hello ppls! :D okay so as promised in my previous entry i shall update now. so yeah chelsea drew with barcelona while man utd won arsenal 1-0 courtesy of o'shea. I didnt watch the man utd match cause i was bloody tired but from what i heard from the man utd fans in the class, it was a shooting for man utd from start to end. of course, i just HAD to come to school wearing my AC Milan jersey. kena condemn sia LOL. My classmates are funny as hell :P.
I havent talked about my classmates so i shall do it here. I have different types of classmates. so far my classmates who are damn fun to be with is Syamil, Kalle, Jonny, Aaron, Li Min, Qais, Daryl, Faisal, Von and Lilo. They're really damn funny ah but the good thing is that they all take work seriously, once thats done then the humour slowly comes out :D. Syamil is our 'lawyer' in our class because he just loooves to debate, Kalle is the laid back cool guy who's mixed malay + finnish and Jonny is full of laughter even when stressed. So aaron's group was presenting just now and something funny happened when von asked me a question.
von: Herrizal answer the question eh.
me: huh? *sniff* but i dont want la.
von: just answer the question can
me: *insert whiny voice* but i dont waaaaaaaant :(.
kalle: AHAHA so cute sia, like small kid talking to his mom
*whole class laughs*
me: I got flu lah! *sniff*
but i really did sound like a small kid sia HAHAAHA. it was the bloody flu! overall its okay lah atleast my classmates are fun. During the lesson Lilo was sitting beside me and since we were bored, she played the thai horror movie Phobia so me and kalle K-po' ed in and watch it also. gruesome story lah. then at the last part, i was happy that the innocent pretty girl is alive then skali she gorge her eyes out because the ghosts wanted to take her soul or something. i hate those kind of movies.... the girl was cute. Lilo why did you have to show me the movie, now im gonna keep having that image of the girl with her eyesballs on her palm crying 'dont worry...it wont kill me. *sobs* it can't kill me. *sobs*'. omg it was so sad! imagine that happening to someone you care alot for. OMG gross. eee. LILO SEE LAH I CANT GET IT OFF MY MIND!!!
anyways going out of that topic now and into music! Paramore is finishing their new album so i cant wait for it! The whole band is very unique so thats why i love paramore :D. oh yes and regarding about the tag in my blog. I am sick and tired almost everyone in our band learning stuff improperly or at the last minute so I took the initiative to f'ing stress out that if we suck on the next practice session, im going to get replacements. So far, because halim has commitments ive already found another guitarist to take his place in the mean time. Halim has alot of school/work stuff and he cant make it for weekday practice sessions so we have to replace him for the time being. plus the guy is pretty good and hes a huge fan of FFAF (Funeral for a Friend) so it'll be easier for him to adapt to the songs that we're gonna play. we're having a gig on the 16th of may at Fad Studios so i have to force everyone to do their part. oh well, im gonna end it here, gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
hey john, nobody wants to learn your song :(
whoa finally i get in this page. I hate it when blogger lags like hell. I cant even create a new post :/.
- went for practice session just now, i got pissed at hey john whats your name again cause... everyone sucks balls at being independant. no further comment.
- mizi's bday is coming so i got a surprise for him. special item for my wonderful friend. no. for my brother. :D
- i feel pissed about carol being pissed at me for me taking back her cable. omg was i supposed to leave it in the bloody classroom??? atleast i was being KIND. geez. next time dont ask me to do good deeds for people okay daryl and qais. sheesh. then all blame me somemore. WTH!
- blogger is pissing me off with the lag
- i need my iced lemon tea or else im going to explode soon
anyways chelsea drew with barcelona last night at barcelona's home so its all good. im sorry but waiting for this bloody page to load pretty much killed my mood so yeah i'll make it up to you guys. I promised to update yst but i kinda fell asleep............ sorry! :X. im sincerely sorry okay? i'll make it up to you guys, tmr 930pm im gonna update. thats not too early for anyone because the following day is good friday. very very good friday. i got ALOT of things to talk about so just keep an eye out for my next entry tmr. man utd is going down tonight. actually i dont care if arsenal or man utd loses. Chelsea fan right here. true blue :D. okay okay, update tmr night 930pm. gotta get some things done.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
edit: 11:36pm, finally this thing is updated. holy crap. i.need.my.iced.lemon.ted. NOW.
