Friday, October 23, 2009


Girl 1: Like oh my god, how big was it? Was it like around the moon big?!
Girl 2: It was big!
Girl 1: Shut up. No way!

Girl 1: I'm going back in december so..
Girl 2: wow, i'm reeeaaaaaally going to miss you. HEHEEHEHE

Girl 1: They say we're obnoxious americans but.. we are NOT!
Girl 2: wow did they reaaaally say that?
Girl 1: For god's sake we're brits! *insert irritating laughter here*
me to mizi: will they shut the fuck up already?

Yep, thats what me, mizi and fairul came across at mcdonalds. 2 chinese girls who talk in a british accent. It was funny yet irritating to hear 2 girls trying to fake an accent. Gosh it was so f'ing irritating... Even I dont speak like that when I was Houston lah! seriously they couldn't get more irritating, one day when I decide to cover something with mizi, i'll do my impersonation of them. okay update later, i'm reaaaaaallly hungry now. <- yes. reaaaaallly. on a side note: here's isa's new original song thats pretty good :)

edit: its 9:37am, im reeaaaally tired cause I havent slept for the whole damn night so off I go. i'll update tonight, promise :D

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