Yeah buddy, its my bday! :D
Seriously is anyone even reading this shit anymore? ahha, okay so this is now my personal diary, not blog. I didn't tell much people about my bday to see who actually remember and... well uh lets just say that didnt go too well. herp derp. anyways kai, eunice, zad, meng ting, boon and gexin celebrated my bday in school. even though it didnt go exactly as planned like what kai wanted, I still think that it was a really nice thing. I haven't had a birthday celebration with a cake for like... 3-4 years now so yessss finally! :D.
theres nothing much to do for my birthday. i'm just gonna enjoy a nice plate of chilli crab with my mom. i'm gonna end school early later cause I don't feel like staying until 330. Honestly I don't know what i'm gonna do later. my birthdays have always been not-as-exciting as others so its understandable if i end up not doing anything exciting.
I haven't spent my 1 wish per year so I shall use it now and end this entry. <- im a lameshit, I know.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Patty Cake
HAIIII, i'm blogging because i'm done with schoolwork and i... pretty much dont have anything better to do so here I am :D ohhh and i'm getting a sudden fascination of talking cats. so cute man.
Funny how I said i'd update 'very soon' but i'll update 1 or 2 weeks later ahha. Anyways lemme try to make it short on fairul's bday. We celebrated at fish&co, everyone was having fun until Fai ate a certain someone's french fries and she went all apeshit over a couple of fries, took off and left. I found it extremely hilarious in a non-asshole way but seriously, leaving over a plate of FRIES? -_-. Thaaaat was pretty much what happened that day. My parents are going to The OC, California on Monday so i'm gonna be home alone for a month. partay time. :D i'm happy this week woohoo! :D
Funny how I said i'd update 'very soon' but i'll update 1 or 2 weeks later ahha. Anyways lemme try to make it short on fairul's bday. We celebrated at fish&co, everyone was having fun until Fai ate a certain someone's french fries and she went all apeshit over a couple of fries, took off and left. I found it extremely hilarious in a non-asshole way but seriously, leaving over a plate of FRIES? -_-. Thaaaat was pretty much what happened that day. My parents are going to The OC, California on Monday so i'm gonna be home alone for a month. partay time. :D i'm happy this week woohoo! :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
dayum its been a while since i've blogged. anyways not much to say except today has been raining raining and raining. woo! Beautiful weather for me to just relax and enjoy the cold breezy wind. UT's are over so i'm pretty free these days, I don't have to study yay! Oh and me and the guys are celebrating fai's birthday tmr so hopefully we can get some pictures taken. Not too sure if its sakura buffet or not so we'll see.
Going to totally random topic here but i'm pretty sure you guys heard of North Korea attacking one of South Korea's islands. What is wrong with them omg! first they threaten with nukes then now they attack south korea. shit's about to go down man and it wont look good :(. the last thing the world needs right now is another war. its weird cause the north korean populace is literally starving but yet their leaders can still vouch for war and continuous harassment of South Korea. Brainwashed en masse man. its so sad that the north korean people are all brainwashed by propaganda since young and even if they know its all a lie, they cant do anything or else they'll be tortured and executed. Oh man I can go all history lesson about this because I... kinda like to research about history during my spare time. (yeah i'm a nerd like that). but its really interesting!
One of the propaganda that was forced on the north korean people was that "when kim jong il was born in Korea’s most sacred mountain, Mt. Paekdu. At the moment of his birth, a bright star lit up the sky, the seasons spontaneously changed from winter to spring, and rainbows appeared." WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT AHHAA. unfortunately to north koreans, this is a FACT. its so funny how anything positive in the country is invented by either kim jong il or his father. I don't wanna go on much longer so if you're interested (probably not) just look at this video :). it'll tell you a lot about north korea.
Going to totally random topic here but i'm pretty sure you guys heard of North Korea attacking one of South Korea's islands. What is wrong with them omg! first they threaten with nukes then now they attack south korea. shit's about to go down man and it wont look good :(. the last thing the world needs right now is another war. its weird cause the north korean populace is literally starving but yet their leaders can still vouch for war and continuous harassment of South Korea. Brainwashed en masse man. its so sad that the north korean people are all brainwashed by propaganda since young and even if they know its all a lie, they cant do anything or else they'll be tortured and executed. Oh man I can go all history lesson about this because I... kinda like to research about history during my spare time. (yeah i'm a nerd like that). but its really interesting!
One of the propaganda that was forced on the north korean people was that "when kim jong il was born in Korea’s most sacred mountain, Mt. Paekdu. At the moment of his birth, a bright star lit up the sky, the seasons spontaneously changed from winter to spring, and rainbows appeared." WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT AHHAA. unfortunately to north koreans, this is a FACT. its so funny how anything positive in the country is invented by either kim jong il or his father. I don't wanna go on much longer so if you're interested (probably not) just look at this video :). it'll tell you a lot about north korea.
lets just hope that there wont be a war. its bad. okay off to sleep, i shall update soon after fai's bday probably with peektures. gnite! :D
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
As promised I shall update, woohoo. Alright where have I been? geez its just under a month since ive updated this blog because well I dont see any reason why I should ahha. but since im here i'll just start typing.
Lemme start off with: i'm not going to the states in december :(. kinda happy but a little disappointed cause its bittersweet. I don't get to go to US but my parents won't be in the house for A MONTH. imagine what I can do in here :D. Partaaayyyy! Best thing about it is that they'll be gone a few days before the christmas holiday for school. ^_^. Speaking of which, I have tons of funny things to say about my new classmates. the first few days of school was pretty funny cause a LOT of people thought I was chinese and spoke to me in chinese. A couple of girls even though I was Eurasian. deh? I'm pretty sure I don't look Eurasian but lets go with that :P. /identity crisis.
okay, im getting very sleepy. I have a frickin test later at 430pm and im still awake D: i shall end this here, gnite guys! :D
Lemme start off with: i'm not going to the states in december :(. kinda happy but a little disappointed cause its bittersweet. I don't get to go to US but my parents won't be in the house for A MONTH. imagine what I can do in here :D. Partaaayyyy! Best thing about it is that they'll be gone a few days before the christmas holiday for school. ^_^. Speaking of which, I have tons of funny things to say about my new classmates. the first few days of school was pretty funny cause a LOT of people thought I was chinese and spoke to me in chinese. A couple of girls even though I was Eurasian. deh? I'm pretty sure I don't look Eurasian but lets go with that :P. /identity crisis.
okay, im getting very sleepy. I have a frickin test later at 430pm and im still awake D: i shall end this here, gnite guys! :D
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Sorry for not updating in a long time, will do it tmr! For now im off to bed, super tired! here i'll give you guys a summary
- school's being awesome so far
- good classmates
- more songs/funny videos to be posted by me
- im not going to the states but my parents are (for a month on december)
- some other random stuff that I usually talk about
I'm pretty tired.. might be thinking of not going to sch tmr. we'll see. okay gnite ppls! :D
- school's being awesome so far
- good classmates
- more songs/funny videos to be posted by me
- im not going to the states but my parents are (for a month on december)
- some other random stuff that I usually talk about
I'm pretty tired.. might be thinking of not going to sch tmr. we'll see. okay gnite ppls! :D
Monday, October 18, 2010
where will I get oxygen, these trees wont grow
I'm in school, reading a.. I dunno 20 page resource about distribution and transportation. not exactly the friendliest topic in the world to start off with especially on a MONDAY. but i can still do it, rawr. so our lecturer is like, coolio beans with a touch of english accent. he's giving us hints left and right but it seems like everyone's going 'uh?' every few minutes.
Anyways I spent my whole weekend just resting and trying to reset my body clock. I slept at 4am last night so that alone should tell you my progress of doing that. geez. -_-. Saturday was the unofficial 'gaming' day for me since I had an online competition for starcraft 2 in the morning and then around 8pm at night I went to play Left4dead 2 with aidil, fairul and mizi. I have to admit, it was pretty fun and relaxing after losing in the sc2 competition just hours earlier ahha :P. me going 'CLOSE THE DOOR CLOSE THE DOOR' on mizi when he was the sole survivor, us protecting Aidil who had 1 health and no medkits plus he was limping was epic too. Bros dont let other bros get eaten by zombies man. WAT UP. :D
i'm hungry and I need to do my work. real busy so i shall end this entry prematurely. oh but before that, CHECK THIS BAND OUT OMG! Our last night is F'ING awesome. no wait, OSSUM. they're Ossum. yah.
