before i start anything i'd like to mention this before anything else.


yeah yeah even though im not celebrating im getting presents all over ahaha..thanks to mom's colleagues..CHOCOLATE!! FERRERO ROCHÉ!! **spasm** more came after that pic was taken and i got even more presents ahaha.. im sure everyone or mostly everyone received my message right? lol funny story really..i wanted to send to all then i realised something, ALMOST sent to some people who i really despise and got bad history with me..cheating scoundrel :X stupid shika.knn the thought of it makes me pissed..lucky i didnt message her lol phew whatever.. atleast i sent it to people who I dont hate at all :D ok so the jamming that day was alright I guess but if put aside Jack literally screaming at everyone including himself it'll be better :P. I got shout at at one time cuz i sang the line wrong :P.. big 'oops' LOL. so we were walking home and jack was like 'eh dont walk here ah i kena whack here'.. so we explained to Halim what happened even the paramore stuff and as usual,he has issues with paramore or something..
Halim: the thing is,dont walk in dark places alone and dont listen to ur mp3 in this type of place
Jack: yeah i was listening to paramore..
Halim: dont listen to songs ESPECIALLY PARAMORE in these places.. see i told you paramore is bad.. its paraSOL
me: what in the hell is paraSOL?? what you have against paramore man :/.
Halim: see paramore is so bad,that jack kena whack. see lah i told you already paramore is no good..because of paramore he kena whack. plus the singer looks like a bimbo also.
me: fuck off ah she where got bimbo..stop blaming the music and tell me what the hell is paraSOL?!
so it went on and on about how stupid paramore was etc etc (as usual) and i couldnt care less either AHAHA.too tired to make him pissed sat down and talked about stuff..from guitar octaves to what i would want to name my child in the future when i get married AHAHA to girl's PMS :X. took pics to show off our guitars weird sia take out guitar on those hall downstairs thingy.. and yeah i always wanted to name my daughter (if i do have in the future), Julie Estelle..Nice right?! or maybe something like Claire..dunno how those 2 names somehow came to my mind..but the Julie Estelle is a good name so hopefully i do get a daugther in the future AHAHA ahead planning seh... :P yeah so Halim wasnt exactly sure what PMS was and he ask bio student who talks crap alot so... i said this. :D
"Once every month, a PMSing woman turns into a dog-like creature like a werewolf capable only of eating, sleeping, barking, annoying the neighbors, and leaving messes that she expects you to clean up.There's a time in the month when a woman gets super human strength, moodswings and becomes extremely cranky and annoying.If you have a girlfriend and suddenly she becomes extremely annoying and angry at you when you did nothing wrong at all, that must mean shes going through a PMS.If she is having a period, prepare for her to become an insensitive piece of shit that annoys you until your head explodes, and the worst of it is that you will have to forgive her about that because shes having a goddam period."
Halim: the thing is,dont walk in dark places alone and dont listen to ur mp3 in this type of place
Jack: yeah i was listening to paramore..
Halim: dont listen to songs ESPECIALLY PARAMORE in these places.. see i told you paramore is bad.. its paraSOL
me: what in the hell is paraSOL?? what you have against paramore man :/.
Halim: see paramore is so bad,that jack kena whack. see lah i told you already paramore is no good..because of paramore he kena whack. plus the singer looks like a bimbo also.
me: fuck off ah she where got bimbo..stop blaming the music and tell me what the hell is paraSOL?!
so it went on and on about how stupid paramore was etc etc (as usual) and i couldnt care less either AHAHA.too tired to make him pissed sat down and talked about stuff..from guitar octaves to what i would want to name my child in the future when i get married AHAHA to girl's PMS :X. took pics to show off our guitars weird sia take out guitar on those hall downstairs thingy.. and yeah i always wanted to name my daughter (if i do have in the future), Julie Estelle..Nice right?! or maybe something like Claire..dunno how those 2 names somehow came to my mind..but the Julie Estelle is a good name so hopefully i do get a daugther in the future AHAHA ahead planning seh... :P yeah so Halim wasnt exactly sure what PMS was and he ask bio student who talks crap alot so... i said this. :D
"Once every month, a PMSing woman turns into a dog-like creature like a werewolf capable only of eating, sleeping, barking, annoying the neighbors, and leaving messes that she expects you to clean up.There's a time in the month when a woman gets super human strength, moodswings and becomes extremely cranky and annoying.If you have a girlfriend and suddenly she becomes extremely annoying and angry at you when you did nothing wrong at all, that must mean shes going through a PMS.If she is having a period, prepare for her to become an insensitive piece of shit that annoys you until your head explodes, and the worst of it is that you will have to forgive her about that because shes having a goddam period."

Only because its true :P.. AHAHA. ok enough of the bullshit.. yes thats for the guys out there who dont know whats up with your girlfriend if shes all suddenly moody.. please dont be a jerk and be mean to her okay cuz then she'll just be a bigger bitch to you :).other than that,this also MAY happen to you :P
Girl: I hate you!
Boy: What did I do?
Girl: Oh my god, I love you!
Boy: What?
other than that,if shes just being angry at ya most of the times,my guess is that shes just being plain ol' mean.BOTTOM LINE: if shes having PMS,better start running :(.. you know to think of it..we guys need some warning sign or something when a girl gets PMS so we can get a headstart on running away AHAHA..ok dont do that thats just mean.. ok i feel weird talking about PMS during Xmas so yeah hahaa im gonna skip that part :P dadadada i dont feel like going any further. OH YEAH! my mom introduced me this song from an indo band called peterpan.. yeah i know i dont exactly listen to indo songs that much but its amazing ah really good song. i heard the song but when finding the youtube video to post is here,the video is even better :P. except for the fight scene,amateurs.. ok so anyways even if you dont understand what the hell the song means,the video kinda links to the song..ok scratch that,the video links to the song like hell. anyways you ppls will love it :D.. time for me to show u ppls how indo's really look like :P good song! enjoy guys!! maybe i should change the song in my blog soon eh..well we'll see how CHOCOLATE TIME!! WOOO!! lets see how fast i can finish em all :D. do check out the video alright, nite ppls :)
Peterpan - Tak Bisakah
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