hello ppls! :D i have to speed this up because we're going to miami in about an hour. so we went to nasa the day before and i got to see real space shuttles :D. that thing was huge! i took a couple of pictures and im uploading them to this computer by bluetooth so this may take awhile. if i dont have enough time to upload it, i'll either upload it to photobucket soon or i'll do it some other time. assuming there is internet at the place where we're going. hopefully there is a computer there so i can update my blog and stuff. we'll be going there for a week so if theres no computer, i cant update for a whole week :/.
anyways we went to a japanese restaurant called 'genji' for dinner after that. apparently there was karaoke over there so me and my sis decided to sing a few songs. omg im telling you, my sister's voice is frickin nice. i asked her how come she never try out for american idol. so because of that, me and my brother in law are secretly planning to bring her to american idol when it comes to houston :P. i havent heard her sing for like a few years so she went up and sang killing me softly and if it makes you happy by sheryl crow. the first song already made me go 'whoa'. the 2nd song is kinda slow but its different when it comes to the chorus. i sang 'save the last dance for me' and 'come fly with me' by michael buble! i always wanted to sing that song to people ahha :D! there were alot of people in the restaurant so i really dont know how i got the courage to sing normally i wouldnt have the courage to sing to people but i guess watching my sister sing helped alot. i'd definately do it again if it had the chance haha. well me and my sis wanted to sing 'lucky' by jason mraz but they didnt have the song so yeah :(. it'd would've been nice to sing that song with my sister. the last person i sang that song with was with my cousin affie.
the people sitting infront of us were mexicans are they're frickin funny. mexicans are really respectable people and they really know how to have fun ahah. behind us there was this group of white kids who kept singing weird songs. they sang unknown songs that had f'ing funny lyrics like 'i wanna f you hard, hard, hard. all night long', and 'your love is dripping like honey'. something along those lines. WTF HAHHA. the worst part is that two girls were singing those songs so it was kinda weird. one of the mexican guys came up to our table and asked 'are they drunk?! because if they're not then they really need help' HAHA. we spent like 3 hours in there and we went home after that. i went to two guitar shops yesterday and i got really interested in ibanez guitars. one of the workers heard me play riffs from BFMV and 1 riff from HIM. he came up to me and was like 'i love that riff!'. so we talked about ibanez guitars, amps, tube amps and how long ive played. i wanted to buy an ibanez guitar there but he told me that if i bought it in s'pore, i would have more choice. mizi, hes almost as cool as the guy from davis guitar! i think this guy is much better :P.
alright im gonna end it here guys because i have to go soon. i already uploaded the photos to my photobucket account so here it is. http://s370.photobucket.com/albums/oo143/herrizal/Houston/
hopefully there is a computer when we're in miami so i can update more. if i cant update then heres an advance merry christmas to you all :D. i hope you guys get good presents and have alot of fun in s'pore. okay i have to stop now because my hands are freezing. its 1 deg celcius now so i need my gloves. i'll update IF theres a computer that i can use when we're in miami.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
one remote is enough
hello ppls! :D i havent been updating lately because ive been really busy lately. shopping, working out and going to places. ive been eating alot too :P. anyways we're gonna go to NASA soon since its only 30 mins away from my sister's house but im not sure when we're gonna go. i hope im gonna see spaceships YEAH!! :D :D :D.
so i watched 'the day the earth stood still' just now and sad to say it wasn't that good. the trailer looks damn nice but the actual movie lacks action and the ending just makes you go 'what? is that it?!'. the little black kid in the movie is annoying as hell too. the storyline is alright i guess, its the usual aliens 'cleansing' our planet by killing us all to save earth. dont get me wrong, the plot sounds alright but the movie needs more action! I mean come on, its KEANU REEVES. every movie that he in is supposed to be full of action! i'd give it a 6/10 rating just because the effects are nice but overall the movie isnt as exciting as i thought it would be. a few other movies that looks really interesting is valkyr(tom cruise trying to assassinate hitler), taken (hitman on a rampage because his daughter got kidnapped), 2012(end of the world? :x) and terminator salvation. if im not wrong valkyr's gonna be released in the US around next week? the others are gonna be like next year :/.
we went shopping for christmas presents and me and my sis bought this ipod tv thing for my brother in law that costs around 300 bucks. its gonna be a surprise for him! i also bought for him this funny remote control thats called 'control a woman'. omg if you're a guy, this is gonna make you laugh. seriously you have to click on the picture and read the 'functions' for yourself AHHAH!

so i watched 'the day the earth stood still' just now and sad to say it wasn't that good. the trailer looks damn nice but the actual movie lacks action and the ending just makes you go 'what? is that it?!'. the little black kid in the movie is annoying as hell too. the storyline is alright i guess, its the usual aliens 'cleansing' our planet by killing us all to save earth. dont get me wrong, the plot sounds alright but the movie needs more action! I mean come on, its KEANU REEVES. every movie that he in is supposed to be full of action! i'd give it a 6/10 rating just because the effects are nice but overall the movie isnt as exciting as i thought it would be. a few other movies that looks really interesting is valkyr(tom cruise trying to assassinate hitler), taken (hitman on a rampage because his daughter got kidnapped), 2012(end of the world? :x) and terminator salvation. if im not wrong valkyr's gonna be released in the US around next week? the others are gonna be like next year :/.
we went shopping for christmas presents and me and my sis bought this ipod tv thing for my brother in law that costs around 300 bucks. its gonna be a surprise for him! i also bought for him this funny remote control thats called 'control a woman'. omg if you're a guy, this is gonna make you laugh. seriously you have to click on the picture and read the 'functions' for yourself AHHAH!
me and my sis couldnt stop laughing when we saw this at a store. my sis also said to me that im officially her 'shopping boyfriend' because i can withstand her long shopping hours hhah. according to her i'd be the perfect boyfriend because im always loyal, friendly and most important im a good shopping partner. yay :D. but it felt really awkward when she asked me how come i dont have a girlfriend by now... -sigh.
anyways i think we're done buying christmas presents for now. im cutting my hair at 9am later and its 2:10am now so i have to sleep soon. my brother in law is also gonna take me to a guitar shop somewhere in houston after that. i'll try to take more pictures. hopefully my hair's gonna turn out nice. oh and we're heading to Florida on monday! :D alright so thats all for now. im tired so i shall end it here. i'll update soon!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
anyways i think we're done buying christmas presents for now. im cutting my hair at 9am later and its 2:10am now so i have to sleep soon. my brother in law is also gonna take me to a guitar shop somewhere in houston after that. i'll try to take more pictures. hopefully my hair's gonna turn out nice. oh and we're heading to Florida on monday! :D alright so thats all for now. im tired so i shall end it here. i'll update soon!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
its not long enough!
hello ppls! :D i cant update for long now because apparently my sis is bitching about me using the pc for too long. (as if) :P but since im living under her house, i gotta follow her rules so yeah :(. anyways i watched twilight a few days ago and it was quite good! next movie i wanna watch is 'the day the earth stood still'. it looks awesome! twilight was alright but it would've been better if i watched it with a girl instead of alone cause its bloody weird heh. im hoping that they're gonna make a sequel to it :D. well i gotta go now but i can update at night which is around 12noon - 4pm s'pore time. thats when everybody's asleep and i can use the pc without my sister going nuts about it ahaha. congrats mizi on the big win, i wish i could've been there! oh and cheer up mizi, you're a great guy and if she doesnt see that in you, then its her loss. i cant say much because then ill be a busybody so i'll just talk to you online soon alright? i'll try to update later on tonight. well houston time that is.
oh well, gnite ppls!
oh well, gnite ppls!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hello ppls! :D mizi asked me to take some pictures of my sis's apartment so i did! it turns out that I dont need to buy a USB cable because i can just send my pictures to this pc via bluetooth. very convenient eh? anyways i have alot more pictures that i took and i uploaded them on photobucket. theres just too many pics to upload here. some stupid pictures are also hosted there ahaha :P. theres alot more photos thats still in my phone and i havent uploaded them yet so check my photobucket album soon. the link for it is here. anyways we ate at an italian restaurant thats called 'bucca de pippo' that day and the food was f'ing amazing. I had lasagne and it tasted like cheese cake + lasagne. omg it was so good. so i was enjoying my food and i got the shock of my life when 3 waiters just came and started asking whats my name and how old im gonna be. they asked everyone in the restaurant to sing me a bday song even though its belated :D. i was like really surprised because the whole bloody restaurant was singing the song AHAHA. it turns out that my sis told them that she wanted to celebrate my bday here so she planned this thing all along. i love the restaurant ahh. good food, good atmosphere and everybody there is friendly. anyways you guys wanna see how i look right now when its cold right? well here it is :P
I took this photo after the party a few days back. it was like 2 or 3 in the morning and it was so cold. see i told you, my skin is really white when its cold hahhaa. WHITE BOY! this is just phase 1 :D. the weather here also makes everyone's hair look good. i dunno how to explain it but it just does. alright so here are the pictures of my sister's apartment.

