Thats Deryck Whibley & Avril Lavigne on their wedding.Gotta give credit for Deryck Whibley's voice..VERY unique.he sounds ALOT like Tom Delonge from blink 182..
so apparently Deryck wrote my fav song, "with me" for Avril Lavigne..
"these words are my heart and soul"
no wonder haha! so sweet guys should listen to it.Awesome song.Speaking of songs..maybe i should change the song in my blog eh?i feel like its getting a lil old.. haha!
"Think before you make up your mind.."
so cancelled soccer cuz it was raining heavily.. normally i couldnt care less if it was raining but there was lightning so... :( went prayers with mizi..talked and talked..Seriously people!Mizi is THE person to talk to.He knows ALOT of shit :)..went to BP to buy food..then sent mizi home.. on the way home saw hafiz..talked cock for abit..THEN suddenly when walking with him i fell on my ass and everything just started getting giddy and dark.damn headache..probably stressed or something LOL! (ok i dunno why im laughing but still it IS a lil funny.).. so he sent me home cuz he was afraid i would faint or something on the way home.. lol..good friend :D.. called mom and took drowsy and collapsed on my bed.. woke up around 8? started singing sum41 songs and eating chocolate from then till now :P..
everyone knows how much of a choc lover i am :P.. so my neighbour gave us a box of godiva chocolates.. (its from greece).. its nice but not nicer than german choc "ritter sport".. now THAT one is awesome :P.. so im just trying to forget everything cuz im sick right now and i think that its because im stressed up? HAH! who gets stressed AFTER the exams????? ok apparently i do.but sick people are not supposed to each chocolate and sleep at 3am right?.. no wonder i get sick :P

Haha my room is so messy..gotta start cleaning it tmr i guess... HAHA i love my hair when its fluffy :D.
so its 3+ now..stomach aint feeling well again.. medicine really kicking i'll try to make this fast........ ok thats it i gotta sleep..cannot tahan!!
do listen to the sum 41 song "with me" alright ppls? gnite ppls AND WE'RE OFF TO NEVER NEVER LAND! **headbangs**
edit: ok so apparently i cant sleep with an empty stomach so i decided to order Mac..Big Breakfast,bagel meal & sausage mcmuffin.. and theres 2 meals so that means 2 iced milo's i just used like 16 bucks just on breakfast HAHAHA nvm..for food its always ok :P.. im gonna turn into a pig soon if i keep going on like this haha.. eat alot.wake up late.. heh. pig reminds me of something funny that happened once that had to do with waking up late :)....haha pig...heh
ok so not trying to freak you ppls out but i SERIOUSLY just saw something flying past my window and its 5am was just at the edge of my eye.. i didnt care to look at it but it was flying SLOW.. and it was cloth u know..Slow moving cloth! eeeeeeeeeeeeee puasa over already so hell gate's are open..hahaha k lah i should go to sleep now.. pig shall go to sleep cuz he cannot tahan. (for real)
"Seems like everything we knew
Turned out were never even true
Somehow it's different everyday
In some ways it never fades away
Seems like it's never gonna change
I must be dreaming (dreaming, dreaming)"
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