so im just sitting here writing a quick entry cause im bored to death doing my homework -.- and halim was saying how pathetic it is when i refuse to go meet him cause 'i got homework ah' :( No fair you know! im supposed to make him miserable not the other way around ahaha.. nvm atleast he's picking up the phone so lets just wait till I make fun of him again. nothing happened much these days except you know.. carmen persuading me to do something :P. see how lah okay? school is alright i guess but im just amazed at the amount of homework that we receive.. its like im not stressed but im just exhausted. In class also feel very lethargic but thank god Johnson is beside me to entertain me :D.I is tired..ahaha "I is".. -.- so it was spelling test and I came across the word 'paramount'.. hahah paramore.. halim.. parasol ahahaha. Im gonna bug him like hell later :D. sis is arriving here at 1pm on saturday :D. I cant wait to get my hands on BEEF JERKYYY!!!! omgomgomg spasm.. well nothing much to say lah except that CNY is coming so i wish you all a happy chinese new year in advance :) gonna get back to maths lah ahya.. what tangent of a gradient -_-" I dont uds.. SOMEONE HELP TEACH ME MATHS LAH!! anyoneeee.. ok lah nite ppls :)
after all this time,I never thought we'd be here,never thought we'd be here
when my love for you is blind,but I couldnt make you see it,couldnt make you see it
that I loved you more than you will ever know,when part of me died when I let you go....
sad truth.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
its only you & me. nobody else.
Let me start off by saying WELCOME TO 5B for Bonfurt & Delvin. I think they're quite shocked? to see our class like so chaotic ahaha.. 5A is still the best though :P.ok so, on sunday i played soccer at segar.. instead of it being a fun game and all I got shoved by this 1 fat indian guy who doesnt know how to play soccer cause he just shoves people to the corner and got THIS. damn idiot.

LOL im so mean :X.I was sick on monday lah thats why couldnt come.. anyways school just now is alright but mostly im just being VERY observant ahah. its in my nature to be observant okay?! I found out that raizal has a cyclone of hair on the sides of his face, natasya has a dimple on her right cheek which looks like someone punched her in the face,maria is growing a moustache,yong hock has few strands of white hair and raizal's face needs to be cleansed cause got makes his face shiny.HAHA see i told you im very observant.everytime I go home i'll always listen to my mp3 and look at clouds,trees,cars,how people react,the students outside the school trying to kiss at the playground,the birds heck i even look at how the gangster wannabe idiots react in the canteen and laugh at them. :D
anyways ive changed the song in my blog cause Carmen said the theft was too emo.pfft.fine ok happy happy song... i think :/.I love this song cause its so sweet...and so true.if you know what i mean :P..ok so carmen & travis, what a great suggestion! go call her! yay! except the fact that the moment i say hi im gonna get utterly and literally obliterated with "NO! GO AWAY!". confirm. Yes im being naive but its just because that I cannot put too much faith into believing that some things will turn out positive. like last year,positive thinking made me go miserable. TWICE. one was in october the other was in december. just as I picked myself up and tell myself its gonna be alright,there we go again.the moment I go all 'its gonna be alright', it will turn out to be the opposite. Why would I wanna call then in the end get fucked up?
Its like this, you know you're gonna die getting hit by a car if you cross on that road,but you CHOSE to cross it,because you wanted to be brave.You wanted to get it over with and you had that hope. you took that leap of faith. but when your leap of faith failed and you died, you ask yourself, 'why did i ever do that in the first place?' im speaking metaphorically but you get the point haha. but if you put that all aside, i do infact, want to call her. I honestly do. but what happened last year made me scared of taking that leap of faith again.Yes, im I dont know why shes angry at me or whether she is in that matter,but im just scared okay?I admit it,im scared. I dont wanna feel miserable again..... it depends on my mood lah if im gonna call,i'll do it soon. but lets just say IF i call and i get shouted/screamed at first few people im gonna come looking for is carmen and travis :P. hahha..we'll see alright? we'll see.. anyways 20th of feb theres AC Milan vs Arsenal haha.. Kaká vs Cesc Fabregas. Arsenal's gonna get rocked by Milan haha.. alright time for me to do my work.. nite ppls :D

somemore the wall on the street soccer court there is somesort like a fence and i think when he pushed me to the corner i scraped off a little piece of my shoulder on the fence. idiot. felt like punching him at that moment but then jack stopped me. :(.now it dried up,it looks like someone decided to take a knife and carved a line on my shoulder lol.. and its deep too. ugh. idiot. dunno how to play soccer dont play. bah nvm this is all included in the sport :D. so ive been trying to call halim lately but he seems to just disappear from the face of this earth for like 2 weeks now.. so I cant disturb him :P. ahah yes,i shared this with maria & raizal so im gonna share it with you guys here too. remember I didnt come on this monday cause i was sick.. so Mrs chua called and i decided to fool her AHAHAH.
mrs chua: hello, is this herrizal?
me(with very old man voice cause i just woke up): uhh. WHO?
mrs chua: im sorry are you herrizal's dad?
me: eh I think you got the wrong number.
mrs chua: oh okay sorry.
**2nd call**
mrs chua: hello herrizal is that you?
mrs chua: this is mrs chua, his form teacher speaking.
me: i told you already right wrong numb... HAHAHA ya lah cher its me lah what you want?
mrs chua: huh? oh its you ah?! why you go say wrong number?! aiyo WHY YOU NEVER COME SCHOOL? (angry already la hahahahaha)
mrs chua: hello, is this herrizal?
me(with very old man voice cause i just woke up): uhh. WHO?
mrs chua: im sorry are you herrizal's dad?
me: eh I think you got the wrong number.
mrs chua: oh okay sorry.
**2nd call**
mrs chua: hello herrizal is that you?
mrs chua: this is mrs chua, his form teacher speaking.
me: i told you already right wrong numb... HAHAHA ya lah cher its me lah what you want?
mrs chua: huh? oh its you ah?! why you go say wrong number?! aiyo WHY YOU NEVER COME SCHOOL? (angry already la hahahahaha)
LOL im so mean :X.I was sick on monday lah thats why couldnt come.. anyways school just now is alright but mostly im just being VERY observant ahah. its in my nature to be observant okay?! I found out that raizal has a cyclone of hair on the sides of his face, natasya has a dimple on her right cheek which looks like someone punched her in the face,maria is growing a moustache,yong hock has few strands of white hair and raizal's face needs to be cleansed cause got makes his face shiny.HAHA see i told you im very observant.everytime I go home i'll always listen to my mp3 and look at clouds,trees,cars,how people react,the students outside the school trying to kiss at the playground,the birds heck i even look at how the gangster wannabe idiots react in the canteen and laugh at them. :D
anyways ive changed the song in my blog cause Carmen said the theft was too emo.pfft.fine ok happy happy song... i think :/.I love this song cause its so sweet...and so true.if you know what i mean :P..ok so carmen & travis, what a great suggestion! go call her! yay! except the fact that the moment i say hi im gonna get utterly and literally obliterated with "NO! GO AWAY!". confirm. Yes im being naive but its just because that I cannot put too much faith into believing that some things will turn out positive. like last year,positive thinking made me go miserable. TWICE. one was in october the other was in december. just as I picked myself up and tell myself its gonna be alright,there we go again.the moment I go all 'its gonna be alright', it will turn out to be the opposite. Why would I wanna call then in the end get fucked up?
Its like this, you know you're gonna die getting hit by a car if you cross on that road,but you CHOSE to cross it,because you wanted to be brave.You wanted to get it over with and you had that hope. you took that leap of faith. but when your leap of faith failed and you died, you ask yourself, 'why did i ever do that in the first place?' im speaking metaphorically but you get the point haha. but if you put that all aside, i do infact, want to call her. I honestly do. but what happened last year made me scared of taking that leap of faith again.Yes, im I dont know why shes angry at me or whether she is in that matter,but im just scared okay?I admit it,im scared. I dont wanna feel miserable again..... it depends on my mood lah if im gonna call,i'll do it soon. but lets just say IF i call and i get shouted/screamed at first few people im gonna come looking for is carmen and travis :P. hahha..we'll see alright? we'll see.. anyways 20th of feb theres AC Milan vs Arsenal haha.. Kaká vs Cesc Fabregas. Arsenal's gonna get rocked by Milan haha.. alright time for me to do my work.. nite ppls :D
Sunday, January 27, 2008
everything you ever wanted to see
so the BBQ was better than expected and honestly I can say it was FUN! :D. 5B rocks your socks! ahaha.. met mr siva's 2 sons. me,johnson,maria,alastair,nafisah & hung tiong kept asking them questions about their daddy AHAHA. like we all know how we hate it when mr siva gets all pissy with us when we never do our work so we kept asking his 2 sons how they were treated at home.
'does your daddy ask you to stand up when you do something wrong?'
"does your dad tell you, 'anan! take your things and sit on the floor' when you do something wrong?"
"does your dad ask you to write a two page essay about how hitler rise into power when you do something wrong?!"
AHAHAH.. so then right, one of his sons i forgot the name wanted to ride the bicycle but mr siva wouldnt allow it. then the son was like a lil bit angry so i just HAD to say this ahhaa..
siva's son: daddy i wanna play the bike.. :( (yes, with the face)
mr siva: no no.. you're too short. plus its dark already.. too dangerous. next week then can alright? i promise
siva's son: hmph..but i wanna ride the biiiiiiiiiike.. :(
me: aiya nvm lah,dont make your dad angry.. i tell you ah,later u get detention then you know!
**everyone laughs**
mr siva: YAH! you dunno whats hell yet!
siva's son: :(
HAHAH mr siva is sooo evil... but hes still the best humanities teacher lah. because of him I get a2 for humans :D.the sunset was awesome,then at night we all sat by the rocks. me,johnson,yong hock,jerrold,hung tiong,Jing Jie,Maria,nafisah,zulaiha etc and told stories while watching the stars.. ahha so nice and romantic and johnson got emo cause like the atmosphere was so.... ROMANTIC! with the stars,the rocks,the calm feeling.. then you know I kept telling myself,
'if only i was with her right'd be the sweetest thing to just lie down and look at the stars.'
and its NOT who you ppl think it is ah!ITS NOT!! >:( Dont jump to conclusions when you have no idea whats going on ah!
so basically me and johnson are the same haha.. lovesick. sigh. HAHA can u believe it? alot of ppls actually think i like natasya in our class ahahaha.. please la ok everyone says that when i get close with a girl.. lol shes a great friend and all but i DONT like her okay?!! Get it right!I like someone else who im sure you guys dont know.. :) sad u know.. everytime i get close with a girl everyone assumes i like the person. and the only time that was true was when it was..uh pri 5. and i still love the person alot btw :D.. eh ok point is, i dont like the natasya in our class ok so get it right.
so ive been thinking alot lately. ever felt that you think wrongly of a person or you look down on the person cause you think you know him well. then lets say you do something stupid cause you thought hes the bad type. then you realised that hes much MUCH more than what he seems to be. in a good way.then you decide to be friends with the person again even though you and the person knows that ONCE, you look down on the person so bad.then you start to ask yourself, "why the hell did I ever did that to him?" that ring a bell to some of you ppls in school? haha.. yeah, i hate it when people think im the wrong type. people make assumptions that are not true about me and they hate me for it, but when they found out the real me, they become my good friends AHAHA. like Halim for example :P. which reminds me! i havent been pissing him off just for the sake of laughing.. hmm. ok i'll do it soon AHAHA. ;).. muahaha. valentine's day is coming.. but it sucks. im always alone no matter how hard i try.tell me about it.. sigh, fuckin sucks. while everyone's being all lovely and shit im all alone ahaha.. pathetic right. nvm. O lvls. after's O's then can think about this. :).i hope it gets better when i go to ngee ann haha.. i hope :/
soo emo is back to me and i changed the song in my blog. basically its how im living my life right now. crushed,sad. LOL EMO :X. just take the 'him','his','he','me and 'I' from the lyrics but not the 'them' though and refer them to me, you'll get how i feel. haha shit im getting more and more confusing lately :/ k lah im gonna go play soccer at segar now with gabin and the guys. i'll post more of the photos and stories from the BBQ later :D.for now im gonna keep chanting "everything you ever wanted to see,see it in his eyes,ONE MORE TIME. ONE MORE TIME!!"
