zheng hao is like our personal bell boy for the night :P. i love this pic though! :D oh and the girls were going crazy when they saw him!
Johnson (left) and Jing Jie. i didnt get to take a picture with johnson because he had to leave early :(.
wen jie, the playboy in our mafia family :P. act shy only this guy. the girls were going goo-goo gah-gah that night when they saw him. HOT STUFF!!! :D
from left to right: bodyguard, mastermind, prostitute dealer and mafia kingpin. omg kamal's face is damn scary. dont mess with the mafia!
these are happy times indeed
razak, the muscle of the mafia gang. we were acting cool lah :x
bodyguard, mastermind, prositute dealer and the mafia kingpin.
yeah i know, the mafia kingpin is quite retarded at times. jk :P.
alamak my junior is taller than me :x
me and jas with our vice principal mrs liao! :D
me and murni.
me and miss yee!
zheng hao(bellboy) and bernice!
jasvinny, wenjie and bonfurt! wenjie working his playboy 'skills' on jas :P.

yes i know im short, dont need to say it again. seriously.
*with british accent* the organiser, miss chong! shes one heck of an english teacher :D.

us posing with miss siti dahlia.

i look like some lost white kid in this picture AHAHA :x. cheywahh.

our maths teacher, miss liew! its alright i dont hold any grudges against her anymore :).
the mafia kingpin and his loyal henchmen.

the mastermind and the playboy. girls were staring at his hot chest AHAHAHA.

me and my bodyguard, bonfurt :D

see i told you i look awesome in a tux :D.

jovin winning a teddy bear for some contest that i forgot.

apparently mafia henchmen are made up of fierce looking people and... happy people?

the 3 mafia brothers. men-in-black :D
kamal and murni.
ziq dancing on stage.
bonfurt: how boss, having fun anot?
ziq: bodyguard, i need you to 'take care' of that guy over there.
bonfurt: that guy over there ah?! dont worry im gonna make him disappear.
ziq: you better do it or else i cut your pay in half.

ziq: *smiling* that guy is gonna get what he deserves...

bonfurt: boss, i took care of that guy already.
ziq: good job bodyguard. that'll teach him not to mess with me. (okay this is getting ridiculous HAHAHHA)

the 5a malay students and me.

mafia kingpin and his trusty financial advisor, isaac!
murni and nasri. nas, are you still reading my blog? :D

my favourite history teacher, mr siva! :D
i guess this is the whole mafia family :D.

me and ziq with mr hisham. remember guys bbq at his place soon!

i wonder what the hell i was doing when this pic was taken. -.-

we played pool after the prom. i was aiming the blue striped ball instead of the white one for photo taking purposes only :P.

jas having a hard time trying to hit the ball with full power :x

this pic looks really cool.

the backview of ziq.

ahyoo very disgusting lah ziq!

mafia kingpin with his uhh.. associates?

kamal the prostitute dealer focusing.

eh hello you're not a model lah. pls. :P

THANK YOU 5a for making my final year in school an enjoyable one. without you guys i'd probably be lonely as hell. im gonna miss you guys alot! D: keep in touch okay ppls? :D
alot of people from 5b didnt stay to take pictures so thats why i dont have my class photo. 5a is very united because all of them stayed back to take pictures. I have alot more photos but these are the better ones. i handpicked these photos and it took me quite awhile to write the captions so i hope you guys enjoyed it :D. i'll upload my remaining photos soon so you guys can check if your photos are there. we left the hotel at about 1135pm and the 11 of us headed to bkt timah to play pool. me and ziq taught kamal, jas and wen jie how to play pool while the others played amongst themselves. we played for quite awhile and i got home at around 1 plus. we all took a cab home. overall the prom was really an enjoyable one because of my friends and also the photo taking. im never gonna forget that night. im missing all my friends already :(. keep in touch ppls! :D
anyways germany lost to england 2-1 yesterday. its just a friendly so its alright. there was also brazil vs portugal but i didnt get to watch it. i tried searching for the score but i read somewhere that brazil won 6-2. its not confirmed but i hope its true. anyone know when they're gonna replay the match? i wanna see kaká and robinho go against cristiano ronaldo! okay well i didnt do much today except play my guitar and surf the net. my E string snapped so i cant learn some songs. i still can play power chords so thats atleast better than nothing. you know what? my horoscope for today is pretty accurate :D.
anyways im starting to use facebook because markham, todd, doug and the guys were bugging me to use it. its kinda confusing though. nonetheless i agree it has more things compared to friendster. i saw this mafia game on facebook that looks pretty interesting so im gonna check it out later. anyways im gonna mass invite alot of people after this entry so do me a favour people and accept my friend request. im still gonna use friendster but not as much as facebook. eh we'll see. alright im gonna end it here. im downloading maple as we speak. im thinking of playing it soon just to kill time. for now just accept my facebook invites people!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
anyways germany lost to england 2-1 yesterday. its just a friendly so its alright. there was also brazil vs portugal but i didnt get to watch it. i tried searching for the score but i read somewhere that brazil won 6-2. its not confirmed but i hope its true. anyone know when they're gonna replay the match? i wanna see kaká and robinho go against cristiano ronaldo! okay well i didnt do much today except play my guitar and surf the net. my E string snapped so i cant learn some songs. i still can play power chords so thats atleast better than nothing. you know what? my horoscope for today is pretty accurate :D.
anyways im starting to use facebook because markham, todd, doug and the guys were bugging me to use it. its kinda confusing though. nonetheless i agree it has more things compared to friendster. i saw this mafia game on facebook that looks pretty interesting so im gonna check it out later. anyways im gonna mass invite alot of people after this entry so do me a favour people and accept my friend request. im still gonna use friendster but not as much as facebook. eh we'll see. alright im gonna end it here. im downloading maple as we speak. im thinking of playing it soon just to kill time. for now just accept my facebook invites people!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
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