Mount Everest on the 'cumulative' graph AHAHA.. dont ask me wtf is hairy monster or why its there.. ASK ANUL! and NO, i DONT know of any hairy monster ok... no no. hmph. I DONT OK!! >:(
*looks away**

'I hope she burns in HELL!' and the cute little devil with his cute lil pitchfork is my creation AHAHA. yes that woman whos an ass is miss liew.

Anul = Anal :PPPP..

sry if u ppls cant see this but it reads,
zal: eh you want to cabot go recess early? run ah
anul: wait 5 min..she never see we go
ahahaha theres more btw! physics book even more about mr Fauroni AHAHA.. and i also found my sis's french speaking book :|.. "Je M'apelle Yenny.Je suis Singapourien. J' habite á Paris".. wth? lol.. you know my sis can speak like i think six languages :S..fucking smart bastard.. :(. English,fluent German,fluent French,Malay,Chinese and a lil bit of spanish.. no wonder my parents are always blabbering 'BE LIKE YOUR SIS AND STUDY HARD'.. i guess its true lah,shes smarter than me :|..no wonder she always gets praises all the time..jealous sia :P.
anyways gonna miss Anul so so sooooo bad.. haha miss the times when the common guys and girls in NA would skip school and come to my house to play xbox,chat with ppl who're in school HAHA,watch movies,gossip about ppl etc etc :DD.esp when dad got a new dvd player and he put it in my room :D.. big tv + ok-ok dvd player = 3 days a week pon school with friends HAHAHA.Im telling you my room is nice ok?! the common ppls who pon school seem to agree that my bed is heavenly and lying down on a nice bed to watch on a big ass tv,is AWESOME :P. see that is what happens to the people who dont come to school often and produce no MC or reason :P.they all chill at my house HAHA.next year cannot do like that anymore :P. occasionally can ah.. eh no no noooo.. cannoooot next year must study hard. anyways if i wanted to also,who to bring to my house now? :/. almost everyone who used to do it are gone now :( oh yeah i found out that vivo's probably gonna be full so probably going to watch fireworks at Marina with the guys :D.. which reminds me of something funny that happened after the match yesterday..so we went to IMM to eat and stuff and well while eating mizi talked about the outing,heres how it went.
Mizi: eh new years eve we go out ah watch fireworks!!
me & others: can can..anything
Mizi: NO GIRLS AH! its boys night out.
me: eh what boys night out sounds gay sia..
Mizi: no girls lah..
me: no i know ah,no girls..but it sounds gay lah.. what boys night out.. sounds gay sia,what we're all gonna make out or something? lets just call it, 'new years eve outing' ok.. what boys night out..... gay sia.
everyone: HAHAHAHA
ahaha... and mizi frickin pushed me while going up the bus steps and I saw oh god.. old woman's uhh..behind.F'ING DISGUSTING MAN WTH!! and that reminds me of hafizah on the steps at bukit timah after the pool incident OMFG OMG. NO NO NO NO NO. I DIDNT SAW THAT :X. im gonna kill him for asking me to faster go up the steps when the old lady is infront of me..:( mmm feeling the sudden urge to go eat at sakae sushi or maybe Seoul Garden or maybe Al-ameen at bukit timah :DD.Last time I went to those 3 places was maybe like a month ago? yeah with Isaac,Yuan Liang,Pei Pei,Wei Jie & Fairuz :). gonna plan something soon with Isaac once school reopens :D.
im feeling totally happy now just cause of me finding that in our maths book ahaha.. previous post got off well but ended up unexpectedly being emo :X.. but not this one!! im keeping this one on track :D!!anyways Chelsea vs Newcastle now and im not watching wth!! ok time for me to watch :). hopefully chelsea win eh! if they dont win im gonna go on a rampage cuz no more excuses now.. Ballack is back playing alongside shevchenko so they BETTER win!!well im off to watch the match. Happy New Year in advance :D!!
Nite ppls :)