we go in.. me and asri get to sit down while sad sad anul had to stand far from us. HAHAHA as it stops at bukit timah,wooo alot of those bangladeshi workers start to pour into the bus. and anul was being pissed cuz he cannot tahan the smell.. HAHAH.. he messaged me: "knn i cannot tahan sial like this..one more thing.i CANT smell them,it makes me PENING! (giddy)"
so me and asri replied: "haha lucky me and asri got runny nose..you go try ah lick their armpits..sure got curry chicken taste thats already bad for 1 year"
anul: "puki la."
halfway some dude decides to lunge his ass towards my body cuz i was sitting at the outer part of the sit while asri was inside.. asri was like "eh go in go in"
im like "if this guy fucking drops on my lap..im gonna fucking punch his face.. serious"
so yeah skip to geylang..
anul: "phew..you can feel the change of atmosphere from the bus to now.. ahhh fresh air"
so me and asri helped anul to pick 1 baju kurong.. black colour.. nice and the texture was alright.. then skali no size..then he had to choose purple one.. SORRY dude! :(
bought kebab!!!,bandung,burger,chendol alot ah for break fast with them.. then break fast.. asri's chendol was fucking bad.. and he found it out the hard way
asri: eh you smell that or not?
anul: thats the door behind us lah
me: huh?? what? what?!
asri: no lah its this chendol..i think its bad.. **goes on and drinks it** ya lah its bad..knn
anul: then WHY YOU DRINK?
asri: you try you try..see if bad or not
anul: you say bad already then still want me to try..eee..
me: what happen?! **at this point nobody seems to care about me lol**
Train ride home hahaha..
we decided to take the long route from marina bay all the way back to CCK. there this happened when we NEARLY stopped at bishan.MRT: **Next stop.. ISHAK** (its bishan but it REALLY sounds like ishak)
asri: eh kau dengar tak? Aku dengar ISHAK. (eh u hear or not? i heard ISHAK)
me: HAHAH YES.. i was ABOUT to say that.
anul: **silent** **stops at bishan**
me & asri: HAHAHAHA SEE SEE SEE ITS ISHAK HAHAHA.. i didnt know ishak so rich ah got his own MRT station
anul: kepala buto lah u all
[if you guys dont know,ishak is anul's dad hahaha]
hahaha then we made anul pissed off like hell..still i cannot forget this..
asri: ahah kiss this.. AMERICAN DOLLAR! **takes out $1 USD**
me: eleh.. see this.. AMERICAN DOLLAR! **takes out 5 $1 USD**.. eh why mine smells and feels like seaweed sia.. eh wah look at my ez photo man..sec 1 photo and my sec 4 photo.. ahah i look so different.
asri: ya lah last time u sec 1,you like an idiot..with the stupid hair
asri: oh so now cool ah now? haha!
me: of coz..not like anul over there. :P
anul: WHAT LAH. asri & me: HAHAHA
and we saw... MRS CHUA'S LONG LOST TWIN! HAHAH look at the pics :)
alot more happened but im too lazy to type more :P.. they both dropped at phoenix while i went home.. :) its great going out with them haha..we should do it more often. and yeah i felt a little iffy when i saw some couples being so loving :( :(.. slowly.. step by step i shall be happy :D.. oh ya heres the pics that we took :D.. Bye and nite ppls! :).. whoever who havent bought their baju kurong and dunno what colour to choose.. CHOOSE BLACK. matching with me.. haha :P

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