Anyways I spent my whole weekend just resting and trying to reset my body clock. I slept at 4am last night so that alone should tell you my progress of doing that. geez. -_-. Saturday was the unofficial 'gaming' day for me since I had an online competition for starcraft 2 in the morning and then around 8pm at night I went to play Left4dead 2 with aidil, fairul and mizi. I have to admit, it was pretty fun and relaxing after losing in the sc2 competition just hours earlier ahha :P. me going 'CLOSE THE DOOR CLOSE THE DOOR' on mizi when he was the sole survivor, us protecting Aidil who had 1 health and no medkits plus he was limping was epic too. Bros dont let other bros get eaten by zombies man. WAT UP. :D
i'm hungry and I need to do my work. real busy so i shall end this entry prematurely. oh but before that, CHECK THIS BAND OUT OMG! Our last night is F'ING awesome. no wait, OSSUM. they're Ossum. yah.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Because we pieced it all together when it just felt right
Oh man, sem 2 just started and I am super tired! Having mixed feelings. The new class looks like its gonna be alright so far but oh man the modules for sem 2 don't look friendly at all. Its alright Herrizal, just 3 more sems to go. btw i just realised that my tagboard is getting spammed as hell. I should fix it. I gotta boost my GPA so you know, I must attend school often :P.
The other reason for me to not skip school this sem is because i'm probably going to LA on december. so personal 2 weeks off from school + 3 weeks of xmas holiday = 5 weeks of LA. Forward Planning is awesome. OSSUM. still its not confirmed so we'll see. I miss Kiko. I miss my Sister. I miss my Brother in law John. I miss 500 channels. I miss the mexican food. I miss going all around US and meeting all kinds of people. I miss walking on the beaches of Florida at 6am and being emo. I miss webcamming with my friends while im in US. I miss everything lah. anyways heres a song that I stumbled upon by youtube-ing. it sounds a lot like saosin!
The other reason for me to not skip school this sem is because i'm probably going to LA on december. so personal 2 weeks off from school + 3 weeks of xmas holiday = 5 weeks of LA. Forward Planning is awesome. OSSUM. still its not confirmed so we'll see. I miss Kiko. I miss my Sister. I miss my Brother in law John. I miss 500 channels. I miss the mexican food. I miss going all around US and meeting all kinds of people. I miss walking on the beaches of Florida at 6am and being emo. I miss webcamming with my friends while im in US. I miss everything lah. anyways heres a song that I stumbled upon by youtube-ing. it sounds a lot like saosin!
So you know, i have lots of things I wanna buy right now. PS3, custom made PC, a new HD television, 1.5k for my driving license aaaaand that's about it. I was looking around and watching people stream games live and have funny reactions and then I thought to myself. What if it was me and halim streaming while on PS3? Our reactions are so epic, I tell you. especially when it comes to horror games! 'Halim, stop getting hit by zombies, DONT DIE ON MEHH!' 'HELP this f'ing zombie is not letting me get up, SHEEET.' All I need is a ps3 and then some device thingy and we're all set. still.. money's the main problem. argh.
i'm gonna end this entry soon cause i'm pretty tired. I haven't even ironed my clothes for school later urgh. Oh yeahhh funny thing is that theres already 2 people in my class that spoke to me in chinese on the first day HAHAHA. so funny man. okay I shall end it here. that is all for this entry. I hope to update more frequently but gosh this entry is f'ing boring.
okay gnite ppls! :D
i'm gonna end this entry soon cause i'm pretty tired. I haven't even ironed my clothes for school later urgh. Oh yeahhh funny thing is that theres already 2 people in my class that spoke to me in chinese on the first day HAHAHA. so funny man. okay I shall end it here. that is all for this entry. I hope to update more frequently but gosh this entry is f'ing boring.
okay gnite ppls! :D
Sunday, October 3, 2010
lets pretend its the end of the world
Okay first of all, before I start anythin, I just wanna say Happy 19th Bday. don't know if this is gonna reach you or not but may your wishes come true and may you have a wonderful Bday celebration! Happy 19th Bday :D.
Alright so what should I talk about...... ah yes. Yesterday I met up with the guys except Jack (technically hes in our clique now) at alif and we pretty much took that opportunity to catch up with each other. Fai's A levels are in like 30 days or something, Mizi's final driving lesson is coming very soon too and Aidil/Fizz & Isa's FYP submission is coming so i'd like to wish them all the best! Everytime i'm in my brother's car (actually its 'our' car since my dad gave it to me ahha) I feel like an idiot because my friends have license(s) but have no car but its the reverse for me. I'm gonna start my lessons soon man, I dont care. Gonna pump 1.5k on driving lessons and then BAM! you'll no longer hear me complaining about how slow buses are. anyways here's a song that's pretty much stuck in my head for the whole night. PARTYYYYYY LIKE ITS THE END OF THE WORLD~ the songs starts at 50 secs btw.
Alright so what should I talk about...... ah yes. Yesterday I met up with the guys except Jack (technically hes in our clique now) at alif and we pretty much took that opportunity to catch up with each other. Fai's A levels are in like 30 days or something, Mizi's final driving lesson is coming very soon too and Aidil/Fizz & Isa's FYP submission is coming so i'd like to wish them all the best! Everytime i'm in my brother's car (actually its 'our' car since my dad gave it to me ahha) I feel like an idiot because my friends have license(s) but have no car but its the reverse for me. I'm gonna start my lessons soon man, I dont care. Gonna pump 1.5k on driving lessons and then BAM! you'll no longer hear me complaining about how slow buses are. anyways here's a song that's pretty much stuck in my head for the whole night. PARTYYYYYY LIKE ITS THE END OF THE WORLD~ the songs starts at 50 secs btw.
Mizi also told me about Anberlin and LP's new album. I really like both bands so initially I was really expecting like something amazing but ehh. Anberlin's new album is very melodic, not that its a bad thing, I just like the rock 'feel good drag'-ish version of Anberlin :P. LP's new album is just pure one and only trash. screw you mainstream media for destroying my childhood band. you officially made LP absolute trash. I WANT MY OLD LP BACK >:( You guys can search youtube for their new albums and listen to em if you don't agree with me.
Okay gonna end this entry here. I went for jogging around 10pm just now and so far i'm really impressed that I can run for 3km non stop. All thanks to daily swimming or street soccer. woohoo! THANK YOU NEWLY OPENED SPORTS COMPLEX. and when the gym opens around late october, hohoho. say hello to my new body :D
alright gnite ppls! :D
Okay gonna end this entry here. I went for jogging around 10pm just now and so far i'm really impressed that I can run for 3km non stop. All thanks to daily swimming or street soccer. woohoo! THANK YOU NEWLY OPENED SPORTS COMPLEX. and when the gym opens around late october, hohoho. say hello to my new body :D
alright gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Hunter is awesome personified.
Woooh, i'm super tired. I did 10 laps just now at the newly opened sports complex near my house and i'm pretty much clinging to what's left of my energy for the night. my eyes are slowly closing... slowleh. Anyways i'm trying to revive this blog with whatever's left but nobody seems to say anything in that tagboard :(. I mean COME ON! say something ahha.
I've been lazing around at home surfing the net, watching videos on youtube, reading lots of stuff on the internet etc to pass the time. and then I found this(again)! I still remember the old l4d days ahha, this video is awesome though. meet the witch! its like a funny interview with the witch. not sure if i posted this before but here we go.
I've been lazing around at home surfing the net, watching videos on youtube, reading lots of stuff on the internet etc to pass the time. and then I found this(again)! I still remember the old l4d days ahha, this video is awesome though. meet the witch! its like a funny interview with the witch. not sure if i posted this before but here we go.
im tired :(. super tired so i shall end this entry right here. i shall update soon. wee hours of tonight or the next day.. does that even make sense? okay i shall update at the usual time!
gnite ppls! :D
gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sorry for not updating much but i've been going out almost everyday for the past week and getting home around 11 plus so i'm pretty much bushed/tired to even blog. Anyways, yesterday me, kai, shanny and meng ting went out for a movie and bowling outing. We watched Resident Evil Afterlife! It was a decent movie, you know with all the slow motion effects and alice doing seemingly impossible things and all. This time, the movie kinda lacks action compared to RE: Extinction or the earlier ones. It also lacks a variety of zombies! We only see normal majini zombies and one executioner from Resident Evil 5. needs a HELL of a lot more zombie/creatures from RE5, like that weird ant + human + lizard creature, lickers, Uroboros etc etc. you'll understand what im trying to say if you played the game.
