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
oh snap, you forgot!
me: so um mom, do you know what's my birth date?
mom: ya lah! its 10 december 1991 right?
me: yeah! what date is it today ah?
mom: wait I go check. today is... 10. *silence*
mom: oh my god. im so sorry I forgot! *hugs*
me: ... Maybe I should stop whining... but wtf still! !@#$%.
Today was fun filled day cause I went to the gym at gombak in the morning and then the guys went over to hang out at my place until 7pm. Alot of funny things happened but I shall end it here cause we have soccer later at 9am and i'm meeting niko too so I need my rest. its gonna be a long day. oh well gnite ppls! :D
Monday, December 14, 2009
Cheese Prata awaits.
woops sorry for not updating. i'm going to alif to eat with the guys now so i'll update soon :D.
I love this kid :D. Japanese kids are awesome.
I love this kid :D. Japanese kids are awesome.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
who's gonna call on sunday morning? who's gonna drive you home?

I like that picture alot haha :D. Its from our jamming session last week and if im not wrong we were playing paperthin hymn. It would be damn cool if only it was a little more detailed. anyways I was supposed to cover some songs with Ryan today but there was a change of plans because hes watching singapore idol live tonight. It was a total mood changer lah, like 180 degrees around :(. So mizi stopped by my house around 2pm to borrow one of my formal shirts to match his blazer for his grad nite tmr. Nothing much happened after that because I was pretty tired. well except me showing him my sims 3 character, wife and daughter ahah. Yes! I have a daughter in sims 3. Mizi laughed when I was trying so hard to force my daughter to sleep. irritating little bugger just wouldn't sleep >:(. ahha funny stuff.
so I went to gombak gym alone around 3pm yesterday after a loooong time and I worked on most things like my biceps, triceps, upper chest, lower chest, deltoid, shoulders, abs. I only spent like an hour in the gym because it wasn't full. It feels so pretty good to see my muscles again after months of not training so its a good start :D. Doing the sit ups f'ing killed me and left a feeling like as if my stomach got ripped open :/. Buuuuut when I lifted my shirt and looked in the mirror, my abs were showing like 'na, here you go!' :P. HAHA, but really it was nice to see it again. Six Pack! The good thing about me starting to work out again is that my brother is planning on working out with me too.
last thing before I find something better to do for the night. I'm gonna cover some songs really soon, possibly tonight or tmr. Im planning to do it before the clock hits thursday.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Sunday, December 6, 2009
this is madness!
I cant really go anywhere this weekend because i'm down with the sickness. fever to be exact. I went out with my brother on friday afternoon to go find some camera stuff but I asked my brother to send me back earlier because I got really dizzy halfway through. I didnt really do much after that cause the fever keeps coming back every few hours.
aaaand thats when I tried Sims 3 and i got addicted to it ever since :D. Lets clear up some things first okay? Sims is not a 'girls game'. Its really fun and the newest one, sims 3 has a LOT of things compared to sims 2. a friend of mine told me that im getting soft when I said that I was busy playing sims 3 ahaha. >:(.
me and my wife (in sims) are both pursuing a musical career. aisey HAHA. apparently my wife has a higher guitar playing skill than me and shes gonna be performing in venues soon while im still practicing songs at home D:.. i'm gonna create a new character soon and make him do evil deeds just for the lulz :D :D :D. other than that, nothing much happened this weekend. i'm gonna cover some songs with ryan this coming week so i'll put it up here once its done.
okay, its really late now so i'm gonna end this entry here and go to sleep.
gnite ppls! :D
aaaand thats when I tried Sims 3 and i got addicted to it ever since :D. Lets clear up some things first okay? Sims is not a 'girls game'. Its really fun and the newest one, sims 3 has a LOT of things compared to sims 2. a friend of mine told me that im getting soft when I said that I was busy playing sims 3 ahaha. >:(.
me and my wife (in sims) are both pursuing a musical career. aisey HAHA. apparently my wife has a higher guitar playing skill than me and shes gonna be performing in venues soon while im still practicing songs at home D:.. i'm gonna create a new character soon and make him do evil deeds just for the lulz :D :D :D. other than that, nothing much happened this weekend. i'm gonna cover some songs with ryan this coming week so i'll put it up here once its done.
okay, its really late now so i'm gonna end this entry here and go to sleep.
gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, December 3, 2009

So me, rais, allen and crystal skipped class early to watch ninja assassin and oh boy what a great movie it was. Even though critics are bashing it, I still think that its really good and action-packed. I only wished that the movie could've been a little longer than 1hr 30 mins and they could've also created a much deeper storyline. Other than that, the movie is sick. The movie is really gory so its definitely not for the faint hearted.
Rain's body in this movie is damn toned. He has the kind of body that I really want. Its muscular but not like body builder muscular, in other words its ripped. my brother said that it took rain 8 months of work out to get a body like that. daaamn this movie inspired me to work out again. I stopped after 3 months because I had to prepare for exams so now's the right time for me to start. omg to think about it, Megan Fox had a crush on Rain before this movie. Once she sees this movie and sees Rain's new holy crap body, she'll be all over him.

Rain's body in this movie is damn toned. He has the kind of body that I really want. Its muscular but not like body builder muscular, in other words its ripped. my brother said that it took rain 8 months of work out to get a body like that. daaamn this movie inspired me to work out again. I stopped after 3 months because I had to prepare for exams so now's the right time for me to start. omg to think about it, Megan Fox had a crush on Rain before this movie. Once she sees this movie and sees Rain's new holy crap body, she'll be all over him.

That took me 1 month and a half so lets see if I can go through the same process again but this time im extending it by a few more months. I donno how many times I wanna say this but Rain's body in the movie can easily make every guy jealous. ARGH! Must...get...that kind of... BODY!!!
anyways we jammed at tiet last night too and it was alright. Fizz forgot 75% of the songs so we didn't really have much song choices. The highlight of the evening was when we played PES 2010 on the PS3 at cathay. AHAHA we were so damn noisy! It was as if we were playing a real football match. We had this little 1 vs 1 tournament and after 3 to 4 matches, Mizi was the leader with 12 points, I got 6 points, Aidil got 3 points while Fairul and Fizz had no points at all because they lost 4 times. Nothing much happened after that except for endless jokes and riddles by Aidil. Most of them are funny as hell :D
okay im gonna have to go to sleep alr so i'll end it here. i'll update very soon! either tmr or saturday.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
anyways we jammed at tiet last night too and it was alright. Fizz forgot 75% of the songs so we didn't really have much song choices. The highlight of the evening was when we played PES 2010 on the PS3 at cathay. AHAHA we were so damn noisy! It was as if we were playing a real football match. We had this little 1 vs 1 tournament and after 3 to 4 matches, Mizi was the leader with 12 points, I got 6 points, Aidil got 3 points while Fairul and Fizz had no points at all because they lost 4 times. Nothing much happened after that except for endless jokes and riddles by Aidil. Most of them are funny as hell :D
okay im gonna have to go to sleep alr so i'll end it here. i'll update very soon! either tmr or saturday.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
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