this is the hallway. you can see the balcony ahead.

dining table.


living room

entering the balcony...

the nice view from the balcony

our christmas tree!

this is my room

finally, this is my sister's room.
I took this photo after the party a few days back. it was like 2 or 3 in the morning and it was so cold. see i told you, my skin is really white when its cold hahhaa. WHITE BOY! this is just phase 1 :D. the weather here also makes everyone's hair look good. i dunno how to explain it but it just does. alright so here are the pictures of my sister's apartment.
this is the hallway. you can see the balcony ahead.
dining table.
living room
entering the balcony...
the nice view from the balcony
our christmas tree!
this is my room
finally, this is my sister's room.
alright im gonna end it here because i have to go eat lunch. i'll upload more photos to photobucket soon so you guys can check it out. ill update soon enough.
gnite ppls! :D
gnite ppls! :D
Saturday, December 13, 2008
worn out
hello ppls! :D its 4:03 am and im really tired right now. i got back from a party about two hours ago and met alot of people! theres like so many races here like spanish,mexican,vietnamese,japanese,korean,filipino,indian,british etc so its not really that hard to fit in. you just have to initiate conversation and it'll start off from there! okay i would talk about everything from the start of the trip but i dont have to energy to do it right now so i'll just keep it short. anyways i removed the videos in the previous entry because for some reason, this pc cant handle too many videos at once. the link to the other videos is here. these two and the video on face down are actual covers so i'll keep them here.
well anyways houston is a pretty large city. the weather is good in winter, although im freezing my socks off at 4 plus am in the morning. the only thing thats not so good about here is that its not entirely safe. you can get robbed, held at gunpoint, shot etc because its a city and houston is quite a dangerous city. it depends on where you live i guess. my sis lives in the uptown which is where all the higher income people live. security guards, cameras are everywhere so its considered to be very safe. theres quite a number of sociable people in this condo-like apartment which makes it easier for me to make more friends :D. theres like a huge difference from the teens here from the teens back in s'pore. in terms of personality i mean. its somewhat easier to get along with them, regardless of girl or guy. i only remember like 3 names which are amit, alfonso and sherese(HOT blonde :P). for some reason my brain just cant recall other names because im dead tired now haha. i remember those 3 because we talked to each other more than other people, which is good because im already making friends here heh. amit is a british indian, alfonso is from spain while sherese is hispanic or spanish + american. i find it funny how they always ask me whether im chinese/spanish/filipino. yeah my skin is fairer here especially when its cold :D.
you know what? when i got back just now, i filled the bathtub with hot water and i literally spent 1hr 30 mins in the bath tub. relaxing and thinking about lots of stuff like what some people are doing back at home. i need warmth lah because its bloody cold here during winter! okay i dont know why im still awake so i shall end it here. im gonna sit in the balcony and eat some cookies while listening to my mp3 and think about 'stuffs'. once again, this proves that tired people have frequent 'stupid moments' like this one. its so cold inside, i can only wonder how it feels like outside but who cares. i need to eat my cookies and listen to my mp3. i'll put some pictures up once i buy the USB cable at walmart. time for cookieessss!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
well anyways houston is a pretty large city. the weather is good in winter, although im freezing my socks off at 4 plus am in the morning. the only thing thats not so good about here is that its not entirely safe. you can get robbed, held at gunpoint, shot etc because its a city and houston is quite a dangerous city. it depends on where you live i guess. my sis lives in the uptown which is where all the higher income people live. security guards, cameras are everywhere so its considered to be very safe. theres quite a number of sociable people in this condo-like apartment which makes it easier for me to make more friends :D. theres like a huge difference from the teens here from the teens back in s'pore. in terms of personality i mean. its somewhat easier to get along with them, regardless of girl or guy. i only remember like 3 names which are amit, alfonso and sherese(HOT blonde :P). for some reason my brain just cant recall other names because im dead tired now haha. i remember those 3 because we talked to each other more than other people, which is good because im already making friends here heh. amit is a british indian, alfonso is from spain while sherese is hispanic or spanish + american. i find it funny how they always ask me whether im chinese/spanish/filipino. yeah my skin is fairer here especially when its cold :D.
you know what? when i got back just now, i filled the bathtub with hot water and i literally spent 1hr 30 mins in the bath tub. relaxing and thinking about lots of stuff like what some people are doing back at home. i need warmth lah because its bloody cold here during winter! okay i dont know why im still awake so i shall end it here. im gonna sit in the balcony and eat some cookies while listening to my mp3 and think about 'stuffs'. once again, this proves that tired people have frequent 'stupid moments' like this one. its so cold inside, i can only wonder how it feels like outside but who cares. i need to eat my cookies and listen to my mp3. i'll put some pictures up once i buy the USB cable at walmart. time for cookieessss!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, December 11, 2008
a sleepless night becomes bitter oblivion
update: I'm in houston right now and its 11:51PM on thursday! S'pore time is 1:51PM and its Friday so its 14 hours earlier than us here. its so cold over here so i keep going to the toilet every 30 mins ahhaha. i'll update later at about 9-11pm singapore time because thats when im gonna wake up. the paragraph below was written earlier BEFORE i left s'pore so dont get confused. im just editing it haha. alright time for me to go watch tv. 500 channels here I come YEAHHH!! :D
so im currently at the airport right now waiting for my 2am flight. gotta admit its kinda boring here but time will pass by real fast. anyways i only have about 5 mins and 30 seconds left on this computer because they only let people use the pc for 15 mins so yeah haha. mizi and hafiz sent me to the airport just now and we took a couple of photos so if you guys want to see them, check mizi's blog soon. im sure hes gonna post it there. anyways i thought about it for a long time and ive decided that this trip to houston would probably be the turning point of me. i guess its time for me to improve myself in every way possible. im gonna try my best to get more weight and improve on other stuff like maybe my personality? i dunno, to tell you the truth. sometimes im abit insecure about myself. kind of lacking the self-confidence. heh i only got 2 mins left so im gonna end it here. . somebody call me cause im damn bored sitting here ahha. i'll post an entry once i reach Moscow, Russia. hopefully theres computers there so yeah haha. i'll be reaching there at about 3pm singapore time. i'd probably be freezing my ass off heh. be prepared to see me turning into a white boy soon when i get to moscow AHAHA. my skin is gonna be damn white cause its winter over there. YAY SNOW!! (i think) :D. im gonna take lots of pictures when im there. oh well thanks for the bday wishes guys and im gonna stop it here. see you ppls in 1 month time :D if you havent check out my previous entry with the videos, please do so ppls :D :D :D
love, herrizal (no idea since when i used 'love,' AHAHA)
edit: false alarm. apparently i can use this again and again if theres nobody else waiting. way to go hogging the computer all night long herrizal! :P well not really. only for like an hr and 30 mins? hopefully theres internet in the plane because i dunno what to do for 13 hours to russia then 10 hours to houston :/. I CAN DIE I TELL YOU! hopefully there is internet or i'll have to rely on my mp3 only and the movies/songs/shows on the screen infront of my seat. okay so mizi was right when he told me that SIA stewardesses are hot. okay ah some of them are quite hot but we saw one who smoked outside just now so thats a turn off :P. alright its 1:17 now and the gate for my flight is open so im gonna board the plane now. i'll post an entry if theres a computer that i can use in moscow ahha. oh well, gnite ppls! :D