I love that line ahaha :D..till then, enjoy the song and nite ppls :D.
"does your dad tell you, 'anan! take your things and sit on the floor' when you do something wrong?"
"does your dad ask you to write a two page essay about how hitler rise into power when you do something wrong?!"
AHAHAH.. so then right, one of his sons i forgot the name wanted to ride the bicycle but mr siva wouldnt allow it. then the son was like a lil bit angry so i just HAD to say this ahhaa..
siva's son: daddy i wanna play the bike.. :( (yes, with the face)
mr siva: no no.. you're too short. plus its dark already.. too dangerous. next week then can alright? i promise
siva's son: hmph..but i wanna ride the biiiiiiiiiike.. :(
me: aiya nvm lah,dont make your dad angry.. i tell you ah,later u get detention then you know!
**everyone laughs**
mr siva: YAH! you dunno whats hell yet!
siva's son: :(
HAHAH mr siva is sooo evil... but hes still the best humanities teacher lah. because of him I get a2 for humans :D.the sunset was awesome,then at night we all sat by the rocks. me,johnson,yong hock,jerrold,hung tiong,Jing Jie,Maria,nafisah,zulaiha etc and told stories while watching the stars.. ahha so nice and romantic and johnson got emo cause like the atmosphere was so.... ROMANTIC! with the stars,the rocks,the calm feeling.. then you know I kept telling myself,
'if only i was with her right'd be the sweetest thing to just lie down and look at the stars.'
and its NOT who you ppl think it is ah!ITS NOT!! >:( Dont jump to conclusions when you have no idea whats going on ah!
so basically me and johnson are the same haha.. lovesick. sigh. HAHA can u believe it? alot of ppls actually think i like natasya in our class ahahaha.. please la ok everyone says that when i get close with a girl.. lol shes a great friend and all but i DONT like her okay?!! Get it right!I like someone else who im sure you guys dont know.. :) sad u know.. everytime i get close with a girl everyone assumes i like the person. and the only time that was true was when it was..uh pri 5. and i still love the person alot btw :D.. eh ok point is, i dont like the natasya in our class ok so get it right.
so ive been thinking alot lately. ever felt that you think wrongly of a person or you look down on the person cause you think you know him well. then lets say you do something stupid cause you thought hes the bad type. then you realised that hes much MUCH more than what he seems to be. in a good way.then you decide to be friends with the person again even though you and the person knows that ONCE, you look down on the person so bad.then you start to ask yourself, "why the hell did I ever did that to him?" that ring a bell to some of you ppls in school? haha.. yeah, i hate it when people think im the wrong type. people make assumptions that are not true about me and they hate me for it, but when they found out the real me, they become my good friends AHAHA. like Halim for example :P. which reminds me! i havent been pissing him off just for the sake of laughing.. hmm. ok i'll do it soon AHAHA. ;).. muahaha. valentine's day is coming.. but it sucks. im always alone no matter how hard i try.tell me about it.. sigh, fuckin sucks. while everyone's being all lovely and shit im all alone ahaha.. pathetic right. nvm. O lvls. after's O's then can think about this. :).i hope it gets better when i go to ngee ann haha.. i hope :/
soo emo is back to me and i changed the song in my blog. basically its how im living my life right now. crushed,sad. LOL EMO :X. just take the 'him','his','he','me and 'I' from the lyrics but not the 'them' though and refer them to me, you'll get how i feel. haha shit im getting more and more confusing lately :/ k lah im gonna go play soccer at segar now with gabin and the guys. i'll post more of the photos and stories from the BBQ later :D.for now im gonna keep chanting "everything you ever wanted to see,see it in his eyes,ONE MORE TIME. ONE MORE TIME!!"
I love that line ahaha :D..till then, enjoy the song and nite ppls :D.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
and it pulses through, the desire to change.The desire to deconstruct all of my past failings
WOOO!!! ahaha so it has been a somewhat happy day for me cause im proud of my fellow ex-classmates for getting GOOD SCORES! :D. Although some of them expected better,nothing else can be done cause its already done. shit happens. BUT! haha im so proud of SUNING cause she got 5 DISTINCTIONS!! We were classmates once so im very very proud of her :D. Veron got 24 for L1R5 and Elizabeth for 25 for L1R5. I guess they didnt expect that kind of result but atleast they can go to poly what! :).and veron thought I was smiling at ppl's demise walau. where got?! i was shocked okay that why i cover my mouth :/. Razak,kevin and Shah got 15,19 and 16 but they were disappointed cause they thought they got A1 for maths.. aiya shit happens! besides they can get to JC or poly so I guess its atleast okay lah! :).
MIZI got 13 and AIDIL got 14 HAHAHA WOO!! SEE YOU CAN DO IT! HAHAH! IM SO PROUD OF THEM :D. Even though how playful they may get and how we just play soccer all the time, they still can do it and if they can do it, I CAN TOO! so i better start working hard ahaha.. but most importantly im just SOOOOOOOOOO PROUD of HAFIZ KARNI for getting 16 :D. like sooo impressed!! I cant believe I had to waste 1 year in NA or not I would be there graduating with them.. see lah play somemore. go lah play somemore! -_-". but not everyone I know is happy lah cause Jack got 32 :/ and hes gonna take private. aiya see lah.. but its somewhat expected but I mean im not trying to be insulting to my best friend but he also dont put effort in studies :(. sucks man cause we used to be very smart then play alot during PSLE made me get 187.. 1 more mark to NA :S. and Jack got 188. I also dunno what to say to him :/. ahya..I guess whats done is done so I better take this as a lesson and better work my ass off to study hard for O's. Everyone knows im not stupid so I better start showing them that im capable of getting better results. plus I guess hell of alot of pressure is on my shoulders cause my siblings/cousin are known to get really really good grades.. like my sis :(. so im like a black sheep if I dont get a good score. so im gonna take veron and elizabeth's advice to study hard :D. you know I just realised that im actually taller than veron and elizabeth AHHAHAA. WHOS THE SHORTY NOW?! thats what you get for teasing me when im short in pri sch :P
ok so most of my friends are going to Ngee Ann so im definately going to Ngee Ann!! haha shah,aidil,mizi,hafiz karni,ryusdi,kevin,ronnie,veron,elizabeth,hui teng,suning etc etc so im gonna meet them there in a year's time :D. You guys just wait! when I do my O's,i'll get ALL DISTINCTION I TELL YOU!!! then by that time its not gonna be poly or jc.. its gonna be HARVARD AHAHAHA. ambitious bugger :P. You just wait! i'll show you what im capable of doing! JUST WAIT AND SEE!! so to all my friends, GO NGEE ANN!! :D. meet you all there next year :D.nite! oh and I saw someone's school in the news seh hahaha.. some student from her sch get highest in sg seh ahaha. expected lah the school so good :).
MIZI got 13 and AIDIL got 14 HAHAHA WOO!! SEE YOU CAN DO IT! HAHAH! IM SO PROUD OF THEM :D. Even though how playful they may get and how we just play soccer all the time, they still can do it and if they can do it, I CAN TOO! so i better start working hard ahaha.. but most importantly im just SOOOOOOOOOO PROUD of HAFIZ KARNI for getting 16 :D. like sooo impressed!! I cant believe I had to waste 1 year in NA or not I would be there graduating with them.. see lah play somemore. go lah play somemore! -_-". but not everyone I know is happy lah cause Jack got 32 :/ and hes gonna take private. aiya see lah.. but its somewhat expected but I mean im not trying to be insulting to my best friend but he also dont put effort in studies :(. sucks man cause we used to be very smart then play alot during PSLE made me get 187.. 1 more mark to NA :S. and Jack got 188. I also dunno what to say to him :/. ahya..I guess whats done is done so I better take this as a lesson and better work my ass off to study hard for O's. Everyone knows im not stupid so I better start showing them that im capable of getting better results. plus I guess hell of alot of pressure is on my shoulders cause my siblings/cousin are known to get really really good grades.. like my sis :(. so im like a black sheep if I dont get a good score. so im gonna take veron and elizabeth's advice to study hard :D. you know I just realised that im actually taller than veron and elizabeth AHHAHAA. WHOS THE SHORTY NOW?! thats what you get for teasing me when im short in pri sch :P
ok so most of my friends are going to Ngee Ann so im definately going to Ngee Ann!! haha shah,aidil,mizi,hafiz karni,ryusdi,kevin,ronnie,veron,elizabeth,hui teng,suning etc etc so im gonna meet them there in a year's time :D. You guys just wait! when I do my O's,i'll get ALL DISTINCTION I TELL YOU!!! then by that time its not gonna be poly or jc.. its gonna be HARVARD AHAHAHA. ambitious bugger :P. You just wait! i'll show you what im capable of doing! JUST WAIT AND SEE!! so to all my friends, GO NGEE ANN!! :D. meet you all there next year :D.nite! oh and I saw someone's school in the news seh hahaha.. some student from her sch get highest in sg seh ahaha. expected lah the school so good :).
Monday, January 21, 2008
he fails,up against the raging tides.
AAHAHA i wanna start off with something funny cause this is a happy post :D..anyways spring cleaning of my room just now and my mom wanted to throw away my pri 5 class photo then this happened lol,
mom: eh this pic so old,throw ah? haha you look so different..
mom: excuse me no need to shout ah..can tell me nicely what. hmph.. **walks away from room**
ahahah theres a good reason why im still keeping the picture :).soo anyways its 1:19AM now and im halfway done with my compo.Couldnt update the other night cause well..JACK as usual, will somehow find a way to make me do stuff I dont want to lol.. Like for example go home EXTREMELY late,drink,play pool/lan at the worst timing for example when im supposed to be back by 1230 and its already 1155,this happened once lol..
me: eh doode i have to go home now lah.. late already. later my mom scold me sia..somemore wait for nightrider.. serious I HAVE to go lah..damn late already you know :/
Jack: then scared!! alah what difference does it make,you're late now might aswell be back late-R.
me: is this considered late-R to you?
