How to train your Dragon was a really great show! I watched it last night with Mizi, Fizz and Isa at Causeway. Really worth it, especially in 3D! It was quite blurry for me in the beginning but after a few minutes, my eyes got used to it and it became very clear. Anyways the storyline is pretty good and not cliched, since it was made from the producers of shrek, you can be assured that its very entertaining and humorous. Hiccup's (Main character) dragon, "toothless" is so damn adorable! Overall I would rate it 8/10 because the graphics are f'ing brilliant, storyline is also good. The ending had a strong lesson in my opinion. In my opinion it really showed the saying: "through thick and thin" for the ending when Hiccup... :D. no spoilers from me okay! If you haven't watch it, you really ought to do so because its a movie that's entertaining for all ages. Next up: TOYS STORY 3 YEAAAAH! I'm pretty sure that Toys story 3 is the only movie from Pixar that will have more teens watching than children because we were all about 6-10 when toys story 1 came out. Can't wait for it!
In other news: damn this blog is almost, and I mean ALMOST dead. It's like nobody goes here anymore except for a handful of people. anyways me and aidil's cover of time is running out by muse is done. It was done in a lower key to match Aidil's voice since he was gonna do most of the singing so it doesn't sound the same as my cover. I can't sing it properly in a lower key either so I just left it to Aidil. Ooh ooh, and I always showed Aidil some episodes of Scare Tactics. funny-as-hell I tell you! There's a couple of episodes of youtube but I can't seem to embed it here so if you wanna see it, you'll have to search it up on youtube. Trust me, its worth your time! I saw a couple of episodes and I had to get the whole season.
okay last thing for the night, Mizi is going Taiwan while Isa is going to China. Mizi's going there for NS while Isa's going there for some school attachment. gah, 2 months. that's crazy! Mizi's going on April 10th so we'll definitely be sending him off. I think Isa's flight is like 1 day before Mizi's flight. whatever, i'll try to send them both! :D okay i'm actually on the phone on skype right now. waiting for customer service. cool eh? calling from my pc ahah, and its FEH-REEE. well it only works for toll-free numbers only so I guess that's the bad thing about it. lucky this number is toll-free. i'm gonna end this entry here. this place is dead... :'(. maybe because I haven't been updating a lot since the past few months. come baaaack! :'(
ahah okay, gnite ppls! :D
In other news: damn this blog is almost, and I mean ALMOST dead. It's like nobody goes here anymore except for a handful of people. anyways me and aidil's cover of time is running out by muse is done. It was done in a lower key to match Aidil's voice since he was gonna do most of the singing so it doesn't sound the same as my cover. I can't sing it properly in a lower key either so I just left it to Aidil. Ooh ooh, and I always showed Aidil some episodes of Scare Tactics. funny-as-hell I tell you! There's a couple of episodes of youtube but I can't seem to embed it here so if you wanna see it, you'll have to search it up on youtube. Trust me, its worth your time! I saw a couple of episodes and I had to get the whole season.
okay last thing for the night, Mizi is going Taiwan while Isa is going to China. Mizi's going there for NS while Isa's going there for some school attachment. gah, 2 months. that's crazy! Mizi's going on April 10th so we'll definitely be sending him off. I think Isa's flight is like 1 day before Mizi's flight. whatever, i'll try to send them both! :D okay i'm actually on the phone on skype right now. waiting for customer service. cool eh? calling from my pc ahah, and its FEH-REEE. well it only works for toll-free numbers only so I guess that's the bad thing about it. lucky this number is toll-free. i'm gonna end this entry here. this place is dead... :'(. maybe because I haven't been updating a lot since the past few months. come baaaack! :'(
ahah okay, gnite ppls! :D
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