Wednesday, April 14, 2010


wooow, it has been almost a week since i've blogged. alright where should I start? Lets see, Mizi is in Taiwan now, just got word from him that hes fine and enjoying the weather over there. Apparently hes sick of chinese food, dont worry man we'll get you cheese prata in two months time! :D. School's starting soon but I didn't expect it to start on thursday... wtf? I was gonna sleep my ass off for the weekends but now looks like my plans are all wasted. noooo. looking forward to meeting new classmates and I hope they're as badass as w36c. I gotta meet up with Dan, Kai, Rais and Zad during lunch breaks... OR "PARTIAL" TOGETHER AHHAHA! :D.

I've been slacking off for the last days of my holidays watching tv, youtube-ing and whatnot. I can't say i'm unhappy to start school again because i'm actually looking forward to it. well some sort. Its year 2 already and with a blink of an eye, it'll be year 3. Time goes by super fast especially when you're in poly. so awesome. anyways i'll REALLY start updating soon probably tmr or the day after so do check it out. I feel like covering some songs before school starts :/. The weather tonight is perfect for me to sleep so I shall do it naaaow.
alright gnite ppls! :D

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