Jack: alah chill ah, just say no nightrider. CONFIRM can wan! most to most you kena scold it will last a few days only,then after that they forget.
me: WOW!! GREAT excuse man! That actually MIGHT work!! except that its a weekend. there IS is a nightrider on weekends. -_-"
Hes like... bad influence HAHAH im just kidding, :P Nevertheless, hes still a great guy who helps me ALOT and we've been best friends since like what 10 years ago hahaha...I reached home at 130am that night and I was tired so cant update change song here and there etc so ima do it now! Im being a total bum by just side tracking when im doing my work lol.. talked to natasya on msn just now cause I think shes the only few person in 5b who's still talking to me apart from johnson. why? cause apparently most of the girls in 5b hates me -_-".but I couldnt give a fuck,whatever lah if you wanna hate me for the stupidest of all reasons,be my guest.I'll stick to my words,I mean it.I should've been in 5A..everyone there is like family to me!! so anyways we were helping each other our with our own life problems and I found out that she and her bf got conflict with raizal about some stuff.. ahya sec 5 also got conflict..childish man. so I help her with her problem she help me with mine :).. ahah sometimes you need to see problems in a girls perspective cause how guy thinks is diff from how a girl thinks. serious haha, thanks ALOT for helping me out 'don' :D,really appreciate it.. and STOP calling me busybody just cause I look at your bf's profile lah aiyo, why in the hell would he be suddenly concerned just cause I look at his profile ahaha. ahahahaha just to clear things up,just tell him im not a 'threat' la okay. im your friend,no more than that :D. tell him dont worry so much lah. i TOTALLY understand how he feels hahahaha. so STOP with the bloody irritating "busybody" :S. hmph. knn. eh why am i pissed :/.
so ive changed the song in my blog,this one's a very sweet song. It depends on how you ppls want to hear it I guess,it can be negative or very positive. but for me its positive so thats why I put it here ahaha,if I wanted to put negative song i'd put screamo metal songs up here a LONG time ago but i know you guys wouldnt wanna listen to a dying goat hahaha plus im not feeling sad or angry or anything that has to do with screaming my lungs out so I put songs that are LOVELY!.. this song is mostly like part sad then happy in the end kind of thing u know? like mistakes and sad-sad at first then in the end happy but in the middle is hell... OMG what gibberish am i speaking?! Collisions can be a good thing, you get the point haha.. ITS A GOOD SONG frickin listen to it and stop bugging me to send to you ppls good songs ESP YOU CARMEN!! yay i got good sense of taste for music :D
hahahah... wth i dunno whats up with me but im in like a very weird mood lol..its like im happy then out of nowhere i'll be pissed and i'll start shouting.. oh wait guess what? Its FULL MOON outside! haha.. no wonder. Full Moon makes some people abnormal you know.. so that probably explains alot hahaha.. next thing I know im gonna howl at the moon or something and i'll turn into a werewolf...oh k not funny sorry :(. hahah to think of it.. Werewolves got lots of hair,my name's herrizal. HAIR. that makes it hairy monst..... ok wait no. nope i am NOT going to live a year with you ppls calling me that again and again.. im very unstable right now lol so better dont piss me off later in sch ah! hahaha.. ok lah time to finish my work and im sick now ugh :x. damn flu..
nite ppls :D
Even the best fall down sometimes,Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind,You finally find
you and I, collide. <3 collide...
mom: eh this pic so old,throw ah? haha you look so different..
mom: excuse me no need to shout ah..can tell me nicely what. hmph.. **walks away from room**
ahahah theres a good reason why im still keeping the picture :).soo anyways its 1:19AM now and im halfway done with my compo.Couldnt update the other night cause well..JACK as usual, will somehow find a way to make me do stuff I dont want to lol.. Like for example go home EXTREMELY late,drink,play pool/lan at the worst timing for example when im supposed to be back by 1230 and its already 1155,this happened once lol..
me: eh doode i have to go home now lah.. late already. later my mom scold me sia..somemore wait for nightrider.. serious I HAVE to go lah..damn late already you know :/
Jack: then scared!! alah what difference does it make,you're late now might aswell be back late-R.
me: is this considered late-R to you?
Jack: alah chill ah, just say no nightrider. CONFIRM can wan! most to most you kena scold it will last a few days only,then after that they forget.
me: WOW!! GREAT excuse man! That actually MIGHT work!! except that its a weekend. there IS is a nightrider on weekends. -_-"
Hes like... bad influence HAHAH im just kidding, :P Nevertheless, hes still a great guy who helps me ALOT and we've been best friends since like what 10 years ago hahaha...I reached home at 130am that night and I was tired so cant update change song here and there etc so ima do it now! Im being a total bum by just side tracking when im doing my work lol.. talked to natasya on msn just now cause I think shes the only few person in 5b who's still talking to me apart from johnson. why? cause apparently most of the girls in 5b hates me -_-".but I couldnt give a fuck,whatever lah if you wanna hate me for the stupidest of all reasons,be my guest.I'll stick to my words,I mean it.I should've been in 5A..everyone there is like family to me!! so anyways we were helping each other our with our own life problems and I found out that she and her bf got conflict with raizal about some stuff.. ahya sec 5 also got conflict..childish man. so I help her with her problem she help me with mine :).. ahah sometimes you need to see problems in a girls perspective cause how guy thinks is diff from how a girl thinks. serious haha, thanks ALOT for helping me out 'don' :D,really appreciate it.. and STOP calling me busybody just cause I look at your bf's profile lah aiyo, why in the hell would he be suddenly concerned just cause I look at his profile ahaha. ahahahaha just to clear things up,just tell him im not a 'threat' la okay. im your friend,no more than that :D. tell him dont worry so much lah. i TOTALLY understand how he feels hahahaha. so STOP with the bloody irritating "busybody" :S. hmph. knn. eh why am i pissed :/.
so ive changed the song in my blog,this one's a very sweet song. It depends on how you ppls want to hear it I guess,it can be negative or very positive. but for me its positive so thats why I put it here ahaha,if I wanted to put negative song i'd put screamo metal songs up here a LONG time ago but i know you guys wouldnt wanna listen to a dying goat hahaha plus im not feeling sad or angry or anything that has to do with screaming my lungs out so I put songs that are LOVELY!.. this song is mostly like part sad then happy in the end kind of thing u know? like mistakes and sad-sad at first then in the end happy but in the middle is hell... OMG what gibberish am i speaking?! Collisions can be a good thing, you get the point haha.. ITS A GOOD SONG frickin listen to it and stop bugging me to send to you ppls good songs ESP YOU CARMEN!! yay i got good sense of taste for music :D
hahahah... wth i dunno whats up with me but im in like a very weird mood lol..its like im happy then out of nowhere i'll be pissed and i'll start shouting.. oh wait guess what? Its FULL MOON outside! haha.. no wonder. Full Moon makes some people abnormal you know.. so that probably explains alot hahaha.. next thing I know im gonna howl at the moon or something and i'll turn into a werewolf...oh k not funny sorry :(. hahah to think of it.. Werewolves got lots of hair,my name's herrizal. HAIR. that makes it hairy monst..... ok wait no. nope i am NOT going to live a year with you ppls calling me that again and again.. im very unstable right now lol so better dont piss me off later in sch ah! hahaha.. ok lah time to finish my work and im sick now ugh :x. damn flu..
nite ppls :D
Even the best fall down sometimes,Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills your mind,You finally find
you and I, collide. <3 collide...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Surrender,I give in. Another moment,is another eternity.
blah so im taking a break from doing Task Analysis for F&N.. frickin bored zzz.. its so cold here at the 22nd storey when u open the windows heh. its like sooooo windy haha.. so basically I look like eminem with my hoodies on ahahaha.. meh im totally bored with nothing to talk about.. so i was looking through my folders and I see my old songs folder and i saw.. KSE, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE! Ive been repeating 'Seek me,for comfort. Call me,for solace. I'll be waiting,for the end of my broken hearttt!!!' love that line :)..
My Curse and The End of Heartache are probably my fav's haha.. Now if some of you dunno, Black guys hate metal but the vocalist of KSE is black so yeah.. haha.. weird eh? haha KSE is awesome okay? :D. Can you believe it?! I lost my voice cause I was trying to imitate the Screamo for KSE's My curse LOL. I sound like a robot now :x.
'still i want...still I ache..but still I wait.....TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!! DYING INSIDE THESE WALLLLLSSS'
eh ok Halim just called,hes with Jack and they wanna ask me go play LAN so im gonna go play MUAHAHA :P. eh im not addicted okay?! so dont need to worry :D.Im thinking of putting a new song in my blog eh,see how. ok lah i'll update when I get home soon ahah.. for now its CS SOURCE WOO!! hehehehehe.. dont worry lah i'll update when im back.. right now no ideas haha..
eh random but listen to this song,Atreyu - The Theft..this song is GOOOOOD. :) the song just sounds sad for no reason lol..i mean the lyrics are okay but it just sounds sad?? ok maybe how the guy sings it haha..whatever.. tmr is street soccer so whoever wants to go do sms or call me yeah? about 4pm at pending street soccer court there. be back later :)
My Curse and The End of Heartache are probably my fav's haha.. Now if some of you dunno, Black guys hate metal but the vocalist of KSE is black so yeah.. haha.. weird eh? haha KSE is awesome okay? :D. Can you believe it?! I lost my voice cause I was trying to imitate the Screamo for KSE's My curse LOL. I sound like a robot now :x.
'still i want...still I ache..but still I wait.....TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!! DYING INSIDE THESE WALLLLLSSS'
eh ok Halim just called,hes with Jack and they wanna ask me go play LAN so im gonna go play MUAHAHA :P. eh im not addicted okay?! so dont need to worry :D.Im thinking of putting a new song in my blog eh,see how. ok lah i'll update when I get home soon ahah.. for now its CS SOURCE WOO!! hehehehehe.. dont worry lah i'll update when im back.. right now no ideas haha..
eh random but listen to this song,Atreyu - The Theft..this song is GOOOOOD. :) the song just sounds sad for no reason lol..i mean the lyrics are okay but it just sounds sad?? ok maybe how the guy sings it haha..whatever.. tmr is street soccer so whoever wants to go do sms or call me yeah? about 4pm at pending street soccer court there. be back later :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I'll wait here forever just to,to see you smile cause its true: I am nothing,without you.
ok so on weds I spent the whole day singing and talking with Isaac in school ahaha.. great guy he is. talked about lots of stuff and he was like 'its always 'I love you/him/her' BUT. There is always a BUT there. Why must there always be a BUT? 'I love you', FULLSTOP. no more buts. what the hell,why always got BUT?!' ahaha.. he meant that about some girl he waited for 3 years and thought u know,sky high then skali like that.. but I guess he doesnt care about that so much right now cause he already has a girl in sch so yeah hes not single......... and HAHAHA i remember,me and Isaac came up with something new for PMS.
