HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D Say goodbye to 2007 cause 2008 is here! WOO!

Happy new year guys!! Its 2008 so lets all say goodbye to 2007 :D.Esplanade was like oh god..so cramped..like thousands of ppl just standing there so it was hard as hell to walk.Me and Jack got separated with Mizi in the midst of the chaos ahaha.. but still got to see the awesome fireworks! im telling you towards the end,the fireworks got brighter and brighter and BRIGHTER. at one point it was so bright it was like a nuclear bomb. IM SERIOUS!! heres the vid that Isa took :).Look at 6 mins onwards.. the nuclear is at 7:02 lol.
so bright!! see i told you! its a nuclear bomb ahaha.. me and jack shouted so much last night or err just now ahaha.. we kept shouting 'WOO HAPPY NEW YEAR SINGAPORE!! COME ON EVERYONE LETS GET WILD!!'.. and everyone started jumping around and shouting HAHA. I lost my voice :X. ahaha then HAHAHAHA i think this is the first funny incident of 2008. so we're sitting down on the fountain and like i hear the party across the place playing the song 'oh pretty woman' so i sang along ah to the ppls who were there.. apparently this one amazingly fat woman like sumo wrestler was walking infront of us,alone but i DIDNT notice. so herrizal being wise sang..
me: Pretty woman, walking down the street,Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet.Pretty woman.
**everyone including the ppls who dont even know us looks at me one of a kind**
me: what?
Jack & others: HAHAHA YOU SING TO THAT WOMAN AH?! *points to fat woman*
me: huh?.... oh HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD!! EH EH.. OH MY GOD!!
**everyone around the place laughs like hell**
omg..and worst thing is that there was like atleast 30-40 people or even more there.. omg i so malu you know..sigh.. you're probably also laughing when you read this also right?! RIGHT?! DONT LIE TO ME!! :'(. How come bad things always happen to me lol...yeah yeah im very unlucky.. first is hafizah,then the old woman at IMM,THEN NOW THIS. whats next?! omg.. i probably need a girlfriend or something to prevent this things from happening to me LOL. its like jinx you know!! :'( always keep happening to me one!! omg.. ok maybe im just over-reacting but uh.. i dunno :/.
blah anyways! 2007 was like has its ups and total downs.Sometimes i wonder how i get through some situations really..i owe it all to my friends who stood by my side :).I'm strong on the surface but not all the way through sadly.Even though i may not look like the timid person,Im just as scared as anyone would be if you know what i mean..well,whoever received that message just now,i just want you ppls to know that you guys really mean alot to me :).Thanks for being there when i was down,happy,angry,confused,lost etc.And i mean it when i say that,really.and this time i made sure I didnt send it to the wrong ppls who i dont want to mention the name cuz typing the name reminds me of bad history that i had to go through.. so im gonna stay happy HAHA! if you read my previous posts,you'll know who it is..the name starts with 'S' btw..like that time I almost sent to this 'person' on xmas.this time i double-checked to give it to all of my friends :D.2008 would be the year that I start studying like crazy.. Here are my resolutions for 2008 :D
- be a better person overall.Try to be less mean towards some people.Be a happy person!
- make some major changes to myself,inside and outside. I have my own flaws too.In other words,its still gonna be the same happy-go-lucky Herrizal but politer and friendlier too :D
- study hard cause N lvls to O lvls is a big leap.
- keep my friends by my side :D
- try to stop being envious of the ppl who are attached and being romantic outside just cause im not attached.
HAHA that last one is one of my darkest secrets ever.I envy ppl who are attached when i see them so lovely outside,like for eg girl puts head on guys shoulder,i go all 'aww how come thats not happening to me :(((((' or 'if only that happened to me..' and i'll feel so down.. gotta stop doing that!!!It'll just kill me inside over and over.. haha thats something that i have to work on.heh.haha i cant believe tmr is school..looks like i have to wake up at 650am again..shower and leave at 7:15am ahaha. Barely late and walk at the front of the hall as if nothing happened ahaha.. well i realise that ive been like blogging quite alot lately and thats good :D. i guess i have LOTS of things to say eh? ahaha.. lets see tmr if our class will be the same without the key ppls who make the NA classes damn funny.anyways talked to Veronica on msn just now since we were classmates once in pri school but we never actually talked for so long and last time we actually talked was when she helped me speak chinese to the stall owner in school when he blabbered chinese to me ahaha.. ahaha i asked her how she was and whether if she went out yst to see the fireworks..it went like this ahaha..
me: you got see the fireworks last night?
Veron: no. I SAW IT AT HOME OK! haha! you know how i see?
me: u know the little fireworks u can buy downstairs for like 1 dollar
me: fireworks on a stick :P
veron: -.-" HAHA!
ahaha yeah i know im silly and lame at the same time ahaha.. no kidding :P. well changed the song in my blog cuz the live version of stories sucks so bad but the original version is lovely and this song is also good so yeah haha.. blah tmr is school so i cant believe im saying this but i have to sleep soon.. ahaha goodbye old Herrizal.. Hello new and improved Herrizal :D. You guys just wait! Herrizal will be a better person! I PROMISE YOU THAT!! YOU'LL SEE!! :)
"Hold your head,hold it up high. Heres to the friends that were alibis. keep this close,by your side. When I come home we will have our night" Escape the Fate - Friends and Alibis.. good song :)
nite guys! :D

Happy new year guys!! Its 2008 so lets all say goodbye to 2007 :D.Esplanade was like oh god..so cramped..like thousands of ppl just standing there so it was hard as hell to walk.Me and Jack got separated with Mizi in the midst of the chaos ahaha.. but still got to see the awesome fireworks! im telling you towards the end,the fireworks got brighter and brighter and BRIGHTER. at one point it was so bright it was like a nuclear bomb. IM SERIOUS!! heres the vid that Isa took :).Look at 6 mins onwards.. the nuclear is at 7:02 lol.
