I don't know if my classmates are gonna be the fun type but i really hope so! So far the people ive met are really cool and outgoing. Theres quite a number of handsome guys and pretty girls in my class! alot of mixed blood also :D. I predict a war of words tmr because my class is filled with Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal fans HAHA. plus Chelsea beating Liverpool 1 week ago and also beating Arsenal in the FA Cup semi finals last night wont help the situation. BLUE IS THE COLOUR!!! I hope my classmates are cool lah, i really do. or else im gonna suffer for 1 year -_-.
anyways im gonna perform with Katherina this saturday at Odiocrib!(i dont even know where that is) they need me to sing because isa has a bday party on that day. so that means Aidil is gonna take over as bass while i do the vocals. Audi is gonna do the screaming! The songs that we're gonna play are my heroine, Deceived by Distance, Smile in your sleep, This could be anywhere in the world by alexisonfire and the best headbanging song ever. Dogs can grow beards all over too by The Devil Wears Prada! the funny thing is that i only have to sing 3 lines for that song LOL. actually i'll help out with the screamo too! my first ever experience in a gig wooo, cant wait! :D

Mizi knows what im trying to say by putting this picture :P. i shall not let other people know what im trying to say so... too bad! last thing for the night, in my previous entry i did say about the subs right? hopefully i do well lah, because.... i want to do well. i'll f'ing force myself to do well, not even kidding. its a huge sacrifice that im willing to take so i have to make the best out of it. i dont wanna say more, just that. alright im feeling kinda hungry right now so im just gonna grab a quick bite and wash up for bed.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
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