P.M.S = Pissy Mood Syndrome
P.M.S = Periods Must Suck
P.M.S = Pissed at Men Syndrome
P.M.S = Pass Me the Shotgun
We have came to the agreement that Pass Me the Shotgun is a much better term for PMS ahahaha..anyways Mr Sukardi asking me to play striker for the match against Kranji on Monday... should I or should I not?:/ not really sure. bah,just now was Ngee Ann Poly open house and all I can say is that, OMG ITS SO HUGE?! you literally have to take like a chartered bus to get from 1 point of the school to the other. and Johnson told me its like 6 or 7 times bigger than West Spring. WHOA. i was really really impressed :). nothing else exciting to talk about but I'll try to update as regularly okay? :). lots of work plus by the time sch ends at 215,im already tired and i'll collapse on my bed till like what? 11pm?ahaha.. seriously the friendster horoscope is really REALLY reliable. it like seriously reflects on my day and at times,on the situation. which is good i guess?
ahah ok lah last thing for the night, you guys saw deal or no deal the hunks edition? so mom,me and sasha were watching it here and they were like 'Wahh number 14 so handsome..' so i made a deal with them, 'you give me 3-5 years i'll be like that,I promise you! you wanna see?!' ahahahaha.. eh im serious okay! I'll be like that one day,i'll be HOT :P. like that then if have girlfriend she'll never leave me ahahaha.. which is good :P. ok lah i still havent done my work :/. Remember guys 26th got BBQ and for the malay students got Outing somewhere in Feb,Teacher treat us muahaha.. and my sis is coming back to S'pore on 1st Feb WOO!! cant wait for that.. i'll try to update regularly okay? :)
G'nite ppls :D
"I'll wait here forever just to,to see you smile cause its true: I am nothing,without you."
- with me by Sum 41
Sunday, January 13, 2008
candles burn without a flame on
heloooo ppls :). so I havent been updating lately cause ive been busy..... sleeping lol but anyways,here we go,Thursday was SP trip but I think it was a waste of time?too much ppl there..nothing exciting happening cause i felt uneasy the whole time there for no reason at all?I dunno its like a feeling of weirdness like as if I was missing a point there.. eh im weird. :S anyways the trip home was..... gay, I was going home with Jasvinny,Bernice and Kamal and we were standing in the train laughing and whatnot. so I put my hand on the pole ah,these 2 bangla guys were like also putting their hand on the pole... so as i was talking to bernice, i felt a hand literally GRABBING my palm.. wtf? so i turned and one of the guy FRICKIN SMILED at me.ohh freaky man.. I felt like punching his face but then I was wearing sch U and plus got ppl lah.. must learn to chill.. i got freaked out lol.. later i saw them holding hands at the pole and i was like ':O'. omg speechless sia.. bad things always happen to me you know.... I told you its a jinx.. JINX I TELL YOU!! the side effect of being single, guys come after you.. OMG EEE. WTF. eeyerr... EEEH. knn.ever heard of man kena raped? MAN you know MAN!! omg.. NEVAR.. ok totally off topic but seriously go check your Friendster Daily Horoscope. its nice cause most of the times it links to your daily life :). well atleast it links so much to my daily life for me :D. seriously.
'OI GET UP LETS PLAY WINNING ELEVEN COME!! i wanna beat your AC milan with my Barcelona' or worse, 'eh I just modified my bike I put new pipe.. you wanna see anot? its downstairs only come ah follow me to carpark.. faster faster' **pulls me up**.. AT 3AM IN THE MORNING?! haha but without him in the house well..its a little boring ah.. nobody to talk to. well I love this new Fazrizan cause he cares for me :DDD. he went to Jakarta yst and he met up with my aunt. so he bought me oakley shades which look pretty good and my aunt bought for me an adidas watch.. hehe. was supposed to go to murni's bbq on sat but nobody messaged me wth? then i fell asleep ah.. which in turn made me WHITE AHAHAH.. so my irritating bro decided to take a pic of me when I just woke up -_-.. omg i look like crap :x.I look like how I look like few years ago ahaha.. BUT! yay my skin is getting back to its original colour before i played soccer. its true! MUAHAHA. :D.
omg i look like a pri 1 kid sia AHAHA. like seriously, go press on the pic and enlarge it cause the smaller size of the pic looks weird.. HAHAH i look like as if im pri sch kid.. im short for a guy so yeah I think I fit in that position no wonder you ppls call me little boy in school eh... argh,eh I dont like how i look when i just woke up.. like shit ah. i think. :/ yeah yeah im vain,we all know that. well the point of this pic was to show you that im getting fairer day by day ahaha :). ok try this guys, before you sleep, put on your mp3 and fall will give you weird dreams lol..depending on the song. apparently i forgot to turn off my ipod while listening at no wonder I dreamt about me robbing a bank then rollerskating away from the police LOL.. I only realised that it was still playing when i woke up lol.guess what song was playing when I realised that my mp3 was still on? i'll give you a hint ahaha.. 'i thought you said forever over and overrr, a sleepless night becomes, bitter oblivion'
haha its from anberlin, paperthin hymn.good song,goooood song :).
ever had the feeling of a song like somehow is saying things to you even though you dont notice it? like when i was sleeping, 'whos gonna call on sunday morning? whos gonna drive you home? I just want one more chance to put my hands in fragile hands.' makes sense? :/ ok maybe im just weird.. lol.. must be. yeah im just weird. meh im bored now at 10:45pm and so im gonna go get stuff ready for tmr.remember try the mp3 during sleep thing!! haha. PUT LOVE SONGS! :P.
nite guys,sweet dreams :).cant wait for thurs cause its Ngee Ann poly trip yeah? :)).
ps,about raizal's comment on my friendster & to the girls(you know who you are) in our class, 'i think you deserve a better love life' eh? how about this,shut the hell up. -_-"
oh this road still gives me the nightmares..
ok so Im gonna dedicate this entry to my irritating bro.. hes in the police now and he can come home only on fri-sun.. every week he'll do something either amusing/stupid/weird just to say that he misses me ahaha.. its weird.. before he went to NS he wasnt like being well..polite!! after he went in its like weird ah.. like last time imagine at 3am when you're sleeping, he suddenly comes in after going out and jumps on you while your sleeping and dreaming. and goes all'OI GET UP LETS PLAY WINNING ELEVEN COME!! i wanna beat your AC milan with my Barcelona' or worse, 'eh I just modified my bike I put new pipe.. you wanna see anot? its downstairs only come ah follow me to carpark.. faster faster' **pulls me up**.. AT 3AM IN THE MORNING?! haha but without him in the house well..its a little boring ah.. nobody to talk to. well I love this new Fazrizan cause he cares for me :DDD. he went to Jakarta yst and he met up with my aunt. so he bought me oakley shades which look pretty good and my aunt bought for me an adidas watch.. hehe. was supposed to go to murni's bbq on sat but nobody messaged me wth? then i fell asleep ah.. which in turn made me WHITE AHAHAH.. so my irritating bro decided to take a pic of me when I just woke up -_-.. omg i look like crap :x.I look like how I look like few years ago ahaha.. BUT! yay my skin is getting back to its original colour before i played soccer. its true! MUAHAHA. :D.
omg i look like a pri 1 kid sia AHAHA. like seriously, go press on the pic and enlarge it cause the smaller size of the pic looks weird.. HAHAH i look like as if im pri sch kid.. im short for a guy so yeah I think I fit in that position no wonder you ppls call me little boy in school eh... argh,eh I dont like how i look when i just woke up.. like shit ah. i think. :/ yeah yeah im vain,we all know that. well the point of this pic was to show you that im getting fairer day by day ahaha :). ok try this guys, before you sleep, put on your mp3 and fall will give you weird dreams lol..depending on the song. apparently i forgot to turn off my ipod while listening at no wonder I dreamt about me robbing a bank then rollerskating away from the police LOL.. I only realised that it was still playing when i woke up lol.guess what song was playing when I realised that my mp3 was still on? i'll give you a hint ahaha.. 'i thought you said forever over and overrr, a sleepless night becomes, bitter oblivion'
haha its from anberlin, paperthin hymn.good song,goooood song :).
ever had the feeling of a song like somehow is saying things to you even though you dont notice it? like when i was sleeping, 'whos gonna call on sunday morning? whos gonna drive you home? I just want one more chance to put my hands in fragile hands.' makes sense? :/ ok maybe im just weird.. lol.. must be. yeah im just weird. meh im bored now at 10:45pm and so im gonna go get stuff ready for tmr.remember try the mp3 during sleep thing!! haha. PUT LOVE SONGS! :P.
nite guys,sweet dreams :).cant wait for thurs cause its Ngee Ann poly trip yeah? :)).
ps,about raizal's comment on my friendster & to the girls(you know who you are) in our class, 'i think you deserve a better love life' eh? how about this,shut the hell up. -_-"
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Kiko :)
so im just posting random pics of kiko my beloved dog at the states,and if you think ive been lying, then this will help clear things out :P. oh i miss him so so much..
I miss how he looks like a little cow when I take him for a walk during dusktime ahahaha.. you know its weird like before having him,I always hated dogs.. then until I met with him i got so in love with him :). ever heard that dogs are man's best friend? its true. its unlike any other pet i had before,dogs like somehow understand how you feel and it will always be by your side. Best thing is dogs are incredibly smart :D. Ironically my sis named him Kiko because at the time when she bought him,my sis was missing me and my family call me 'kiki' as a nickname since young :/. so its like to remind her of me :). so its like meeting me! in dog form! ahaha.. I love kiko so much :).. i miss him... :((((( sigh..
well anyways guess what? I quit soccer :/.. ive never like actually backed out from anything related to soccer for a long time.. and to quit now is like going at 150km/h and hitting a brick wall. but i realised that there are some things much more important that soccer.. after i missed school on monday, i realised that 1 measly day can make me miss out on SO MUCH things. then what will happen if i go for soccer and take my monday,weds & friday away?.. too tired, no time to study. plus im not exactly the guy whos totally motivated to study now THANKS to some ppl who left me all alone in school to go to ITE.. hmph :P. I never really felt like this about soccer before :/. I feel like a sore loser really. but I know its for the best. Lets just say after O's then can resume back to soccer cause I got all the time in the world after O's to do whatever i want :). sometimes you gotta let go of the things you love to do,for the better. even though it doesnt seem like the right thing now,it will seem like the right thing down the road... it hurts to stop doing something that you love doing,I literally grew up playing soccer.. bah why am I getting affected by this.. just suffer a few months then O's then SHEVAAA!!!!
tmr is Singapore Poly trip for 5a & 5b :). if I pass my O's im probably gonna choose Ngee Ann,Singapore Poly or Temasek ah.. depends. I dont even know what course to choose -_-.. but Ngee Ann & SP are better choices cause they're closer to my home :). nothing much happened the whole day just me and Isaac singing in F&N class ahaaha.. 'you're my heroineeeeee'..Natasya still owes me a big gulp for sending that song(you promised ah!),talked lots of crap with raizal etc.. so I was singing the same exact song to Johnson when we were bored in class and he goes all 'wah eh I think you go sing to a girl that you like.confirm she will love you one :)'.. HAHAH cheywahh.. im not THAT good okay.. i suck :x. so im trying to post entries with pictures but nothing interesting school lah.. nvm nvm tmr is SP trip so can take plenty of photos. haha.. anyways Last thing for the night, Isaac got invitation from NJC to go there after O's cause of his Air Rifle achievements. holyhell.. free admission to NJC. NO FAIR AH!! well hes no 2 for air rifle under 16 in singapore so that explains alot ahaha.. still no fair :(. bah anyways im gonna end it here tonight,nothing much to say. tmr is S-Peeeeeeeeee.