Another thing that really annoyed me was the fact that they made wesker.... weak. Hes supposed to be very strong and even if you found a way to kill him, he'll always be back to ruin your plans. With the introduction of alice, they made a hero who is on par with him in terms of speed/strength. He's the guy who dodges bullets, rips your heart out for the lulz, uses everyone than betrays them, runs at 300km/hr, has a very proud-ish attitude and is always 3 steps ahead of everyone. The movie kinda dumbed him down a little bit but the actor got wesker's personality accurately. BUT I still have hope for wesker since this is not the final RE movie. After the credits, Jill Valentine appeared as a pawn for Wesker aaaaaaand yeah, Wesker never dies. :D
Another thing that really annoyed me was the fact that they made wesker.... weak. Hes supposed to be very strong and even if you found a way to kill him, he'll always be back to ruin your plans. With the introduction of alice, they made a hero who is on par with him in terms of speed/strength. He's the guy who dodges bullets, rips your heart out for the lulz, uses everyone than betrays them, runs at 300km/hr, has a very proud-ish attitude and is always 3 steps ahead of everyone. The movie kinda dumbed him down a little bit but the actor got wesker's personality accurately. BUT I still have hope for wesker since this is not the final RE movie. After the credits, Jill Valentine appeared as a pawn for Wesker aaaaaaand yeah, Wesker never dies. :D
Gosh I look so dark in that picture.. ironically im pale as a moon right now. We ate at pepper lunch after that. Looooove my beef sukiyaki. then off to bowling as me and mengting beat shanny and kai :D. I really suck at bowling cause i was never really into it but after a few coaching 'tips' from the all knowing kai, I started to get the method right. alright im getting hungry now so im gonna get some food. my mom bought a whole bbq chicken so the smell is getting to me right now. tmr i'll be playing street soccer with the guys so i'll talk about it tmr night, later ppls! :D
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
puppy gang!
hellooooooo, hari raya this year is boring. I'll probably bitch about how me and my cousin spent time playing left4dead 2 instead of going out for the long weekend cause we really didn't have much houses to go to. Our l4d2 session was so much more exciting compared to the first day ahha, cause you know, you actually do something like running away from zombies and hacking & slashing your way through with a machete, instead of sitting around and doing nothing for the whole day. shouting for help when ur surrounded by zombies, like that cat in the video above. anyways I still have my friend's hari raya outing too so i shall not whine more about this year's hari raya ahah.
lets talk about the newly opened sports complex near my house. lemme start off with I LOVE IT SO MUCH OMG! I can go swimming, jogging, gym and street soccer at the comfort of my house since its like 2-5 mins walk. Just a few hours ago I went for a 6 lap swim and then went to play street soccer. If i keep going on like this, i'll be fit in no time and i'll get my desired body shape very soon ;D. my body's tired but i'll be fine after i get some rest. I think i'm going out tmr with dan and kai, not too sure though buuuuuuut, i shall end it here. oh yeah and my mom is constantly asking me to cut my hair, no wai! I wanna see what I look like with thicker hair ahha, THEN i'll trim. see how.
okay gnite ppls! :D
Friday, September 10, 2010
feed the fire/break your vision/throw your fists up/come on with me
zomg its been AGES since ive been here. lemme start off with why I stopped blogging for a while. No, it wasn't because of my studies or hectic school schedule but it was because I was getting lazy as hell and paired up with the fact that not much people were reading my blog, I just couldn't give a damn. wah very honest ah? ahha. that's pretty much it!
sooooo much happened during the time when I stopped blogging. a lot of interesting things too but unfortunately writing it all down here would be extremely long. A lot of great and funny things like class chalet, me and dan lloyd working in the YOG village and the athletes there thought that we were from the s'pore team, dan lloyd receiving a 'gift' from a chile'ian athlete in the YOG village, me and my brother saw a ghost: 'a girl with black hair in a white cloth' in the carpark just behind our car at midnight, Jack getting his bike license, the sports complex near our house just opened etc etc. Really interesting stuff I tell you! If I feel like it, i'll talk about them in my following entries :)

Its already Friday (although i still think of it as thursday night) so its officially hari raya! YAY! I'm not as excited but okay lah still excited a bit. Mainly because I get to devour the honey baked cornflakes and rendang. Dont tempt me, I can eat the entire container full of honey baked cornflakes. rawr. Me and Jack just went for a swim at the sports complex that just opened like a day ago. Its literally like a 2 minutes walk away from my house ;D. I'm so gonna be at that place all the time. Gym, Swimming and Street Soccer at the comfort of my residential area. I couldn't ask for more! :D
After that we bought 18 packs of fireworks each for 6 dollars and started doing.. some uh. okay fine, we starting doing some rockets and cannons that actually flew. AHHA if only I took a video. we jammed up 16 sticks together and created a cannon that created a blast around 1 level height. i'm not kidding, it was really that big. tmr if we have the time, we'll be definitely jamming up like 30 to 40 sticks at once and see what happens. I heard those "whistling" fireworks tend to explode if you stack em together. hehehe, sounds interesting :D.
alright i'm still very sick so im gonna take my medicine and head off to bed. its gonna be a long day since its hari raya so i need all the rest i can get. oh and if any of you missed me, aidil and Isa's cover on facebook for Billionaire, here it is :D. I really didn't expect that much people to like it. it wont be the last you hear from us, that's fo sho!
okay gnite ppls! :D
sooooo much happened during the time when I stopped blogging. a lot of interesting things too but unfortunately writing it all down here would be extremely long. A lot of great and funny things like class chalet, me and dan lloyd working in the YOG village and the athletes there thought that we were from the s'pore team, dan lloyd receiving a 'gift' from a chile'ian athlete in the YOG village, me and my brother saw a ghost: 'a girl with black hair in a white cloth' in the carpark just behind our car at midnight, Jack getting his bike license, the sports complex near our house just opened etc etc. Really interesting stuff I tell you! If I feel like it, i'll talk about them in my following entries :)

Its already Friday (although i still think of it as thursday night) so its officially hari raya! YAY! I'm not as excited but okay lah still excited a bit. Mainly because I get to devour the honey baked cornflakes and rendang. Dont tempt me, I can eat the entire container full of honey baked cornflakes. rawr. Me and Jack just went for a swim at the sports complex that just opened like a day ago. Its literally like a 2 minutes walk away from my house ;D. I'm so gonna be at that place all the time. Gym, Swimming and Street Soccer at the comfort of my residential area. I couldn't ask for more! :D
After that we bought 18 packs of fireworks each for 6 dollars and started doing.. some uh. okay fine, we starting doing some rockets and cannons that actually flew. AHHA if only I took a video. we jammed up 16 sticks together and created a cannon that created a blast around 1 level height. i'm not kidding, it was really that big. tmr if we have the time, we'll be definitely jamming up like 30 to 40 sticks at once and see what happens. I heard those "whistling" fireworks tend to explode if you stack em together. hehehe, sounds interesting :D.
alright i'm still very sick so im gonna take my medicine and head off to bed. its gonna be a long day since its hari raya so i need all the rest i can get. oh and if any of you missed me, aidil and Isa's cover on facebook for Billionaire, here it is :D. I really didn't expect that much people to like it. it wont be the last you hear from us, that's fo sho!
okay gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, July 22, 2010
This is probably gonna be the weirdest topic to talk about since I havent updated for two weeks. but OMG AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER IS GONNA HAVE A NEW SERIES!!!! I've been watching a crapload of shows for the past couple of weeks. A couple of seasons of Family Guy, Simpsons, Naruto and That 70s Show. It's to pass the time and my class seems to be heavily influenced by Family Guy. Thanks to Jovi and his "coolwhip" video from Family Guy, now everyone is into the show :D.
Raaaaaar, I lost all my blogging skills and how to actually write interesting stuff here. Don't worry i'll be back in business soon enough. I'm playing street soccer at Jurong East tmr and then on Saturday i'm watching S'pore vs Burnley so that's gonna be a good topic to talk about. In other words: I miss this cute bugger.
Raaaaaar, I lost all my blogging skills and how to actually write interesting stuff here. Don't worry i'll be back in business soon enough. I'm playing street soccer at Jurong East tmr and then on Saturday i'm watching S'pore vs Burnley so that's gonna be a good topic to talk about. In other words: I miss this cute bugger.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
this is our melody, its time to sing it out
its not that I don't wanna update... its just that i'm just too f'ing lazy to AT TIMES. don't know why but I feel like Peter Griffin when I said that last line. maybe i've watched too much family guy. oh well, *echooooo* ANYWAY, Let me start this entry up with something. So I spent the day going out with Mizi. We went all around orchard to shop for t shirts. Apparently today was youth day so yeah there were lots of sec school kids around. Which made both of us reminisce of the fun times we and the guys had.... just last year. Playing music at tiet regularly, football and Left4Dead. Which one of us could ever forget the enthusiasm we had when we stumbled upon an awesome song just waiting to be covered. Every friday without fail, we'd be at tiet. Anytime after 2pm but before 7pm. Covering songs like Hey John, My Heroine, Smile in your sleep, PAPERTHIN HYMN WOO! aaand also not forgetting how Fizz will always "forget" to learn his guitar tabs. Oh man i miss those times.
