so basically what i do is:
- Arrange Files/Books/Wipe mom's table/clean up her place
- Tidy up every single drawer she has/throw unwanted shit
- Entertain her for awhile cuz 'we need more bonding' pfft :P
- do ABSOLUTELY nothing when you're done
- Get Freeeeeeeee food/Swensens Ice Cream/Free drinks/Cookies etc whenever i want :D
- best part is: I GET PAID HAHAHA. 40 bucks a day, 7 to 4. who WOULDNT want to go?

i love my mom so much :D.and the cafeteria food is damn nice no problems with food there.oh did i mention that i can sleep too? lol. i slept from 1130 till 1 cause mom was in a meeting and i got nothing to do.. my mom's so cute she wrote a note and pasted on my phone when i was asleep..
"busy meeting,go get yourself some food when you're awake.oh and you look like a corpse when you're asleep :-)" she even took photo LOL.hahaha so cute lah my mom..

Cafeteria food was pretty good.The sweet and sour fish damn power :P.hahah and the place looks good too.

so i met this office girl while having lunch named "Lena". Very pretty :P. so so this and that,she asked questions and somehow i go to sit down and have lunch with her.i guess she knows my mom well and she asked like why work this and that..
me: "oh im just doing this to get an electric guitar,normally i couldnt be bothered but must lah."
she:"hari raya money not enough?"..
me:"No,only 70 bucks :(".
she:"last time when i was small,CNY i always get like 300 plus..lowest is 100 plus,highest is 500 plus nearly big already must give..aiyo so troublesome"
me:" highest i have ever gotten is like 200 plus? lowest is 17 dollars."
she: HAHAHAH 17 bucks? serious?
me: yeah.17 bucks can blanja you go movie.i think also not enough. 9.50 per ticket.somemore 2 tickets.yeah sure i wait outside while the other person go watch the movie.
she: aiyoooo,hari raya haji i give you ok? :)
hahahahaha i do wonder at times how i get to talk to ppl so easily.even strangers :|
so yeah me and jack were planning to make a new band. its more of a side-project from jack cuz he already has his own band. BUT we're still talking about it.. and so far its only me and him. He ask me to be vocalist but im too scared of what ppl will think lah.. aiyo.. he goes all like "dont care about what ppl think lah dont worry. JUST'll be great.serious.besides u sing all the time to me what" dunno lah see how,hes bassist,im guitarist..we'll see how when i get my electric guitar soon. besides i need A HELL of alot of motivation to actually sing to many ppl lol.. maybe something/someone special can motivate me yeah? lets hope so :)
ESP LTD or Ibanez? :( i dunno which to choose.. LTD has some BEAUTIFUL designs and the sound is pretty good. i dunno we'll see how :)..i'll drool over "LTD F-400FM" if i got it for my bday HAHAHAHAH.time to use some sweet talking against mah sistaaa :P i got work tmr so i gotta go sleep.besides this is getting a little too long so..
Nite ppls!