love, herrizal (no idea since when i used 'love,' AHAHA)
edit: false alarm. apparently i can use this again and again if theres nobody else waiting. way to go hogging the computer all night long herrizal! :P well not really. only for like an hr and 30 mins? hopefully theres internet in the plane because i dunno what to do for 13 hours to russia then 10 hours to houston :/. I CAN DIE I TELL YOU! hopefully there is internet or i'll have to rely on my mp3 only and the movies/songs/shows on the screen infront of my seat. okay so mizi was right when he told me that SIA stewardesses are hot. okay ah some of them are quite hot but we saw one who smoked outside just now so thats a turn off :P. alright its 1:17 now and the gate for my flight is open so im gonna board the plane now. i'll post an entry if theres a computer that i can use in moscow ahha. oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
i thought you said forever over and over
hello ppls! today is my bday wahhaha :D :D :D. ok like i said in my previous entry, i'll be doing a video of me playing riffs from various songs so here it is! i used a camera phone for this one because i didnt want to have any more trouble editing the videos so dont blame me if the quality is bad. you can play it in high quality if you click on the video itself. the riffs are songs from metallica, all that remains, bullet for my valentine, franz ferdinand and trivium. my favourite part is when i played hand of blood riff and solo in 4:20 and my mom was like 'oi what are you doing?! oh!' AHAHA :P. chelsea won Cluj 2-1 yesterday too :D (watch the video and you'll understand!)
now heres the other video i was talking about in my previous entry. windows movie maker screwed it all up. even the audio is a little different from what i recorded. theres a slight delay and it gets worse as the video progresses. nonetheless, its still alright but i could've done better. it was late at night and i wasnt really alert so dont blame me if i play either too fast or too slow :P. i wanted to do this song for quite sometime now so here it is. its a song from anberlin - paperthin hymn. i love this song! :D
im really sorry if i havent been updating lately because i have alot of things to do. pack my stuff, buy gifts, etc. i'll put up a new post soon because im going to mizi's house right now to record a few things with him. and also to give dylan to him D: my baby!!! eh over-reacting... but omg im gonna miss my guitar lah ahyo.. its only 1 month. anyways i have a few things to do before i go off to houston later. im going to gombak later around 8 plus to meet my aunt. my flight's at 2am but i have to check in at 12 so theres plenty of time for me to relax. im meeting my friends at the airport later too so we can hang out together :P. okay im gonna end it here, i'll continue later when im at mizi's house or when im back home to get my stuff.
edit: here are the videos that we took just now at mizi's house. first one is face down. the second video is mizi tapping smile in your sleep and the third is me doing paperthin hymn again.
and finally, me doing Anberlin's Paperthin Hymn again. omg i didnt even notice that my thighs were visible AHHAA.
i have to get ready and leave soon because mizi, aidil and hafiz are on their way there. i'll try to update when i get to the mcdonald at the airport.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
now heres the other video i was talking about in my previous entry. windows movie maker screwed it all up. even the audio is a little different from what i recorded. theres a slight delay and it gets worse as the video progresses. nonetheless, its still alright but i could've done better. it was late at night and i wasnt really alert so dont blame me if i play either too fast or too slow :P. i wanted to do this song for quite sometime now so here it is. its a song from anberlin - paperthin hymn. i love this song! :D
im really sorry if i havent been updating lately because i have alot of things to do. pack my stuff, buy gifts, etc. i'll put up a new post soon because im going to mizi's house right now to record a few things with him. and also to give dylan to him D: my baby!!! eh over-reacting... but omg im gonna miss my guitar lah ahyo.. its only 1 month. anyways i have a few things to do before i go off to houston later. im going to gombak later around 8 plus to meet my aunt. my flight's at 2am but i have to check in at 12 so theres plenty of time for me to relax. im meeting my friends at the airport later too so we can hang out together :P. okay im gonna end it here, i'll continue later when im at mizi's house or when im back home to get my stuff.
edit: here are the videos that we took just now at mizi's house. first one is face down. the second video is mizi tapping smile in your sleep and the third is me doing paperthin hymn again.
and finally, me doing Anberlin's Paperthin Hymn again. omg i didnt even notice that my thighs were visible AHHAA.
i have to get ready and leave soon because mizi, aidil and hafiz are on their way there. i'll try to update when i get to the mcdonald at the airport.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Monday, December 8, 2008
hello ppls! :D im gonna keep it short for now because im doing my cover at 11am in the morning. its raining, im hungry and i havent slept for about 18 hours now but its alright i can hold on for a while. i was actually done with the cover around 5am just now but when i merged the audio and video together, the video seemed to go slower than the song. oh and i had trouble with the tone too because it was so fuzzy and rough. I read the manual after that and it gave me the instructions for cabinet tuning mode. basically it makes the sound become clearer if you're recording on the computer. so after hours of playing, i have to redo it all over again. nice. urgh. BUT its alright im really having so much fun with 'dylan' after i found out this cabinet tuning mode so i'll try to speed things up with the cover. i'm gonna get back to my guitar now. if im not ready yet later, i'll probably finish it later tonight because im feeling very tired. i'll post it as soon as its ready! :D
edit: december 9, 11:09 am. i am fucking pissed with windows movie maker because it sucks and theres a delay when syncing the audio with the video. im tired and cranky from trying to figure out how to sync the bloody audio and video without getting any delays. its like the sound comes in two seconds after i hit the notes. oh well, im downloading vegas video editor right now so hopefully i can combine the audio and the video together. sorry about the delay ppls!
re-edit: bah i'll just upload the video to youtube anyways since i cant find a fix for the delay. first the sound, now this. omg so irritating. URGH. its not my fault, windows movie maker screwed it all up! i tried to install sony vegas but something went wrong so i just gave up trying to find a fix for this delay. the delay gets worse as the video progresses :(. its 7pm and i delayed the video for too long already so i shall put it here as soon as youtube processes the video. i'll post another video in a few hours time but this time i wont be covering any songs. i'll just play riffs from many different songs. oh and i'll use a phone camera this time too so i wont be recording it directly. alright time for me to have my dinner, i'll put up the cover video as soon as youtube processes it!
edit: december 9, 11:09 am. i am fucking pissed with windows movie maker because it sucks and theres a delay when syncing the audio with the video. im tired and cranky from trying to figure out how to sync the bloody audio and video without getting any delays. its like the sound comes in two seconds after i hit the notes. oh well, im downloading vegas video editor right now so hopefully i can combine the audio and the video together. sorry about the delay ppls!
re-edit: bah i'll just upload the video to youtube anyways since i cant find a fix for the delay. first the sound, now this. omg so irritating. URGH. its not my fault, windows movie maker screwed it all up! i tried to install sony vegas but something went wrong so i just gave up trying to find a fix for this delay. the delay gets worse as the video progresses :(. its 7pm and i delayed the video for too long already so i shall put it here as soon as youtube processes the video. i'll post another video in a few hours time but this time i wont be covering any songs. i'll just play riffs from many different songs. oh and i'll use a phone camera this time too so i wont be recording it directly. alright time for me to have my dinner, i'll put up the cover video as soon as youtube processes it!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
