Friday, December 18, 2009


Hayley Williams!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Due to some difficulties with my bank account, I didn't buy the tickets. YET. I'll buy it tmr or rather later. I saw a teen girl accompanied by her mother buying the tickets at the sistic counter and I got a little worried. that's why i'm buying it asap. s'poreans are always kiasu so i'll just follow the saying 'if you can't beat them, join them'. I can't wait to see paramore live, zac's drumming skills and (irish accent) HAYLEHHH.

Gym sessions with Ziq just now was.. torture muahaha. this is from ziq's blog

"We have a plan. To eat like a king before our workout because in between workout, you are burning a lot of calories. So imagine if i never eat breakfast... i couldn't lift a 10 kg barbell. And a meal as a post-workout precautionary measure.So after eating at Food culture, we went ahead to the gym. And yes, like any other days, we chionged like crazy. I worked out on my traps, pectoralis major and minor, wings, quadriceps, calf and deltoids. We did a lot with the aid of the big machines for chest. After doing 30kg of bench press, we proceeded to do 6kg of inclined press. After that flat bench press of 6kg again without machines. Purely with hands. Consecutively. The pole itself weighs 2 or 3 kg excluding the weights we were to put in. So our arms were like as if it can be broken at any point of time if we were to carry on. The result? Massive cramps at the chest area. LOL."

serves you right for your tag :D. i'm starting to really grow too, especially my chest area. its good to know that my training is working! In other news: one of my cousins is gonna get married to a korean girl around mid next year. YEAAAA. :D. I have to confess, initially I was like 'meh korean girls can't be as hot as Japanese girls'. The only hot girl band I know is SNSD... until I found out Brown Eyed Girls on youtube. holy smokes. They just won me over SNSD. Ga-In from Brown Eyed Girls is HOT. Their music rocks! or atleast this song since i've heard 1 song from them so far. I'm still gonna stay stereotypical and say that Jap girls are hotter since they're my favourite but congratulations to my cousin :D.

HOT RIGHT?!?!?! oh my goodness. okay enough of B.E.G (Brown Eyed Girls?). so with that, its 1 more bloodline to the family yaaay ^_^. So far we have portugese, malay, chinese, french, irish, arab, japanese, american, korean, taiwanese(technically its still chinese) bloodline in our family. And most of it is not far like my ancestors. Yes, lets rojak them all together and create 1 big happy multi national/racial family :D :D :D. that pretty much explains why my mom always want me to marry a jap girl... most of my cousins can easily get girls from abroad because they travel around for work so you know, its abit unfair... but oh well. I pity them a little because they have to learn abit of the native language in order to even talk to a girl over there in the first place. it's not an easy thing to learn another language but hey they did it ;D. its still a long way to go for me but 1 thing is for sure, i'm not gonna marry a malay girl. I wanna be just like my cousin :). GOOD ROLE MODEL MAN! ahahah.

I feel that this entry is long enough. I'm gonna end it here and crash out for the night. hopefully my bank account gets back to normal later so I can buy the tickets for paramore's concert. I support Paramore and I really love their music. But this is for the countless amount of girls who go goo-goo gah-gah on any good band's frontman. if you're one of them, this is for you.


see the irony? :P, i'm just kidding. no hard feelings.
gnite ppls! :D

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