Times when we were actually pretty fit playing because of football and funny moments of us screaming like idiots trying to tell each other that theres a witch on the floor next to Fizz's legs in L4D. Come to think of it, that was a pretty Captain Obvious moment. "guys look out! Theres a witch on the floor, I can hear her crying!" well no shit sherlock. :/. (just like this pic)

Times when we were actually pretty fit playing because of football and funny moments of us screaming like idiots trying to tell each other that theres a witch on the floor next to Fizz's legs in L4D. Come to think of it, that was a pretty Captain Obvious moment. "guys look out! Theres a witch on the floor, I can hear her crying!" well no shit sherlock. :/. (just like this pic)

Anyways back to day, so both of us scoured from Ion to Heeren to look for stuff. We kept bumping into this chinese couple which was... okay I wont lie. THE GIRL WAS GORGEOUS. Natural Beauty, I tell you. On the 2nd time bumping into them, I bet mizi that if we bumped into them again for the 3rd time, it must be a sign. 5 mins later, we bumped into them again. I swear it must be a sign, along with the 6 porche's that I saw under an hour. Could it be that our future wives in 10 years time will be gorgeous and we'll have a porsche as our car? :D :D :D. Hah, that sounds so far-fetched.
okay aside from the random bullshit, we sat down by BK and as I had my dinner, we talked about his experience in Taiwan and other stuffs. He was talking to me about how he felt about "that thing happening" when he first found out in Taiwan. quite sad... but I think what I said was true. Well then after that I eventually got my t shirt at heeren and was on the way back with mizi. I tell you what, i'm gonna organise a football event and a jamming session with the guys by this week or the next. I dont care, I WANT TO RELIVE THOSE MOMENTS. i'm gonna do it, i tell you. okay overall the day was fun but I wished that the guys could've been out with us. time for me to end this entry and go to sleep, school tomorrow aaah D:
ps: Germany is gonna stomp Spain and Uruguay will be the champions. Believe it. Suarez is a bloody hero for getting that handball to stop ghana's goal against Uruguay. the man.
oh well gnite ppls! :D
okay aside from the random bullshit, we sat down by BK and as I had my dinner, we talked about his experience in Taiwan and other stuffs. He was talking to me about how he felt about "that thing happening" when he first found out in Taiwan. quite sad... but I think what I said was true. Well then after that I eventually got my t shirt at heeren and was on the way back with mizi. I tell you what, i'm gonna organise a football event and a jamming session with the guys by this week or the next. I dont care, I WANT TO RELIVE THOSE MOMENTS. i'm gonna do it, i tell you. okay overall the day was fun but I wished that the guys could've been out with us. time for me to end this entry and go to sleep, school tomorrow aaah D:
ps: Germany is gonna stomp Spain and Uruguay will be the champions. Believe it. Suarez is a bloody hero for getting that handball to stop ghana's goal against Uruguay. the man.
oh well gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, July 1, 2010
i feel... funny.
oh man, 39.4 deg celcius, anti-biotic medicine that makes me unable to think and also makes everything taste like pill and 24/7 feeling of just wanting to laze in bed all day long. I feel like shit. this is horrible. :(
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I was looking at some of my old photos when I was at houston and... I kinda missed going there. it was good, if only my friends were there with me though!

anyways mizi and aidil dropped by my house just now to watch USA vs Ghana and it was as an OSSUM match Hhaahhahahah. We were literally on the edge of our seats everytime each team tried to shoot (well not exactly cause we were lying down but a little hyperboling doesnt hurt hah). but seriously, the match was action packed but SOMEBODY had to sleep while me and aidil were rooting for Ghana to win. In the end, Ghana won during the extra time and it was a huge relief for Aidil. Tonight's match is gonna be Germany vs England. woooh. crazy match. I'm gonna be watching it with them again. I may be swimming or play football with them later but it depends on my brother's friends. If they're not playing then i guess we'll be going for a swim. alright i'm gonna end it here, its 9:40 am and i'm pretty tired. Self-imposed jet lag, I say. off to take a short nap and then wake up around 3pm.
gnite.. morning ppls! :D
gnite.. morning ppls! :D
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I can't believe I haven't blogged about the World Cup. Oh well keeping this entry short because south korea's match is coming. MEXICO is through to the next round with Uruguay for Group A. Yeahhh!!! They really deserved it in my opinion.
Who am I really supporting for this World Cup? Definitely Netherlands/Holland and Argentina. I don't have much faith for Spain and Germany this time around. France is gone now and England... no comments. Though I have a feeling that Brazil might be the winners for this world cup... the silent killer. okay i'll update later on tonight,
gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Mizi is back!
anyways lets see what have I done this week. ooh I went out with Jack and his girlfriend the other night, got some japanese food going and talked about lotsa things. We talked about the one country that we would rather live in instead of singapore According to him, he wants to live in UK while im.... not quite sure where I wanna stay. I've got too much choices to think about so in the end I really didn't know where I would live in.
aannyways i've heard some... interesting stories from mizi. ahaha, you're the man ;). Seems like he had a lot of fun for the last 3 days because they were given the freedom to explore taipei for the last 3 days. If only we had the money, we'll haul our asses to europe asap and do lots of things! alright i'm gonna start counting how much money I have and start preparations for the world cup session. time for a new blog song. it's probably gonna be weird but.. who cares.
gnite ppls! :D (oh wait, nobody reads this blog! D:)
Friday, June 4, 2010
THIS PLACE IS DEAAAAD. f'ruck man i havent been caring about this blog for quite sometime. and now even my tagboard is filled with useless advertising stuff. oh well, time to change the song, maybe the skin and clean my blog up.
anyways its already been 4 days into my 2 weeks holiday, funny how theres nothing to do nowadays. and the fact that our school made it so that we'll be having our holidays 1 week before the other poly's makes it a lot worse since i'm having my holidays while the guys are still in school. Yes, my school is very good at planning things. true story. Mizi's coming back next wednesday and he told me something awful about him leaving s'pore for 2 months and... yeah. sad, but I have faith in Mizi plus i've got something to cheer him up when he gets back! Its so awesome, he'll thank me for years. no hyperbole from that statement.
Lets see, my mom says i'm gaining mass from the looks of it but then I had to rain on her parade and bitch about how our home meals lacked westernizing since I seldom eat rice. (yeah believe me, I don't like it). I asked her if she remembered when we were in Houston, I ate mexican and italian food like crazy and also worked out at the gym over there. I practically gained 4-5kg in a month! the sweet sweet tamales, enchiladas, burritos. How about the lobster spaghetti, lasagna, BEEF RIBS! omg.

Look at that! how can anyone not be tempted to eat that stuff, with all the cheese and salsa sauce. Actually to think of it, me and my brother just had portugese stlye western food the other night. pretty damn good with all the spices and herbs. i'm drifting away from the topic but the point is: I hate rice. period. I can live a looooong time without rice. Mom you need to understand that! *insert more whining here*. pfft. whiner. oh well, back to my cup noodles :(.
I shall end this entry here. Apparently i have 2 outings on friday and 1 outing on saturday. my wallet's definitely gonna take a beating. Picnic with my class on friday morning at east coast and then meet up with aidil and fairul. aaaand on sat its an outing with my former class. i'm gonna end it with a funny video. enjoy :D
anyways its already been 4 days into my 2 weeks holiday, funny how theres nothing to do nowadays. and the fact that our school made it so that we'll be having our holidays 1 week before the other poly's makes it a lot worse since i'm having my holidays while the guys are still in school. Yes, my school is very good at planning things. true story. Mizi's coming back next wednesday and he told me something awful about him leaving s'pore for 2 months and... yeah. sad, but I have faith in Mizi plus i've got something to cheer him up when he gets back! Its so awesome, he'll thank me for years. no hyperbole from that statement.
Lets see, my mom says i'm gaining mass from the looks of it but then I had to rain on her parade and bitch about how our home meals lacked westernizing since I seldom eat rice. (yeah believe me, I don't like it). I asked her if she remembered when we were in Houston, I ate mexican and italian food like crazy and also worked out at the gym over there. I practically gained 4-5kg in a month! the sweet sweet tamales, enchiladas, burritos. How about the lobster spaghetti, lasagna, BEEF RIBS! omg.

Look at that! how can anyone not be tempted to eat that stuff, with all the cheese and salsa sauce. Actually to think of it, me and my brother just had portugese stlye western food the other night. pretty damn good with all the spices and herbs. i'm drifting away from the topic but the point is: I hate rice. period. I can live a looooong time without rice. Mom you need to understand that! *insert more whining here*. pfft. whiner. oh well, back to my cup noodles :(.
I shall end this entry here. Apparently i have 2 outings on friday and 1 outing on saturday. my wallet's definitely gonna take a beating. Picnic with my class on friday morning at east coast and then meet up with aidil and fairul. aaaand on sat its an outing with my former class. i'm gonna end it with a funny video. enjoy :D
In soviet russia, plants hug you!
gnite ppls! :D
gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
you can make me scream
welcome to my dead blog wooo. okay well its not dead, its just that I feel lazy to blog nowadays due to the amount of schoolwork. denial eh? ahha, okay fine i'll try to ressurect this blog by myself but its kinda weird to blog after quite sometime of inactivity. I have a couple of tests for this week and the next so we'll see how I balance between studying and my free time. Year 2 = tough shit. and that statement is not even hyperbole. it really is tough. Microsoft Excel everyday and calculations. I got from the usual whiner me to "oh well, let me just learn it". Its either calculations or theory stuff that seems to be endless. Pages and pages of info, raaaaar. i'm going crazy!
My new classmates are cool and really easy to get along with so I suppose that's a good thing, (of course it is!) The best part about year 2 is that TIME FLIES BY SO DAMN FAST. I suspect its the amount of work we have to do that's making it fast as hell. anyways I won't stretch this entry too long. here's two funny videos that I encountered in class. you'll love it. :D.