- went for practice session just now, i got pissed at hey john whats your name again cause... everyone sucks balls at being independant. no further comment.
- mizi's bday is coming so i got a surprise for him. special item for my wonderful friend. no. for my brother. :D
- i feel pissed about carol being pissed at me for me taking back her cable. omg was i supposed to leave it in the bloody classroom??? atleast i was being KIND. geez. next time dont ask me to do good deeds for people okay daryl and qais. sheesh. then all blame me somemore. WTH!
- blogger is pissing me off with the lag
- i need my iced lemon tea or else im going to explode soon
anyways chelsea drew with barcelona last night at barcelona's home so its all good. im sorry but waiting for this bloody page to load pretty much killed my mood so yeah i'll make it up to you guys. I promised to update yst but i kinda fell asleep............ sorry! :X. im sincerely sorry okay? i'll make it up to you guys, tmr 930pm im gonna update. thats not too early for anyone because the following day is good friday. very very good friday. i got ALOT of things to talk about so just keep an eye out for my next entry tmr. man utd is going down tonight. actually i dont care if arsenal or man utd loses. Chelsea fan right here. true blue :D. okay okay, update tmr night 930pm. gotta get some things done.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
edit: 11:36pm, finally this thing is updated. holy crap. i.need.my.iced.lemon.ted. NOW.
Monday, April 27, 2009
to be the last one, who will sing you to sleep.
Hello ppls! :D this is gonna be a short post cause im hungry and my chicken rice is waiting for me in the kitchen. OMG mizi you know what? just now when i was walking out of school, this guy came up to me and said this. LOL totally unexpected.
person: hey you performed at odiocrib on saturday right?
me: huh... yeah why?
person: i saw you there, good performance man! I really like it when you sang my heroine!
me: ahaha really? wow thanks. but i had to scream like crazy after the first few songs so my voice cock up at times for the last few songs.
person: ya i agree, its hard to scream and sing. just stick to one lah, ask somebody else to scream so your voice wont be affected. good job though!
me: ahah thanks :D
Sunday, April 26, 2009
you're my heroineeeee
theres probably mixed feelings about just now's gig but overall i think it was okay lah. Considering the fact that Audi turned out to be an asshole at possibly the WORST time ever and Isa being unable to make it for the gig. The first song was my heroine and i think that i did well for that song :D. The others are alright but my voice did screw up at times because i can't handle both screamo and singing at the same time. The screamo part was supposed to be audi's task but fuck him for not coming at all, that asshole. I shall not talk more about it because it'll make everyone pissed including myself. im pretty satisfied about today because i overcame my fear of singing to ppl. not much people know about it because it was soooo long ago. nonetheless, my closest friends do know the reason why im always scared of singing to ppl ever since i was young. oh gosh, so embarassing.... BUT im over it. okay lah im gonna wash up and get ready for bed. its waaay past my bedtime(since when does herrizal have a specific bedtime? this is madness!). frickin tired so i shall end it here and update later tonight since its already sunday. oh yes and CHELSEA WON!!!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
sleep can?
aaaaargh im so tired right now so thats all for this entry. i got alot of things to say but honestly im dead tired. so far most of my classmates are fun and sporting while the minority are a little... i guess anti-social? im still surprised at how many clever people there is in my class. you know people who scored 11 points :|.. and they're great classmates too! im glad that most of them are sporting, fun and they all love to crack jokes. of course when its study time, we're dead-serious about it until the whole class becomes bloody quiet as if a funeral is going on. Break time ah, different story :P. aaah im getting really really tired so i shall end it here. i'll update soon okay but for now its sleeeeeeeep time. damn i still miss everyone lah. i love all of you SO much!