so bright!! see i told you! its a nuclear bomb ahaha.. me and jack shouted so much last night or err just now ahaha.. we kept shouting 'WOO HAPPY NEW YEAR SINGAPORE!! COME ON EVERYONE LETS GET WILD!!'.. and everyone started jumping around and shouting HAHA. I lost my voice :X. ahaha then HAHAHAHA i think this is the first funny incident of 2008. so we're sitting down on the fountain and like i hear the party across the place playing the song 'oh pretty woman' so i sang along ah to the ppls who were there.. apparently this one amazingly fat woman like sumo wrestler was walking infront of us,alone but i DIDNT notice. so herrizal being wise sang..
me: Pretty woman, walking down the street,Pretty woman, the kind I like to meet.Pretty woman.
**everyone including the ppls who dont even know us looks at me one of a kind**
me: what?
Jack & others: HAHAHA YOU SING TO THAT WOMAN AH?! *points to fat woman*
me: huh?.... oh HOLY SHIT OH MY GOD!! EH EH.. OH MY GOD!!
**everyone around the place laughs like hell**
omg..and worst thing is that there was like atleast 30-40 people or even more there.. omg i so malu you know..sigh.. you're probably also laughing when you read this also right?! RIGHT?! DONT LIE TO ME!! :'(. How come bad things always happen to me lol...yeah yeah im very unlucky.. first is hafizah,then the old woman at IMM,THEN NOW THIS. whats next?! omg.. i probably need a girlfriend or something to prevent this things from happening to me LOL. its like jinx you know!! :'( always keep happening to me one!! omg.. ok maybe im just over-reacting but uh.. i dunno :/.
blah anyways! 2007 was like has its ups and total downs.Sometimes i wonder how i get through some situations really..i owe it all to my friends who stood by my side :).I'm strong on the surface but not all the way through sadly.Even though i may not look like the timid person,Im just as scared as anyone would be if you know what i mean..well,whoever received that message just now,i just want you ppls to know that you guys really mean alot to me :).Thanks for being there when i was down,happy,angry,confused,lost etc.And i mean it when i say that,really.and this time i made sure I didnt send it to the wrong ppls who i dont want to mention the name cuz typing the name reminds me of bad history that i had to go through.. so im gonna stay happy HAHA! if you read my previous posts,you'll know who it is..the name starts with 'S' btw..like that time I almost sent to this 'person' on xmas.this time i double-checked to give it to all of my friends :D.2008 would be the year that I start studying like crazy.. Here are my resolutions for 2008 :D
- be a better person overall.Try to be less mean towards some people.Be a happy person!
- make some major changes to myself,inside and outside. I have my own flaws too.In other words,its still gonna be the same happy-go-lucky Herrizal but politer and friendlier too :D
- study hard cause N lvls to O lvls is a big leap.
- keep my friends by my side :D
- try to stop being envious of the ppl who are attached and being romantic outside just cause im not attached.
HAHA that last one is one of my darkest secrets ever.I envy ppl who are attached when i see them so lovely outside,like for eg girl puts head on guys shoulder,i go all 'aww how come thats not happening to me :(((((' or 'if only that happened to me..' and i'll feel so down.. gotta stop doing that!!!It'll just kill me inside over and over.. haha thats something that i have to work on.heh.haha i cant believe tmr is school..looks like i have to wake up at 650am again..shower and leave at 7:15am ahaha. Barely late and walk at the front of the hall as if nothing happened ahaha.. well i realise that ive been like blogging quite alot lately and thats good :D. i guess i have LOTS of things to say eh? ahaha.. lets see tmr if our class will be the same without the key ppls who make the NA classes damn funny.anyways talked to Veronica on msn just now since we were classmates once in pri school but we never actually talked for so long and last time we actually talked was when she helped me speak chinese to the stall owner in school when he blabbered chinese to me ahaha.. ahaha i asked her how she was and whether if she went out yst to see the fireworks..it went like this ahaha..
me: you got see the fireworks last night?
Veron: no. I SAW IT AT HOME OK! haha! you know how i see?
me: u know the little fireworks u can buy downstairs for like 1 dollar
me: fireworks on a stick :P
veron: -.-" HAHA!
ahaha yeah i know im silly and lame at the same time ahaha.. no kidding :P. well changed the song in my blog cuz the live version of stories sucks so bad but the original version is lovely and this song is also good so yeah haha.. blah tmr is school so i cant believe im saying this but i have to sleep soon.. ahaha goodbye old Herrizal.. Hello new and improved Herrizal :D. You guys just wait! Herrizal will be a better person! I PROMISE YOU THAT!! YOU'LL SEE!! :)
"Hold your head,hold it up high. Heres to the friends that were alibis. keep this close,by your side. When I come home we will have our night" Escape the Fate - Friends and Alibis.. good song :)
nite guys! :D
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