I love the youtube stars episode. It has a lot of youtube stars in 1 southpark episode including tay zonday (chocolate rain), sneezing panda, laughing baby, star wars kid, tron guy, chinese backstreet boys, LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE guy, dramatic gopher and the AFRO NINJA AHAHAHA, must watch it guys!
alright, gnite ppls! :D
My new classmates are cool and really easy to get along with so I suppose that's a good thing, (of course it is!) The best part about year 2 is that TIME FLIES BY SO DAMN FAST. I suspect its the amount of work we have to do that's making it fast as hell. anyways I won't stretch this entry too long. here's two funny videos that I encountered in class. you'll love it. :D.
I love the youtube stars episode. It has a lot of youtube stars in 1 southpark episode including tay zonday (chocolate rain), sneezing panda, laughing baby, star wars kid, tron guy, chinese backstreet boys, LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE guy, dramatic gopher and the AFRO NINJA AHAHAHA, must watch it guys!
alright, gnite ppls! :D
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
beautiful girls all over the world
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted
they got nothin' on you baby
nothin' on you baby
they might say hi and i might say hey
but you shouldn't worry about what they say
cause they got nothin' on you baby
nothin' on you baby
i could be chasing but my time would be wasted
they got nothin' on you baby
nothin' on you baby
they might say hi and i might say hey
but you shouldn't worry about what they say
cause they got nothin' on you baby
nothin' on you baby
i love this song at 2:54am in the morning. gnite.
Friday, April 30, 2010
okay I might have forgotten about updating yesterday but oh well, atleast i'm doing it now. ITS FRIDAY YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. tgiff. double f because you know whats in the middle of "its" and "friday". school has been ughhhh, hectic as hell. a lot of work to do, things to understand and furthermore microsoft excel has been irritating me to the core. thank god I have awesome classmates who actually help me out. They're a nice bunch so every lesson is kind of an enjoyable one. still, I miss w36c :'(. Can you believe its already 3 weeks?! omg time is going by so frickin fast!
anyways geez this place is dead isn't it? time to resurrect this blog. I didn't do much after school today except for going to mizi's house to get my memory card from his mom. (I wonder how that guy's doing in taiwan). Oh yeah I DID do something interesting. I got home, put down my bag, showered and then brought my acoustic guitar to the bathroom and played/sang like mad. It seriously has the best acoustics... at home lah. seriously you guys should try it! When nobody's at home, bring your acoustic guitar to the bathroom and play, suddenly your guitar will sound heavenly :D
I did mention about covering a song by silverstein a few entries back right? its about 75% done except that I have to get my finger muscles to remember the tabs without looking at them. should be done very soon if i'm not lazy, and you know how that always turn out. :P. anyways Iron man 2 is out today! I should be watching it soon with the guys from w36c but its not confirmed so we'll see. alright finally i'll end this entry with funny videos lah okay? First is Vitas' "real" voice(its just a parody ahha) and something awesome that I saw on failblog. Vitas sounds so f'ing retarded in that video AHAHHAHAH.
anyways geez this place is dead isn't it? time to resurrect this blog. I didn't do much after school today except for going to mizi's house to get my memory card from his mom. (I wonder how that guy's doing in taiwan). Oh yeah I DID do something interesting. I got home, put down my bag, showered and then brought my acoustic guitar to the bathroom and played/sang like mad. It seriously has the best acoustics... at home lah. seriously you guys should try it! When nobody's at home, bring your acoustic guitar to the bathroom and play, suddenly your guitar will sound heavenly :D
I did mention about covering a song by silverstein a few entries back right? its about 75% done except that I have to get my finger muscles to remember the tabs without looking at them. should be done very soon if i'm not lazy, and you know how that always turn out. :P. anyways Iron man 2 is out today! I should be watching it soon with the guys from w36c but its not confirmed so we'll see. alright finally i'll end this entry with funny videos lah okay? First is Vitas' "real" voice(its just a parody ahha) and something awesome that I saw on failblog. Vitas sounds so f'ing retarded in that video AHAHHAHAH.
alright thats it for tonight, will update soon! gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Helloooo! :D School has been... tough i guess. I mean year 2 is seriously.. um serious? No more "hey i'll do this part abit, play red alert 3 with the guys then come back and continue" anymore. The people in my new class are pretty awesome. they're really easy to get along with and so far, i've made quite a number of new friends. but of course w36c is the best lah, man that class will stay in my heart for as long as possible. oh the memories we used to have together in that class :D. Anyways I had lunch with Danial Lloyd, Rais and Zad (he prefers to be called Cobus from now on since he looks so much like that guy). Kai was probably at home sleeping or something.
Funny story how I started the day: so I woke up at 9 and checked my school account to see today's module: "Statistics...". I instantly went "HELL NAW." but I forced myself to go to school, got in and realised that today's lessons was super easy and I would've been an idiot if I didn't come. I think we finished our work around 1030am and I had like 2 hours to figure out why my internet wasn't working. So I got it fixed and I managed to somehow (god knows how) get better internet than all the others in the class. oh the benefits of randomly clicking things. :D.
anyways, heres a song that I came across on youtube. pretty good. Its a song by submersed and its called "hollow". It feels a little dark and a little like three days grace in my opinion.
alright last thing for the night: I'm gonna cover a song by SILVERSTEIN soon. I've been singing this particular song for months and i thought that it wouldn't be a bad idea if I covered it. i've never learned the guitar tabs/chords so I really don't know if my voice is gonna do justice for the song. I'd say, give me about 3 days to a week for me to learn the song on my guitar. i'm not promising anything but once I recorded it and it seems nice, i'll upload it. if it doesn't, no way in hell im letting you guys see it :x. alright i'm gonna go off now, gonna take a short nap and then wake up around 245am to watch Bayern Munich vs Lyon.
alright, gnite! :D
ps: aidil, fai and fizz, where were you guys :(. my cheese prataaaaaaa :(.
Funny story how I started the day: so I woke up at 9 and checked my school account to see today's module: "Statistics...". I instantly went "HELL NAW." but I forced myself to go to school, got in and realised that today's lessons was super easy and I would've been an idiot if I didn't come. I think we finished our work around 1030am and I had like 2 hours to figure out why my internet wasn't working. So I got it fixed and I managed to somehow (god knows how) get better internet than all the others in the class. oh the benefits of randomly clicking things. :D.
anyways, heres a song that I came across on youtube. pretty good. Its a song by submersed and its called "hollow". It feels a little dark and a little like three days grace in my opinion.
alright last thing for the night: I'm gonna cover a song by SILVERSTEIN soon. I've been singing this particular song for months and i thought that it wouldn't be a bad idea if I covered it. i've never learned the guitar tabs/chords so I really don't know if my voice is gonna do justice for the song. I'd say, give me about 3 days to a week for me to learn the song on my guitar. i'm not promising anything but once I recorded it and it seems nice, i'll upload it. if it doesn't, no way in hell im letting you guys see it :x. alright i'm gonna go off now, gonna take a short nap and then wake up around 245am to watch Bayern Munich vs Lyon.
alright, gnite! :D
ps: aidil, fai and fizz, where were you guys :(. my cheese prataaaaaaa :(.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
What made you so scared?
I know, I know. You'll probably say that i'm a little late to find about this song but whatever, its good! I was searching on about Saosin's old vocalist and I found his new band, Circa Survive. Unfortunately this is the only song I like from the band, not really my cup of tea if you ask me. That's also probably why I like Saosin's new singer Cove compared to Anthony Green.
Anyways I went to play lan with jack, his gf and halim yesterday. It was craaazy man ahaha, we played Nazi Zombies (youtube it, its awesome). I love how the zombies don't die within 1 shot and its like resident evil type of zombies, where they just don't die unless you shoot again and again. We played a lot of maps and most of it was like the 3 of us guys trying to protect dan's gf from hordes of zombies and zombie dogs while covering for each other. ahaha it was scary and fun at the same time. we should definitely do it again soon, aaah!
Tmr i'm meeting the guys at Alif before Isa goes for his China study trip. cool maaaan, I wish my school flew me out to some country far away and asks me to study there for awhile. alright i'm gonna end it here, I have to sleep cause I have class tmr at 945. D: TGIF. that's all I can say.
gnite ppls! :D
Anyways I went to play lan with jack, his gf and halim yesterday. It was craaazy man ahaha, we played Nazi Zombies (youtube it, its awesome). I love how the zombies don't die within 1 shot and its like resident evil type of zombies, where they just don't die unless you shoot again and again. We played a lot of maps and most of it was like the 3 of us guys trying to protect dan's gf from hordes of zombies and zombie dogs while covering for each other. ahaha it was scary and fun at the same time. we should definitely do it again soon, aaah!
Tmr i'm meeting the guys at Alif before Isa goes for his China study trip. cool maaaan, I wish my school flew me out to some country far away and asks me to study there for awhile. alright i'm gonna end it here, I have to sleep cause I have class tmr at 945. D: TGIF. that's all I can say.
gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
wooow, it has been almost a week since i've blogged. alright where should I start? Lets see, Mizi is in Taiwan now, just got word from him that hes fine and enjoying the weather over there. Apparently hes sick of chinese food, dont worry man we'll get you cheese prata in two months time! :D. School's starting soon but I didn't expect it to start on thursday... wtf? I was gonna sleep my ass off for the weekends but now looks like my plans are all wasted. noooo. looking forward to meeting new classmates and I hope they're as badass as w36c. I gotta meet up with Dan, Kai, Rais and Zad during lunch breaks... OR "PARTIAL" TOGETHER AHHAHA! :D.