*plays sentimental music*
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
*plays sentimental music*
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Sunday, April 19, 2009
time, could you stop please?
hello ppls! :D this is gonna be a long post to make up for my inactivity so here we go. okay so school starts at 830am tmr and it ends at 3pm. lets just hope i dont get bored to death tmr ahha. it feels weird because we havent been going to school for 6 months then now we're gonna have to start our engines again. i bought my laptop not too long ago so here are the pictures. hey 1300 including GST for that laptop is a good deal. considering the fact that it has 4gb ram and an above average video card. so yeah....... can play games :P. AHAHA! kidding! i mean this lappy can be used to play games but dont play too often lah! Alright, alright. Its an Acer Aspire 4937G. theres 2 choices, $1600 or $1300 but there isnt any big difference in the $1600 one. honestly, i think the $1600 version of this laptop is a rip-off. $1300 version is a bloody bargain though :D.
I don't know if my classmates are gonna be the fun type but i really hope so! So far the people ive met are really cool and outgoing. Theres quite a number of handsome guys and pretty girls in my class! alot of mixed blood also :D. I predict a war of words tmr because my class is filled with Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal fans HAHA. plus Chelsea beating Liverpool 1 week ago and also beating Arsenal in the FA Cup semi finals last night wont help the situation. BLUE IS THE COLOUR!!! I hope my classmates are cool lah, i really do. or else im gonna suffer for 1 year -_-.
anyways im gonna perform with Katherina this saturday at Odiocrib!(i dont even know where that is) they need me to sing because isa has a bday party on that day. so that means Aidil is gonna take over as bass while i do the vocals. Audi is gonna do the screaming! The songs that we're gonna play are my heroine, Deceived by Distance, Smile in your sleep, This could be anywhere in the world by alexisonfire and the best headbanging song ever. Dogs can grow beards all over too by The Devil Wears Prada! the funny thing is that i only have to sing 3 lines for that song LOL. actually i'll help out with the screamo too! my first ever experience in a gig wooo, cant wait! :D

Mizi knows what im trying to say by putting this picture :P. i shall not let other people know what im trying to say so... too bad! last thing for the night, in my previous entry i did say about the subs right? hopefully i do well lah, because.... i want to do well. i'll f'ing force myself to do well, not even kidding. its a huge sacrifice that im willing to take so i have to make the best out of it. i dont wanna say more, just that. alright im feeling kinda hungry right now so im just gonna grab a quick bite and wash up for bed.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
I don't know if my classmates are gonna be the fun type but i really hope so! So far the people ive met are really cool and outgoing. Theres quite a number of handsome guys and pretty girls in my class! alot of mixed blood also :D. I predict a war of words tmr because my class is filled with Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal fans HAHA. plus Chelsea beating Liverpool 1 week ago and also beating Arsenal in the FA Cup semi finals last night wont help the situation. BLUE IS THE COLOUR!!! I hope my classmates are cool lah, i really do. or else im gonna suffer for 1 year -_-.
anyways im gonna perform with Katherina this saturday at Odiocrib!(i dont even know where that is) they need me to sing because isa has a bday party on that day. so that means Aidil is gonna take over as bass while i do the vocals. Audi is gonna do the screaming! The songs that we're gonna play are my heroine, Deceived by Distance, Smile in your sleep, This could be anywhere in the world by alexisonfire and the best headbanging song ever. Dogs can grow beards all over too by The Devil Wears Prada! the funny thing is that i only have to sing 3 lines for that song LOL. actually i'll help out with the screamo too! my first ever experience in a gig wooo, cant wait! :D

Mizi knows what im trying to say by putting this picture :P. i shall not let other people know what im trying to say so... too bad! last thing for the night, in my previous entry i did say about the subs right? hopefully i do well lah, because.... i want to do well. i'll f'ing force myself to do well, not even kidding. its a huge sacrifice that im willing to take so i have to make the best out of it. i dont wanna say more, just that. alright im feeling kinda hungry right now so im just gonna grab a quick bite and wash up for bed.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Saturday, April 18, 2009
salvation lies within
