Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Liberate your minds

I'll try to make this next entry shorter alright?:) anyways i woke up at 1030am with a red eye it was raining heavily so i slept until 5:30 :P
Aircon,16 degrees +
Rain + Metal Fan = sleeping in peace :D
SO,apparently my mom tried to hide the hari raya cookies from ME! hahahaha.. nice try mom trying to keep it at the wardrobe.haha im telling you,my mom gets so pissed at me about the cookies..last year i ate the HONEY CORNFLAKES cookies until it was finished..1 big bottle gone in just 2 days.. and it was only the 2nd week of fasting BTW LOL!. and i had to buy back one big bottle for her -_-.. 24 bucks.. but mmm those cookies were awesome :P.. see those 2 bottles? half full right? yep thats my work :P.. haha shes gonna get so pissed :P

ahh suddenly fairuz's convo with me just popped up :S
him: chill ah bro,theres more fishes in the sea
me: are all fishes unique?
him: SOME are.
me: do you know how hard it is to find a unique one?
him: that i dont know.
me: that you DONT want to know,trust me.

ahh ok ok forget about it
so apparently im trying to forget what happened the previous week,so i turned to my old habit after i never touched it for a year..gaming.. :P
yeah its true it brings you away from people but now that i dont have anybody to get away from,why NOT?! right?! haha! but must control..so anyways i played this game, "25 to Life" on my xbox haha its awesome.. its about being GANGSTA!(with the gangsta accent :P).. haha its a violent game,heads popping,blood,limbs detaching but most importantly it has GUNS!! :D
i'll just let the vids and pics i took do the talking alright? till then,nite ppls :).. ima go play somemore 25 to Life and be Gangsta!

^^ When robbing a bank,do remember to use hostages. =)

- Mess
with the wrong people,this will happen.

Mess with even wrong people who have guns,this WILL happen. poor guy..actually thats my character btw :P

"looks like its flowers and a funeral for you bitch!" <= love this quote "whatever happens,its just me and you against the world" =)

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