Saturday, January 16, 2010


"guys expect us to return them their favours or we will be deemed as ungrateful little bitches. But they keep those big fat dream in their mind."

here comes my occasional rant. so I was talking to mizi and um, I found out something. All I can say is, O RLY? riiiiiiiight. like as if women don't do the exact same thing. you know what's funny? I can tell that you that most guys who actually do any particular girl a favour has at least the slightest amount of attraction. You know a favour when its genuine, but you can also tell if there is a hidden meaning behind it. Girls sense that all the time, while guys tend to keep it quiet. Come on, don't tell me that a guy doing a favour for a girl has no motive behind it whatsoever. I'm not implying that all guys have a hidden agenda behind every move but.... most. especially when it comes to interacting with the opposite gender. if you don't notice that, well you're just blind then. remember, there's no free lunch in this world.

Of course a guy secretly wants something back in return. usually a guy just takes it like a man if his 'good deed' isn't returned. but sometimes we feel hurt and used too. (yes guys have feelings too.) its not about being ungrateful. its the fact that guys have their pride too and it has NOTHING to do with ego. think about it this way, if a girl 'uses' a guy to do a lot of favours, this and that. its totally justified for the guy to feel angry. why? because the girl's a fucking asshole. Now if we change that situation where the girl doesn't ask the guy for favours but he keeps bombarding her with it. well, now that's the guy's fault. but girls always misunderstand the next part. the guy does not feel used nor does he feel angry at the girl. okay maybe a little. but for the most part. he's angry at himself, not you.

but I still think that a girl using a guy to do her bidding is just fucking stupid. <--
ps: It has nothing to do with me so yeah :P

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