last minute changes
im really tired right now so im just gonna keep it short. my dad told me just now that his company changed the initial plan for the family day from the night safari to the zoo so i had to go there even earlier. this and that happened, i dont wanna elaborate on that. the dinner was pretty good because there was alot to eat. lobster, sushi, lamb chop, octopus etc. basically the whole dinner was like prom night all over again with alot of funny things. alot of things happened but im dont feel like typing them out because im so bloody tired right now. oh and my dad won a $50 voucher which kinda sucks because his colleague won $2000 cash! if i won that, i'd probably get myself dan jacob's guitar heh :P.
okay well i didnt go buy POD just now because my plans were all wasted when my dad told me about the last minute changes. therefore i'll be going to city music tmr or rather later today with jack to buy my Pocket POD. i did some research on Pocket pod and i realised that its better than pod 2.0 so im gonna buy the pocket pod. it costs about $165, worth its price. okay i seriously cannot take it anymore, i have to sleep now. my eyes are weighing like a ton so im gonna end this here. i'll update some other time when im not tired as hell.
oh well gnite ppls! :D
okay well i didnt go buy POD just now because my plans were all wasted when my dad told me about the last minute changes. therefore i'll be going to city music tmr or rather later today with jack to buy my Pocket POD. i did some research on Pocket pod and i realised that its better than pod 2.0 so im gonna buy the pocket pod. it costs about $165, worth its price. okay i seriously cannot take it anymore, i have to sleep now. my eyes are weighing like a ton so im gonna end this here. i'll update some other time when im not tired as hell.
oh well gnite ppls! :D
Friday, December 5, 2008
rock it out loud
hello ppls! :D i havent been updating lately because ive been feeling lazy so yeah haha. anyways i slept at 12 noon just now and woke up around 4pm. my sleeping time is so screwed up now, its like im living in a different time zone! well i guess its alright because im going off to houston soon so atleast im not gonna get jet lag when im there. well i wanted to buy line6 pod 2.0 for recording so i asked mizi to follow me to swee lee and peninsula. unfortunately when we got there, the only line6 products available are the ones that cost atleast $400 or more. so we decided to try out some of the ibanez guitars in swee lee. i tried this one ibanez guitar that has a really thin fretboard so its very easy to use. mizi decided to play hysteria by muse while i played lots of riffs like hand of blood, scream aim fire, seek and destroy and heck, even pirates of the carribean theme song LOL :P.
after that we walked to penni and tried out some LTD guitars and basses. the guy who served us was really friendly and not to mention frickin skilled in shredding. I even got to try Dan Jacob's sig series DJ-600 MUAHHAHA :D. oh my goodness, the sound is just unbelievable i tell you! we attracted some unwanted attention(again :P) because i played hearts burst into fire intro while mizi played smile in your sleep. tapping + really good guitar = lots of fun. but eh we're not that good also. the guy who served us was f'ing skilled! in conclusion, ibanez guitars have really thin fretboard and they have quite a nice sound. LTD guitars have amazing sound but their fretboard is really wide so its harder to play. i think im gonna buy myself an ibanez guitar next year but for now, i'll just stick to my lovely LTD guitar. oh and i recently named my guitar 'Dylan' too :D. i figured out that since i love it so much, i might aswell give a name to it. mizi's gonna take care of my guitar for me when im away for 1 month. better take good care of him ah! :P. go to mizi's blog on my links if you want to know more about what happened just now!
after that we walked around city hall, esplanade and marina square because we were bored and we saw this one hot blonde teen at the bus stop. omg shes so pretty :x. we also saw this white guy who was really handsome. he looked like steven gerrard! anyways after seeing that girl, me and mizi suddenly got this urge to talk about lots of things. like how it would be such a perfect couple if only Hayley Williams was with Josh Farro. im not sure if they're together but if they are, it would be such a perfect match! Hayley is pretty while Josh is handsome. nvm once im in houston, can see alot of hot blondes/brunettes. it gets even better because im going to LA a few days after i arrive in houston. even hotter blondes, brunettes and even celebrities wahhaha :D :D :D. eh nooo, cannot. oh well im gonna end it here because im really tired and i only had 4 hours of sleep just now. hopefully i get to buy my Line6 POD tmr. oh and i have a family outing to night safari tmr too so i'll take lots of pictures :D. i'll update tmr if im not tired! this entry is delayed by an hour because i had to ask people about line6 pod so i hope you guys dont mind.
oh well, gnite ppls :D.
after that we walked to penni and tried out some LTD guitars and basses. the guy who served us was really friendly and not to mention frickin skilled in shredding. I even got to try Dan Jacob's sig series DJ-600 MUAHHAHA :D. oh my goodness, the sound is just unbelievable i tell you! we attracted some unwanted attention(again :P) because i played hearts burst into fire intro while mizi played smile in your sleep. tapping + really good guitar = lots of fun. but eh we're not that good also. the guy who served us was f'ing skilled! in conclusion, ibanez guitars have really thin fretboard and they have quite a nice sound. LTD guitars have amazing sound but their fretboard is really wide so its harder to play. i think im gonna buy myself an ibanez guitar next year but for now, i'll just stick to my lovely LTD guitar. oh and i recently named my guitar 'Dylan' too :D. i figured out that since i love it so much, i might aswell give a name to it. mizi's gonna take care of my guitar for me when im away for 1 month. better take good care of him ah! :P. go to mizi's blog on my links if you want to know more about what happened just now!
after that we walked around city hall, esplanade and marina square because we were bored and we saw this one hot blonde teen at the bus stop. omg shes so pretty :x. we also saw this white guy who was really handsome. he looked like steven gerrard! anyways after seeing that girl, me and mizi suddenly got this urge to talk about lots of things. like how it would be such a perfect couple if only Hayley Williams was with Josh Farro. im not sure if they're together but if they are, it would be such a perfect match! Hayley is pretty while Josh is handsome. nvm once im in houston, can see alot of hot blondes/brunettes. it gets even better because im going to LA a few days after i arrive in houston. even hotter blondes, brunettes and even celebrities wahhaha :D :D :D. eh nooo, cannot. oh well im gonna end it here because im really tired and i only had 4 hours of sleep just now. hopefully i get to buy my Line6 POD tmr. oh and i have a family outing to night safari tmr too so i'll take lots of pictures :D. i'll update tmr if im not tired! this entry is delayed by an hour because i had to ask people about line6 pod so i hope you guys dont mind.
oh well, gnite ppls :D.
Monday, December 1, 2008
good times.
hello ppls! :D i was missing all my friends in sec 5 yesterday and i thought about lots of funny conversations that we used to have with each other. it made me laugh about how silly we can get so im gonna put what i can remember here. i think you guys are gonna laugh when you guys read some of this ahaha.
Isaac: just curious, what is the longest time that you guys ever spent in the toilet? mine is around 30 minutes.
kamal: 30 mins too.
jas: close to an hour.
Isaac: wah so long ah? how come girls take so long to shower one? herrizal you leh?
me: uhh.. 3 hours.
everyone: what?! what did you in the toilet for 3 hours?
me: well i was very tired so i sat against the wall while the water was spraying at me and i fell asleep. 3 hours later i woke up and the water was still spraying at me! my finger tips were all wrinkled and i got a bad flu after that.
*kamal being horny during our bio lesson on human reproduction*
kamal: zal you know the siemens phone?
me: yeah why?
kamal: 1 semen. 2 siemens AHAHA! (if you dont know, semen is another word for sperm)
me: wth...
jasvinny: eee omg you're disgusting lah kamal!
kamal: who ask you to listen?!
jasvinny: im sitting beside you what so i can hear everything idiot!

