Sunday, September 6, 2009

"Am i scaring you now? Dont run from me, I've been hiding my pain you see."

bah! i've been quite moody tonight for a lot of reasons maybe because of one main reason. but the other things just keep making it worse. an example of the other small things would be finding out that my camera that my brother borrowed is SPOILED. wtf? me and the guys had to use my laptop webcam for our heartless cover on facebook. all thanks to my brother. good job, assh... geez. see what I mean I kept giving people sarcastic replies all night long too. its like im throwing a hissy fit at anyone who talks to me including my mom, aunts, uncles, cousin etc. 1 thing will lead to another and thus irritate me even more.

sometimes, i just worry too much... URGH. stupid.

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