woo! okay first of all i'd like to say that HOLY CRAP ORIENTATION SUCKS. im not even kidding, you can ask ziq and isaac, im pretty sure they'll say the same thing. I regretted coming for the first day because i dont even know how the hell i survived from 9am to 5pm. so i didnt go for the 2nd day and for the third day (just now), i only went for 2 hours to check my classroom and other important stuffs :D. nonetheless, i made a few cool friends. Unfortunately most of them are from the East side ahah. its like weird you know, everytime i ask where they're from. the common answers will always be: Pasir Ris, Tampines, Hougang, Bedok, Bishan, CHANGI etc. i think my classmates are gonna be okay but oh well, i'll find out soon. oh and i forgot to tell you guys that i am doing a few subs this year. so if i do well, im most probably gonna be at a different place :D. i'll talk about it soon in my next entry. oh yes and katherina asked me to sing for their band next week because their bassist isa can't go to the gig as it falls on his bday. talk more about it soon when i update!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
its never too late to apologize
didnt go gym today :(. so nothing to update on. argh. orientation is gonna start on weds and im having mixed feelings about it. nothing much to say right now cause im having a bloody headache. oh yes and we're gonna cover 1 more song and that is 'Apologize'. Silverstein's version of the song from One Republic. check it out ppls! :D i cant wait to play it heh. okay um not feeling too well so i shall sleep soon. this entry is as boring as my previous entry but i cant help it because i cancelled my plans.. :(
oh well gnite ppls! :D
oh well gnite ppls! :D
Monday, April 13, 2009
small proportions
hello ppls! :D let me start off with this: Hayley Williams is hotter than Anissa from eyes set to kill, too bad mizi! :P. but to be fair, both of them are awesome lah! hayley is better though... AHAH :D. okay i went to BP plaza just now to walk around and i realised something. holy crap the fast food in singapore is bloody expensive compared to what i ate in US. I bought the 'new' snack wrap from mcdonalds and i was amazed at how small it was. so much for new, i already ate the snack wrap like 3 years ago when my sis was still in Ohio. yes, from mcdonalds. it was twice the size and it only costs $1. one. frickin. dollar. its not fair :(. i will never forget the day i bought large fries, a hamburger, strawberry milkshake and mc nuggets for $4.50. no wonder i ate like a pig when i was in houston. i just ate everything that was infront of me. well not literally. mexican food to italian to even indian food. anyways the point is i dont think the fast food in singapore should be that expensive just because its 'fast'. blah.
anyways if you havent bought a laptop for school. you should definately buy the one that alot ppl bought like me, ziq, isaac and mizi's brother. its an Acer Aspire 4937G. it has 4gb ram, 320gb Hard Drive Space, HD screen, good video card, duo core processor. okay long story short: its worth your money. I bought it for $1280 from RP and it costs atleast 1.9k to 2.1k outside. Mizi's brother bought it from SP so im pretty sure you can find it in your respective schools. I dont even know why people buy the other laptops because this one just blows away the others. so if you havent decided what laptop to buy, do consider this laptop. i'll post pictures of it soon but as for now im gonna get a quick bite then im off to sleep. gonna go to CCK gym tmr morning with ziq at 11am. then im off to get my O level cert from school. im also starting to save for my driver's license. I cant wait to say this golden line: do you want a lift home? AHAHHAHA :D. isaac's probably gonna get his driver's license very soon so in the mean time, hes gonna be our driver for practice sessions :P. okay ill update tonight about the gym session.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
anyways if you havent bought a laptop for school. you should definately buy the one that alot ppl bought like me, ziq, isaac and mizi's brother. its an Acer Aspire 4937G. it has 4gb ram, 320gb Hard Drive Space, HD screen, good video card, duo core processor. okay long story short: its worth your money. I bought it for $1280 from RP and it costs atleast 1.9k to 2.1k outside. Mizi's brother bought it from SP so im pretty sure you can find it in your respective schools. I dont even know why people buy the other laptops because this one just blows away the others. so if you havent decided what laptop to buy, do consider this laptop. i'll post pictures of it soon but as for now im gonna get a quick bite then im off to sleep. gonna go to CCK gym tmr morning with ziq at 11am. then im off to get my O level cert from school. im also starting to save for my driver's license. I cant wait to say this golden line: do you want a lift home? AHAHHAHA :D. isaac's probably gonna get his driver's license very soon so in the mean time, hes gonna be our driver for practice sessions :P. okay ill update tonight about the gym session.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Sunday, April 12, 2009
obviously shes hotter mizi.
