'These roads never seem so long. Since your paper heart stopped beating, leaving me suddenly alone. Will day break ever come? Who's gonna call on sunday morning? Who's gonna drive you home? I just want one more chance to put my arms in fragile hands! I thought you said forever over and over.'

Anberlin is coming to Singapore! OMG. Me, mizi, fizz, razak, fairul, aidil etc are gonna go watch them live because the best thing is that the ticket is free AHHA. Once in a lifetime experience man! Anberlin and free tickets, seriously that never happens to any of our favourite bands like silverstein, paramore or BFMV. theyre gonna be peforming on the 30th of august at baybeats (thats why its free). they should have their own concert but oh well, its better than nothing. we would pay for their tickets if they made a full concert in s'pore. Me and the guys are SO gonna shout 'the unwinding cable carrrrr!!!!' when we see them live. If they play paperthin hymn, inevitable, whisper and a clamor, dismantle.repair or the feel good drag, we're gonna sing along like mad i tell you! From what i've heard, anberlin is awesome live! :D :D :D
anyways here's a video of me playing anberlin's the feel good drag solo. It was something random that i decided to do yesterday so here you go! its not perfected though so theres a couple of mistakes here and there.
So i went studying with mizi, fairul and fizz yesterday around 6pm at cineleisure. it was fun because we met our study goals for the night without any disturbances. And my maths is really improving by ALOT and im proud of that ahhaa. i still have a long way to go but as long as im focussed, nothing can stop me. NOTHING! *plays inspirational music*. We walked around orchard after that and went car hunting. We managed to see 1 lamborghini spyder, 1 fairlady, 1 audi tt, possibly an Audi R8. I told fizz that if one day i get a lamborghini, i'll pull down my windows and blast 'hey john' on the stereo in the middle of orchard. omg that would be awesome HAHA. then mizi and fizz went for the usual hunting.. of girls. according to mizi it was 'high tide' last night cause you can see pretty girls everywhere.
We've been going out alot lately and its definately fun to go out with the usual guys heh. We went to esplanade the other night and just relaxed by the bay. We talked about lots of things like our childhood, girls, what our lives would be like if we were all famous etc. Mizi's brother Fahmi is fierce in primary school sia AHAHA. you know what he did? okay mizi told us that this girl was copying fahmi's answers over and over. He got irritated one day and decided to........ cut off a chunk her hair with a pair of scissors. whoa, i didnt know that fahmi is that fierce sia! For me one of the funniest incident is when my kindergarten teacher make me cry so bad because of something. then she kept saying 'Ah cry somemore, cry somemore!'. so as i was crying, i took the feather duster and threw it at her face. Sad to say i had to be transferred to another kindergarten after that.. which was strict as hell. well it was worth it anyways :D!
okay i shall end it here because i have quite a number of things to do so ill update soon. i've been neglecting this blog for the past few days because im too lazy. enjoy the new blog song people! :D
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