Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This is gonna be a short update. School has officially started and it was okay for the first day. I just kept watching Failblog on youtube to pass the time :D. Mizi's in Pulau Tekong already and he texted me just now saying that everything's fine. The first day was just admin stuff so he didn't get to exercise yet. He'll probably take what's thrown at him like a man :D.

I'm not feeling good too, I think something I ate is giving me food poisoning. I feel nauseous every once in a while. what else shall I put in here. Oh yes, Isa will be performing at the Esplanade Concourse next monday and tuesday. 715pm and 8pm for those two days if im not wrong. That guy is going places! :D I'm gonna be there to support him. 4 more weeks and we get 2 months off. I can make it... 4 more weeks!!!

I'm supposed to plan a L4D2 outing for mizi and the guys when he books out after his 2 weeks confinement. 4 vs 4 anyone? :D. Its gonna be fun as hell IF we have 8 people. i'm gonna crash out on my bed now. i'll update soon.
gnite ppls! :D

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