heres another one,
me: omg look! the 'balls' look like cempedak goreng! (fried jackfruit in malay)
**everyone in the class laughs**
mrs chua: herrizal stand up NOW!
me: but... urgh. irritating sia.
mrs chua: WHAT?!

okay thats pretty much what i can remember ahha. blah i miss everybody from 5a :(. anyways i got 10 days left until im leaving for houston. i wanna do alot of things within the 10 days. its gonna be a long ass flight because im stopping at moscow, russia before going off to houston. moscow is probably gonna be damn cold because its december and if im not wrong its winter over there. its gonna be my first time to go to moscow so im pretty excited about it :D. but still, im gonna miss a lot of people when im in houston for a month :(. okay im gonna end it here because chelsea is behind arsenal by a goal now. its already 80 mins now and the score is 2-1. come on chelsea you can do it! edit: alamak chelsea lost :(. -sigh
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Isaac: just curious, what is the longest time that you guys ever spent in the toilet? mine is around 30 minutes.
kamal: 30 mins too.
jas: close to an hour.
Isaac: wah so long ah? how come girls take so long to shower one? herrizal you leh?
me: uhh.. 3 hours.
everyone: what?! what did you in the toilet for 3 hours?
me: well i was very tired so i sat against the wall while the water was spraying at me and i fell asleep. 3 hours later i woke up and the water was still spraying at me! my finger tips were all wrinkled and i got a bad flu after that.
*kamal being horny during our bio lesson on human reproduction*
kamal: zal you know the siemens phone?
me: yeah why?
kamal: 1 semen. 2 siemens AHAHA! (if you dont know, semen is another word for sperm)
me: wth...
jasvinny: eee omg you're disgusting lah kamal!
kamal: who ask you to listen?!
jasvinny: im sitting beside you what so i can hear everything idiot!
this one happened just now when i asked ziq to buy for me a souvenir in vietnam. apparently hes going there this wednesday so i dont think he can make it for mr hisham's bbq :(. get for me something okay ziq? :D
heres another one,
me: omg look! the 'balls' look like cempedak goreng! (fried jackfruit in malay)
**everyone in the class laughs**
mrs chua: herrizal stand up NOW!
me: but... urgh. irritating sia.
mrs chua: WHAT?!
this happened when i was at isaac's house studying bio with him. its about his 'ash tray'
me: wtf why are you using your air rifle trophy as an ash tray?!
isaac: ahya this one is just the west zone trophy. i got alot more national trophies for air rifle over there so dont worry!
me: wow. you have alot of spare trophies huh.
isaac: pretty much. can choose which one to use as an ash tray :D!
me: -.-
me: wtf why are you using your air rifle trophy as an ash tray?!
isaac: ahya this one is just the west zone trophy. i got alot more national trophies for air rifle over there so dont worry!
me: wow. you have alot of spare trophies huh.
isaac: pretty much. can choose which one to use as an ash tray :D!
me: -.-
okay thats pretty much what i can remember ahha. blah i miss everybody from 5a :(. anyways i got 10 days left until im leaving for houston. i wanna do alot of things within the 10 days. its gonna be a long ass flight because im stopping at moscow, russia before going off to houston. moscow is probably gonna be damn cold because its december and if im not wrong its winter over there. its gonna be my first time to go to moscow so im pretty excited about it :D. but still, im gonna miss a lot of people when im in houston for a month :(. okay im gonna end it here because chelsea is behind arsenal by a goal now. its already 80 mins now and the score is 2-1. come on chelsea you can do it! edit: alamak chelsea lost :(. -sigh
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Sunday, November 30, 2008
dont die on me modem!
URGH. my modem is acting all weird tonight and i dont even know why :/ i dunno what happened when all of a sudden im not connected to the internet. I had to turn it off for awhile and two hours later, its back to normal. -.- well im not surprised because ive been turning it on 24/7 for the past umm.. 2 years? anyways yesterday was quite a fun day but i guess i was a little frustrated. initially me, isaac and fairuz are supposed to go play pool at bukit batok CSC around 2pm but we had to reschedule it because we were all lazy and tired. i showered and had lunch since the outing was cancelled. i fell asleep while lying on my bed and the next thing i realised is that its already 450pm and mizi was calling me. the alarm in my phone didnt went off :x. we're supposed to meet with aidil and hafiz at 430 but i overslept so they went to tiet studio first. i got really frustrated on the way there because i had to rush like mad, my guitar bag was bloody heavy and the bus and the traffic was slow as hell. by the time i reached there, it was already 630 but luckily the slot for 630 to 730 was available so we didnt waste 30 mins.
we played face down, the taste the touch and smile in your sleep. we didnt have time to learn all 5 songs so we cut it down to 3. mizi learnt the tabs for the taste the touch from ultimate guitar while i learnt it by ear so there was confusion but we still did alright. omg im telling you, singing face down and smile in your sleep is torture for my throat. we were singing the initial version of face down when it used to have screamo. smile in your sleep was the hardest because that guy's voice is so high! dont even get me started on the screamo. i was getting frustrated as hell because i was losing my voice so i decided to let fahmi (mizi's brother) do the singing while i just play the guitar. nonetheless, i think everyone did alright if you ignore my voice screwing up at the wrong time because of sore throat. i sound like a robot now. if i called you and talked to you right now, you'd probably be freaked out because i sound HORRIBLE :'(. give it a few more days and my voice will be back to normal :D. well here are the pics that are posted in mizi's blog.

we played face down, the taste the touch and smile in your sleep. we didnt have time to learn all 5 songs so we cut it down to 3. mizi learnt the tabs for the taste the touch from ultimate guitar while i learnt it by ear so there was confusion but we still did alright. omg im telling you, singing face down and smile in your sleep is torture for my throat. we were singing the initial version of face down when it used to have screamo. smile in your sleep was the hardest because that guy's voice is so high! dont even get me started on the screamo. i was getting frustrated as hell because i was losing my voice so i decided to let fahmi (mizi's brother) do the singing while i just play the guitar. nonetheless, i think everyone did alright if you ignore my voice screwing up at the wrong time because of sore throat. i sound like a robot now. if i called you and talked to you right now, you'd probably be freaked out because i sound HORRIBLE :'(. give it a few more days and my voice will be back to normal :D. well here are the pics that are posted in mizi's blog.
anyways i was supposed to go to danial's bbq just now but he suggested that i shouldnt go since theres alot of people who i dont know and theres not much food. it was already like 7 plus also so i decided not to go. im just gonna give him his present another day then. ahha the previous night, i waited until 1201 midnight to wish him happy bday but i wasnt the first one D:
me: its 1 minute past midnight... happy bday man!
danial: hey thanks alot! i really appreciate it.
me: so am i the first one to wish you happy bday?
danial: sorry man but my girlfriend was the first one. shes just infront of me haha.
me: wah so fast?! shes good.
danial: thats why! hahhaha. but still thanks bro, i really appreciate it!
hes probably happy that his girlfriend is the first person to wish him happy bday :D. i know him too well ahha. oh well im feeling hungry right now so im gonna stop here and go cook something. im gonna update at an earlier time later tonight! I promise.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
me: its 1 minute past midnight... happy bday man!
danial: hey thanks alot! i really appreciate it.
me: so am i the first one to wish you happy bday?
danial: sorry man but my girlfriend was the first one. shes just infront of me haha.
me: wah so fast?! shes good.
danial: thats why! hahhaha. but still thanks bro, i really appreciate it!
hes probably happy that his girlfriend is the first person to wish him happy bday :D. i know him too well ahha. oh well im feeling hungry right now so im gonna stop here and go cook something. im gonna update at an earlier time later tonight! I promise.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Friday, November 28, 2008
clueless auntie
hello ppls! :D i just got back from meeting mizi, aidil, hafiz and fairul at esplanade just now. i slept at like 6 in the morning and i woke up 12 hours later if im not wrong. i cant remember. watched tv and ate dinner. wtf im totally nocturnal now :/. anyways mizi called me and asked me if i wanted to meet all of them at esplanade's library. showered, got ready and left my house around 830. yeah its kinda late to go to town at 830 but i seriously had nothing to do. it reminds me of the time when i wandered around New York alone at 2am. the weird thing is that new york is still packed as hell even at 2am! i loved to walk around times square, getting to see how the set of TRL looks like from outside, eating the large as hell new york pizza etc. eh okay back to singapore, while i was on the way to esplanade they decided to go to marina square and i arrived there around 930. we discussed about the songs that we're gonna play tmr and alot of other funny things like mizi's job of surveying people on the phone. AHAH omg i HAVE to put this here. i'll translate it from malay to english for you guys!
mizi: hello mak cik, i want to survey you about your recent polyclinic appointment on november 12th. this wont take long.
auntie: (translated) what i need to go to the polyclinic on the coming 12th ah? okay!
mizi: um.. no. you had a polyclinic appointment on november 12th. im asking you a survey about THAT appointment.
auntie: oh okay, thank you for telling me! i will go to the polyclinic on the coming 12th of the next month. thanks for telling mak cik ah!
mizi: no wait!
*auntie puts down phone*
mizi: -.-
omg i feel sorry for that auntie sia. shes gonna go to the polyclinic on the 12th and she'll be wondering how come theres no appointment for her ahhaha :P. we stopped by mac on the way back to buy a few burgers and i got home around 1145. im starting to feel tired already. anyways im really happy right now because my dad got for me a really awesome bday present in advance. he got for me a Mitsubishi Lancer Ex for my bday WHAHHAHA :D :D :D. i still have to wait until im 18 to drive it though. but its alright, i can wait! in the mean time, my brother is probably gonna use it alot because he already has his driver's license. omg i cant wait to go to poly everyday by driving my own car. i can even drive my friends around when we wanna go out. YAY! :D im gonna put a picture of the car below so you guys can see how it looks like. i really love it the looks of it :D. hehe its gonna be my baby this coming february! anyways me and mizi had this retarded conversation on msn a few nights ago. hungry people tend to talk nonsense i tell you!

