Hello ppls! :D mizi asked me to take some pictures of my sis's apartment so i did! it turns out that I dont need to buy a USB cable because i can just send my pictures to this pc via bluetooth. very convenient eh? anyways i have alot more pictures that i took and i uploaded them on photobucket. theres just too many pics to upload here. some stupid pictures are also hosted there ahaha :P. theres alot more photos thats still in my phone and i havent uploaded them yet so check my photobucket album soon. the link for it is here. anyways we ate at an italian restaurant thats called 'bucca de pippo' that day and the food was f'ing amazing. I had lasagne and it tasted like cheese cake + lasagne. omg it was so good. so i was enjoying my food and i got the shock of my life when 3 waiters just came and started asking whats my name and how old im gonna be. they asked everyone in the restaurant to sing me a bday song even though its belated :D. i was like really surprised because the whole bloody restaurant was singing the song AHAHA. it turns out that my sis told them that she wanted to celebrate my bday here so she planned this thing all along. i love the restaurant ahh. good food, good atmosphere and everybody there is friendly. anyways you guys wanna see how i look right now when its cold right? well here it is :P
I took this photo after the party a few days back. it was like 2 or 3 in the morning and it was so cold. see i told you, my skin is really white when its cold hahhaa. WHITE BOY! this is just phase 1 :D. the weather here also makes everyone's hair look good. i dunno how to explain it but it just does. alright so here are the pictures of my sister's apartment.
this is the hallway. you can see the balcony ahead.

dining table.


living room

entering the balcony...

the nice view from the balcony

our christmas tree!

this is my room

finally, this is my sister's room.
alright im gonna end it here because i have to go eat lunch. i'll upload more photos to photobucket soon so you guys can check it out. ill update soon enough.
gnite ppls! :D
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