gosh im so bored right now. currently downloading the godfather 2 game because im a big fan of mafia games. especially the godfather series. its only 7% now and the total size is 3.64gb. whoever invented the torrent really deserves an award ahah. so im currently listening to 'we are the ocean' a post hardcore band and i got really hooked with one of their songs called 'nothing good has happened yet'. the vocalist in the band is amazing! yesterday's session was alright but isaac had an emergency at the last minute so he didnt go. his grandma fainted so he couldnt go. isaac, if you're reading this i hope shes doing well bro! dont worry about not making it because we understand :).
ahah i cant stop laughing at mizi's tagboard. we're so full of crap sometimes :P. im glad that my band is progressing steadily so we need to get a few things ready and then its performing with katherina! yay! :D okay lah im... kinda tired so i shall go to sleep real soon. ill update tonight okay because im tired and i don't know what crap im talking about right now.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
ahah i cant stop laughing at mizi's tagboard. we're so full of crap sometimes :P. im glad that my band is progressing steadily so we need to get a few things ready and then its performing with katherina! yay! :D okay lah im... kinda tired so i shall go to sleep real soon. ill update tonight okay because im tired and i don't know what crap im talking about right now.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Friday, April 10, 2009
tell me whyyyyy
im actually a little pissed with halim right now because time and time again he decides to learn his lead parts at the 11th hour. im done with all the songs by last week excluding aint love grand because we're leaving that out for the time being. unfortunately halim only learnt his parts like... tonight?! geez. damn it, i already told him to learn his parts for FFAF's most open heartbreak because i cant handle that song alone with all the lead parts. my hand will just drop dead. grr. not to mention he was extremely late last week.... URGH. so bloody irritating.
anyways um.. yeah i went to watch david archuleta on wednesday and he was awesome! that performance really showed that american idol contestants are the real deal unlike most artists. American Idol contestants can sing live VERY WELL. seriously, you just have to hear david archuleta's voice that night. that is of course, if you can withstand the plethora of kids/girls screaming 'DAAAAAVID! I LOVE YOU!!!' ahaha. David's height is almost the same as mine! yes, that means im not short. woohoo! okay anyways here's the videos of his performance in order. i didnt take the videos because my phone sucks. wen jie and my bro's girlfriend did take videos though! his voice is really good for a little too not over you.
Touch my Hand by David Archuleta
a little too not over you
a thousand miles
I was really impressed by his live singing! its off the scale if you ask me because lots of artists out there cant sing well live. they need studio editing to make their voices sound nicer in the album. not for the american idol contestants though! oh and yes, guess what i found out on youtube! Adam Lambert is gay and even he admitted it. well no kidding, i mean you can tell that hes 'different' when hes performing but thats not the important thing. its a singing competition so its all about singing. besides, his voice is just brilliant! damn its so cool to be in a singing competition. oh gosh how i wish i was taught vocally by some talented vocal teacher.
hayley williams was taught by a great vocal teacher (i forgot his name) before she got famous. Adam Lambert is used to singing like that since hes in the theatre industry for god knows how long. Danny Gokey IS a singing teacher! ah well, maybe in my next life i get to be a star eh? AHAHA. i can get used to travelling around the world and stuff heh. oh well, i got nothing much to say so i guess i shall end it here. dont forget ppls, CHELSEA is the best. we beat liverpool 3-1 at their home. no further comments :P.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
anyways um.. yeah i went to watch david archuleta on wednesday and he was awesome! that performance really showed that american idol contestants are the real deal unlike most artists. American Idol contestants can sing live VERY WELL. seriously, you just have to hear david archuleta's voice that night. that is of course, if you can withstand the plethora of kids/girls screaming 'DAAAAAVID! I LOVE YOU!!!' ahaha. David's height is almost the same as mine! yes, that means im not short. woohoo! okay anyways here's the videos of his performance in order. i didnt take the videos because my phone sucks. wen jie and my bro's girlfriend did take videos though! his voice is really good for a little too not over you.