blah i cant copy the picture of the car to my blog so just see it here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gianvc/3023971634/
im really happy about the car that my dad gave me. you probably wont read this but dad, THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D well last thing for the night. i found ling, felix and oscar's facebook YAY! omg felix changed so much the last time i met him. by looking at his pictures hes damn hot now! no wonder theres alot of girls who keep commenting on his photo. omg we were so close last time and i even remember me, teemu and him talking about girls from 11pm till 6am just because felix got dumped by his girlfriend when we were 14. the times when we used to play Call of Duty together. oh good times, good times. its sad that felix already moved to sweden. oh and ling is DAMN pretty now omg! her real name's zefni but i dunno for what reason her nickname was ling. i added her already but she hasnt replied to my wall yet though. you guys can check out my facebook wall to see their pictures but i dont think you guys will be able to see felix's hot pics because he has a motorcycle for his profile picture.
thats it! when im at houston, im gonna take alot of pills/supplement that will make me have an appetite of a cow. im gonna work out everyday i tell you! just wait! okay im gonna end it here because im tired and i gotta sleep soon. tmr is a really busy day for me so i should be sleeping now.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
mizi: hello mak cik, i want to survey you about your recent polyclinic appointment on november 12th. this wont take long.
auntie: (translated) what i need to go to the polyclinic on the coming 12th ah? okay!
mizi: um.. no. you had a polyclinic appointment on november 12th. im asking you a survey about THAT appointment.
auntie: oh okay, thank you for telling me! i will go to the polyclinic on the coming 12th of the next month. thanks for telling mak cik ah!
mizi: no wait!
*auntie puts down phone*
mizi: -.-
omg i feel sorry for that auntie sia. shes gonna go to the polyclinic on the 12th and she'll be wondering how come theres no appointment for her ahhaha :P. we stopped by mac on the way back to buy a few burgers and i got home around 1145. im starting to feel tired already. anyways im really happy right now because my dad got for me a really awesome bday present in advance. he got for me a Mitsubishi Lancer Ex for my bday WHAHHAHA :D :D :D. i still have to wait until im 18 to drive it though. but its alright, i can wait! in the mean time, my brother is probably gonna use it alot because he already has his driver's license. omg i cant wait to go to poly everyday by driving my own car. i can even drive my friends around when we wanna go out. YAY! :D im gonna put a picture of the car below so you guys can see how it looks like. i really love it the looks of it :D. hehe its gonna be my baby this coming february! anyways me and mizi had this retarded conversation on msn a few nights ago. hungry people tend to talk nonsense i tell you!
blah i cant copy the picture of the car to my blog so just see it here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gianvc/3023971634/
im really happy about the car that my dad gave me. you probably wont read this but dad, THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D well last thing for the night. i found ling, felix and oscar's facebook YAY! omg felix changed so much the last time i met him. by looking at his pictures hes damn hot now! no wonder theres alot of girls who keep commenting on his photo. omg we were so close last time and i even remember me, teemu and him talking about girls from 11pm till 6am just because felix got dumped by his girlfriend when we were 14. the times when we used to play Call of Duty together. oh good times, good times. its sad that felix already moved to sweden. oh and ling is DAMN pretty now omg! her real name's zefni but i dunno for what reason her nickname was ling. i added her already but she hasnt replied to my wall yet though. you guys can check out my facebook wall to see their pictures but i dont think you guys will be able to see felix's hot pics because he has a motorcycle for his profile picture.
thats it! when im at houston, im gonna take alot of pills/supplement that will make me have an appetite of a cow. im gonna work out everyday i tell you! just wait! okay im gonna end it here because im tired and i gotta sleep soon. tmr is a really busy day for me so i should be sleeping now.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
you are my only one.
okay so its 5:28 am and im still awake because i cant sleep :/. anyways this is gonna be a short entry because i dont have much to say. im feeling better tonight, well not much really but still better. a couple of people talked to me about what happened and it made me realise that i was wrong. i just wish that she'd accept my apology and atleast talk to me again and get to know the real me. i never wish to hurt her at all and i hope everything goes back to the way it was, us being in good terms and atleast talking to one another.
i've been keeping it all a secret all this while and i just had to tell the truth. i couldn't live with the lies. i had to tell the truth and thats what i did in my previous entry. i dont want to lie to her like that ever again. i thank some of you for giving me advices and i just have to say that im NOT giving up on her or moving on. i did something wrong and thats why i have to undo them. its unlike me to just give up like that. i still believe i want her by my side because... I really love her alot. and thats the truth :D. okay i shall stop talking about that now.
i changed the song in my blog to 'fm static - tonight' because its a good song and it relates to my situation right now. you know what? im going jamming with aidil, mizi and hafiz on friday and they asked me to sing this song while playing the guitar yay! :D theres gonna be 5 songs and they are face down by red jump suit apparatus, smile in your sleep by silverstein, my only by goodnight nurse, the taste the touch by asteria and lastly, tonight - fm static. aidil and mizi wants me to sing all 5 of them O.O actually i think its going to be fun but it'll definately be tougher to sing it while playing the guitar. i shouldnt worry about it too much and just have fun :D. last thing for the night or err.. morning. i already edited my facebook so it should be a public profile now. just type in my name 'herrizal' there and it'll show up. apparently theres only 1 guy on facebook whos name is herrizal hahahhaha :D. alright i think im gonna end it here because mizi's coming over this afternoon and i really have to sleep now or else i cant wake up later.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
i love you and i always will. <3
i've been keeping it all a secret all this while and i just had to tell the truth. i couldn't live with the lies. i had to tell the truth and thats what i did in my previous entry. i dont want to lie to her like that ever again. i thank some of you for giving me advices and i just have to say that im NOT giving up on her or moving on. i did something wrong and thats why i have to undo them. its unlike me to just give up like that. i still believe i want her by my side because... I really love her alot. and thats the truth :D. okay i shall stop talking about that now.
i changed the song in my blog to 'fm static - tonight' because its a good song and it relates to my situation right now. you know what? im going jamming with aidil, mizi and hafiz on friday and they asked me to sing this song while playing the guitar yay! :D theres gonna be 5 songs and they are face down by red jump suit apparatus, smile in your sleep by silverstein, my only by goodnight nurse, the taste the touch by asteria and lastly, tonight - fm static. aidil and mizi wants me to sing all 5 of them O.O actually i think its going to be fun but it'll definately be tougher to sing it while playing the guitar. i shouldnt worry about it too much and just have fun :D. last thing for the night or err.. morning. i already edited my facebook so it should be a public profile now. just type in my name 'herrizal' there and it'll show up. apparently theres only 1 guy on facebook whos name is herrizal hahahhaha :D. alright i think im gonna end it here because mizi's coming over this afternoon and i really have to sleep now or else i cant wake up later.
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
i love you and i always will. <3
Sunday, November 23, 2008
i dont know what hurts worse baby.
hey guys, i just finished showering not too long ago because i was jogging and working out around midnight just now. im kinda tired but i'll just keep on writing this entry because i have alot of things to say. this entry is going to be very long but once you read it all, you'll know how i feel. i'll start off with happier things. facebook is really interesting! i took this quiz and apparently it says that i'll be more likely to be attracted to a libra. ziq got libra too! then i realised that people who are born in the starting of october are libras :D. oh and its awesome too because i can keep in touch with my american and aussie friends! i even added teemu on facebook ahhaa. todd, markham and doug keep on giving me silly comments on my wall LOL. you guys HAVE to see it especially todd's comment about guitars on my wall. its damn funny! i guess that proves that i havent been lying about having american friends all this while eh? they're a bunch of funny and crazy people i tell you! :D
anyways i feel very disappointed when i got back from jogging just now because of someone. well i already felt a little disappointed at 4 plus last night but it got worse just now. geez theres no harm in accepting invites on facebook. seriously, why the hostilities after all this while? urgh. i dont know how to feel right now. i read entries from the archives including mine especially around october 2007 and few months ahead. suddenly i remember how often i was sad and heartbroken. i admit it, sometimes i even cried :/. guys DO cry at times. dont believe me? ask your guy friends. guys dont cry often except if something really bad happens to them. i hate those times when i felt like a complete fool. a frickin dumbass.
still, reminiscing about the past will just make me feel worse. thats why i think about the good times instead of the bad times. times when we used to talk often, help each other with our own issues, laugh about silly things, talk about the times when we were in primary school. i even remembered the time when i talked to her until 530am in the morning just to cheer her up even though i just got back, was totally exhausted and my eyes were literally closing by its own every few minutes. heh i remembered me constantly asking her to go shower every few minutes because i wanted to take a short nap ahha :P...