I've been slacking off for the last days of my holidays watching tv, youtube-ing and whatnot. I can't say i'm unhappy to start school again because i'm actually looking forward to it. well some sort. Its year 2 already and with a blink of an eye, it'll be year 3. Time goes by super fast especially when you're in poly. so awesome. anyways i'll REALLY start updating soon probably tmr or the day after so do check it out. I feel like covering some songs before school starts :/. The weather tonight is perfect for me to sleep so I shall do it naaaow.
alright gnite ppls! :D
I've been slacking off for the last days of my holidays watching tv, youtube-ing and whatnot. I can't say i'm unhappy to start school again because i'm actually looking forward to it. well some sort. Its year 2 already and with a blink of an eye, it'll be year 3. Time goes by super fast especially when you're in poly. so awesome. anyways i'll REALLY start updating soon probably tmr or the day after so do check it out. I feel like covering some songs before school starts :/. The weather tonight is perfect for me to sleep so I shall do it naaaow.
alright gnite ppls! :D
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
AHAHA, that girl is evil! she dresses up as a ghost and just stands at the corner waiting for people to walk by and their reactions are hilarious. the ending is very unexpected though, i'm still laughing about it right now ahah.
short update for tonight because I don't really have much to say, i'm going out with my classmates tmr so maybe i'll update about it soon. If you're bored with nothing to do during the holidays this is what you should do: download the whole season 3 of scare tactics. its like punk'd except WAY funnier. okay gnite ppls! :D
Thursday, April 1, 2010

A friend of mine told me to check this band out and oh my god, they're so fucking good. pardon my language but they're damn good! The vocalist has a very unique voice in my opinion. Its like chester bennington's half scream + half vocal. The drummer is the blonde girl and she sings too! Her voice really reminds me of the vocalist from flyleaf. anyway here's another song from them that I really love. its called hero :D. the bridge part is just.. wow!
Its awesome right? :P okay i gotta end this entry now, update soon! :D
Monday, March 29, 2010
I want my own dragon!

How to train your Dragon was a really great show! I watched it last night with Mizi, Fizz and Isa at Causeway. Really worth it, especially in 3D! It was quite blurry for me in the beginning but after a few minutes, my eyes got used to it and it became very clear. Anyways the storyline is pretty good and not cliched, since it was made from the producers of shrek, you can be assured that its very entertaining and humorous. Hiccup's (Main character) dragon, "toothless" is so damn adorable! Overall I would rate it 8/10 because the graphics are f'ing brilliant, storyline is also good. The ending had a strong lesson in my opinion. In my opinion it really showed the saying: "through thick and thin" for the ending when Hiccup... :D. no spoilers from me okay! If you haven't watch it, you really ought to do so because its a movie that's entertaining for all ages. Next up: TOYS STORY 3 YEAAAAH! I'm pretty sure that Toys story 3 is the only movie from Pixar that will have more teens watching than children because we were all about 6-10 when toys story 1 came out. Can't wait for it!
In other news: damn this blog is almost, and I mean ALMOST dead. It's like nobody goes here anymore except for a handful of people. anyways me and aidil's cover of time is running out by muse is done. It was done in a lower key to match Aidil's voice since he was gonna do most of the singing so it doesn't sound the same as my cover. I can't sing it properly in a lower key either so I just left it to Aidil. Ooh ooh, and I always showed Aidil some episodes of Scare Tactics. funny-as-hell I tell you! There's a couple of episodes of youtube but I can't seem to embed it here so if you wanna see it, you'll have to search it up on youtube. Trust me, its worth your time! I saw a couple of episodes and I had to get the whole season.
okay last thing for the night, Mizi is going Taiwan while Isa is going to China. Mizi's going there for NS while Isa's going there for some school attachment. gah, 2 months. that's crazy! Mizi's going on April 10th so we'll definitely be sending him off. I think Isa's flight is like 1 day before Mizi's flight. whatever, i'll try to send them both! :D okay i'm actually on the phone on skype right now. waiting for customer service. cool eh? calling from my pc ahah, and its FEH-REEE. well it only works for toll-free numbers only so I guess that's the bad thing about it. lucky this number is toll-free. i'm gonna end this entry here. this place is dead... :'(. maybe because I haven't been updating a lot since the past few months. come baaaack! :'(
ahah okay, gnite ppls! :D
In other news: damn this blog is almost, and I mean ALMOST dead. It's like nobody goes here anymore except for a handful of people. anyways me and aidil's cover of time is running out by muse is done. It was done in a lower key to match Aidil's voice since he was gonna do most of the singing so it doesn't sound the same as my cover. I can't sing it properly in a lower key either so I just left it to Aidil. Ooh ooh, and I always showed Aidil some episodes of Scare Tactics. funny-as-hell I tell you! There's a couple of episodes of youtube but I can't seem to embed it here so if you wanna see it, you'll have to search it up on youtube. Trust me, its worth your time! I saw a couple of episodes and I had to get the whole season.
okay last thing for the night, Mizi is going Taiwan while Isa is going to China. Mizi's going there for NS while Isa's going there for some school attachment. gah, 2 months. that's crazy! Mizi's going on April 10th so we'll definitely be sending him off. I think Isa's flight is like 1 day before Mizi's flight. whatever, i'll try to send them both! :D okay i'm actually on the phone on skype right now. waiting for customer service. cool eh? calling from my pc ahah, and its FEH-REEE. well it only works for toll-free numbers only so I guess that's the bad thing about it. lucky this number is toll-free. i'm gonna end this entry here. this place is dead... :'(. maybe because I haven't been updating a lot since the past few months. come baaaack! :'(
ahah okay, gnite ppls! :D
Saturday, March 27, 2010
before I go
I gotta go out now cause i'm watching a movie with the guys at causeway point so i'll update soon. i've been very busy because... yes I was working at mizi's previous workplace. I just didn't tell you guys ahha, but yeah i'm thinking of finding a new job soon. preferably somewhere near cause going to bugis everyday is a hassle. especially when it jams. okay I really have to go now. enjoy the new song that I stumbled upon on youtube. I really really really love the chorus. its like slow song.. then bam! the chorus! anyways before I go, i just wanna say that tmr me, aidil and mizi may be covering some songs so do look out for it when its out :D
Monday, March 22, 2010
told you I was gonna update.. even though its 5:07am right now :D. i'm not sure if i've shown u guys this before but damn, its funny as hell! Remember playing Resident Evil in our old Sega Saturn or PS1 console and feeling totally helpless as you don't know just what to expect behind that corner? :D
Sunday, March 21, 2010
cause we were both young when I first saw you.
I'm sorry for not updating enough but i've been quite busy with lots of things this week. There's liverpool vs man utd now so i'm gonna watch it with my brother in his room. I'll update tonight, I promise! While you're waiting, here's something cool and funny from davedays. I love his rock version of love story. thinking of covering it soon with my new band ahaha. Yes, you heard me. I'm making a 2nd band with Aidil. AND WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FEMALE VOCALIST. We're gonna be covering songs from paramore and others. nothing too heavy!
okay, gonna get back to the match now. I'll update very soon! I'm also gonna change the blog song so stay tune :D
Monday, March 15, 2010
bury the castle, ba dap bap ba dap bap ba da
i'm totally out of my voice, its not even funny. well I suppose it is, if you can listen to it. I'm making squeaking sounds from my throat. don't know if its good or bad for my throat but that's about the only sound I can make right now. Apart from sounding ALMOST like a small boy. -sigh. this is baaad. anyways me and the guys got invited to a chalet by Fairul on saturday. It was a last minute thing for me but wow, it was so enjoyable. We played Uno, talked crap for the entire night, ate and ate, got haunted by something at the roof at 3am in the morning etc, went for a swim, etc. I think I ate too much seafood and that's why my voice is gone. My voice was partially gone due to Paramore's concert last week and I think the chalet sealed the deal.
anyways yeah, we slept at the living room, they're all asses for sleeping on the mat while I had to sleep on the sofa.(hur, now I know what it feels like to be banished on the sofa heh.) anyways, while they were all asleep, I got interrupted by some wonderful sounds of people walking on the ceiling. Except that there's no 2nd story, so I was closing my eyes and saying "I don't even want to know what the hell is making that noise up there". I only slept for 1 hour i think. the rest of the time, i'm looking at the ceiling. I went out of the house at 7am and realised that there were no trees too so whatever made that noise, is probably not normal. You know what I mean by that lah. anyways we went for a swim in the pool around 8pm, ate and ate even more until 3pm and then left for home. The journey from Pasir Ris to Tampines to Woodlands seriously took a damn long time. Some bus i forgot to 168 from Tampines Interchange to 187 from woodlands. holy shit, I was stoning in the bus. Finally got back around 5pm. Showered and slept like a baby.