Touch my Hand by David Archuleta
a little too not over you
a thousand miles
I was really impressed by his live singing! its off the scale if you ask me because lots of artists out there cant sing well live. they need studio editing to make their voices sound nicer in the album. not for the american idol contestants though! oh and yes, guess what i found out on youtube! Adam Lambert is gay and even he admitted it. well no kidding, i mean you can tell that hes 'different' when hes performing but thats not the important thing. its a singing competition so its all about singing. besides, his voice is just brilliant! damn its so cool to be in a singing competition. oh gosh how i wish i was taught vocally by some talented vocal teacher.
hayley williams was taught by a great vocal teacher (i forgot his name) before she got famous. Adam Lambert is used to singing like that since hes in the theatre industry for god knows how long. Danny Gokey IS a singing teacher! ah well, maybe in my next life i get to be a star eh? AHAHA. i can get used to travelling around the world and stuff heh. oh well, i got nothing much to say so i guess i shall end it here. dont forget ppls, CHELSEA is the best. we beat liverpool 3-1 at their home. no further comments :P.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Blue is definately the colour
YEAAAAH!!! CHELSEA 3 - 1 Liverpool. HAHAA. cheers for all the chelsea fans out there! the first two goals were scored by Ivanovich while the third one was scored by Drogba! Liverpool had me worried when Torres scored on the 6th minute but in the end, chelsea won! Barcelona won Bayern Munich 4-0. Goals are from Messi, Eto'o and Henry. those 3 players are frickin all star players so its no surprise that they scored. I still cant believe Chelsea won 3-1 at ANFIELD, liverpool's home. what a huge surprise. well i dunno why im still up right now so im gonna finish this entry. I went to the gym at gombak with wen jie and ziq just now so im pretty tired. I also went to watch David Archuleta with Wen Jie and my bro's girlfriend yst haha. he was awesome live! i shall show you guys the videos of him singing soon but as for right now, im off to bed.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
*sings 'BLUE IS THE COLOUR!!!'*
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
*sings 'BLUE IS THE COLOUR!!!'*
Monday, April 6, 2009
and if my lungs still me breathe, will you be there for me?
hello ppls! :D so as promised, i shall post a video of a dumb blonde later but lets start off with something else. i havent been covering any songs for a long time so this is the surprise :D. here's a cover of silverstein's smashed into pieces. i took it last night before my previous entry. i was tired from the practice session so please dont be too harsh on me because of my mistakes. i did make a couple of mistakes in the video but overall i think its okay. Youtube pretty much killed the quality of the video because the video that i sent mizi on msn is 10 times better in terms of quality.
my favourite part is definately 2:40 in the video. followed by the tremolo picking during the screamo :D. okay anyways, halim just reminded us about an audition for a nightclub performance on the 12th of april. so that means we have to get ready by this sunday. i think our adam lambert aka isaac is back from genting already. i got confidence for everyone else except for halim. he's busy 90% of the time so its really hard to schedule a practice session during the weekday when its cheap. damn. well about the blonde video, here it is. dumb blondes.... :P. go for BRUNETTES!!! :D
hello, i'd like to order french fries, a burger and a milkshake! HAHHAHA. i feel bad for the intelligent blondes though! okay well im eating the cheese prata that my brother just bought from gombak so here's another video. basically this is me talking(at times) and playing the hard parts of 'this year's most open heartbreak' and smashed into pieces. if you wanna find out why ive been having trouble with that Funeral for a Friend song, then check out the video. halim was supposed to learn it but i ended up taking over because he just can't seem to get it done on time :(. so yes, my forearm hurts like hell everytime i play that bloody riff with the palm mutes.
okay well thats pretty everything that i wanted to say. oh and isaac if you're reading this, come for the next session okay because i cannot tahan jack's girlfriend singing :P. she got no rhythm so lets just leave it at that :P. i seriously cant wait to sing 'the theft' with isaac because my voice can finally reach quite high at the line just before the first chorus: 'he exhales a thousand black flowers explode into butterflies as they're away-ay-aaaaaaaaaaaay!'. i frickin love that part :). ah okay i shall get back to my prata and tv. i have gym tmr so i cant sleep that late.
oh well, gnite ppls!