it became totally different soon after. i dont know how two good friends suddenly avoided each other after one of them confessed to the other about his feelings. would you hate your good friend if he/she confesses to you about his/her feelings after all these years? even if you said no, you cant possibly hate your friend and try to avoid him at all costs right? after all, yes or no, you both are good friends before that question. would you block him on msn, delete him on friendster, decline his facebook invite twice, ignore his calls when he wants to sort things out with you and avoid any communication between you two at all costs? im not gonna lie to you, i starting to have tears in my eyes the moment i wrote the previous sentence. it hurts too much to type that all out but its true. how would you feel if you were me and your good friend decided to avoid you at all costs when all you did is just ask the question? atleast talk to me on msn or something.
i told you, i dont even know how it happened. it just happened like that. of all people, it happened to me. ME. what did i ever do wrong for me to deserve this?! i admit, i did lie to her about myself but im not like that anymore. i realised that its so much better being myself. ive always been friendly to everyone. you wanna know whats the worst part? i get treated like that by the person who i considered to be a very good friend last time. fuck im thinking about the bad times again. actually you know what? if she actually came forward by calling me to sort things through, i would respect her decision be it yes/no and i'll gladly wait. what do you think ive being doing all this while? i've been waiting patiently even though we rarely talk to one another. that shows that i never let go no matter what and neither should you. its utterly pointless to be hostile or to be bound by fear.
sometimes i wonder does she even care about me? or is she just making fun of me and laughing at everytime i get sad or try to talk to her. blah im getting carried away which is very pathetic. i think its time to tell you the truth right now: i guess the reason that i dont understand girls is because i never had a girlfriend. only jack, mizi and fairuz knew that i never had a girlfriend all this while. not once. i realised that its the worst lie that i ever told her apart from me not being myself while talking to her. heck i even lied to you guys about having 3 exes. please dont talk to me about that stupid 1 day thing in sec 2 that you guys forced me into. i didnt even talk to the girl and the whole thing lasted a few hours. thats just stupid and i dont want to remember it. anyways i really regret all the lies because last time i was envying jack. i didnt think about what would happen and look at me now. pathetically crying. i never wanted to be in a relationship because im always afraid of getting heartbroken. i think im on the same page as her all this while. its just that she didnt know the truth because im too embarassed to say to her that i never had a girlfriend. people always say that the first love will always be long lasting and is the best. im still trying to go for the first girl that i ever fell in love with. i promised her that i'll never give up and i'll gladly accept her if she changes her mind. i never broke that promise and im not going to anytime soon. someone said to me once 'the key to a long lasting relationship is when both the guy and the girl overcome challenges together. no matter how bad the situation might be, if you both overcome it together the relationship will grow stronger'.
despite all the insults, me constantly being called a loser by my sis and bro for not having a girlfriend and peer pressure i still managed to have no girlfriend all this while. why? because i was frantically searching for her all those years and i never did gave up for 7 years... and im not going to give up now. i dont know why i lied to her. i should've been myself all along, then she would see the real herrizal who isnt mean or a downright jackass. she would've seen the real herrizal who is friendly to everyone and would be there for his friends no matter what. not everything that i said to her was a lie though. i really want to say sorry to her about all the lies. -sigh. listening to 'the man who can't be moved' is making me feel worse so im gonna end this entry. nonetheless if you put that all aside, i still care ALOT for her. no matter how angry/disappointed/sad/ i am, i still do care alot and i wish that its the same thing for her.
People talk about the guy
Who's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world.
anyways i feel very disappointed when i got back from jogging just now because of someone. well i already felt a little disappointed at 4 plus last night but it got worse just now. geez theres no harm in accepting invites on facebook. seriously, why the hostilities after all this while? urgh. i dont know how to feel right now. i read entries from the archives including mine especially around october 2007 and few months ahead. suddenly i remember how often i was sad and heartbroken. i admit it, sometimes i even cried :/. guys DO cry at times. dont believe me? ask your guy friends. guys dont cry often except if something really bad happens to them. i hate those times when i felt like a complete fool. a frickin dumbass.
still, reminiscing about the past will just make me feel worse. thats why i think about the good times instead of the bad times. times when we used to talk often, help each other with our own issues, laugh about silly things, talk about the times when we were in primary school. i even remembered the time when i talked to her until 530am in the morning just to cheer her up even though i just got back, was totally exhausted and my eyes were literally closing by its own every few minutes. heh i remembered me constantly asking her to go shower every few minutes because i wanted to take a short nap ahha :P...
it became totally different soon after. i dont know how two good friends suddenly avoided each other after one of them confessed to the other about his feelings. would you hate your good friend if he/she confesses to you about his/her feelings after all these years? even if you said no, you cant possibly hate your friend and try to avoid him at all costs right? after all, yes or no, you both are good friends before that question. would you block him on msn, delete him on friendster, decline his facebook invite twice, ignore his calls when he wants to sort things out with you and avoid any communication between you two at all costs? im not gonna lie to you, i starting to have tears in my eyes the moment i wrote the previous sentence. it hurts too much to type that all out but its true. how would you feel if you were me and your good friend decided to avoid you at all costs when all you did is just ask the question? atleast talk to me on msn or something.
i told you, i dont even know how it happened. it just happened like that. of all people, it happened to me. ME. what did i ever do wrong for me to deserve this?! i admit, i did lie to her about myself but im not like that anymore. i realised that its so much better being myself. ive always been friendly to everyone. you wanna know whats the worst part? i get treated like that by the person who i considered to be a very good friend last time. fuck im thinking about the bad times again. actually you know what? if she actually came forward by calling me to sort things through, i would respect her decision be it yes/no and i'll gladly wait. what do you think ive being doing all this while? i've been waiting patiently even though we rarely talk to one another. that shows that i never let go no matter what and neither should you. its utterly pointless to be hostile or to be bound by fear.
sometimes i wonder does she even care about me? or is she just making fun of me and laughing at everytime i get sad or try to talk to her. blah im getting carried away which is very pathetic. i think its time to tell you the truth right now: i guess the reason that i dont understand girls is because i never had a girlfriend. only jack, mizi and fairuz knew that i never had a girlfriend all this while. not once. i realised that its the worst lie that i ever told her apart from me not being myself while talking to her. heck i even lied to you guys about having 3 exes. please dont talk to me about that stupid 1 day thing in sec 2 that you guys forced me into. i didnt even talk to the girl and the whole thing lasted a few hours. thats just stupid and i dont want to remember it. anyways i really regret all the lies because last time i was envying jack. i didnt think about what would happen and look at me now. pathetically crying. i never wanted to be in a relationship because im always afraid of getting heartbroken. i think im on the same page as her all this while. its just that she didnt know the truth because im too embarassed to say to her that i never had a girlfriend. people always say that the first love will always be long lasting and is the best. im still trying to go for the first girl that i ever fell in love with. i promised her that i'll never give up and i'll gladly accept her if she changes her mind. i never broke that promise and im not going to anytime soon. someone said to me once 'the key to a long lasting relationship is when both the guy and the girl overcome challenges together. no matter how bad the situation might be, if you both overcome it together the relationship will grow stronger'.
despite all the insults, me constantly being called a loser by my sis and bro for not having a girlfriend and peer pressure i still managed to have no girlfriend all this while. why? because i was frantically searching for her all those years and i never did gave up for 7 years... and im not going to give up now. i dont know why i lied to her. i should've been myself all along, then she would see the real herrizal who isnt mean or a downright jackass. she would've seen the real herrizal who is friendly to everyone and would be there for his friends no matter what. not everything that i said to her was a lie though. i really want to say sorry to her about all the lies. -sigh. listening to 'the man who can't be moved' is making me feel worse so im gonna end this entry. nonetheless if you put that all aside, i still care ALOT for her. no matter how angry/disappointed/sad/ i am, i still do care alot and i wish that its the same thing for her.
People talk about the guy
Who's waiting on a girl
There are no holes in his shoes
But a big hole in his world.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
prom pictures!
Hello ppls! :D I havent been updating lately because im lazy as hell but here we go. prom was really fun for me and im sure its the same for you guys too. the event started at 730. guess what time i left my house? 645. but thats because isaac's dad was kind enough to give me and isaac a lift to york hotel. so we arrived around 720 and by that time alot of people were already there. everyone's just taking pictures with each other so we joined in as well :D. the sec 5's had tons of handsome guys and pretty girls. actually i think we dressed up WAY better than the sec 4's. alot of people like maria, nafisah, delvin, intan, mdm hartati, mr hisham etc said that i look good in a tuxedo :D. yay! im gonna wear it again when im in houston for my sister's wedding. anyways the event didnt start until 8 and it took like 15 minutes for the food to be served. lots of things happened and the whole thing ended at about 11 plus. we took TONS of photos after that ahhaha. here are the pictures that I took. enjoy :)

