Sorry for not updating much but i've been going out almost everyday for the past week and getting home around 11 plus so i'm pretty much bushed/tired to even blog. Anyways, yesterday me, kai, shanny and meng ting went out for a movie and bowling outing. We watched Resident Evil Afterlife! It was a decent movie, you know with all the slow motion effects and alice doing seemingly impossible things and all. This time, the movie kinda lacks action compared to RE: Extinction or the earlier ones. It also lacks a variety of zombies! We only see normal majini zombies and one executioner from Resident Evil 5. needs a HELL of a lot more zombie/creatures from RE5, like that weird ant + human + lizard creature, lickers, Uroboros etc etc. you'll understand what im trying to say if you played the game.
Another thing that really annoyed me was the fact that they made wesker.... weak. Hes supposed to be very strong and even if you found a way to kill him, he'll always be back to ruin your plans. With the introduction of alice, they made a hero who is on par with him in terms of speed/strength. He's the guy who dodges bullets, rips your heart out for the lulz, uses everyone than betrays them, runs at 300km/hr, has a very proud-ish attitude and is always 3 steps ahead of everyone. The movie kinda dumbed him down a little bit but the actor got wesker's personality accurately. BUT I still have hope for wesker since this is not the final RE movie. After the credits, Jill Valentine appeared as a pawn for Wesker aaaaaaand yeah, Wesker never dies. :D
Gosh I look so dark in that picture.. ironically im pale as a moon right now. We ate at pepper lunch after that. Looooove my beef sukiyaki. then off to bowling as me and mengting beat shanny and kai :D. I really suck at bowling cause i was never really into it but after a few coaching 'tips' from the all knowing kai, I started to get the method right. alright im getting hungry now so im gonna get some food. my mom bought a whole bbq chicken so the smell is getting to me right now. tmr i'll be playing street soccer with the guys so i'll talk about it tmr night, later ppls! :D