nite guys :)
I miss how he looks like a little cow when I take him for a walk during dusktime ahahaha.. you know its weird like before having him,I always hated dogs.. then until I met with him i got so in love with him :). ever heard that dogs are man's best friend? its true. its unlike any other pet i had before,dogs like somehow understand how you feel and it will always be by your side. Best thing is dogs are incredibly smart :D. Ironically my sis named him Kiko because at the time when she bought him,my sis was missing me and my family call me 'kiki' as a nickname since young :/. so its like to remind her of me :). so its like meeting me! in dog form! ahaha.. I love kiko so much :).. i miss him... :((((( sigh..
well anyways guess what? I quit soccer :/.. ive never like actually backed out from anything related to soccer for a long time.. and to quit now is like going at 150km/h and hitting a brick wall. but i realised that there are some things much more important that soccer.. after i missed school on monday, i realised that 1 measly day can make me miss out on SO MUCH things. then what will happen if i go for soccer and take my monday,weds & friday away?.. too tired, no time to study. plus im not exactly the guy whos totally motivated to study now THANKS to some ppl who left me all alone in school to go to ITE.. hmph :P. I never really felt like this about soccer before :/. I feel like a sore loser really. but I know its for the best. Lets just say after O's then can resume back to soccer cause I got all the time in the world after O's to do whatever i want :). sometimes you gotta let go of the things you love to do,for the better. even though it doesnt seem like the right thing now,it will seem like the right thing down the road... it hurts to stop doing something that you love doing,I literally grew up playing soccer.. bah why am I getting affected by this.. just suffer a few months then O's then SHEVAAA!!!!
tmr is Singapore Poly trip for 5a & 5b :). if I pass my O's im probably gonna choose Ngee Ann,Singapore Poly or Temasek ah.. depends. I dont even know what course to choose -_-.. but Ngee Ann & SP are better choices cause they're closer to my home :). nothing much happened the whole day just me and Isaac singing in F&N class ahaaha.. 'you're my heroineeeeee'..Natasya still owes me a big gulp for sending that song(you promised ah!),talked lots of crap with raizal etc.. so I was singing the same exact song to Johnson when we were bored in class and he goes all 'wah eh I think you go sing to a girl that you like.confirm she will love you one :)'.. HAHAH cheywahh.. im not THAT good okay.. i suck :x. so im trying to post entries with pictures but nothing interesting school lah.. nvm nvm tmr is SP trip so can take plenty of photos. haha.. anyways Last thing for the night, Isaac got invitation from NJC to go there after O's cause of his Air Rifle achievements. holyhell.. free admission to NJC. NO FAIR AH!! well hes no 2 for air rifle under 16 in singapore so that explains alot ahaha.. still no fair :(. bah anyways im gonna end it here tonight,nothing much to say. tmr is S-Peeeeeeeeee.
nite guys :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
suffocating under words of sorrow.
well,the quotation for the damage went up to 5k. im shit stressed,thinking of maybe telling sis but then it may jeopardize her trip back here.. and I cant even think straight in class. I try my best to stay focused but its just hard for me not to think about it. and thats when the price was low, now that the price is high I dont even know what to think anymore. Money does make the world go round. apparently sg is being run by greedy ppl or something.. sigh I thought it was over but then it returned.. I was given false hope thinking that the price was low and atleast can settle that first then settle the other car. i dont really know what to say ah... except that im down right now and i really need someone to talk to me. too stressed to do anything.. maybe tmr wont come school or even if I did I wont talk to people like just now. sigh i really dont know what to do.. -_-
Monday, January 7, 2008
taka = japanese kaka
so im back from my soccer selection and made new friends :). this sec 2 guy named 'Taka' so apparently hes japanese and he plays quite well so I call him Japanese Kaka ahaha.. I counted how many rounds we ran and guess what? 11 rounds around the school. wtf mr sukardi wants our legs to become jelly ah? anyways next training is on wednesday so I have to balance between studies and soccer.. and just now wasnt hot at all and we're playing in the shade so its all good :D. My stamina is going up now and if i keep on like this im gonna be fit hahaha.. :)
so mom was bitching at me for taking a hell of a long time to shower. 45 MINS IS NOT LONG OK?! err.. ok fine.... but i got good reasons why i take long time to shower :P. must take care of my face and keep it away from pimples.. i dont wanna be bo-peng haha.. :X. must use UV white renewal gel,Facial Foam,oxy,porepack,that sponge thing etc etc. eh hello im not a woman okay.. if thats what you think.Must take care of my face and sacrificing my time in the bathroom for that is TOTALLY fine. its to say ah.. Guys with alot of pimples on their face is very unattractive ah.. obviously but then its not just the visual appearance to it.. got psychological effect too ahah :P. (geek moment HAHAH). every,scratch that, almost every girl that ive met agrees with me when they look for a guy always see the looks of the guy first. and if the guy has loads of pimples on his face,its more than just unattractive. its like 'if you dont bother taking care of your face,probably also you dont bother spending time with me when we're together' kind of thing. you know.. im just saying!! not trying to insult anyone but alot of girls that i've met always say that. so dont blame me ah when you get angry! blame them :P. unless of course got infection,that one i dunno ah ahaha.. OH OH i remember!! something funny happened on Friday during the CCA selection day at the school hall infront of everyone ahaha.
teacher: Join the West Spring Military Band!! I promise you that you will never EVER regret.
me & kamal(with the idiotic voice and the face):really ah?! you sure anooooooooot?? ahaha.
teacher: ..... -_-"
i dont have anything against band but like our school one sucks.somemore the students who go inside our sch's one get tortured or smth lol.. all like sad souls.Get silver then wanna talk big,eh hello! get gold or gold with honours then can lah!! theres lots of other schools out there that are better than our sch's military band.. ok maybe im just being naive,yeah im being naive ok la our sch band is atleast ok since they get silver for 2 years :P. so they have my support ahaha,cheywah.. really really.I guess good things do happen if you work hard :). so all the best to them for any competition that they have this year.blah im running out of ideas to say here so im gonna end it here. i need to take more pics to post on my blog ahh.. getting boring lah blogging without pics.. can you believe it?! we're gonna go home at 2:10 pm everyday EVEN on MONDAY!! thats like 9-210pm.... 5hr 10 mins. HAHA AWESOME!! woo!! :). ok lah nite guys :).
so mom was bitching at me for taking a hell of a long time to shower. 45 MINS IS NOT LONG OK?! err.. ok fine.... but i got good reasons why i take long time to shower :P. must take care of my face and keep it away from pimples.. i dont wanna be bo-peng haha.. :X. must use UV white renewal gel,Facial Foam,oxy,porepack,that sponge thing etc etc. eh hello im not a woman okay.. if thats what you think.Must take care of my face and sacrificing my time in the bathroom for that is TOTALLY fine. its to say ah.. Guys with alot of pimples on their face is very unattractive ah.. obviously but then its not just the visual appearance to it.. got psychological effect too ahah :P. (geek moment HAHAH). every,scratch that, almost every girl that ive met agrees with me when they look for a guy always see the looks of the guy first. and if the guy has loads of pimples on his face,its more than just unattractive. its like 'if you dont bother taking care of your face,probably also you dont bother spending time with me when we're together' kind of thing. you know.. im just saying!! not trying to insult anyone but alot of girls that i've met always say that. so dont blame me ah when you get angry! blame them :P. unless of course got infection,that one i dunno ah ahaha.. OH OH i remember!! something funny happened on Friday during the CCA selection day at the school hall infront of everyone ahaha.
teacher: Join the West Spring Military Band!! I promise you that you will never EVER regret.
me & kamal(with the idiotic voice and the face):really ah?! you sure anooooooooot?? ahaha.
teacher: ..... -_-"
i dont have anything against band but like our school one sucks.somemore the students who go inside our sch's one get tortured or smth lol.. all like sad souls.Get silver then wanna talk big,eh hello! get gold or gold with honours then can lah!! theres lots of other schools out there that are better than our sch's military band.. ok maybe im just being naive,yeah im being naive ok la our sch band is atleast ok since they get silver for 2 years :P. so they have my support ahaha,cheywah.. really really.I guess good things do happen if you work hard :). so all the best to them for any competition that they have this year.blah im running out of ideas to say here so im gonna end it here. i need to take more pics to post on my blog ahh.. getting boring lah blogging without pics.. can you believe it?! we're gonna go home at 2:10 pm everyday EVEN on MONDAY!! thats like 9-210pm.... 5hr 10 mins. HAHA AWESOME!! woo!! :). ok lah nite guys :).
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Hand of Blood
i think i should delete my previous entry.. too much details. i havent eat a single meal since yesterday and im totally fine with that.YEP. my neck hurts so much now and i havent even done my homework.. tmr we'll see how much the quotation is for the damage... hopefully everything is ok. Dad fainted twice just now cuz of his high blood pressure and sent him to doctor,gave medicine for stress and stuff. i really cant see this all happening. totally not in the mood to do anything... got homework to do and soccer selection tmr.. i cant even sleep tonight and im not even sure if I can make it for the selection.. or whether I should in that matter.I take back all the things i said about him.. maybe some stuff are just meant to not be discovered. like what i discovered. whats done is done and now we have to find a solution for it.. nothing else we can do. im just dumbstruck now and i have no idea what to feel. to be angry or to be sad.. but i do know that theres no running away from this so we have to face it.even though its not really his fault.. i dunno ah the law is weird.
