Today is quite a busy day for me because I had to clean the house and help my mom make the kuihs for hari raya. we made the usual, pineapple tarts, honey cornflakes etc. yeah I LOVE making cookies/kuihs cause I like fooling around with the dough. my mom gets irritated with me at times because of that! I cant help it lah, bad habit I guess hahha :P. well it IS fun to play with the dough so I guess its okay. oh and its not girly lah wth.
this is gonna be random but here are some of the pictures that have been hanging in my phone for quite sometime now. I think you guys havent seen them before so I might aswell upload them here :D

ok before anyone asks: I was wearing my shades indoors because I was having sore eyes when I took that pic. really. :D theres alot more pictures in my phone but ill just keep them for myself lah. oh yeah, I havent been updating my friendster for quite sometime. I think its about time I put some new photos. im gonna do it later I guess. eh we'll see..
so me and johnson were feeling damn bored during maths lesson on monday and out of the blue we started talking about lots of things like Prison Break, soccer, childhood memories etc. Even though we were in the same pri school, we didnt know each other until sec 1 so we had ALOT of stories to share. He told me that theres this crazy girl who once shouted 'Johnson, I want to hug you!!!' from the opposite block to his classroom when he was in pri 6 AHAHA. can you believe it? he got teased so bad that he actually ran out of his classroom! -.- oh and he also told me that he used to like this girl called Eunice back in primary school only that he was too shy to tell her that. I think I know that girl. well everyone tends to be shy at times. sometimes its best to not be shy and just go straight to the point right? ahah..
anyways I told him about something funny that happened when I was in kindergarten. Guess what? I once threw a feather duster at my kindergarten teacher because she kept making me cry :(. The best part is that it hit her right in the face when she wasnt aware WAHHAHA! :D. its not my fault, she was MEAN! the next thing I know is that my mom met the teacher and I got moved to another kindergarten urgh. but still, a 4 year old boy throwing a feather duster at the teacher is frickin priceless! ahaha :D
well its 5:07am right now and im stoning at my computer screen. *drools* im gonna end it here because im too tired and I need to sleeeeeep. im gonna update tmr. eh I have no idea why im still awake right now -.-
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
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