as far i can tell,its just voices in my head.
ok so havent been updating lately so i'll update now.. its raining now at 2:34am and im pretty sure everyone or mostly everyone is asleep right now..comfy eh? :D.. so im lying on my bed using my laptop,thinking about stuff while listening to "sum 41 - open your eyes".. and well.. its like every single line REALLY relates to the situation..weird but damn true.. ahh..
"this isnt me,this isnt you but its just everything we do.till you open up your eyes and understand this isnt real.this isnt me,this isnt you. this is everything but true. till we come to realize its what we put each other through"
and this final line: " It's hard to believe right now, This seems to be real. Still phasing by this time,so why cant i wake up?"
i guess if you wanna know how i feel right now go search for "open your eyes - sum 41 lyrics".. or better go listen to it :) every single line like..reflects to me! EVERY! haha.. emo emo emo..but its good song...with good meanings.
- went to swimming with halim and stuff.Halim got emo cuz jack was piggyback-ing me and i was swimming frogstyle and when i go up to breathe,the bugger splashed water on my face so i couldnt breathe..TWICE..almost drowned because of halim lol.. :( the back of my head hurts l
like hell cuz jack said lack of air..then halim kena scolding by us then he turned EMO LOL.

and he was talking about how "glamorous" his red towel is in school and ppl would call him "red towel boy".. glamorous my foot.. :P.. saw Maria at the Jurong East swimming pool,said hello and stuff..met her mom :D very friendly!!went home to get stuff and went to play LAN with jack from 9 till 2am..for old times sake :P.. **ok suddenly after i type this it gets REALLY cold :/**

- woke up with a MOHAWK hair :D :D :D.. IM TELLING YOU PPLS. SHAMPOO MAKES MY HAIR LOOK GAY! SERIOUS! then went to play soccer with some swiss cottage students who were actually halim's friends until 5.played ok-ok but not on form i guess cuz my mind was preoccupied.had some funny moments..and i played rough at once for eh.. personal reasons.

bought water then walked past "the street" where it happened. (nobody except me knows what this exactly this means :P).. so me and halim were at the bus stop..some swiss cottage chinese girl walked past me and looked at me like one of a kind.. got the chills LOL..
so apparently she took the same bus as us and she was staring at me but when i look at her she turn away.. so i messaged halim who was seating far from me, "eh doode,that girl is SERIOUSLY looking at me.. lol", "probably a nutcase".. HAHA.. ok so then i noticed this OTHER swiss cottage chinese girl in the bus looking at me like one of a kind ALSO. i just wanna say "why the hell are you looking at me like THAT?!".. this one lagi worse.. can smile at me somemore!!! :|.. ok la maybe im just being mean but...dunno lah..weird ppl lol.. (maybe IM weird eh?)
ok la im not gonna go any further cuz i wanna sleep already and its 317am sure everyone is asleep or something right now.. **ooh its raining again :D yay gonna go sing to the rain and reminisce.. and think about "stuff".** other than that, nite ppls and sweet dreams to everyone,especially to you know who :).
'i cant wait to see you smile,wouldnt miss it for the world'
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