zheng hao is like our personal bell boy for the night :P. i love this pic though! :D oh and the girls were going crazy when they saw him!

wen jie, the playboy in our mafia family :P. act shy only this guy. the girls were going goo-goo gah-gah that night when they saw him. HOT STUFF!!! :D

from left to right: bodyguard, mastermind, prostitute dealer and mafia kingpin. omg kamal's face is damn scary. dont mess with the mafia!

these are happy times indeed

razak, the muscle of the mafia gang. we were acting cool lah :x

bodyguard, mastermind, prositute dealer and the mafia kingpin.

yeah i know, the mafia kingpin is quite retarded at times. jk :P.

alamak my junior is taller than me :x

me and jas with our vice principal mrs liao! :D

me and murni.

me and miss yee!

zheng hao(bellboy) and bernice!

jasvinny, wenjie and bonfurt! wenjie working his playboy 'skills' on jas :P.

yes i know im short, dont need to say it again. seriously.

*with british accent* the organiser, miss chong! shes one heck of an english teacher :D.

us posing with miss siti dahlia.

i look like some lost white kid in this picture AHAHA :x. cheywahh.

our maths teacher, miss liew! its alright i dont hold any grudges against her anymore :).
the mafia kingpin and his loyal henchmen.

the mastermind and the playboy. girls were staring at his hot chest AHAHAHA.

me and my bodyguard, bonfurt :D

see i told you i look awesome in a tux :D.

jovin winning a teddy bear for some contest that i forgot.

apparently mafia henchmen are made up of fierce looking people and... happy people?

the 3 mafia brothers. men-in-black :D
kamal and murni.

ziq dancing on stage.

bonfurt: how boss, having fun anot?
ziq: bodyguard, i need you to 'take care' of that guy over there.

bonfurt: that guy over there ah?! dont worry im gonna make him disappear.
ziq: you better do it or else i cut your pay in half.

ziq: *smiling* that guy is gonna get what he deserves...

the 5a malay students and me.

mafia kingpin and his trusty financial advisor, isaac!

murni and nasri. nas, are you still reading my blog? :D

my favourite history teacher, mr siva! :D

i guess this is the whole mafia family :D.

me and ziq with mr hisham. remember guys bbq at his place soon!

jas having a hard time trying to hit the ball with full power :x

this pic looks really cool.

the backview of ziq.

ahyoo very disgusting lah ziq!

mafia kingpin with his uhh.. associates?

kamal the prostitute dealer focusing.

eh hello you're not a model lah. pls. :P

THANK YOU 5a for making my final year in school an enjoyable one. without you guys i'd probably be lonely as hell. im gonna miss you guys alot! D: keep in touch okay ppls? :D

zheng hao is like our personal bell boy for the night :P. i love this pic though! :D oh and the girls were going crazy when they saw him!
Johnson (left) and Jing Jie. i didnt get to take a picture with johnson because he had to leave early :(.
wen jie, the playboy in our mafia family :P. act shy only this guy. the girls were going goo-goo gah-gah that night when they saw him. HOT STUFF!!! :D
from left to right: bodyguard, mastermind, prostitute dealer and mafia kingpin. omg kamal's face is damn scary. dont mess with the mafia!
these are happy times indeed
razak, the muscle of the mafia gang. we were acting cool lah :x
bodyguard, mastermind, prositute dealer and the mafia kingpin.
yeah i know, the mafia kingpin is quite retarded at times. jk :P.
alamak my junior is taller than me :x
me and jas with our vice principal mrs liao! :D
me and murni.
me and miss yee!
zheng hao(bellboy) and bernice!
jasvinny, wenjie and bonfurt! wenjie working his playboy 'skills' on jas :P.

yes i know im short, dont need to say it again. seriously.
*with british accent* the organiser, miss chong! shes one heck of an english teacher :D.

us posing with miss siti dahlia.

i look like some lost white kid in this picture AHAHA :x. cheywahh.

our maths teacher, miss liew! its alright i dont hold any grudges against her anymore :).
the mafia kingpin and his loyal henchmen.

the mastermind and the playboy. girls were staring at his hot chest AHAHAHA.

me and my bodyguard, bonfurt :D

see i told you i look awesome in a tux :D.

jovin winning a teddy bear for some contest that i forgot.

apparently mafia henchmen are made up of fierce looking people and... happy people?

the 3 mafia brothers. men-in-black :D
kamal and murni.
ziq dancing on stage.
bonfurt: how boss, having fun anot?
ziq: bodyguard, i need you to 'take care' of that guy over there.
bonfurt: that guy over there ah?! dont worry im gonna make him disappear.
ziq: you better do it or else i cut your pay in half.

ziq: *smiling* that guy is gonna get what he deserves...

bonfurt: boss, i took care of that guy already.
ziq: good job bodyguard. that'll teach him not to mess with me. (okay this is getting ridiculous HAHAHHA)

the 5a malay students and me.

mafia kingpin and his trusty financial advisor, isaac!
murni and nasri. nas, are you still reading my blog? :D

my favourite history teacher, mr siva! :D
i guess this is the whole mafia family :D.

me and ziq with mr hisham. remember guys bbq at his place soon!

i wonder what the hell i was doing when this pic was taken. -.-

we played pool after the prom. i was aiming the blue striped ball instead of the white one for photo taking purposes only :P.

jas having a hard time trying to hit the ball with full power :x

this pic looks really cool.

the backview of ziq.

ahyoo very disgusting lah ziq!

mafia kingpin with his uhh.. associates?

kamal the prostitute dealer focusing.

eh hello you're not a model lah. pls. :P

THANK YOU 5a for making my final year in school an enjoyable one. without you guys i'd probably be lonely as hell. im gonna miss you guys alot! D: keep in touch okay ppls? :D
alot of people from 5b didnt stay to take pictures so thats why i dont have my class photo. 5a is very united because all of them stayed back to take pictures. I have alot more photos but these are the better ones. i handpicked these photos and it took me quite awhile to write the captions so i hope you guys enjoyed it :D. i'll upload my remaining photos soon so you guys can check if your photos are there. we left the hotel at about 1135pm and the 11 of us headed to bkt timah to play pool. me and ziq taught kamal, jas and wen jie how to play pool while the others played amongst themselves. we played for quite awhile and i got home at around 1 plus. we all took a cab home. overall the prom was really an enjoyable one because of my friends and also the photo taking. im never gonna forget that night. im missing all my friends already :(. keep in touch ppls! :D
anyways germany lost to england 2-1 yesterday. its just a friendly so its alright. there was also brazil vs portugal but i didnt get to watch it. i tried searching for the score but i read somewhere that brazil won 6-2. its not confirmed but i hope its true. anyone know when they're gonna replay the match? i wanna see kaká and robinho go against cristiano ronaldo! okay well i didnt do much today except play my guitar and surf the net. my E string snapped so i cant learn some songs. i still can play power chords so thats atleast better than nothing. you know what? my horoscope for today is pretty accurate :D.
anyways im starting to use facebook because markham, todd, doug and the guys were bugging me to use it. its kinda confusing though. nonetheless i agree it has more things compared to friendster. i saw this mafia game on facebook that looks pretty interesting so im gonna check it out later. anyways im gonna mass invite alot of people after this entry so do me a favour people and accept my friend request. im still gonna use friendster but not as much as facebook. eh we'll see. alright im gonna end it here. im downloading maple as we speak. im thinking of playing it soon just to kill time. for now just accept my facebook invites people!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
anyways germany lost to england 2-1 yesterday. its just a friendly so its alright. there was also brazil vs portugal but i didnt get to watch it. i tried searching for the score but i read somewhere that brazil won 6-2. its not confirmed but i hope its true. anyone know when they're gonna replay the match? i wanna see kaká and robinho go against cristiano ronaldo! okay well i didnt do much today except play my guitar and surf the net. my E string snapped so i cant learn some songs. i still can play power chords so thats atleast better than nothing. you know what? my horoscope for today is pretty accurate :D.
anyways im starting to use facebook because markham, todd, doug and the guys were bugging me to use it. its kinda confusing though. nonetheless i agree it has more things compared to friendster. i saw this mafia game on facebook that looks pretty interesting so im gonna check it out later. anyways im gonna mass invite alot of people after this entry so do me a favour people and accept my friend request. im still gonna use friendster but not as much as facebook. eh we'll see. alright im gonna end it here. im downloading maple as we speak. im thinking of playing it soon just to kill time. for now just accept my facebook invites people!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
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