my favourite part is definately 2:40 in the video. followed by the tremolo picking during the screamo :D. okay anyways, halim just reminded us about an audition for a nightclub performance on the 12th of april. so that means we have to get ready by this sunday. i think our adam lambert aka isaac is back from genting already. i got confidence for everyone else except for halim. he's busy 90% of the time so its really hard to schedule a practice session during the weekday when its cheap. damn. well about the blonde video, here it is. dumb blondes.... :P. go for BRUNETTES!!! :D
hello, i'd like to order french fries, a burger and a milkshake! HAHHAHA. i feel bad for the intelligent blondes though! okay well im eating the cheese prata that my brother just bought from gombak so here's another video. basically this is me talking(at times) and playing the hard parts of 'this year's most open heartbreak' and smashed into pieces. if you wanna find out why ive been having trouble with that Funeral for a Friend song, then check out the video. halim was supposed to learn it but i ended up taking over because he just can't seem to get it done on time :(. so yes, my forearm hurts like hell everytime i play that bloody riff with the palm mutes.
okay well thats pretty everything that i wanted to say. oh and isaac if you're reading this, come for the next session okay because i cannot tahan jack's girlfriend singing :P. she got no rhythm so lets just leave it at that :P. i seriously cant wait to sing 'the theft' with isaac because my voice can finally reach quite high at the line just before the first chorus: 'he exhales a thousand black flowers explode into butterflies as they're away-ay-aaaaaaaaaaaay!'. i frickin love that part :). ah okay i shall get back to my prata and tv. i have gym tmr so i cant sleep that late.
oh well, gnite ppls!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
you're up early
jamming was alright i guess but we started off being totally angry at halim. you wanna know why? :P okay so we're supposed to meet at 530pm since the jamming session is from 7 to 9. we didnt want to be late so thats why we agreed to meet at senja lrt, 530pm. we waited until 6pm and still halim didnt call or messaged any of us. so we decided to go there straight and got started without him. Guess what time he WOKE UP?! get ready for this: 8pm. wow. all of us were so pissed off at the time so we asked him to take a cab from his house to tiet studio. he arrived around 830pm and we only got to play like 5 songs with him. but eventually the anger faded because he came atleast and we also didnt screw up :D.
the only thing that's a little weird is that our Adam Lambert, Isaac is happily gambling in genting with his dad right now so jack's (danial) girlfriend sang the songs for us. im okay with that but um... a little weird lah. her voice doesnt suit the songs that we play. so Isaac come back from genting already lah! im gonna wash up and go to bed soon. i'll post the video about the dumb blonde soon. i also have a surprise for you guys so do read my blog tonight when i update it okay? im gonna wash up and go to bed. i'll update tonight!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
the only thing that's a little weird is that our Adam Lambert, Isaac is happily gambling in genting with his dad right now so jack's (danial) girlfriend sang the songs for us. im okay with that but um... a little weird lah. her voice doesnt suit the songs that we play. so Isaac come back from genting already lah! im gonna wash up and go to bed soon. i'll post the video about the dumb blonde soon. i also have a surprise for you guys so do read my blog tonight when i update it okay? im gonna wash up and go to bed. i'll update tonight!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, April 2, 2009
woops, its already 11 plus now. oh well, minor setback but its atleast better than nothing :D. gym was cancelled just now because everyone didnt feel like going. Ziq had things to do, i was tired and wen jie was still sleeping. I took the opportunity to sleep for a couple more hours and pretty much lazed around the whole day. Brushed up on some songs and also for 'this year's most open heartbreak'. I also created a few riffs that might be useful if we want to make a song. that is of course, if im NOT lazy. but we'll just stick to covering songs as for now. OH and i also found some hilarious videos on youtube that i just have to put here. this first one is funny as hell. Ipod lovers, do watch this video :D. ahah the blonde girl is so clueless.
blonde girl: so am i pregnant there or...?
guy: *sarcastic* ........ yeah! you're pregnant. Its a boy!
blonde girl: OH MY GOD!!
see i told you that video is funny. blondes a clueless, go for brunettes guys! anyways im learning how to do a live broadcast so you guys can see my screen whenever i decide to play something on this pc. i wanna try it because i often come across funny people when i play online. by funny people i meant people who say this for instance: 'HELP ME, oh god hunter on me! HOLY SHIT'. haha yes, especially aussies. okay time for another video. Aidil you're gonna love this video. its all about screaming and yes its also funny.
