I know I promised you guys that I was going to update last night but I guess it just slipped off my mind. anyways i'm gonna try to put down the things that I can remember from my singapore idol auditions on saturday. BE WARNED: this is going to be a long ass entry but it describes most of the things that happened on saturday. okay so I left my house around 10:30pm and met aidil, isa and mizi's japanese friend ryan at cathay around 11:30pm. Once I got there, it was quite packed but i managed to get to the spot where aidil and the others were at. Ihsan and Zeid came about an hour later when they were giving out the numbers. none of us brought an acoustic guitar or poker cards to help us when we were bored. And thats where we met Dion and AJ. They were playing and singing 'im yours' on the acoustic so we joined in too ahah :D. After awhile we managed to borrow a guitar from this other guy we met salihin. I think i can remember the songs that we played. wait waaaait. okay my heroine by silverstein, wonderwall by oasis, kiss from a rose, always be my baby, home by chris daughtry, collide by howie day aaand kris allen's version of heartless.

As we played along, this one malay girl talked to isa and apparently both of them knew each other from anugerah(malay talent show). like isa, she also didnt make it after the 2nd round so she went to singapore idol instead. so yeah we were singing/playing songs and making new friends until we heard this loud girl voice singing the great escape. we were really stunned for a second there. it really made us go like this: 'whoa.' I couldnt remember exactly but if im not wrong, her name is stephanie. thats what i heard because the malay girl behind us was talking about how great her voice was. well no kidding, her voice was bloody brilliant! After awhile i think the 3 of our groups started to sing along to each other's songs. songs like im yours, she will be loved by maroon 5 and heartless. okay so basically all of us sang until we got bored. imagine singing continuously for 2 hours -_-. we played 99 for god knows how long and decided to take a stroll around the area.
Ihsan the amazing pathfinder brought us to what SEEMED like cheers from far but then when we got close to it it turned out to be.... F'ING HOTEL 81. wow. okay skip to the morning. we were so bored by 8am that even looking at construction workers from the site were making us excited. okay so we waited another 3 hours and we finally got into the cinema only to find out that we had to wait AGAIN. So the normal routine went on, you know singing songs and all except this time the cameras were on our face like bees. they would crowd around a single person and be like 'OKAY, SING.' ahahha. I also met benjamin the jazz guy and wow that guy can sing really well too. we were told to sing as 1 huge group so that'll probably be on the commercials very soon. me, isa, aidil and ryan slept like 90% of the time we were in the waiting area because we were so tired. geez what do you expect, we only had like 30 mins of real sleep.

so after another 3 hours of waiting. we FINALLY got to the point where we're supposed to audition. When we were outside the room, HADY MIRZA was there :D. so we shook his hands and asked for singing tips and stuff. Gurmit singh was there too and i got to talk to him for a while. I told him that i was really nervous and he said 'Nevermind! its good to be nervous, use that energy!'. I guess that worked HAHA. so just when we were about to sing, AJ's line up came and suddenly from nervous moments it all became funny ahha. me and ryan did a parody of adam lambert's high notes that made everyone around laugh. one of the guys inside told us that the judges can hear us and we were like 'nvm, let them hear adam lambert.' :P. ahh it was so funny. we were fooling around outside the room. dancing, singing and doing impersonations.
okay so skip to my audition. i went into the room and i was surprised that i'll have to sing infront of the bloody cinema. you know in the middle of the screen. the acoustics in the room was amazing so that pretty much settled me down. THEN the stupidest thing ever happened. Oh my goodness we were supposed to say out our names and numbers that were on our chest and I said. 'Hi my name is Herrizal Nazari and my number is 0236.' omg then the person was like 'hah no its 2396. dont be nervous'. oh my god i felt like a moron cause it was written there on my chest SO BIG '2396' so i just laughed it off. I sang silverstein's version of apologize and then when they asked me to sing another song, i sang howie day's collide.
they asked me a couple of questions about myself like 'what are the things that people wont know just by looking at you'. I told them about how afraid i was to singing to people because of an incident when i was young. After the whole audition i was happy and worried at the same time but in the end i made it to the next round. phew. I felt damn bad for aidil and Isa though because i really wanted them to be in the next stage with me :(. nvm guys me and ryan will do our best! okay i think i've stretched this entry long enough HAHA but yeah it pretty much concludes what happened on saturday. Aidil, Fizz and my cousin are going overseas real soon so im gonna miss them alot. Aidil's going off to KL at 6am later while Fizz is going to M'sia around next week i think. My couz is supposed to be in China in a few days or is it cancelled due to Swine Flu? i'm not sure. anyways have an enjoyable trip guys and dont bring back swine flu. stay swine-less! :D ahha. okay im gonna update tonight with a long awaited video. yesss! oh god is 4:08am now.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D