2008 hasnt really been a great year so far and its only like what 6 days?I just hope that the quotation for the damage is low,his health is ok and most important he doesnt end up in jail....
i cant think about it really.. im just so stressed out right now.. in school already so lonely in class and now this. i just need someone to talk to.. the pressure's killing me :/. i have to sleep now i guess cause tmr is school.. atleast tmr sch starts at 9 so i can sleep a lil later.. have to sleep somehow even though its hard...
nite guys.
edit: its 1:57pm now and well apparently i didnt have the energy to wake up so might aswell dont go to school..cleaned the house and edit stuff here and there.gotta get ready for soccer selection at 330 so yeah haha.. talked to Halim last night and he kinda made me smile just trying to hide the feeling of being sad inside by smiling and be happy about things :). some stuff are just making me smile and thats good! its the thought that counts :). so i found out just now that because of the impact of the collision on my neck when the taxi hit us, I cant sing until it heals -_-.i tried singing and it frickin hurts lol, I cant yawn and I find it VERY hard to wake up from my bed like for example bend my body upright.. best thing is i cannot scream 'AHHHHH'.. the vein around my neck has some problems or something i guess.. so im just gonna be quite silent for i guess a few weeks ahaha.. omg me being silent in school would be like saying pigs must learn to fly now. oh wait,i AM a pig. -.-" HAHA. still waiting for the quotation for the damage..bah anyways talked to natasya,raizal,halim,carmen,johnson,razak & mizi last night so i think they made me feel better now :) THANKS!!. im just thankful to god that i came back in one piece and nothing serious happened to me.. now what would happen if i die... nobody would care or cry anyways.. HAHA EMO. ok ok you guys are probably in sch now and i have to get ready for soccer selection now so i'll update later alright :).. i feel like changing the song in my blog cause razak,carmen and halim said it didnt load for them and made of glass is getting boring so i dunno.. i'll update later alright guys. Herrizal is fine except for his throat/neck so dont worry too much okay ppls :) and if you think im lying about me being fine,IM TOTALLY FINE!! serious. :)
2008 hasnt really been a great year so far and its only like what 6 days?I just hope that the quotation for the damage is low,his health is ok and most important he doesnt end up in jail....
i cant think about it really.. im just so stressed out right now.. in school already so lonely in class and now this. i just need someone to talk to.. the pressure's killing me :/. i have to sleep now i guess cause tmr is school.. atleast tmr sch starts at 9 so i can sleep a lil later.. have to sleep somehow even though its hard...
nite guys.
edit: its 1:57pm now and well apparently i didnt have the energy to wake up so might aswell dont go to school..cleaned the house and edit stuff here and there.gotta get ready for soccer selection at 330 so yeah haha.. talked to Halim last night and he kinda made me smile just trying to hide the feeling of being sad inside by smiling and be happy about things :). some stuff are just making me smile and thats good! its the thought that counts :). so i found out just now that because of the impact of the collision on my neck when the taxi hit us, I cant sing until it heals -_-.i tried singing and it frickin hurts lol, I cant yawn and I find it VERY hard to wake up from my bed like for example bend my body upright.. best thing is i cannot scream 'AHHHHH'.. the vein around my neck has some problems or something i guess.. so im just gonna be quite silent for i guess a few weeks ahaha.. omg me being silent in school would be like saying pigs must learn to fly now. oh wait,i AM a pig. -.-" HAHA. still waiting for the quotation for the damage..bah anyways talked to natasya,raizal,halim,carmen,johnson,razak & mizi last night so i think they made me feel better now :) THANKS!!. im just thankful to god that i came back in one piece and nothing serious happened to me.. now what would happen if i die... nobody would care or cry anyways.. HAHA EMO. ok ok you guys are probably in sch now and i have to get ready for soccer selection now so i'll update later alright :).. i feel like changing the song in my blog cause razak,carmen and halim said it didnt load for them and made of glass is getting boring so i dunno.. i'll update later alright guys. Herrizal is fine except for his throat/neck so dont worry too much okay ppls :) and if you think im lying about me being fine,IM TOTALLY FINE!! serious. :)
Saturday, January 5, 2008
my life overturned,unfair the despair.
OK on the way to meet Carmen so my dad gave me a lift since he also wanna go out. GUESS WHAT?! My dad's superb driving skills got him into an accident. OH WOW. FUCK YOU. im not pissed because I kinda let Carmen down by this last min issue,cant blame it,unexpected. im pissed because YOU ALMOST GOT INTO JAIL YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT. EVER THOUGHT OF THAT?! EVER DID?! Im so fucking pissed right now i could just punch my dad on the face and be happy about it. holy shit wtf. im just so disappointed and at the same time FUCKING pissed at him. consider yourself so fucking lucky you didnt end up there. i really dont know what to say ah,im just SO disappointed. what the fuck am i supposed to do lets say IF you end up there? fuck do you ever think of the consequences of the things that you do? Why the fuck do I sound like the father now when YOU FUCKING KNOW THIS BETTER THAN ME?! holy shit. -_-.
im sorry guys but i just have to vent my frustration out. oh dont worry,i never did forget the times you treated me like a piece of shit. and everytime you do that,i always forgive and forget. because Im the kind of person who doesnt like the kind of person whos always forgiving.Im the kind of person who always forgive a person for their mistakes especially if I love the person so much. im the person whos the total OPPOSITE of you. it will take something special for me to hate a person. and you think i dont know that 'little secret' you,mom,bro and sis always hide from me? hell no. you think i dont know the real reason why you hate me? haha guess what. I DO. I do know that im an accident. you never did plan me at the first place. you NEVER DID. you decided to go hanky panky and then when you and mom realised that shes pregnant, its already too late to abort me. i think a normal kid would be hating you a long time ago,but not me. so that explains why me and my sis have a huge age difference. you always treat me like im nothing to you,you even have the guts to think that im somehow retarded because mom was already 33 when she gave birth to me. and the doctor said that there was a chance i'd be retarded or 'special' because over the age of 32 is danger zone for pregnancy. turns out im normal...or atleast i think i am you think i dont know? hah. yet i was always forgiving. you wanna know why? because I love you. even though you did all those things,youre still my dad and I still love you. but do you ever think of the things that you do? NOPE. i dont know what to say really. typing those down just made me have tears in my eyes. i really dont fucking now how stupid you can really get.
i should stop now,i hit the window so hard during the collision that I blacked out for what I think was about 30 secs and the right side of my head has the 'eeeee' sound to it,my neck keeps on twitching and i have a cut on my leg... and my dad's high blood pressure is acting up. -_-. CAN TODAY GET ANY WORSE?! ok so he almost fainted in the hallway and im fucking crying right now.... i cant see the sight of my dad falling to the floor for no reason. gave him panadol and now hes in bed.. im fucking worried about him. please god,help me. someone please brighten up my day... anyone.. i really got no time for me to be anymore pissed about anything else.. im really down right now and its hard to not think about it. someone,anyone call me or something I really need someone to talk to.. someone brighten up my day :/
im sorry guys but i just have to vent my frustration out. oh dont worry,i never did forget the times you treated me like a piece of shit. and everytime you do that,i always forgive and forget. because Im the kind of person who doesnt like the kind of person whos always forgiving.Im the kind of person who always forgive a person for their mistakes especially if I love the person so much. im the person whos the total OPPOSITE of you. it will take something special for me to hate a person. and you think i dont know that 'little secret' you,mom,bro and sis always hide from me? hell no. you think i dont know the real reason why you hate me? haha guess what. I DO. I do know that im an accident. you never did plan me at the first place. you NEVER DID. you decided to go hanky panky and then when you and mom realised that shes pregnant, its already too late to abort me. i think a normal kid would be hating you a long time ago,but not me. so that explains why me and my sis have a huge age difference. you always treat me like im nothing to you,you even have the guts to think that im somehow retarded because mom was already 33 when she gave birth to me. and the doctor said that there was a chance i'd be retarded or 'special' because over the age of 32 is danger zone for pregnancy. turns out im normal...or atleast i think i am you think i dont know? hah. yet i was always forgiving. you wanna know why? because I love you. even though you did all those things,youre still my dad and I still love you. but do you ever think of the things that you do? NOPE. i dont know what to say really. typing those down just made me have tears in my eyes. i really dont fucking now how stupid you can really get.
i should stop now,i hit the window so hard during the collision that I blacked out for what I think was about 30 secs and the right side of my head has the 'eeeee' sound to it,my neck keeps on twitching and i have a cut on my leg... and my dad's high blood pressure is acting up. -_-. CAN TODAY GET ANY WORSE?! ok so he almost fainted in the hallway and im fucking crying right now.... i cant see the sight of my dad falling to the floor for no reason. gave him panadol and now hes in bed.. im fucking worried about him. please god,help me. someone please brighten up my day... anyone.. i really got no time for me to be anymore pissed about anything else.. im really down right now and its hard to not think about it. someone,anyone call me or something I really need someone to talk to.. someone brighten up my day :/
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Crimson & Red
so,im sooooooooo fed up of being alone in class.. and its only 2 days wth..Got Prakash as Phy teacher which means FAURONI IS NOT GONNA TEACH US AHAHAHA. good riddance. well the whole day just spend my time in class with Jerrold & Johnson.. talked about lots of crap ahaha. Johnson was all like 'eh you know ah..some girls ah on the outside very pretty,but then in the inside ah when angry like monster sia' AHAHAH i know i know,trust me :P.Me and Johnson did the daily ritual of making fun of Lin Xiang calling him communist & Mao Zedong's grandson cuz we all know hes from china AHAHA :P. He attention seeker what!! so must shut him up at times :P.Bio lesson was alright cuz got Jas,Bernice,Raudha & company,Isaac & kamal so its always fun I asked isaac whether he wants to play CoD4 with me but then he went all fatherly and goes 'eh its O lvls lah where got time for games..after that then can ah!! now must study..cannot get addicted like last time ah man'. lol true true.. omg what am I thinking im not gonna be addicted to gaming again :|. thats like gonna make me neglect my friends (and gf if i do have in the future :P).. so better not risk it.
Anyways I also thought about my previous post about me in the future wanting to marry a girl who can sing or dance or possibly both ahaha.. that would be great ahaha even though its frickin early to think about marriages and stuff but no harm right ahah. EH IVE ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO BEING MARRIED SINCE I WAS A SMALL BOY OK?! surprise surprise. ahah it seems so interesting lah.weird eh like normally girls will look forward to marrying and stuff but me,a guy look forward to these kind of stuff lol.. EH im no sissy ok?!! >:(. ahah. If I can get a girl who can do one of those 2 up there (sing or dance),its already good for me cause i really looove girls who can sing ahaha.. thought about lots of other things i dont wanna elaborate but mostly stuff from my previous post ah AHAHA hehehehee :) hee..I guess when you're lonely in class and stoning,theres alot to think about.I just cant study alone really..need someone to be beside me atleast in class.Its been like that since pri school and whoever sit beside me confirm will get close to me one and do silly stuff with me like sing/cheat/talk crap all day long ahah :P. yeah since pri school.......i remember....... :/ well anyways i thought of something interesting just now..
Theres millions of stars out there and they look beautiful at night.The nearest star to the earth is the Sun.Hot,fiery,burning sun. If the sun is a star,and theres other stars which are WAYY bigger than our sun like for eg the red dwarf,how many Hot/fiery 'suns' are there in the universe? hell of alot. and they dont seem like the pretty little shiny thing in the sky anymore because alot of them are infact like 10 times bigger than the sun. :|
ahaha inquisitive Herrizal is back from the dead.You know ever since I was a kid i always had a curious mentality.Always wanting to know more,always the one asking questions.Its good what!! Curiosity killed the cat yeah,but if it doesnt kill the cat, then it'll be 'what doesnt kill you makes you stronger' ahaha. see im talking nonsense right now.probably side-effect of being lonely in class ahaha..well im gonna end it here lah nothing to talk lots of thoughts in my head.theres lots of things I would say it here on a normal day but I just dont feel like saying. IT WILL BORE YOU TO DEATH!! serious. its like listening to a dying goat really. and the dying goat is me,if u know what i mean HAHA :P. i probably need to play 'lonely world' by Limp Bizkit or better, 'Hello Alone' by anberlin AHAHAHA. fits the situation.ahaha ok ok i gotta do my maths homework.ahaha discipline Chairperson must atleast do homework AHAHAH..i sense the class going upside down just cause im chairperson ahahaha.. meh anyways need to go out soon cuz schoolwork is killing my time to relax.. ok lah i shall end it here,
Nite ppls :)
And how far have we come, too far to throw away the past
Will you be there waiting for me?
