sooooo much happened during the time when I stopped blogging. a lot of interesting things too but unfortunately writing it all down here would be extremely long. A lot of great and funny things like class chalet, me and dan lloyd working in the YOG village and the athletes there thought that we were from the s'pore team, dan lloyd receiving a 'gift' from a chile'ian athlete in the YOG village, me and my brother saw a ghost: 'a girl with black hair in a white cloth' in the carpark just behind our car at midnight, Jack getting his bike license, the sports complex near our house just opened etc etc. Really interesting stuff I tell you! If I feel like it, i'll talk about them in my following entries :)

Its already Friday (although i still think of it as thursday night) so its officially hari raya! YAY! I'm not as excited but okay lah still excited a bit. Mainly because I get to devour the honey baked cornflakes and rendang. Dont tempt me, I can eat the entire container full of honey baked cornflakes. rawr. Me and Jack just went for a swim at the sports complex that just opened like a day ago. Its literally like a 2 minutes walk away from my house ;D. I'm so gonna be at that place all the time. Gym, Swimming and Street Soccer at the comfort of my residential area. I couldn't ask for more! :D
After that we bought 18 packs of fireworks each for 6 dollars and started doing.. some uh. okay fine, we starting doing some rockets and cannons that actually flew. AHHA if only I took a video. we jammed up 16 sticks together and created a cannon that created a blast around 1 level height. i'm not kidding, it was really that big. tmr if we have the time, we'll be definitely jamming up like 30 to 40 sticks at once and see what happens. I heard those "whistling" fireworks tend to explode if you stack em together. hehehe, sounds interesting :D.
alright i'm still very sick so im gonna take my medicine and head off to bed. its gonna be a long day since its hari raya so i need all the rest i can get. oh and if any of you missed me, aidil and Isa's cover on facebook for Billionaire, here it is :D. I really didn't expect that much people to like it. it wont be the last you hear from us, that's fo sho!
okay gnite ppls! :D
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