anyways APEC Summit was a reaaaaally easy job. Half.. wait no 3/4 of the time me, Alan and his friends were wandering around Esplanade looking at the scenery and occasionally emo-ing along the bay while listening to our ipods. We even had time to walk around Marina Square and Suntec at 3am in the morning. It was scary because there was literally NOBODY around. ahha it felt like L4D. no cars, no people, no sound. imagine that in marina square parking lot. damn scary! Alan told me that the first day, on average we got atleast $35/hr. HAHA awesome shit. The final day was a little tiring on my legs because we had to stand for two hours but eh, it was alright. The place was super filled with bodyguards who constantly kept asking me alot of questions just because I stood beside the trishaw. LOL.
'Who are these Trishaws for?'
'Will you be cycling this trishaw?'
'Where is Malaysia's Trishaw?'
'Where is Indonesia's Trishaw?'
'How long is the journey?'
'Can I book this Trishaw for Brunei's sultan?'
'Can I take this Trishaw for the China President?'
Mind you they were the Presidents and Minister's BODYGUARDS. so you know, they are extremely huge and INTIMIDATING. the way they talk to me is like... 'no funny business or i'm taking you down' kind of tone. These guys were atleast twice my size and when they crowd around me, wow, they really crowd around. Ironically these guys look damn cool with their Blazers/Tux/Coat. they look really scary but yet they look damn cool ahah. Of course there were some other important people like the delegates who asked me to take photos with them. Its atleast better than having bodyguards constantly asking you questions ahha.
When the time came for the leaders to board the trishaws, I got... shoved by a Brunei bodyguard for being too close. haiz, poor thing :(. The sultan of Brunei went into my Trishaw and obviously he was also accompanied by like 10 or more bodyguards. Once the whole Trishaw event was done and the leaders were having their dinner, it was smooth sailing for me and Alan. Walking around Esplanade and eating the buffet. Overall it was a really easy and fun job because there really wasn't much things to do. oh well, i'm still waiting for my 240 bucks cheque. I think I have to wait for 1 week? aaargh.

The picture itself is self-explanatory. I was deciding on whether to go to sch or not just now. Dan lah, didnt want to go off early so we can play xbox at the library. !@#$%. That girl also! she just had to use capslock. sheesh. I want my 2 months break NAAAAOW. so I can run away from Singapore to LA and forget about everyone.. for awhile. screw you all, I hate all of you! pfft. ahah okay not that but I just want to get away from s'pore for awhile, you know? It's my 'escape from reality' plan that only Mizi understands fully. blah, okay off to bed. by the way we have to meet up soon mizi! there was a reason why I never updated this blog for quite a while but I'm gonna start blogging regularly again so yeah heh.
okay, gnite ppls! :D
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