I have to ask what we are, if I ask today it just won't last
So I'll be here waiting for you...
Trapt - Made of Glass.
nothing much really happened the whole day..just me stoning at the window looking at the forest thinking about 1000 thoughts.. :/. thought about my last entry AHAHA Melissa Reyes :D woo~. hot stuff ahaha.. i got the song made of glass and atreyu's untitled finale stuck in my head ahaha.. kept chanting 'You put a bullet in my HEADDD, turn black thoughts to RED!! this could all end in tragedy!!' all day ahaha.. damn catchy chorus lol.. see im chanting it right now -_- Metal is not that bad actually.. try listening to untitled finale and ex's and oh's by atreyu. Im telling you,its good.especially Ex's and Oh's guitar solo,the chorus and the awesome bridge: 'WEAKNESSS SWEET WEAKNESSSSSSSSSS' ahaha see lah im fucking going high now. ahaha. ATREYU YEAH!!Anyways I also thought about my previous post about me in the future wanting to marry a girl who can sing or dance or possibly both ahaha.. that would be great ahaha even though its frickin early to think about marriages and stuff but no harm right ahah. EH IVE ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD TO BEING MARRIED SINCE I WAS A SMALL BOY OK?! surprise surprise. ahah it seems so interesting lah.weird eh like normally girls will look forward to marrying and stuff but me,a guy look forward to these kind of stuff lol.. EH im no sissy ok?!! >:(. ahah. If I can get a girl who can do one of those 2 up there (sing or dance),its already good for me cause i really looove girls who can sing ahaha.. thought about lots of other things i dont wanna elaborate but mostly stuff from my previous post ah AHAHA hehehehee :) hee..I guess when you're lonely in class and stoning,theres alot to think about.I just cant study alone really..need someone to be beside me atleast in class.Its been like that since pri school and whoever sit beside me confirm will get close to me one and do silly stuff with me like sing/cheat/talk crap all day long ahah :P. yeah since pri school.......i remember....... :/ well anyways i thought of something interesting just now..
Theres millions of stars out there and they look beautiful at night.The nearest star to the earth is the Sun.Hot,fiery,burning sun. If the sun is a star,and theres other stars which are WAYY bigger than our sun like for eg the red dwarf,how many Hot/fiery 'suns' are there in the universe? hell of alot. and they dont seem like the pretty little shiny thing in the sky anymore because alot of them are infact like 10 times bigger than the sun. :|
ahaha inquisitive Herrizal is back from the dead.You know ever since I was a kid i always had a curious mentality.Always wanting to know more,always the one asking questions.Its good what!! Curiosity killed the cat yeah,but if it doesnt kill the cat, then it'll be 'what doesnt kill you makes you stronger' ahaha. see im talking nonsense right now.probably side-effect of being lonely in class ahaha..well im gonna end it here lah nothing to talk lots of thoughts in my head.theres lots of things I would say it here on a normal day but I just dont feel like saying. IT WILL BORE YOU TO DEATH!! serious. its like listening to a dying goat really. and the dying goat is me,if u know what i mean HAHA :P. i probably need to play 'lonely world' by Limp Bizkit or better, 'Hello Alone' by anberlin AHAHAHA. fits the situation.ahaha ok ok i gotta do my maths homework.ahaha discipline Chairperson must atleast do homework AHAHAH..i sense the class going upside down just cause im chairperson ahahaha.. meh anyways need to go out soon cuz schoolwork is killing my time to relax.. ok lah i shall end it here,
Nite ppls :)
And how far have we come, too far to throw away the past
Will you be there waiting for me?
I have to ask what we are, if I ask today it just won't last
So I'll be here waiting for you...
Trapt - Made of Glass.
Back to School......
ahaha well I cant believe im not sleeping now but well I guess I cant sleep ahaha.. MELISSA REYES IS CUTE awww!!!! :DD watched Pussycat Dolls: The search for the next Doll Finale and i guess i was shocked?? Cant believe Asia won when Melissa was WAYYY better than her in vocal talent and looks :/. wth? Her voice is just like Pussycat Doll's main singer Nicole so maybe thats why she didnt get picked. Esp like on 1:05 and 1:15 on the clip.. She sounds totally like Nicole or even better :P.Well i think i know she didnt get picked.. lets see they want another background singer. If Melissa went inside that would mean like Nicole would have competition because right now the only person whos doing the singing in Pussycat Dolls is Nicole.The others are just the extra-extra background singers.She even looks like Nicole in some occasions :D.Bah well its good for her anyways,shes too talented to be a background singer. Shes a great dancer too and i wont be surprised if shes gets into the music industry soon. oh not forgetting that shes cute and hot when shes not wearing make up :P. thats it im going to california ASAP!! ahaha.. she doesnt look hot in this vid though :P.
well the first day of school,lots of stuff happened. New teacher who looks exactly like Hitler with the hair and the moustache and Jonathan had the guts to say 'Good Morning Mr Hitler' LOL. how good is it to start of the day with, 'eh mrs chua,your our form teacher ah?No no,I dont want you to be our form Teacher!' HAHA im so mean but I hate her.ok ok must remember resolution..stop being mean. ahaha then she was all like 'remember to pay your school fees this year ah.. later very troublesome to get results... later like Herrizal get SO worked up at the last minute' ahahaha dont remind me :x. then lets see yeah pretty much be being ALONE the whole time in class cause everyone is preoccupied with their own friends like Maria & Nafisah etc so i have to be alone. omg. IM GONNA DIE IF IT STAYS LIKE THIS!! I cannot study alone okay..I atleast need someone to be beside me to entertain me when im bored and do silly stuff with me at times.Only person who does that just now was Johnson and that one also see his mood if he wanna sit with his friends :(. or not im all alone...... and im not being emo ah! Isaac,Jonathan and the guys all at the other class and im alone here wth.. bah lets hope next week the class allocation will be changed cuz I CANT STUDY WHEN IM ALONE!! i need someone to be beside me :(.anyways whos chairperson of Discipline?? WHO?! ahaha can you believe it,its me :|.. ahah i guess kamal is right,the class will go upside down if im Discipline Chairperson :D. muahaha.. oh and the sec 1 juniors are cute lil buggers all so small :). cant wait to see the ones who choose soccer for CCA ahaha they so cute :D.
im gonna go back to talking about Melissa Reyes cuz shes adorable :D.ahaha so pretty!! **runs around the room** Shes part Filipino so thats good to think of it Nicole is also part Filipino so its almost like a Nicole Clone or something if Melissa goes in.Filipinos have a great history of having talent.Its true!! Still Melissa is cuteeeeeee & I loooove her aahah im being fuckin weird tonight.But i still think she should win.. Vocal Talent + looks + Dance moves = Full Package. plus shes hot :P
OMGGGG ahhh.. *drops dead*.see i told you she was hot ahaha.She got the moves and shes a cutie ahaha..thats it,im gonna remind myself everyday to marry a girl who can sing OR dance or BOTH if possible because I looove girls who can sing or dance or both ahaha..I NEED to go to california ASAP!! i wanna meet Melissa Reyes ahahahaha. yeah right dream on Herrizal.. sigh :(. go fly kite man ahaha.Nvm atleast if can get a girl who can sing or dance is good enough :DD..ahaha intially I was pissed about being alone cuz I got no more close friends in class but this made my day happy :DD. aahha remember Herrizal,marry a girl who can sing or dance.. and hopefully shes pretty & hot.oh and make sure shes not malay too :P. omgomgomgomg I cant wait to see who I get married to ahahaha!! anyways John and Sis bought tickets to s'pore and they'll be here this end of this month!!! YAY!! and sis promised me that after O's,i can stay with her for atleast a few months if i want to :DDD. havent made up my mind yet but depends on my friends lah if they want me to stay or not :P.. ahhh i think im gonna sleep now its getting late. Nite guys ill update tmr okay now i guess you can say im high ahaha.. AHH!! **screams** :)
nite guys :)
edit: Carmen,fine lol changed the entry title to something less confusing ahahah
well the first day of school,lots of stuff happened. New teacher who looks exactly like Hitler with the hair and the moustache and Jonathan had the guts to say 'Good Morning Mr Hitler' LOL. how good is it to start of the day with, 'eh mrs chua,your our form teacher ah?No no,I dont want you to be our form Teacher!' HAHA im so mean but I hate her.ok ok must remember resolution..stop being mean. ahaha then she was all like 'remember to pay your school fees this year ah.. later very troublesome to get results... later like Herrizal get SO worked up at the last minute' ahahaha dont remind me :x. then lets see yeah pretty much be being ALONE the whole time in class cause everyone is preoccupied with their own friends like Maria & Nafisah etc so i have to be alone. omg. IM GONNA DIE IF IT STAYS LIKE THIS!! I cannot study alone okay..I atleast need someone to be beside me to entertain me when im bored and do silly stuff with me at times.Only person who does that just now was Johnson and that one also see his mood if he wanna sit with his friends :(. or not im all alone...... and im not being emo ah! Isaac,Jonathan and the guys all at the other class and im alone here wth.. bah lets hope next week the class allocation will be changed cuz I CANT STUDY WHEN IM ALONE!! i need someone to be beside me :(.anyways whos chairperson of Discipline?? WHO?! ahaha can you believe it,its me :|.. ahah i guess kamal is right,the class will go upside down if im Discipline Chairperson :D. muahaha.. oh and the sec 1 juniors are cute lil buggers all so small :). cant wait to see the ones who choose soccer for CCA ahaha they so cute :D.
im gonna go back to talking about Melissa Reyes cuz shes adorable :D.ahaha so pretty!! **runs around the room** Shes part Filipino so thats good to think of it Nicole is also part Filipino so its almost like a Nicole Clone or something if Melissa goes in.Filipinos have a great history of having talent.Its true!! Still Melissa is cuteeeeeee & I loooove her aahah im being fuckin weird tonight.But i still think she should win.. Vocal Talent + looks + Dance moves = Full Package. plus shes hot :P
OMGGGG ahhh.. *drops dead*.see i told you she was hot ahaha.She got the moves and shes a cutie ahaha..thats it,im gonna remind myself everyday to marry a girl who can sing OR dance or BOTH if possible because I looove girls who can sing or dance or both ahaha..I NEED to go to california ASAP!! i wanna meet Melissa Reyes ahahahaha. yeah right dream on Herrizal.. sigh :(. go fly kite man ahaha.Nvm atleast if can get a girl who can sing or dance is good enough :DD..ahaha intially I was pissed about being alone cuz I got no more close friends in class but this made my day happy :DD. aahha remember Herrizal,marry a girl who can sing or dance.. and hopefully shes pretty & hot.oh and make sure shes not malay too :P. omgomgomgomg I cant wait to see who I get married to ahahaha!! anyways John and Sis bought tickets to s'pore and they'll be here this end of this month!!! YAY!! and sis promised me that after O's,i can stay with her for atleast a few months if i want to :DDD. havent made up my mind yet but depends on my friends lah if they want me to stay or not :P.. ahhh i think im gonna sleep now its getting late. Nite guys ill update tmr okay now i guess you can say im high ahaha.. AHH!! **screams** :)
nite guys :)
edit: Carmen,fine lol changed the entry title to something less confusing ahahah
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Fireworks = Nuclear. its true! :D
HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D Say goodbye to 2007 cause 2008 is here! WOO!