the only exception and brick by boring brick is stuck in my head :D. lyrics timeeee! okay that's all for now. hope this very boring entry is worth 2 seconds of your time. I really don't have anything interesting to talk about now lah ahaha. update soon! :D
ps: a couple of new covers are coming as soon as my voice is back to normal :) oh and i'm looking to start a 2nd band. cause you know, our band like lost our vibe or something. I wanna cover PARAMORE songs, so if you're interested. do tell me :)
anyways yeah, we slept at the living room, they're all asses for sleeping on the mat while I had to sleep on the sofa.(hur, now I know what it feels like to be banished on the sofa heh.) anyways, while they were all asleep, I got interrupted by some wonderful sounds of people walking on the ceiling. Except that there's no 2nd story, so I was closing my eyes and saying "I don't even want to know what the hell is making that noise up there". I only slept for 1 hour i think. the rest of the time, i'm looking at the ceiling. I went out of the house at 7am and realised that there were no trees too so whatever made that noise, is probably not normal. You know what I mean by that lah. anyways we went for a swim in the pool around 8pm, ate and ate even more until 3pm and then left for home. The journey from Pasir Ris to Tampines to Woodlands seriously took a damn long time. Some bus i forgot to 168 from Tampines Interchange to 187 from woodlands. holy shit, I was stoning in the bus. Finally got back around 5pm. Showered and slept like a baby.
the only exception and brick by boring brick is stuck in my head :D. lyrics timeeee! okay that's all for now. hope this very boring entry is worth 2 seconds of your time. I really don't have anything interesting to talk about now lah ahaha. update soon! :D
ps: a couple of new covers are coming as soon as my voice is back to normal :) oh and i'm looking to start a 2nd band. cause you know, our band like lost our vibe or something. I wanna cover PARAMORE songs, so if you're interested. do tell me :)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Whoa OH! Whoa OH!
Oh man, if you're wondering how close I was to Hayley and Taylor. Let me try to put it to you this way, I took this picture from facebook. This is not my picture. I was WAY closer to the stage that this pic. I'm seriously not lying to you when I said that I was 2 heads away from Hayley. Getting there though... was like a fight for survival. If you still don't know what happened to me in the process of getting there, look at my previous entry.
anyways i'm not giving Paramore's concert the justice it deserves but delaying this entry for so damn long until now so i'll try to make this a good one :). So it begins on sunday, paramore concert. I couldn't contact Shaheeran so I decided to go alone, that was until I met up with my pri sch friend Hafiz Karni and his girlfriend. I got a lift from my brother's car to the stadium and reached there around 4pm. Walked along the entire queue, looked at it and instantly went "no way in hell i'm queuing up now, its bloody hot". I decided to queue at 6pm. 2 hours of hell I tell you. I was like at the back of the queue, alone, with nobody to talk to except these few guys and a girl who I made friends with. apparently we were the "I can't be bothered to come early" group. ahha.
Skip to the concert, Hafiz called me and told me that from his seating position, the standing crowd is already half full. I was still queueing up and I felt terrible, like I just wasted $111 dollars to be at the back of the crowd. So it was then and there that I planned my epic objective, to get as near as possible to Hayley Williams and get her to atleast notice me. cheywah. When I went in, it was like sardines in a can. You know its like Baybeats all over again! The opening band was, alright lah I guess but it was like a cheap version of Paramore. You know its gonna get bad when people start to get close to one another before the main event starts ahaha, I knew firsthand what to expect so I decided that the best time for me to just charge all the way infront is when the first song starts and everyone just rushes infront. Perfect time for me to squeeze and force myself to go infront.
The reason is because I know for 1 certain fact that when the girls infront who queued up for hours literally get trampled and crushed against the barrier, they will DEFINITELY escape and go to the back of the crowd. It doesn't feel wonderful, its f'ing scary and imagine that on a girl's mind. but hey whatever gets me closer to Hayley, I'll do it! :P. And guess what, after the intro and the first song (Ignorance). I was already 2 heads away from Hayley HAHAHA. oh man I felt like a jackass since I came late and got to see Hayley THAT CLOSE. I had so many injuries from that stupid charge to the frontstage but who cares, I was literally under Hayley's feet! eh to think about it, I charged while singing along to Ignorance. LOL. so you know, squeeze through, stop for a few seconds, shout "IGNORANCE IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND! IGNORANCE IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND!", then continue to squeeze through.
They played crushcrushcrush for the 2nd song if im not wrong and I finally got to settle down to sing and jump with the crowd without worrying about getting kicked in the face by a random guy whos bodysurfing or getting shoved at the back. Hayley was frickin awesome live, I waved and sang so loud trying to get her attention and after a while, she came to my side of the stage (center), bent down, waved and smiled while singing. OMG! I never felt so happy in a concert, it was like surreal! "I just got kicked in the face and punched in the jaw to see Hayley wave and smile at me. wow." As songs went on and on, it was clear to see that Hayley was really impressed with the crowd because sometimes she'll just raise her hands and from her body language, you can tell that she was thinking "I really don't have to sing, you guys are loud enough!". One of the guys near me then threw a beanie which she wore, and damn she looks cute while wearing a beanie. Someone near me then threw a sweaty shirt which I guess he was expecting her to wear it HAHA. she joked about it and went "wow who's shirt is this? this feels disgusting! but dont worry its no different that mine!". When she sang The Only Exception with the beanie on, it was EPIC. It felt so peaceful with everyone and their lighters, cellphones and cameras waving in the air. The crowd was superb, Hayley's voice was harder to hear when compared to the crowd.
The crowd was amazing, every word she utters will come with an echo from the crowd. We were seriously THAT loud. dont believe me, look at this video for the encore. Even Hayley said "I want you to know that we don't say this every night, infact we haven't said this for a long time, but when we were back there talking before we came back out, we decided that this is definitely the loudest crowd we've ever had!". Just look at the two videos. Listen to the chorus for Brick by Boring Brick and for The Only Exception, no explanation needed.
anyways i'm not giving Paramore's concert the justice it deserves but delaying this entry for so damn long until now so i'll try to make this a good one :). So it begins on sunday, paramore concert. I couldn't contact Shaheeran so I decided to go alone, that was until I met up with my pri sch friend Hafiz Karni and his girlfriend. I got a lift from my brother's car to the stadium and reached there around 4pm. Walked along the entire queue, looked at it and instantly went "no way in hell i'm queuing up now, its bloody hot". I decided to queue at 6pm. 2 hours of hell I tell you. I was like at the back of the queue, alone, with nobody to talk to except these few guys and a girl who I made friends with. apparently we were the "I can't be bothered to come early" group. ahha.
Skip to the concert, Hafiz called me and told me that from his seating position, the standing crowd is already half full. I was still queueing up and I felt terrible, like I just wasted $111 dollars to be at the back of the crowd. So it was then and there that I planned my epic objective, to get as near as possible to Hayley Williams and get her to atleast notice me. cheywah. When I went in, it was like sardines in a can. You know its like Baybeats all over again! The opening band was, alright lah I guess but it was like a cheap version of Paramore. You know its gonna get bad when people start to get close to one another before the main event starts ahaha, I knew firsthand what to expect so I decided that the best time for me to just charge all the way infront is when the first song starts and everyone just rushes infront. Perfect time for me to squeeze and force myself to go infront.
The reason is because I know for 1 certain fact that when the girls infront who queued up for hours literally get trampled and crushed against the barrier, they will DEFINITELY escape and go to the back of the crowd. It doesn't feel wonderful, its f'ing scary and imagine that on a girl's mind. but hey whatever gets me closer to Hayley, I'll do it! :P. And guess what, after the intro and the first song (Ignorance). I was already 2 heads away from Hayley HAHAHA. oh man I felt like a jackass since I came late and got to see Hayley THAT CLOSE. I had so many injuries from that stupid charge to the frontstage but who cares, I was literally under Hayley's feet! eh to think about it, I charged while singing along to Ignorance. LOL. so you know, squeeze through, stop for a few seconds, shout "IGNORANCE IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND! IGNORANCE IS YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND!", then continue to squeeze through.
They played crushcrushcrush for the 2nd song if im not wrong and I finally got to settle down to sing and jump with the crowd without worrying about getting kicked in the face by a random guy whos bodysurfing or getting shoved at the back. Hayley was frickin awesome live, I waved and sang so loud trying to get her attention and after a while, she came to my side of the stage (center), bent down, waved and smiled while singing. OMG! I never felt so happy in a concert, it was like surreal! "I just got kicked in the face and punched in the jaw to see Hayley wave and smile at me. wow." As songs went on and on, it was clear to see that Hayley was really impressed with the crowd because sometimes she'll just raise her hands and from her body language, you can tell that she was thinking "I really don't have to sing, you guys are loud enough!". One of the guys near me then threw a beanie which she wore, and damn she looks cute while wearing a beanie. Someone near me then threw a sweaty shirt which I guess he was expecting her to wear it HAHA. she joked about it and went "wow who's shirt is this? this feels disgusting! but dont worry its no different that mine!". When she sang The Only Exception with the beanie on, it was EPIC. It felt so peaceful with everyone and their lighters, cellphones and cameras waving in the air. The crowd was superb, Hayley's voice was harder to hear when compared to the crowd.