sooooo megan got eliminated from American Idol just now. cant say much because the other guys also sang very well. Anoop, Kris and Matt are getting better each week. Kris Allen is probably getting his votes off teen girls screaming 'OH MY GOD KRIS YOU'RE SO HOT'. well he IS handsome in my opinion so its a good thing for him even if he doesnt sing well :P. but im still rooting for Adam Lambert or Danny Gokey to win. ah well ive delayed this entry for too long because im chatting with halim right now. alright this entry is long enough, time for me to get back to my guitar! i'll update soon enough.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
blonde girl: so am i pregnant there or...?
guy: *sarcastic* ........ yeah! you're pregnant. Its a boy!
blonde girl: OH MY GOD!!
see i told you that video is funny. blondes a clueless, go for brunettes guys! anyways im learning how to do a live broadcast so you guys can see my screen whenever i decide to play something on this pc. i wanna try it because i often come across funny people when i play online. by funny people i meant people who say this for instance: 'HELP ME, oh god hunter on me! HOLY SHIT'. haha yes, especially aussies. okay time for another video. Aidil you're gonna love this video. its all about screaming and yes its also funny.
sooooo megan got eliminated from American Idol just now. cant say much because the other guys also sang very well. Anoop, Kris and Matt are getting better each week. Kris Allen is probably getting his votes off teen girls screaming 'OH MY GOD KRIS YOU'RE SO HOT'. well he IS handsome in my opinion so its a good thing for him even if he doesnt sing well :P. but im still rooting for Adam Lambert or Danny Gokey to win. ah well ive delayed this entry for too long because im chatting with halim right now. alright this entry is long enough, time for me to get back to my guitar! i'll update soon enough.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
ahhhh the lead, the lead!

im kinda frustrated right now because the lead parts for 'this year's most open heartbreak' by funeral for a friend requires me to play very fast. im fine with that but jack already booked a slot at tiet from 7 to 9 this saturday. so that means i have to learn as much as possible. Halim's freaking out because he has so much things to do this week :/. so like the kind person i am, i decided to learn ALL the lead parts for the song because i dont think halim can survive that much parts...... even though i want to sing for some parts of the song :(. nvm we'll work out something soon.
i got gym later with ziq and wen jie at 10am so i should really go to bed now. oh yes and american idol just now was boring as hell. theres still couple of good performances by the usual adam lambert and adam gokey but the rest is average i guess. i was going to make this entry an interesting one but the lead for that song pretty much stole my mood away ahah. im 75% done with it though :D. YESSS! no this is not april's fool, im not that cruel lah haha. i promise, TONIGHT i'll make an interesting entry. here i'll even give you a time, how about 10pm tonight? :D/ see im a nice guy okay.... cant believe some people say im not :(. okay its exactly 4am right now so im off to bed!
i got gym later with ziq and wen jie at 10am so i should really go to bed now. oh yes and american idol just now was boring as hell. theres still couple of good performances by the usual adam lambert and adam gokey but the rest is average i guess. i was going to make this entry an interesting one but the lead for that song pretty much stole my mood away ahah. im 75% done with it though :D. YESSS! no this is not april's fool, im not that cruel lah haha. i promise, TONIGHT i'll make an interesting entry. here i'll even give you a time, how about 10pm tonight? :D/ see im a nice guy okay.... cant believe some people say im not :(. okay its exactly 4am right now so im off to bed!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
random dandom
gaahhh this is gonna be a short entry because i dont know what to say. i feel bad about danial because he waited so long for his DAE and then the application failed :(. same for wen jie too! Dan's so disappointed right now, ahyoo. what to do... so me and halim already finished learning 'the theft' by atreyu and the next song is smashed into pieces. we're taking our time to learn the songs because there's no rush. Isaac has to go to genting this weekend so we've postponed the next session to the following week. i dont have much to say because im watching stupid videos on youtube while i blog. oh yes, and something stupid happened when i chatted with mizi last night. ahah i was playing sims 2 and i asked him about spouse. its on his blog so check it out because im lazy to copy and paste here ahah. ill update later tonight with a more interesting entry.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
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