Happy new year guys!! Its 2008 so lets all say goodbye to 2007 :D.Esplanade was like oh thousands of ppl just standing there so it was hard as hell to walk.Me and Jack got separated with Mizi in the midst of the chaos ahaha.. but still got to see the awesome fireworks! im telling you towards the end,the fireworks got brighter and brighter and BRIGHTER. at one point it was so bright it was like a nuclear bomb. IM SERIOUS!! heres the vid that Isa took :).Look at 6 mins onwards.. the nuclear is at 7:02 lol.
so bright!! see i told you! its a nuclear bomb ahaha.. me and jack shouted so much last night or err just now ahaha.. we kept shouting 'WOO HAPPY NEW YEAR SINGAPORE!! COME ON EVERYONE LETS GET WILD!!'.. and everyone started jumping around and shouting HAHA. I lost my voice :X. ahaha then HAHAHAHA i think this is the first funny incident of 2008. so we're sitting down on the fountain and like i hear the party across the place playing the song 'oh pretty woman' so i sang along ah to the ppls who were there.. apparently this one amazingly fat woman like sumo wrestler was walking infront of us,alone but i DIDNT notice. so herrizal being wise sang..
me: Pretty woman, walking down the street,Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet.Pretty woman.
**everyone including the ppls who dont even know us looks at me one of a kind**
me: what?
Jack & others: HAHAHA YOU SING TO THAT WOMAN AH?! *points to fat woman*
me: huh?.... oh HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD!! EH EH.. OH MY GOD!!
**everyone around the place laughs like hell**
omg..and worst thing is that there was like atleast 30-40 people or even more there.. omg i so malu you know..sigh.. you're probably also laughing when you read this also right?! RIGHT?! DONT LIE TO ME!! :'(. How come bad things always happen to me lol...yeah yeah im very unlucky.. first is hafizah,then the old woman at IMM,THEN NOW THIS. whats next?! omg.. i probably need a girlfriend or something to prevent this things from happening to me LOL. its like jinx you know!! :'( always keep happening to me one!! omg.. ok maybe im just over-reacting but uh.. i dunno :/.
blah anyways! 2007 was like has its ups and total downs.Sometimes i wonder how i get through some situations really..i owe it all to my friends who stood by my side :).I'm strong on the surface but not all the way through sadly.Even though i may not look like the timid person,Im just as scared as anyone would be if you know what i mean..well,whoever received that message just now,i just want you ppls to know that you guys really mean alot to me :).Thanks for being there when i was down,happy,angry,confused,lost etc.And i mean it when i say that,really.and this time i made sure I didnt send it to the wrong ppls who i dont want to mention the name cuz typing the name reminds me of bad history that i had to go through.. so im gonna stay happy HAHA! if you read my previous posts,you'll know who it is..the name starts with 'S' that time I almost sent to this 'person' on xmas.this time i double-checked to give it to all of my friends :D.2008 would be the year that I start studying like crazy.. Here are my resolutions for 2008 :D
- be a better person overall.Try to be less mean towards some people.Be a happy person!
- make some major changes to myself,inside and outside. I have my own flaws too.In other words,its still gonna be the same happy-go-lucky Herrizal but politer and friendlier too :D
- study hard cause N lvls to O lvls is a big leap.
- keep my friends by my side :D
- try to stop being envious of the ppl who are attached and being romantic outside just cause im not attached.
HAHA that last one is one of my darkest secrets ever.I envy ppl who are attached when i see them so lovely outside,like for eg girl puts head on guys shoulder,i go all 'aww how come thats not happening to me :(((((' or 'if only that happened to me..' and i'll feel so down.. gotta stop doing that!!!It'll just kill me inside over and over.. haha thats something that i have to work on.heh.haha i cant believe tmr is school..looks like i have to wake up at 650am again..shower and leave at 7:15am ahaha. Barely late and walk at the front of the hall as if nothing happened ahaha.. well i realise that ive been like blogging quite alot lately and thats good :D. i guess i have LOTS of things to say eh? ahaha.. lets see tmr if our class will be the same without the key ppls who make the NA classes damn funny.anyways talked to Veronica on msn just now since we were classmates once in pri school but we never actually talked for so long and last time we actually talked was when she helped me speak chinese to the stall owner in school when he blabbered chinese to me ahaha.. ahaha i asked her how she was and whether if she went out yst to see the went like this ahaha..
me: you got see the fireworks last night?
Veron: no. I SAW IT AT HOME OK! haha! you know how i see?
me: u know the little fireworks u can buy downstairs for like 1 dollar
me: fireworks on a stick :P
veron: -.-" HAHA!
ahaha yeah i know im silly and lame at the same time ahaha.. no kidding :P. well changed the song in my blog cuz the live version of stories sucks so bad but the original version is lovely and this song is also good so yeah haha.. blah tmr is school so i cant believe im saying this but i have to sleep soon.. ahaha goodbye old Herrizal.. Hello new and improved Herrizal :D. You guys just wait! Herrizal will be a better person! I PROMISE YOU THAT!! YOU'LL SEE!! :)
"Hold your head,hold it up high. Heres to the friends that were alibis. keep this close,by your side. When I come home we will have our night" Escape the Fate - Friends and Alibis.. good song :)
nite guys! :D

Happy new year guys!! Its 2008 so lets all say goodbye to 2007 :D.Esplanade was like oh thousands of ppl just standing there so it was hard as hell to walk.Me and Jack got separated with Mizi in the midst of the chaos ahaha.. but still got to see the awesome fireworks! im telling you towards the end,the fireworks got brighter and brighter and BRIGHTER. at one point it was so bright it was like a nuclear bomb. IM SERIOUS!! heres the vid that Isa took :).Look at 6 mins onwards.. the nuclear is at 7:02 lol.
so bright!! see i told you! its a nuclear bomb ahaha.. me and jack shouted so much last night or err just now ahaha.. we kept shouting 'WOO HAPPY NEW YEAR SINGAPORE!! COME ON EVERYONE LETS GET WILD!!'.. and everyone started jumping around and shouting HAHA. I lost my voice :X. ahaha then HAHAHAHA i think this is the first funny incident of 2008. so we're sitting down on the fountain and like i hear the party across the place playing the song 'oh pretty woman' so i sang along ah to the ppls who were there.. apparently this one amazingly fat woman like sumo wrestler was walking infront of us,alone but i DIDNT notice. so herrizal being wise sang..
me: Pretty woman, walking down the street,Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet.Pretty woman.
**everyone including the ppls who dont even know us looks at me one of a kind**
me: what?
Jack & others: HAHAHA YOU SING TO THAT WOMAN AH?! *points to fat woman*
me: huh?.... oh HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD!! EH EH.. OH MY GOD!!
**everyone around the place laughs like hell**
omg..and worst thing is that there was like atleast 30-40 people or even more there.. omg i so malu you know..sigh.. you're probably also laughing when you read this also right?! RIGHT?! DONT LIE TO ME!! :'(. How come bad things always happen to me lol...yeah yeah im very unlucky.. first is hafizah,then the old woman at IMM,THEN NOW THIS. whats next?! omg.. i probably need a girlfriend or something to prevent this things from happening to me LOL. its like jinx you know!! :'( always keep happening to me one!! omg.. ok maybe im just over-reacting but uh.. i dunno :/.
blah anyways! 2007 was like has its ups and total downs.Sometimes i wonder how i get through some situations really..i owe it all to my friends who stood by my side :).I'm strong on the surface but not all the way through sadly.Even though i may not look like the timid person,Im just as scared as anyone would be if you know what i mean..well,whoever received that message just now,i just want you ppls to know that you guys really mean alot to me :).Thanks for being there when i was down,happy,angry,confused,lost etc.And i mean it when i say that,really.and this time i made sure I didnt send it to the wrong ppls who i dont want to mention the name cuz typing the name reminds me of bad history that i had to go through.. so im gonna stay happy HAHA! if you read my previous posts,you'll know who it is..the name starts with 'S' that time I almost sent to this 'person' on xmas.this time i double-checked to give it to all of my friends :D.2008 would be the year that I start studying like crazy.. Here are my resolutions for 2008 :D
- be a better person overall.Try to be less mean towards some people.Be a happy person!
- make some major changes to myself,inside and outside. I have my own flaws too.In other words,its still gonna be the same happy-go-lucky Herrizal but politer and friendlier too :D
- study hard cause N lvls to O lvls is a big leap.
- keep my friends by my side :D
- try to stop being envious of the ppl who are attached and being romantic outside just cause im not attached.
HAHA that last one is one of my darkest secrets ever.I envy ppl who are attached when i see them so lovely outside,like for eg girl puts head on guys shoulder,i go all 'aww how come thats not happening to me :(((((' or 'if only that happened to me..' and i'll feel so down.. gotta stop doing that!!!It'll just kill me inside over and over.. haha thats something that i have to work on.heh.haha i cant believe tmr is school..looks like i have to wake up at 650am again..shower and leave at 7:15am ahaha. Barely late and walk at the front of the hall as if nothing happened ahaha.. well i realise that ive been like blogging quite alot lately and thats good :D. i guess i have LOTS of things to say eh? ahaha.. lets see tmr if our class will be the same without the key ppls who make the NA classes damn funny.anyways talked to Veronica on msn just now since we were classmates once in pri school but we never actually talked for so long and last time we actually talked was when she helped me speak chinese to the stall owner in school when he blabbered chinese to me ahaha.. ahaha i asked her how she was and whether if she went out yst to see the went like this ahaha..
me: you got see the fireworks last night?
Veron: no. I SAW IT AT HOME OK! haha! you know how i see?
me: u know the little fireworks u can buy downstairs for like 1 dollar
me: fireworks on a stick :P
veron: -.-" HAHA!
ahaha yeah i know im silly and lame at the same time ahaha.. no kidding :P. well changed the song in my blog cuz the live version of stories sucks so bad but the original version is lovely and this song is also good so yeah haha.. blah tmr is school so i cant believe im saying this but i have to sleep soon.. ahaha goodbye old Herrizal.. Hello new and improved Herrizal :D. You guys just wait! Herrizal will be a better person! I PROMISE YOU THAT!! YOU'LL SEE!! :)
"Hold your head,hold it up high. Heres to the friends that were alibis. keep this close,by your side. When I come home we will have our night" Escape the Fate - Friends and Alibis.. good song :)
nite guys! :D
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