The crowd was amazing, every word she utters will come with an echo from the crowd. We were seriously THAT loud. dont believe me, look at this video for the encore. Even Hayley said "I want you to know that we don't say this every night, infact we haven't said this for a long time, but when we were back there talking before we came back out, we decided that this is definitely the loudest crowd we've ever had!". Just look at the two videos. Listen to the chorus for Brick by Boring Brick and for The Only Exception, no explanation needed.
It was sad when it ended, because its not everyday that I get to see Paramore live. They were so awesome, energetic and the crowd was so pumped up. Next band I want to see live in Singapore is none other than Bullet for my Valentine and Silverstein. My cousin whos a metalhead invited me to go watch Lamb of God with him and he even has VIP backstage access to meet Randy Blythe, the vocalist of the band. All I had to do was pay him $88 bucks. I told him this: "No sorry man. I don't want to die." There's a reason why its called the wall of death. Go look for videos of wall of death on youtube! people can actually DIE from the wall of death, by getting trampled to death or from asphyxiation. So no thanks man, i'll skip the LoG concert. aaaand also because I don't really like their music :P.
alright hope this entry is long enough and im off to bed. I apologize for not updating yst night but I was damn tired. I've been going back home very late these days so you know, kinda lazy at times. okay gnite ppls! :D
alright hope this entry is long enough and im off to bed. I apologize for not updating yst night but I was damn tired. I've been going back home very late these days so you know, kinda lazy at times. okay gnite ppls! :D
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Sha da da da, dah daaa~
I reaaaally love that cover ahha. Its quite okay in my opinion but who cares about my opinion, I wanna know whats your opinion.
Gosh I haven't updated in a long time. Okay, basically I did that cover a few days back at Aidil's house in gombak. We initially slacked at his house and sidetracked by watching REC2. Such a great movie man! The demon was cool and composed, and in the end its like a plot twist. You guys seriously have to watch it. Its REALLY good. but just be warned that its gonna be like cloverfield cause of the "through the eyes of the person" kind of filming. Anyways we still have two more covers that I havent actually uploaded yet. That's bad romance and Plug in baby.
okay, in other news: PARAMORE THIS SUNDAY OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I'm gonna camp there from morning until night to make sure I get the NEAREST seats to Hayley. Oh and if I accidentally bumped into her at Marina Square, it'll be my luckiest day ever. Like how Mizi, Fizz and Zaki bumped in Stephen from Anberlin at Marina Square. That mall is like a hot spot for touring celebrities.
tmr swimming with the guys. well not confirmed. The last time I went swimming about a week ago, I did 11 laps. oh yeah, slowly improving! okay thats all for this entry. i'll update much more regularly okay.
gnite ppls! :D
Gosh I haven't updated in a long time. Okay, basically I did that cover a few days back at Aidil's house in gombak. We initially slacked at his house and sidetracked by watching REC2. Such a great movie man! The demon was cool and composed, and in the end its like a plot twist. You guys seriously have to watch it. Its REALLY good. but just be warned that its gonna be like cloverfield cause of the "through the eyes of the person" kind of filming. Anyways we still have two more covers that I havent actually uploaded yet. That's bad romance and Plug in baby.
okay, in other news: PARAMORE THIS SUNDAY OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I'm gonna camp there from morning until night to make sure I get the NEAREST seats to Hayley. Oh and if I accidentally bumped into her at Marina Square, it'll be my luckiest day ever. Like how Mizi, Fizz and Zaki bumped in Stephen from Anberlin at Marina Square. That mall is like a hot spot for touring celebrities.
tmr swimming with the guys. well not confirmed. The last time I went swimming about a week ago, I did 11 laps. oh yeah, slowly improving! okay thats all for this entry. i'll update much more regularly okay.
gnite ppls! :D
Friday, March 5, 2010
I think i'm drowning, Asphyxiated.
My QUARTER of a cover of Muse's "Time is running out". If you like it, leave a comment on facebook :). okay off to bed! Adios!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Yup, thats a short little preview of me and aidil covering Isa's wonderful song just now. We also covered bad romance and plug in baby by muse. woo. It'll take like 3 hours to upload each video so i'll just upload this preview for tonight. Update soon!
ps: singapore soccer team are playing so badly. Teenager teams outside play so much better than the national team...
ps: singapore soccer team are playing so badly. Teenager teams outside play so much better than the national team...
Monday, March 1, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
quick lil update
This is gonna be a short update for tonight. I'm getting really tired so i'll keep it short :).
Mizi, Haaziq and me went for swimming on tuesday and it was so much fun. We did our laps by our own time - own target and it was worth it! Mizi pushed me into doing more laps and I did 7 laps. That's a frickin achievement! (for me). Haaziq did 8 laps and Mizi did 12 laps if im not wrong. That boy got so energetic once we got into the pool. must be the army toughening up our mizi eh? ahaha. We may be swimming again tmr but i'll be only free after 5. I have some uh... things to do. Okay moving on! American Idol just now was alright, nobody really shined probably because its still the top 24. Even Janell Wheeler was... sort of good but not as good as her previous performances. Siobhan Magnus is catching my attention because of her high notes in Holywood Week. She sounds like Adam Lambert when she does the high notes! and the best part is that she looks like HAYLEY WILLIAMS tonight! well on some angles. here just listen to this. doesn't she sounds exactly like Adam Lambert?!
Mizi, Haaziq and me went for swimming on tuesday and it was so much fun. We did our laps by our own time - own target and it was worth it! Mizi pushed me into doing more laps and I did 7 laps. That's a frickin achievement! (for me). Haaziq did 8 laps and Mizi did 12 laps if im not wrong. That boy got so energetic once we got into the pool. must be the army toughening up our mizi eh? ahaha. We may be swimming again tmr but i'll be only free after 5. I have some uh... things to do. Okay moving on! American Idol just now was alright, nobody really shined probably because its still the top 24. Even Janell Wheeler was... sort of good but not as good as her previous performances. Siobhan Magnus is catching my attention because of her high notes in Holywood Week. She sounds like Adam Lambert when she does the high notes! and the best part is that she looks like HAYLEY WILLIAMS tonight! well on some angles. here just listen to this. doesn't she sounds exactly like Adam Lambert?!
okay i'm gonna end it here but before I do so, I wanna talk more about Invader Zim ahaha. I've watched about 20 episodes of Invader Zim on and i'm getting more and more frustrated as to why Nickelodeon stopped the production of Invader Zim. There's dark humour everywhere but its still entertaining! okay I admit when I was 10, Invader Zim did scare the crap out of me with the dark stuff. Some scenes were VERY disturbing for a small kid, especially when Zim goes and steals people's organs and replaces them with random stuff. Maybe it should be catergorised as Mature Cartoon you know, like Family Guy or South Park. Invader Zim rocks! Especially GIR! I'm glad that they're gonna show it again on March but I hope they continue making the series! :(. It needs a bloody ending, where you know Zim actually conquers Earth?! The cliffhangers are killing me! Anyway, here's a funny scene from one of the episodes I watched just now.
I want GIR as a pet! :D okay off to bed.
gnite ppls! :D
gnite ppls! :D
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
American Girl.
Janell Wheeler everyone! :D omg so gorgeous and she has such a nice voice. Its like a girl version of a raspy voice. I love her cover of American Boy!
anyways saturday was the class BBQ. We had a fun time especially when the food cooked by Ryan, Terry, Me and Shanny was delicious :P. Okay la I only helped at times but when I did, the food tasted good :D. Gotta hand it to Ryan and Terry though, pretty good cooks! Then I was tasked to entertain everyone with my guitar. so I sang and sang until I got bored. I like covering Isa's song ABC 123 Doremi and Bad Romance.
alright 10am later: Swimming with Haaziq and Mizi. then from then theres no plans so we'll see what happens. i'll update soon!
oh well, gnite ppls! :D
Saturday, February 20, 2010
How about some information pleaaaase~ OH!
"I've been a fool before, Wouldn't like to get my love caught in the slammin' door
How about some information--please OH! Straight up now tell me, do you really want to love me forever oh oh oh or am I caught in a hit and run"
anyways I woke up about 10 mins ago from 5 hours of sleep cause im hungry. Andrew Garcia. Awesome. okay i'm gonna starting making breakfast for myself and whoever's waking up.
edit: here's another one that's awesome. Casey James the Blues Player. Blues guitar player = Insane skills. no contest.
How about some information--please OH! Straight up now tell me, do you really want to love me forever oh oh oh or am I caught in a hit and run"
anyways I woke up about 10 mins ago from 5 hours of sleep cause im hungry. Andrew Garcia. Awesome. okay i'm gonna starting making breakfast for myself and whoever's waking up.
edit: here's another one that's awesome. Casey James the Blues Player. Blues guitar player = Insane skills. no contest.
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